what compelled you to do this
>have ditzy but passable GF
>get her preggo
>she miscarries
>drift apart
>he begins hitting on underage fans again
>leaves him for good
>she does camwhore shit now
I have... no clue what you’re talking about.
bashur was cool, op. he was never a child predator.
I liked his machine series he did
>always thought bash was just a faggot
>learned years later Clara's camming
>in the same bed he used to make videos in
>mfw he might actually have been innocent
I'm convinced youtube destroys people.
all streamers are mentally ill
One of the funniest fucking videos ever
not even a streamer
>could have sworn the shit with bashurverse went down 6+ years ago
>only blacked out his channel in 2017
>shit with Clara went down in 2015
>yet the CaptainSparklz song parodies for minecraft are 9+ years old
What the fuck is time even?
I miss genuine breakdowns like this on the internet, was a right breath of fresh air. Really took me back, shit's so fucking fake these days. Either fake rage or quivering pussies leaking crocodile tear out of their eyes, no real genuine meltdowns anymore.
protip: dont wanna be called a rapist?
Dont rape
You're a fucking rapist, user.
...see? it isn't that easy.
nice one, twitter
ok rapist
I'm sure you would know, rapist.
How did he manage to get this?
Literally all he had to do was not make Clara the center of his fucking universe. The signs of her being a whore were there from the very start.
>how did he manage to get a 5/10
Charismatic by normie standards, has the dad bod figure that means extra pillow in bed. It's pretty fuckin obvious user.
She was 17 when they met. He was mid twenties.
>from Kentucky
So the pedo accusations were bullshit?
yet you dont see me crying about it cause i dont rape
>She had just turned 15, and Brandon had turned 18
Wait, so he got arrested for talking to someone three years younger than him.
>>how did he manage to get a 5/10
Its oddly satisfying discussing ecelebs who went off the deep end/disappeared from the next.
No. He nearly went to jail years before his youtube boom bc he met up with and fucked a chick a few years short of AOC. Parents found out and filed charges against him. Court appointed shrink told the judge he was such a breakdown crying basket case in her sessions with him that he can't possibly have done it with malice aforethought and thus let him off the leash. He really loved the underage girl but had an order put against him. Wound up moving to another town with his mom to start over. Once he got big on youtube, the cravings started all over again.
I wonder where his dad was in all of this.
Not just talking. They met up and fucked. It was consensual, but the parents of the girl weren't fucking hearing it.
An 8 year old