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Why is gumball so based

Because it's a kids show secretly made for college students.


I'm convinced the guy who makes this cartoon goes to Yea Forums daily. If it isn't obvious enough, there is literally an episode where the two boys earn good boy points from a boy who is on his PC playing vidya nonstop.


It's a kids show made for kids.

The fact that this and the Enel reaction face showed up in separate episodes shows that some meme-loving fucks write for this show.
>that episode full of JRPG cliches, including a reference to scantily-clad lolis

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>Why yes, I do play Hyperdimension Neptunia and FATE. How could you tell?

There is also an episode where they make fun of shippers, even a humanized incest ship between the two brothers. This show is infinitely better than that Steven Universe shit with Toei tier animation.

Gumball you're a dumb zoomer but that waifu game. Ridiculous.

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Wait a minute....Isn't that the Joey face? From Yugioh?

The Enel face reference actually really surprised me.

>One criticism I have is that there are no female characters, but there are no male characters either so I guess it's okay.

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All I want to know is how in this age of censorship they can get this shit on TV.



Holy fuck, this cartoon has been nothing but chalk full of based references

>that episode where Gumball literally gave his teacher bath salts
This show has no fucking filter.

There were some scenes removed from the US version like the taser bit from that clay episode.

They had a customer service joke where the punchline was that the company shareholders were talking sperm.
This show knows a lot about fucking S&P.

It's peak anime made by total nerds. Also, it's really not for kids.

Not even meming by the way.

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show flat out makes fun of "Social justice warriors" and "checking privileges"

also iirc this current season is their last because reasons.

It's the Family Guy of kids shows.

>also iirc this current season is their last because reasons.
Probably because the staff have ran out of ideas after 225+ episodes
It's more like American Dad

>stopped watching Gumball years ago
>now it's about to end
I regret it lads, same with Regular Show, even though I caught up to that for the most part. Why did CN have to give the shaft to RS and Gumball to push TTG? Why?

Is Gumball better than Regular Show though? I often have this talk with my friends a lot and we never seem to get to a conclusion.

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What was the last good era of CN here?

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>Why did CN have to give the shaft to RS and Gumball to push TTG? Why?
Gumball used to be the only other show they would air alongside TTG.

No, but it's still great.
RS, Gumball, Chowder, and Courage IMO are the greatest original cartoons to air on CN.

Regular Show was good up until it started forcing relationships.

Regular show after like season 2 was all about forced unfunny love segments between mordci and that girl bird.

gumball is a lot better becuase its just pure fun and not trying to have tons of boring subplots about love. its just a funny kids show

This show’s based as hell.

Ah, a man of fellow taste

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I was way too old for both but honestly I never once smiled at the regular show while gumball made me laugh out loud multiple times. Gumball at its best almost feels like the simpsons.

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The fact that they did House of Cards for an episode may be one of the greatest things ever. Note the "villain" roster for faces.


And Flapjack.

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You literally can if you have some scissors.

Is that real? I have to watch this show now.

Regular show is for do nothing depressed nostalgia fags, Gumball is for active depressed modern fags.

You forgot the best part about that episode.

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I see what you guys mean, same thing happened with adventure time. Everything was fucking perfect and fun until they brought love n’ shit into everything. Though regular show’s love focus wasn’t as hard as adventure time’s. Nearly every episode was about Finn being depressed or some shit.

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no it’s an illusion of your mind

110% real

The best episode by far is The Question. Go watch it now.


The writers at Adventure Time hated Finn

Regular Show later seasons wasn't really good.
Gumball later seasons were sorta fun but went down in quality too.
RS finale sucked tho.
>mordecai romance plot went nowhere
>rigby showed growth as it was about to end while mordecai is p much the same.. maybe even worse than when it started
>everyone gets a romance like some BioWare game
>made pops special and focus by muh chosen one

At least AT got Islands and Elements as a satisfying payoff for those that stuck with it.

In fact, if you stop watching AT after Elements it's the perfect ending.

Gumball is more on the nose with it's references, if that has any merit.
Regular Show appeals to normalfags who grew up with nintendo and now smoke pot and watch adult swim while Gumball is more for people who literally spend their entire lives on the internet.

Attached: that scene from blood c (2).webm (640x360, 546K)

It had some pretty good moments, imo

just watch what you like.

This is what happens when you give a budget to actual memeing faggots and I love it.

Did you know that the Adventure Time Sequel comic got cancelled after 5 issues because it didn't sell enough?
Meanwhile the LiS comic got upgraded after 3 issues from a miniseries to an ongoing.

Flapjack was a fucking trip.

I love its style and tone, but I don't think many kids really wanted to watch a show about a grimey old pirate show about a kid and his dead beat pirate dad getting drunk on candy.

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To me CN will always represent Hong Kong Phooey, the Banana Splits and Tom & Jerry. Having a channel that was just cartoons was monumental back then.

Oh yeah, this happened that one time.

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Mine is the one true Monado, instrument of destruction and rebirth

>See you, Barcode Cowboy!

My sides