Step aside, best civilization game coming thru

Step aside, best civilization game coming thru

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That's not call to power

That's literally the worst civ game tho.

Thats not civrev

>Best Civ game
>Not Alpha Centauri
Stop playing plebs anons, I know you can do better than this.

Alpha centauri is the best civ game.

>Chicken Pizza

Okay buddy

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*smacks lips*

Favorite AoE2 civ? Mine's Magyars and Slavs.

Attached: 623412.jpg (600x584, 40K)

How are the new expansions? Haven't really played AoE2 since Conquerors days.


3 was "ok", 4 was shit and the rest I couldn't stomach for more than an hour or so.

2 I can play forever

Attached: civilization_ii.jpg (1400x1400, 483K)

what do the skulls represent


>another eternal war shitter

that square of the map likes the band misfits, it's like how in simcity you had sections of the map that didn't like ac/dc

superior version comin' thru

Attached: civilization-2-19.png (950x720, 951K)

Is that ps1? I played the shit out of that

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>step aside
you don't have zone of control

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I played this one too
I can't believe the regular version of Civ 2 looks like shit compared to this

that's not this
followed by this



CIV2 best!
CIV3 last civ game to have somewhat decent AI.
The rest sucks monkeyballs.

mah niggas

mayans, spanish, vikings (i dont play watermaps)

singleplayerwise: first expansion is shit, 2 and 3 are good.

multiplayer: nobody plays the original these days so you need to have the expansions

And thread should have ended there.
>tfw i still have Call to Power 2 original CD somewhere.

i have it on steam

my nigga, i think i lost mine

I'd say Forgotten and African Kingdoms are a must have: the new civs are plenty interesting.

Rise of the Rajas is hit or miss. If you like water maps and unorthodox civs, they're alright, if you're more of an AoE2 purist you'll hate it.

I was under the impression that if you joined a team that had DLC, you got access to the DLC in that game, and that you can battle it out against people with the new civs.

Not with that combat system.


Attached: civilization-call-to-power_14.jpg (1024x768, 258K)

Modded Civ 4 when I want a good "modern" Civ.
Modded Civ 3 when I want a good "classic" Civ.
Alpha Centauri is in a class all it's own.

Alpha Centauri is to Civ what Bloodborne is to DS.

When the FUCK is Civilization VI getting a complete edition?

It looks like one from PSX.
Fun times but it take whole memory card to save.

Civ 3 had easy to use editor.
I remember to put max number of Civs (like 20-30) on normal map for fun.

>mindless expansion is meta

there are good parts, but the gameplay is really bad

Alpha Centauri transcends rank.
The rest don't matter.
Call to Power 2's combat was interesting though

zoomers never played civ 2

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Civ Rev

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Who here Civ II Test of Time?

Attached: Civilization_II_Test_of_Time_Gameplay_Win-3.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

what is that?, an expansion?

Try as much as you want, but no game will ever reach fall from heaven

Also based

I fucking hate how I lost my Civ2 copy as a kid. All I have left is the manual.
Played 3, found it not very good despite liking culture. Played 4 and found it better.
Played 5 and I lost all hope of a good Civ game.

Best CIV is clearly CIV 1 for SNES

10/10 taste senpai, btw would you use Magyar Huszars to force encounters or just raid? Also how useful do you find Boyars?
Malians and Ethiopians for me.