Valve is lazy

>Valve is lazy
>Steam never gets updates

I'm genuinely confused why this sentiment still exists. Controller support is constantly updated, Steam has support for different regional currencies (something like the Epic Game Store is straight USD all the time which fucks over people when local currency value changes), Steam's getting a UI update in the near future and a new multiplayer API to provide for devs to use for both Steam and non-Steam games, and Valve's putting out their own damned VR headset with accompanying controllers

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because they don't know how fucking horrible it would be if EA or some other shitty company had the largest market share.

you underestimate the amount of based retards in the world. same reason why people bash this 70/30 split and never include any of the benefits the devs get from steam.

>bash this 70/30 split

And yet nobody ever complains about Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, Google or Apple being greedy for their 30% take

you probably won't see any proof but i wouldn't put it past epic paying these idiots to bash steam in their writings. that, and they've always had a bone to pick because they let basically anyone post games, including sexual vns and what not. journos have always had an agenda with steam for whatever stupid reason.

>does not fix the literal pages of bugs in their own programs and games
>not lazy

Valve is a meme gimmick that is already dead

Because idiots and shills shilling to idiots.
If Valve ever goes down, Epic would be all "Oops, we're updating our dev share policy it's now 25-75 due to rising costs" or some shit like that.

Steam is single handily pushing gaming onto linux and hired that guy who got Nier Automata to run using vulkan pass through or whatever.
Go stam!

>literal pages of bugs in their own programs

epic is buying developer exclusivity. you think they wouldn't buy shitposting smear campaigners?

Epic is the only one making a big deal about the split, and only Steam are getting bashed for the 30% cut because they're Epic's main competition. If Epic were to make a console to compete with the big 3, they would probably make the 30% a big selling point for developers as well.

sure is valve shill in here

ask those people what valve should add and they will never answer because they don't know
They just parrot "buhh valve doesn't do anything" like a good goy

a good game LOL

Controller support is probably the only good thing they've done in the past 10 years.

Why does everyone forget what they've done for Linux gaming as a whole?

Workshop is easily another since some devs have said the existence of Workshop compelled them to actually add in mod support for their game

Because it still wasn't enough.

I don't use mods, so I don't care about Workshop, but that is a good notable feature.

fucking this

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>I'm genuinely confused why this sentiment still exists
Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989
In other word, literal shills stirring shit up for an artificial controversy

uhh how about auto updating without this gay scheduling system

Honestly, with all these Steam bashing articles coming out of nowhere, I'm more than willing to believe these scumbag journalists were paid off to push these stories. There isn't a single one of them with a backbone to do actual investigation. Isn't it odd how there absolutely isn't a single article from a major publication in the defense of Steam? Isn't it odd how all of these articles started popping up at the same time? Isn't it odd how they all follow the same core bullet points? This all can't be a coincidence, can it?

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maintenance=/= updates
brain dead motherfucker

What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm talking about game updates, not "maintenance" whatever the fuck you're talking about.


brain dead motherfucker again ,
that's per dev not valve themselves.

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bullshit, i demand proof

you can force them if you're on your pc

yeah, but I mean instead of having to click the button to queue them up, what if they just automatically downloaded instead of waiting until 4:32 or whatever asinine time to download

fucking idiot.

they used to do that but I guess it's to make downloads faster to those who are on their PCs

Even waaaay back in the day when the default theme was retro-futurist shit yellow and OD green I had very little in the way of issues, the only real complaint was speed which hasn't been an issue since 2011 at the latest.

The reality is likely much less sinister. These people are in an echo chamber consisting almost entirely of other games journalists and indie developers, and the reason the articles are all similar that they communicate with each other outside of their articles. They all know each other, and try to "help" their "friends." Epic doesn't need to pay them because they do it for free.

People who call valve lazy and incompetwnt don't play video games that much. If they would they would know that most other devs are much worse.

>developer uploads new patch to steam servers
>sets update time for 4:32 AM, but you can start it if you click a button
Why would the developer do this? It's obviously done by Steam to optimize their temporal bandwidth usage.

>Steam in 2019

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Remember when Valve said they wouldn't be policing Steam for "hateful" content? Modern vidya "journalists" threw a shitfit, they've been gunning for Valve ever since.

So everyone gets the patch at the same time as the servers?


That would be my preferred method, yes.

That and they know valve will never respond no matter what bullshit they write.

oh boy I love me some bitcoin miners disguised as mobile games on my hardcore PC gaming platform

Good point, they can get instant validation from "devs" like Rami Ismail, Christine Love, etc., just by knocking off a quick "(dev) said (thing) and they're so right!" piece and tweeting them about it. Another reason to get buttmad about Gaben.

And if for any reason valve would take notice and call out these glorified bloggers you'd see backpeddaling strong enough to reverse earths spin.

Imagine what shitfit people would throw if Valve had ever been found to pay devs/publishers to take games away from other storefronts

This, remember all the shilling for shit like Depression Quest and Gone Home?

No that was an answer. A lot of games run version checks and won't allow users on to servers with different version numbers, and won't allow P2P connections without the same. I haven't had the issue and I've force updated, but there's probably just servers hosted internally by devs with fresh patches, and dedicated users that autistically manually update every time something is made available.

That and since Steam has supermassive throughput, you can totally saturate your downstream which is kind of annoying if you're trying to beat an orgasm out of your body with ultra-HD 4k 3D porn streamed from torrents seeded by BR and CN extranationals. Kinda like Wangblows update where you can schedule installs.

Here's a redpill: Anyone that thinks Steam doesn't update or is "bloated" is a fucking retard that only knows gaming at the most basic level. Every single argument about this is pure ignorance.

If you, as a person, are too fucking stupid to see the updates or that "useless" features like profiles are used by workshop makers, guide creators, traders, curators etc... you are too fucking dumb to engage in this conversation.

>W-well I don't use them so they are useless to me!

Boo fucking hoo. Not our fault you are an inept cunt incapable of creating anything.

>had to go to the raw list of all releases to get it
>and select only dlc on top

Stop pretending to be retarded, user.

Paid mods were a glimpse of what would happen. But valve quickly backtracked while bethesda pushed on. And now no one gives a shit about todd selling mods but they still bring up when valve tried to do it.

Hint: Remember that claim about Metro selling 2.5 more copies than Last Light? Some websites like PC Gamer published that as 2.5 total but others like Techraptor published it as 2.5 what Last Light sold ON LAUNCH.

Who was right? We'll never know because no site bothered to publish an article clearing up the matter and the video of the conference Epic used to divulge that information is not online.

letting users make their own dedicated servers and adding a workshop was the best shit hands down
I've had so much fun using those 2 alone

Every single marketing tactic that uses X times sold instead of actual numbers is bullshit and should be ignored.

Absolutley this. More features aren't necessarily a bad thing. Example: People getting offended on what's available on Steam is dumbfounding, especially when they literally have the option to filter games they don't like with tags.
But they're too stupid to figure out how to use it and get offended when they see something they dont like.

At least Valve listened to feedback, even if begrudgingly.

I just want beth to get their fair share of getting yelled at for doing paid mods.

I'd be kinda butthurt about it, too, going out of the way to try and help. Thinking "wow, these guys put a lot of work into these projects, maybe we could help compensate them." I wasn't around for the shitshow though, I stopped playing games for about 3 years right before Workshop dropped.

I miss greenlight

Didn't some of the indiefags start giving away games in exchange for Greenlight votes?

every single thing listed on that graph is shit that made steam objectively worse.

Why do indies bitch the most about steam when they know steam is the only major platform willing to give them a chance? Do they honestly think their undertale and limbo clones are getting accepted by epic?

They want the largest cut with the largest userbase to sell to. Nothing more

They have to be pretty fucking deluded to think that is going to happen by making shitty clones of succesful games.

Which one is it you faggots?

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Nobody gives a shit about creation club because it's all asset flips, easily remakeable and pirateable, and no creator would ever bother doing any expansion tier content since it's a one time payment. Fuck that

The worst thing is that it isn't Steam's fault. It's that all of them want to be the next Minecraft/ Terraria/ Undertale but there's only so many games you can shove on Steam before it's full. They like to use the low effort meme games as a scapegoat, but all these indies are competing with each other, and they hate it. They want Steam to give them preferential treatment against their competitors.

They are very deluded

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That's because most of those people are connsole gamers.


I ran a store, Randy, and you have to sell what people want to buy, not what you want to sell them

holy shit, this faggot is IMMENSELY bitter for battleborn's failure & the community ratings of it

>release epic hobby grade competitive esports metagrowth choice + Battleborn Heroes
>filthy shit-eating peasants don't appreciate it and play shitty games at the time like DOOM and Overwatch instead
Maybe he hopes Tim Sweeney will fund Battleborn 2.

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This user is 100% right. If they want to have a successful game, first, ACTUALLY MAKE IT GOOD AND SPEND AT LEAST A YEAR TO MAKE SURE IT'S EVEN BETTER, and actually start shilling the game and people will see that it's worth their time and do the shilling for you. It's not that hard to understand

How can this man have his head so far up his ass it's on his shoulders?

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I don't think this bluemark actually play video games.

Yep there were whole groups and networks dedicated to getting games onto greenlight with the promise of a free key on release.

This Richard guy is being held on a pedestal by Tim and the others, just because he worked at Valve in Networking for a year, quit, then worked on that abomination Anthem, all while bitching about Valve 24/7. He is the only one.

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>due this milk is great, trust me, China told me it's great
What about hearing from other customers? Why the fuck should I hear product opinions from the fucking sales person? Does Randy even know what the fuck a review is?

>largest userbase

But surely they must realise that epics 'userbase' is massively inflated by people using Unreal Engine and other people playing Fortnite, neither of which seem likely to use epic for anything else.

It's like selling your game on the Blizzard launcher because you want the userbase, but that userbase is only playing Wow and not interested in other games.

If this faggot hates Steam so much then why is 90% of the gearbox library still on Steam. oh wait because nobody would buy their pos games elsewhere.

The older i get and the more history i live through the scarier the world gets because you start to realise how people perceive the world isn't entirely reflective of what actually happened and it basically comes down to marketing and tectonics. Peoples perception of Steam is incorrect because Epic and games journalism establishment have been very good at marketing and framing the conversation in a way that damages steam.

>this "man" is a leader of a company
>this "man" is someone's boss
>someone voluntarily works for this retard

Valve relies heavily on people not being dicks and ruining it for everybody. Remeber the coal christmas sale? Ruined by russians and never happening again. Greenlight? Ruined by faggot buying votes by giving away a few games? They added cards as a minor feature and faggots started making fake games to sell cards for 1 cent. Every time they do something they go in with the assumption that THIS time people won't be cunts and try to game the system. And every time they get proven wrong.

Made me kek, good sir.

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Also don't forget Fortnite numbers also include console accounts, mobile accounts, and free-game-fishing accounts made by Southeast Asians to sell. Epic doesn't actually have a security system for account creation so Southeast Asians and Russians create Epic accounts with stolen email addresses, collect free games, and then sell them. So a fraction of Epic accounts don't actually have people using them, they are commodities to sell.

Yep this is also why Valve limits the amount of keys developers can generate now until they hit x amount of sales because developers were legit giving hundreds of thousands of keys away to Russian/China bot farms for trading card money.

>this "man" is someone's boss
Well, his underling did steal millions of dollars from him.

They paid Shroud a ton of money to play World War Z to inflate Twitch numbers, then went on to use that data to boast, only for the viewership to drop 80% 2 days later. What a fucking joke.
>huurrr we need to do this to get a customer base!
Fuck off

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loving all those shitting on steam while valve keeps working like any other day
not even a (you)

Valve never replies. There's probably a rule to not act retarded with the company twitter accounts that actualy gets inforced.

They don't care, they see free money upfront, a higher cut, and the ability to double dip with Steam. Ubisoft while going with EGS did it to boost Uplay sales since they know nobody likes EGS and uses that to their advantage. A 200 IQ move

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Objectively speaking, what has valve done wrong? So far, I haven't seen a single error that they have done or something that makes them look like the villains at all.

>Valve relies heavily on people not being dicks and ruining it for everybody
Pretty much, every time some other fucking shitter storefront like Origin, uPlay, BattleNet or Epic does something really shitty, Steam somehow gets blamed for being too passive.

You're right. The problem is foreigners, stupid card scams and palette swapped games would be unprofitable for a westerner because the cost of living is so high. Spending a week on some garbage to make 200 isn't worth it. However if you're some Venezuelan where the average income is like 5 bucks a week the value of the scam is massive because even if a few shitters buy your garbage that's like a years income because of exchange rates.

Valve has been too nice, which is what other companies and journalists are monopolizing on as a "weakness".

I don't understand how this is even a debate.

Steam is obviously the most convenient platform you could wish for. The friend system is perfect, you can easily join or invite people with 2 clicks in almost any game. You can easily stream for your friends too.
Buying and gifting games is done in seconds, and the download speed is amazing. You can organize your own library exactly as you want. The wishlist is a great tool to keep track of games you're interested in and to see if they're on sale. And the workshop is unparalleled. Imagine Cities: Skylines without steam Workshop.
The store search engine is great and you even get curators to recommend games of genres you like, or you can use that suggestion queue. You can see if your friends own the same games you do, and what they're currently playing. Then you have fucking family share so basically you get to play your friends games for free. And then there are sales all the time and even old ass games are available on steam, with multi-player support.

I literally can't think of anything I dislike about steam from a customer pov.
As for the devs cut, it's a retarded argument. For many indies, steam completely eliminated the need for a publisher, who would have taken its own cut anyway. And for the amount of features steam provides, why should 30% not be reasonable?
Its fine to negotiate or to want a smaller cut, but this smear campaign is ridiculous and disgusting and ultimately dishonest.

>inb4 paid mods for 4 days and blaming euro laws for the refund policy when it was speeding up customer request purposes

Literally NO ONE said "Greenlight just isn't letting enough games through."
EVERYONE said "they need to fix the card/badge loopholes and devs exchanging keys for Greenlight votes."
Greenlight would be the perfect system with those problems fixed, and thats what every real indie dev actually wants. And that's what they were all asking for

They tried to monitize mods
Thats one thing, I dont blindly hate valve, but they are not perfect

Oh yeah, forgot about that. The only good thing is that they at least they knew they fucked up and decided not to completely go through with it. I guess another wrong is their censorship with some games, mainly hentai ones. So that's another one

Forgot the review system which, for me, has always been exactly on point and, especially with overall reviews and latest reviews, provides a good general overview as well as a trend. It's a perfect system and anyone who's against it is afraid of the markets power to expose their shady practices or shitty games.

DRM are bad, but unlike EGS, Steam tries and compensate for this flaw

Figuring out a way to pay modders for their work is not inherently a bad thing. What Valve and Bethesda tried was not a good system, but Valve backed off after people complained.

Valve didn't want to hire a bunch of people to check if every greenlight game was legit or being boosted.

Workshop is such a good feature. Playing ARMA with a group of friends in the past was a huge hassle of making everyone manually download 50gb of mods and install the mods manually etc.

Now I just put together a collection and my friends literally just click a single button and Steam does everything for them.

Most devs that complain about reviews are always the ones that either have intrusive DRM, tried stealing personal info from customers, scammed them with the Epic store deals, or released an early access game as the full product.

Tell me about Obsidian

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Collections are nice, but editing them and making new ones are a real pain in the ass, only being able to add one at a time. I just wish they improved on it

Obsidian didn't get any of the epic bribe money. They also weren't told their next game would be an epic exclusive since allegedly they were in the process of implementing steam achievements when the deal was announced.

nah you're just being a contrarian

>busy working on the game
>putting updates onto Steam right as their publisher was taking Fortnite and China bribe money

>Controller support is constantly updated,
My controller doesn't work because of steam it works because Windows supports controllers.
>Steam has support for different regional currencies (something like the Epic Game Store is straight USD all the time which fucks over people when local currency value changes),
A feature is that they take different currency? It's funny that doesn't save or cost me any money to use other currencies.
>Steam's getting a UI update in the near future and a new multiplayer API to provide for devs to use for both Steam and non-Steam games,
Why would they need to update the UI unless it was bad? Also not out yet, so your counting things that don't exist.
>and Valve's putting out their own damned VR headset with accompanying controllers
Well good on them for trying yet again to get into the hardware business. But did you just include controllers a critical part of the VR system as an extra thing? Why not count the cables and straps while your at it?

Those numbers were also physical sales which had nothing to do with online PC sales, or PC sales in general.

>Why would they need to update the UI unless it was bad?

Are you retarded?

>sales bad
>search function based on game genre bad
>mod support and multiplayer server support bad
>voice chat bad
>refunds bad

Fuck publishers

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clearly you don't play on steam
why are you here again?

you might be objectively retarded

Jeff Vogel's GDC talk brings up some stuff about Steam and how they earn their cut.

I'm 100% convinced the indies bitching about Steam are just buttblasted that Steam won't put their shitty minecraft clone on the front page for a week.

Didn't Last Light bomb horribly as well, like fucking so bad it could have killed the franchise levels of bad? If I'm not wrong, Last Light sold 50k.

I hate that steam don't fucking fix their shitty website like for 6-7 years (their stack fukcing sucks). And that you need sometimes to try to launch steam 4-5 times to make it works, because it's shit itself on trying to update itself

The controller thing is mainly only relevant for DS4 and a Switch Pro controller, both of which don't have native support on windows.

I used to have that problem with Steam in like 2011/2012, are you using an old OS or something? I haven't had that problem in like 6 years now.

it's been that way for quite a while
remember that retard who complained about his game being in page 15 like it was the only guy launching a new game on steam that day.
fun times.

Steam has their own controller which has nothing to do with windows or their VR endeavors. If you don't realize the value of being able to pay in your own currency, you're probably an American neet who never left the country.

>why would you update the ui
Geez idk. Let's just have everything stay at one standard forever. Who wouldn't want the ui or win95? After all, it worked!

Fucking retard

>Controller support
>different regional currencies
barely even noticable, doesn't effect most people at all
>UI update
somewhat excited for this
>new multiplayer API
sounds like it will effect devs and players wont see much of a change
>VR headset
Not steam

people have the sentiment that valve is lazy because they work a whole lot on things that will never be finished or that a large majority of the player base will not see and don't care about while seemingly ignoring what players DO care about. Personally (and im probably not apart of the majority in this) I'm hoping for a steam overlay browser update. It's really useful for browsing the internet or playing music without having to alt-tab full screen games. It probably wont happen but theres a small chance in the UI update that they'll update it alongside the look of it and hopefully they don't just remove it.

>Windows supports controllers

maybe for some, I had a wireless Onlive controller that I won that never worked on Windows because it had absolutely 0 support or drivers for Windows. It now works thanks to Valve.

Not that Valve doesn't have flaws but trying to nitpick every single thing that doesn't apply to you is retarded.

I've only had this happen on my laptop when my wifi drops as I'm starting Steam. Are you sure your internet connection doesn't just suck ass?

The problem is people confuse bloat with features they don't use. They think that steam should only have features they want and nothing else. As for the speed and responsiveness of steam it's no worse than origin or uplay and those clients have way less going on.

It's consolefags and "journalists"

They don't have enough drama by themselves so they have to drag PC into this mess

>different regional currencies
>barely even noticable, doesn't effect most people at all
Metro is $110 where I live because of Epic's meme pricing, it affects consumers outside the US. parts of the EU are charged like $80 for it too.

>If Epic were to make a console
>Ebin console

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when are they going to include an option for text size?

>Facebook integration
>Trading cards
>Profile badges
>Community activity wall
Wow, all these great features totally enhance my gaming experience and don't even slightly bloat or clutter this DRM program I'm forced to run in the background while I play games. Based Gaben amirite fellow gamers?

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>barely even noticable, doesn't effect most people at all
Uplay used to charge some countries over 200% for games before they fixed their regional pricing, and Epic still charges many countries 150% for games.

don't forget that other launchers have no "bloat" at all and are heavier to install

>few shitty/stupid features
>somehow invalidate all the good ones

dude maybe check gog lmao

That's fine user, go use Epic with no reviews, no cloud saves, no additional DRM warnings, additional transaction fees, and according to the TOS, if a company puts Malware into the game or steals your credit card info, Epic cannot be held responsible.

Yea I guess I can see why I'd be wrong about that one.
And? I'm not talking about Uplay or Epic Gay Store

>Steam charges $60 fairly to everyone no matter the country
>this is a bad feature
I can tell you are American.

Why would you bitch about trading cards when it's literally free money?

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Out of all the features steam has I'd say the user numbers tracking one is the most overlooked. Somehow only valve managed to have the balls to implement it and then not remove as the years went on. I'm sure if ea,blizzard and epic implemented a similar feature we'd all be shocked just how little players some games have.

>>this is a bad feature
What? Who are you quoting? I didn't say that you mong

I actually miss buying games as inventory items
even if people were making money outside key sites or steam trading
someone had to pay real money on steam for said game.

I would love to see the player count for games like WWZ on epic. Even if I had no problem with the store I would not want to buy a game that has no playerbase, I've had to put up with that shit on origin and it's not fun when you buy a game and discover there's very few people playing it and you can't get a lobby going unless it's prime time.


You can ignore literally all of those features if you want. You're not forced to set up a community profile.

*hits pipe* Ahem.

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I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a buyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying from, subscribing to, playing the product of, and defending a corporation solely so they can go and get your games locked onto certain digital stores. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful games - sculpting their bodies, getting the animations just right, figuring out what their audience wants, designing a fun experience. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for one particular audience that will buy it on another storefront. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with digital stores, who just pirates the game. He gets to play the game without any sort of interruption or DRM. He gets the benefits of the game's good times, the way the devs intended. As a "man" who has a PC, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life supporting a publisher simply to support games for other beholden storefront consumers to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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took long enough for the turbo autist to show up with his reddit image.

Four of these own the hardware, one owns the operating system.

The restrictions were added because fucktards kept getting scammmed. And if steam had too many credit card scams then all the credit card companies would blacklist them.

Pirating a game and not seeding: that's life for me

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Surely this is simply an argument for never letting anyone play your game and hiding your masterpiece from the world that does not deserve a shred of happiness, that is what I do anyway.

You what?

You're retarded?

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Incredibly based.

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lol, who says steam never gets updated?
It's bugging me about updates all the time.

>never include any of the benefits the devs get from steam.
And what benefits do they get huh? HUH? HUH? thats rite

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Typical seething paypig.

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>Steam has support for different regional currencies
devs are lazy fucks and never balance the prices
if steam would just ignore my currency most games would be a couple dollars cheaper

Don't get me started on the 60 usd = 60 euro bullshit either

Attached: muh regional pricing.png (965x413, 72K)

Key resellers like GMG take just as much
Here's the funny thing, GMG is now selling borderlands 3 keys which means Gearbox/2k is losing 30% on GMG instead of 18% on the epic store, randy spent all that time bitching about the revenue split yet they're still selling the game where they get a cut as 'bad' as steam's.

>food analogy
As opposed to buying what ads tell you to buy or picking the pretties box?
Yes, sounds like a real nightmare.


>usa flag

Proton is great and they should be putting more resources into developing it. So much nicer to use than Wine.

>using twitch numbers and making retarded claims
Is Sweeney a Yea Forums shitposter?

Isn't it 1:1 pricing on GMG as well? Why did GMG even make this deal?

But user, grooming publishers is literally the only thing timmy cares about.

Most of these features are useless.
I fucking hate Steam, it's bloated ugly software.

I just want a lightweight, nice-looking game library.
The UI looks like something over 20 years old, it's just a bad web-wrapper and it's sluggish.

I don't care about useless things like Steam music, trading cards (how the fuck do they even work and who cares?), seam controller.

Steam community is so cancer too.

That russian steam spy faggot probably is.

Imagine thinking community activity is somehow useless when it has communities that are active on it.

What's wrong with the current steam library?

Say what you will about Valve and Steam, but imagine how much shittier it would be if this dumb cunt and his friends had total control.

Just the fact that you'd even feel comfortable enough to say stupid shit like this is reason enough for me to shop everywhere but Epic's store.

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Yes you are, lol

Not web 2.0 enough, not flat enough, not material enough for Zoomers.

Meaningless buzzwords are your only way of coping for the fact that you spent money on a digital product. Sad!

Epic makes games more expensive when they're exclusive. Their gay little one year deal they keep slapping on games also applies to key sites, so you can't get that 20% off you get on sites like GMG or Fanatical. Just take a look right now. You can get MK11 for $43, but it is impossible to get Anno 1800 for less than $60.

>He hasn't taken the GOGpill

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For starters steamworks replaced GFWL and gamespy along with just about every other janky multiplayer implementation, no more having to juggle a bunch of accounts when you want to play an online game you found on steam (fuck you UT3)

lol, lol
right back at you

Probably because they figure they can get money from people who want BL3 but hate supporting epic directly.

>a world where reviews are illegal and the only people you are allowed t review the games are the developers of the game, and their journalist friends

>right back at you
High-iq buycuck gears at work.

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high iq muh pirate replies

Also in parts of Europe, Asia and Autralia they are hacking UP the prices of their exclusive games, I WISH they would charge $60. It's $80 where I live in Asia and my Eurobro friends are being charged $70. And this is in USD, already converted. According to Tim Sweeney, they are "international fees".

Attached: 12 -.png (352x352, 250K)

Did you ever use the chats for Steam Groups? From 2010/2011 up until the big Steam chat update last year (which only happened because Discord became more popular and provided actual competition for Valve), there was an extremely common glitch where the chat would just freeze for everyone in it. You could send messages, but nobody would receive anything, and you wouldn't know the chat was bugged until you left and rejoined it. If leaving such a common and well known glitch completely alone for nearly a decade isn't lazy, then I don't know what is.

Publishers are already more than willing fucking their developers and consumers over just to get a suck on the Fortnite money dick.

Considering Tim Sweeney's GDC keynote he probably dreams of dicking the entire industry over after installing himself as the be all end all of both PC and console markets.
He likely has already opened doors that will never close again with his moneyhatting bullshit.


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>Steam has support for different regional currencies
Yeah meaning that now i have to pay for games even more than i had to before, instead of making them cheaper for my third world currency ass
Valve can fuck off and Gabe can kiss my penis

The only hate for valve I hold is the lack of updates to TF2, but other than that, theres pretty much nothing with steam that I can really point to as a problem with the thing. But with epic, its just straight up a shit program. why would I ever go to a program thats just a downgrade to what i use right now?

Some of us had to pay almost twice for games, now every pays fairly, boo hoo.


That's either your government or the publishers. Steam doesn't set their prices.

blame your shitty currency no one wants a mud print

The last time steam got a meaningful update was fucking eons ago, I don't give a shit about a new friends list or a music player or a fucking marketplace or any of this useless HORSESHIT. The UI is unconfigurable and has had ONE SKIN for basically its entire existence. They spent more time making it play nice with TVs than they did making it not a chunky piece of fucking garbage on desktops. Valve does random things of dubious value and basically none of it is to improve the user experience. They only care about attracting more users because they have no souls. I've been unhappy with them for longer than you've even been using Yea Forums, fuck off, retard.

No you don't understand, game journalists are shilling for Epic's game client so now I have to defend literally every aspect of Steam because I'm incapable of not thinking in black and white

Right, so let's all move to a store that's 16 years behind and said they have no plans to improve.

When are we getting the same outrage at Microsoft for owning 95% marketshare with Windows?

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how many skins do other platforms have you nigger

lmao why would you want to configure your UI, faggot? What do you think this is, a tablet?

>muh skins
Fuck off. It has skins.

>muh clunky
Fix your garbage computer. You are probably on Vista or some shit because "hurrr muh windows 10 volumetrics" (sic)

>it's bloated ugly software
as opposed to what? Epic's bloated launcher with absolutely nothing to justify said bloat?

Retarded chimp
>article from 20 fucking 17

Whats wrong with the UI? Steam's is better, smoother and least bloated out of any other launcher.

What the fuck do you even want to configure, that you're not already able to? It's a platform to get you to your games, how much more do you want it to do UI wise. Do you have autism or something?

>For starters steamworks replaced other stores
So here you are accepting steam has a monopoly on multiplayer games

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The only meaningful thing that has been pointed out against Steam is the 30% cut except this has already been proven to be meaningless for users.
The rest of the complaints are literally >I DON'T USE THING or straight up lies like "offline mode isn't working"

Generates keys for devs at no charge to sell on third party sites, advertising in the form of recommendations based of games loosely related, handles returns on their end instead of forcing the devs to handle it themselves, should I continue?

See? This is exactly what I'm talking about here A mongoloid with NO idea how Steam even works or the features it does or does not have. This is Epic's target demographic.

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The real secret is that most people are completely retarded and uninformed so they see a bunch of news articles about how great this brand new store is and, without even thinking about it for 1 second, they just naturally accept that it must be great because there's a news article about how great it is. They don't actually know why they think it's great and they can't articulate what makes it great because they aren't aware of any of the features and how they compare to the things that already exist.
This is actually how most retards' opinions are formed. They just let somebody from the news decide what their opinion is for them.
Also only faggots pay money for games.

If the Lost Planet games used Steamworks at least I could still fucking play them instead of getting asked for a dead GFWL login.

why would you blame Valve, you said it yourself the devs/publishers are lazy

>devs are lazy fucks and never balance the prices
>Don't get me started on the 60 usd = 60 euro bullshit either

That's more because devs don't want to eat the cost of VAT when customers can instead. Valve doesn't set prices, after all.

where do all this brain dead retards come from..

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Uplay and origins exist with multiplayer games on them, would you try not being retarded for five seconds please?

What Steam really needs is a CLIENT upgrade. That shit is ancient and they're still building on old framework.

as opposed to ?

Yeah you're right, after GFWL shut down they should have simply left dark souls 1 without multiplayer at all, just like all those other broken former GFWL games, same with gamespy for games like borderlands.

Yeah no, you're actually retarded. I don't think you were around to use those services because if you were you would remember that 1: they sucked and 2: devs had no obligation to make sure your game had multiplayer after GFWL and gamespy shutdown.

Not running in browser mode for starter.

>Try to see how the playerbase on WWZ is doing, I like zombieshit but I'm not buying a dead(hueh) game.
>No reviews or forums on Epic
>WWZ discord is nothing but dick sucking and bans
>Find one post on Reddit that the PC version is becoming a ghost town, was downvoted to shit and eventually deleted by a moderator, might just be shitposting to be fair
>Need to go to twitch and bounce around until I can watch someone queue into a game to get a sense of how long it takes

Epic is pretty smart, take control of the narrative and it doesn't matter how bad you're game is.


>mfw Microsoft tried to get into the PC gaming scene twice and failed both times
Does anyone even use the Win10 store?

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Steam had themes available eons ago you stupid faggot. More to the point, who the fuck needs to rice their game client? How much time do you spend stroking your cock staring at your fucking library you weirdo?

>hasn't had updates...

Nobody cares, go blogpost your self-invalidating bullshit in a Reddit echochamber.

I think people routinely forget that Gears of War 4 actually exist and it's also available on PC.

think before you type and hit that post button

Nope, the windows store is unironically worse for performance than denuvo, I've heard so many complaints about how games from that store run that I will never ever touch it.

>itt: a mid 20s year old tries to justify having the epic launcher when he just wants to hide the fact he plays fortnight like everyone else using epic

I got to play Forza Horizon 4 for free when it launched since I just got the Xbox Game Pass trial.

>the top streamer for wwz right now, at a miserable 600 viewers, has a scrolling banner BEGGING people not to dismiss the game


steam is like the gf you take for granted then miss when she is gone

It's like we are back to the golden days of trapping people into purchasing worthless games.

Remember, reviews/playercount/forums are all toxic and might expose shit games before they take your money

After having to use GFWL for certain games I could never take steam for granted. If a game had GFWL there was a really fucking high chance I couldn't buy it without finding away around the region restrictions. Fuck GFWL, shitty service made me miss out on lost planet 2.

>no way that's true
>it's true and he's also telling people to play vermintide 2 instead first

This bloated meme can't possibly be used by anyone who is either above 60iq or used steam in the first place, steam has a lot of functions but you can ignore every single one of them and you are not forced to interact with any of them and they don't even show up anywhere unless you actively go through different tabs to open them.
Literally none of these are things you are forced to read/set up ever and they don't show up anywhere that affects you unless you go out of your way to get to them, if you are some lonely neet that has no need to interact with people you can just instantly open your game library and play whatever you want there's nothing else in your way.

Attached: [stop].jpg (137x234, 9K)

I had to pester a steam friend to but dark souls for me and gift it because apperently to gfwl everything south of austria back then was a varren wasteland.

It also ended up killing lost planet 2 by being completely dead now which just adds insult to injury.

>people bitch about steam not having curation
>ignore the fucking curator feature
Does gabe have to personally tell you that the game isn't shit?

I want them to continue their actually good games (Portal and Half Life) or give rights to another team who will actually make a game out of it. Nothing else Valve does interest me.
So I wholeheartly support Epic store to fuck Valve over, maybe then those cunts will actually do something exciting again.

I want Epic to be successful, fuck Valve.

but I don't like it when other people use features I don't like

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Who is the chad with the perfect jawline?


The irony is that they don't realize that it is just a matter of time until EGS has the same problem.

epic is too busy adding meme shit to fortnite and pissing on fortnite pros, I don't see them succeeding in the long run

>lost planet 2 was shit on by "journalists" because it was kinda boring in singleplayer
>was actually a really fun co-op game
>was doa on pc because of gfwl

we'll never see a proper lost planet 3 on the re engine, feels real bad bros

But where are the TF2 updates? That's all I really care about.

>actually good games
>doesn't include TF2

We've been waiting more than 10 years for the UI update, faggot. We're coming up to 10 years waiting for the In-Game Overlay update.

Reddit get out

Attached: 250px-Conspiracy_Cap.png (250x366, 91K)

Valve should be more like google, just redo the entire fucking ui every couple of years no matter what.

Same kind of retard that thinks other features are useless.

>never used it or tried to look into it or anything.

You're actually retarded, literally and unironically a brain dead imbecile.

>no matter what
The UI has been relatively the same for around 15 years and has been objectively shit for 10 when they swapped from the green UI to the new black/blue and Big Picture Mode forced into the corner design.
The UI is not good, an update every few years that at least gets fixed when they drop a shit one is better than no update.

I don't think Valve is lazy, I just wish they were larger and had a broader focus instead of on VR that nobody in their right mind gives a shit about and their fucking apps, I just want games again god dammit.

TF2 is the last good game valve put out desu

I'd prefer to pay is USD. Steam is fuckign retarded when it comes to my region pricing. I hav ea virtual USD card anyway. The whole EU gets fucked over with 1 EUR = 1USD on a lot of games.

>not the game that started the shit part of Valve history
But is is great game, you can buy hats, so funny.

feels real bad, user.

Nobody gave a shit about pc more than a decade ago and now there are several publishers trying to dethrone steam. No one knew you could make millions on battlepasses until the dota compendium. Vavle are always hiring though. It's just that most people aren't up to standard.

so buy from G2A or something since most games aren't region locked between non-shitholes.
At least you have the option to do that.

The gameplay is what matters, and it's the best there is.
Why get offended at the dumb hats? Focusing so much on them clearly shows you haven't even played the game.

>baww retards use retarded features that means they're good features
>n-n-n-no ur retarded
I really, really care about the people that spam the workshop about their free CSGO skin gambling websites or garbage skins they're trying to get into the game so valve can sell them in a crate. I really care about people spamming map reuploads or anime models.
I also really care about people flooding "guides" with shitty memes and people that jerk themselves off over their digital CSGO item, dont forget having to see shitty fucking meme curators in my store for absolutely no reason.

They really mean so much to me.

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They don't pay me to release game on every platform but their biggest perceived competitor therefore I say nobody can possibly sell a single unit of even the biggest masterpiece on steam.

Give me a good reason for why developers deserve more of my money when they release incomplete, buggy games, rehashes, a shitton of DLCs, versions of game that range from deluxe, gold, hyper ultra editions and put half assed concepts in their games only because the others do it too?

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>more options is a bad thing
>ease of access to mods is bad
>the community having a great way to add to the game is bad
Sure smells like 1989 in here.

Give me a reason why the developers that do release complete games with no DLC deserve to have 30% of their revenue cut for no reason.

user, unless it's a super small indie team that never took money from a publisher, the developer has already been paid and all the money, including the exclusivity deal money, goes straight into publisher pockets.

Replying with a question doesn't equal to responding the question.
You still haven't given a good reason.

>appeasing the retarded is a good thing
Sure smells like brainlet in here, Workshop is a fucking disgrace to PC modding.

I'm sure gabe gives both of them preferential treatment

Developers don't get fucking royalties for ongoing sales, where does this idea even come from?
AT BEST they can hope for a one-time bonus payment when their game hits enough points on metacritic.

Wrong, also, get some reading comprehension

If there's no reason for them to pay the share then why do they do it?

Because Steam was the only real platform, now they arent. Thats why indie games are moving to Epic.

Attached: epic birds.jpg (640x662, 110K)

>no reason
>free advertisement
>free community forums
>free community hub for mods, guides, streams etc.
>free, simple to use multiplayer api that makes online play completely hassle-free for the end user
>best network infrastructure of any gaming platform in the world, no one comes close to the speeds of steam
>gives you access to basically every single market in the world with local payment options

these are just off the top of my head, there are more things I missed

What a weird graph. What are these supposed 15 million features it claims they have. It only names like two dozen of them.

>shills working on easter sunday

>wrong, now more than ever
>forums are free elsewhere, and arent moderated by steam themselves
>workshop is legitimately dogshit, nexus exists gamefaq's exist reddit exists
>garbage multiplayer API that is forced on anyone that doesnt use dedicated servers
>one feature, also available elsewhere now

If you wanna buy a game from a dev on Steam and give them 100% of the revenue from your purchase, buy a Steam key directly from them
They only lose 30% if the purchase is made directly on the store

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>nexus is better than auto-installing, auto-updating, fully integrated mods

This the kind of retarded, reach out argument epic shills have to make.

Attached: 4zzhjo522wq21 2.jpg (640x640, 103K)

citation needed
>forums are free elsewhere
not on epic they aren't
>workshop is dogshit
show me another service that lets you share a collection of mods that others can install with a single click while automatically keeping them up to date
>api is forced on anyone
entirely incorrect
show me another platform offering higher speeds
>available elsewhere
not on epic, it ain't

>Steam key
Nah, DRM free only thanks
Whats the last full conversion mod you've seen on the Workshop, faggot? Why couldnt Classic Offensive get put on the workshop and not be forced to go through Greenlight?

>Thats why indie games are moving to Epic.
yep, the ones that are being paid for upfront, how come nobody moved willingly so far? how come indie devs still complaining about steam when they could just simply.. you know.. move to epic?

>Mod Organiser using Nexus doesnt auto-update
Fuck off workshop shilling retards

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I can totally see purchasable steam skins with the next UI update. Then games will not only have trading cards, but also colour schemes attached to it. Kind of neat to be honest.

people talk about all the ''competition'' Epic brought that will ''force'' steam to improve, but im wondering what they want exactly
Steam can implement the 18% cut but lets be honest, devs are leaving because Epic fronts alot of cash, if it was really just the cut they would have sooner gone to, Discord or GOG.
so then is Valve supposed to moneyhat devs and publishers themselves? they would get annhialated by every news outlet for acting like a ''monopoly''
like honestly what do they want

Attached: 0Muadmh.jpg (291x389, 38K)

>any of these
The problem is that Steam actively killed skinning for dumb shit like "oh, we NEEDED to add a big picture mode button"

They want whatever the check in the mail tells them they want.

Nice graph, but it's missing the "Ban games for woke SJW reasons" feature.


>they would get annhialated by every news outlet for acting like a ''monopoly''
If they only did deals and din't pay journos to say it's good for the market than yeah
But we fucking know journos would gladly suck any cock for the right price

Steam drones are honestly pathetic at this point. Reminder that this is the guy that calls me an Epic store shill chinkoid

I have an idea for lyrics to his next song

>Anyone who opposes Steam must be destroyed
>Anyone who opposes my love of Gaben
>Will have the Steam troops deployed

Attached: epic steam valve borderlands.jpg (1637x832, 184K)

>moooooooom, i posted it again

Doesnt have a store for non-turbo members, at least one anyone can find
Doesnt exist for the majority of people, is more known for fan games and unity trash

>imagine thinking steam sucks because they made the perfect platform.

every fucking time

Attached: 4422121434.jpg (486x357, 36K)

>Obsidian makes Outer Worlds to get one last multiplat game out on the market and get in as much of a new fanbase as possible
>publisher goes all ''whoopsy guys seems like you cant be on the biggest PC storefront because these guys paid us a alot of money so yeah''
>''what do you mean wheres your cut''
i hope a obsidian employee accidently ''leaks'' the game before release
fuck Private Division

Attached: tenor.gif?itemid=5723103.gif (498x197, 214K)

Looks like this post is too based for Yea Forums lmao

I wish these fags would stop using 'developers' when they mean publishers.

They do when consumer backlash gets too strong, at least.

Falseflag video paid for by Epic.

>if i dont use it its useless
why are Epic Shills so selfish?

>a song about borderlands 3
What the fuck am I reading?

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That's because Epic isn't competing with them, or at least don't consider win10 store valid competition, and so their shills cba to be at least somewhat consistent in their whinging screeching shill sounds. They just want to kill and replace Steam as the market leader.

You do know half life is legitimately over right? As in they already had the story and everything, had a meeting and said naw were not making half life 3 ever.

>not even making profits

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Didn't valve just do an update not too long ago where you can actually run most games on steam's library through linux now? That's some pretty ballin' shit and way better for the pc industry than some 88/12 split. You can shit on valve for a lot of things but Gabe's gonna carry that hatred of microsoft until the day he dies.

Hmm interesting take on "capatalism"

Attached: epic store is a botnet.png (1914x4402, 1.91M)


>its another "Yea Forums thinks it knows how computers work" episode



>it's another "unironic shill takes popular generic meme format to earn shitpost yuan" episode

>Holiday sale
>Summer sale
not features
>Free to Play support
obvious thing to have, they lagged behind
>Steam workshop
>Steem Greenlight / Game Hubs
abandoned due to being shit / useless
>Steam Marketplace / Steam wallet
good although mostly a machine to rip people off and make more money for valve
>Early Access
cancer that's killing pc gaming
>Steam Trading Cards
useless, another thing to jew people on
>Discovery Update
useless shit no one uses
>Steam Support / Refund Policy
support is still shit / refunds are restricted and it's not a "feature" but a costumer's right that should be available from the start
>Steam Controller / Steam link
garbage / abandoned
>VR support
obvious feature since they co-developed the vive (which is overpriced)
>Spring Cleaning
not a feature
>Steam Direct
now the store has more garbage titles and literal cryptominers
>Creator Pages
useless, no one uses it
>Steam Chat
bloated electron garbage with "functionality" no one uses because they use discord
literally just WINE, it changed nothing

the huge rise in the playerbase at the end of 2017 is due to PUBG and chinks ruining the gameplay for everyone else

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I love playtime tracking as well. It annoys me other places clearly track it, but don't bother telling the user

Why do you think that makes you any less technologically retarded?

You do realize you are both arguing for companies on a website AKA shilling FOR FREE? What the fuck is wrong with you fucking retards?

You forgot home streaming.

>and make more money for valve
You want to know the worst thing about it?
Valve takes a 2% cut of all Steam Marketplace transactions, for absolutely no reason. All transactions are made using Steam Wallet cash, a currency that Valve has complete control over and gains nothing by being in supply of it.
Theres absolutely zero reason for them to get a 2% cut.

Really? Having to go reddit is a positive?

Really? Having to go steam community is a positive?

>defending leddit

>defending steam community

Attached: 1554293152714.png (1154x855, 475K)

>still defending leddit
>on Yea Forums
Dumb ledditor

>still defending trannies
>on Yea Forums
dumb tranny


not everyone uses the features that valve works on, I dont have a steam controller, I dont use their game streaming things at all, nor steam music, and I had forgotten big picture mode even existed until this past year when it became almost necessary to use it in some games. And there's more shit im forgetting about because not only do I not use it, I never even see it.

>literally just WINE, it changed nothing
You are an idiot.

and when I say almost necessary to us it in some games I mean for controller support

Apparently according to retards, as long as 1 person uses the feature its worthwhile.
Its bloat, plain and simple. Designed exclusively to be "good enough" to keep people from moving to other platforms, or made in reaction to other platforms pulling people away from Steam.
Valves not alone in this, Blizzard did the same thing before Valve with their large chat/"community" features to try and tell people "No, you dont need to use discord we have it right here!".

The problem is Valve does it exclusively to get money or keep people from making money. Marketplace exists solely so Valve would get a cut from the item trades people had been doing for years, Workshop was designed with paid mods in mind so Valve would make even more profit off other peoples work. They're both shit systems that people clammer about because "they're so easy to use that means its good" when they're actually extremely limited, moderated to shit but still lack spam filters and worse than free alternatives like Mod Organiser.

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But there's close to 10k people watching streams on Steam right now.
Everything you call a worthless bloat feature is used by much more people than you think.

>defending spyware

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Why the hell do we have gluten-free food if I do not use it?

>Refund policy

Valve literally had to do it because they lost a court case. Valve don't do anything in the customer's interest.

Half Life 3 when?

>Workshop was designed with paid mods in mind so Valve would make even more profit off other peoples work.
Can you prove that because it's pretty clear that Bethsda was behind it and I doubt they were influencing Valve for that long.

>more than 10k people are retarded on planet earth
Why the hell do i have to have gluten-free food shoved in my face if i dont want it there?
>its pretty clear that was Bethesda
Besides the fact that Gabe Newell himself was defending it and still defended it after they canned it?

He's said money is how a community steers work and seeing how patreon is being used for exactly that now I don't think he was wrong.
Everyone could watch as CEMU turned from Wii U emulator into BotW emulator.

But yes, please tell me how it was all their masterplan 3 years in the making after they added workshop support for non-TF2 games back in 2012.

You don't want gluten-free food but I need it.

Attached: 1554422365973.png (352x434, 267K)

>why the hell do i have to have gluten-free food shoved in my face
You are literally never made to interact with any of the features on Steam that you don't go out of your way to use, you monkey.

When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

Attached: Steamverse.png (480x358, 223K)

You really have to go out of your way to find this shit

Yea Forums only likes valve because it starts with v
same reason they like cyberpunk

>Valve does it exclusively to get money or keep people from making money.
Workshop was designed to get the community to do the work that Valve would shove into crates and get money from from people buy keys to unlock them.
Allowing Workshop for non-Valve games was made to pull people away from sites such as ModDB, Gamebanana and Nexusmods because they didnt have full control over them. Thats why they gimped their own games more than 10 years ago to prevent people from downloading full conversion mods and instead make "Source Mods" available on Steam, its why Workshop right now is so gimped that full conversions arent possible.
I dont care what you need, if you need that then opt-in to that shit but dont force it on me for no reason
>You are literally never made to interact with any of the features on Steam
Try again, retard. Also, Steam Overlay would OBJECTIVELY be less of a laggy, bloated piece of shit if you could opt out of it showing Workshop/Community garbage.
Valve are not code-wizards, its why VAC is dogshit and their most popular game in the first world (CSGO) can receive gamebreaking updates and not be patched for a week.

Attached: 1232.png (1019x623, 370K)

So you're saying that a store i better because it doesn't have gluten-free food?

Steam drones have to go out of their way to find a reason to hate Epic

Im saying i shouldnt have gluten free nonsense clogging up the way between me and what i want if i dont want it.

Why do you even scroll down on the store page when you already know what you want to buy?
Everything aside from the search box in the top right corner is bloat and you don't need any of that to find games, right?

>no region lock
>no price locking and game locking (if somebody has over 100+ games he can't play with or against a poor faggot)
>do nothing against scripters or hackers vac is complete fucking joke

yep steam is shit.
>but muh facebook tier updates

Attached: 1521417099812.jpg (640x628, 40K)

Their security is enough for me to hate Epic.


>Steam has support for different regional currencies
I remember having to buy a game for 20€ while it was 20$ in for the american version (which was around 16€ at that time) on steam. Good service

It's funny because when Epic started releasing free games, Steam's community page got flooded by Epic users asking for technical support. Sounds like Steam's forums came in handy, eh Chang Xi Wen?

So use small mode and it never even shows you workshop, community etc.
For bitching so much you sure don't know how to help yourself, holy shit.

>the people retarded enough to use the steam community went to the steam community with a problem instead of using the games actual fourms or Reddit

Attached: 1554615790403.gif (256x256, 374K)

>u-u-u-use small mode
Yeah fuck me if i want to use the store right? Retard

valve needs some concrete fucking deadlines for once

>>Valve is lazy
>>Steam never gets updates
32 year old here that has been using Steam since it came out, both statements are true.

You know it took them YEARS to add a way to control volume in the steam browser, right? Those trailers would come blasting at me for YEARS at max volume that I'd have to adjust elsewhere. YEARS

That's on top of TONS and TONS of other basic features they couldn't be bothered to do for well over 5+ years, stuff that could have been done in MINUTES at times on their end.

I like steam, but they have been INCREDIBLY lazy and only wish to be a store. Maybe epic will make them work harder, that is fine with me.

>I'm genuinely confused why this sentiment still exists.

Where the fuck is HL3? Where the fuck is L4D3? Why did they back out of adding new characters to TF2 despite on record saying they would?

They're lazy, they were printing money and they couldn't really care less about doing much of anything.

>not adding games exclusively with keys from G2A or humble bundle
Now you never have to look at the store page again. Retard

The biggest mistake valve made was letting chinks use steam. Horrible mistake.

>gets updates
>updates are pointless or bad
Sure glad they changed the look of steam friends and didn't make the app run better or make steam overlay not shit

>Stolen keys that will get revoked
>Having to wait for a not shit bundle to come around or pay near full price with zero sales

Aside from the mention of the index, everything you just stated should really be more of an expectation rather then an indicator that things are going well. Stuff you mentioned is pretty minor in my eyes. Whether or not the index succeeds will be my main basis for whether or not valve moves forward as a video game company or mere distributor.

>I litteraly named "empire of money" in german

Steam DRM is optional, ask devs why they add it.
Slay the Spire is one of recent games on Steam that don't have DRM.
And even then, it's super trivial to remove.

>I want Epic to be successful
How do ppl get this cucked? Defending a literal botnet? Fucking blows my mind.

Valve is definetly lazy, the matchmaking system is completely and utterly broken on tf2 and has been broken since the first mvm update

I wish there was a way to mass sell cards quicker. Like select several at the same time and let me put in the prices at once.

You can do that if the cards are from the same game.

Fuck Valve. They banned Rance from Steam.

that announcer is so goddamn shit, holy fuck shut the fuck up

why dont they start making games?

Where the fuck are the GAMES and GAME UPDATES?

>valve (dev) is the same as steam

>they had to buy westerners to have people eligible for lhw