Attached: ps4 vs switch mk11.jpg (960x960, 115K)

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W-we didn't want it anyways!

Enjoy your shit games like REmake2, Sekiro, and DMCV. You'll still never have Z-Zelda. And don't even bring up CEMU. You didn't play it like it was meant to be played: on the go!

>caring about Mortal Kombat

Attached: 1536515132146.png (416x435, 99K)

They both look fine to me

this is the cost of making console handheld

That doesn't look to bad for an underpowered console meant for portability. I know you troglodytes dont have friends but being able to easily bring my switch to a buddies house is real damn comfy, which is exactly the switches market: normies. So kudos to them doing great in what they're supposed to be doing.

This is how I know you dumbasses don't know shit about competitive play or really the most optimal way to play the game.

Those are the graphics in handheld mode IE not plugged up to the screen. In order to keep the game at 60 FPS which is preferable in order to keep the GAMEPLAY as faithful without sacrificing for graphics alone. Most MK11 players on the Switch will use handheld mode for training and practicing combos and such.

Keep jacking off to your shitty Red Dead Redemption II pretentious bullshit and Spiderman Arkham City horseshit.

>I-It's supposed to be bad! It's better that way!
Like clockwork.

Handheld vs Console, ok now what, what's the purpose of this thread?
Fucking sonyfags, 6 years on non stop shitposting.
If every fag that owned a ps4 was banned almost all shitposting would disappear instantly, almost all shitposting goes back to the PS4.

>handheld version is shitty
no fucking shit retard, do you go on /ck/ and post "AHAHA ONLY 40% REAL CHICKEN HOTPOCKET KEKS BTFO" too?

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>Nintendo doesn't censor ga-

>b-but Nintendo doesn't censor

What are you laughing at? I thought you MK fans did nothing but shit on the game since it was announced

Crit1kal is this you?

What!? Holy shit the Switch has worse graphics than the PS4!? lmao how did we just find out about this!?
What was the point of this thread?

If you buy a switch for graphics you’re a retard.

Just like OP for comparing two totally different consoles... compare its to vitas graphics you dumb cunt.

What don't you understand about framerates?
Pick one genius. Graphics or framerates

The Switch's shitty hardware limitations =/= censorship

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>Pick one
Don't have to, I don't buy baby consoles.

If that’s how you read that reply you’re retarded.

Why is Nintendo so terrible and yet so beloved? They've delivered nothing but disappointment for like twenty years now.

>Compare the handheld released in 2017 to the handheld released in 2011

Makes it even look more pathetic.

Attached: mayoegg smug.png (1058x598, 528K)

Because they have two main audiences: literal children and manchildren. If you're over 12 and playing a Nintendo you're hiding from your present life. Fact.

>snoybois bragging about a multiplat that is better on Xbox One and PC
I sleep.

Nice cop out. I wouldn't answer it neither.

What make it a baby console? I’ve got an Xbox one, PS4 and switch.

I use all three for what theyre good at. Well, I’ve got a switch because it’s hand held and it scratches my nostalgia.

I’ve got a PS4 and Xbox because of exclusive games.

I blew up my cpu so now I need a new cpu and mother board. I’m once again a console homo.

Because you're a dummy.

>took this long for best post

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>exclusive games

One of these pics came out my pocket, the other needs a 4K tv and electricity....

Are there any reasons resetsoy continue to say this shit port is incredibly good

I actually bought the PS4 on jan st this year, I haven’t been back in the Xbox since then. The only thing I miss about the Xbox is the elite controller, PS has nothing that compares.

>So(n)yfags and PCtards are unironically eating up left wing feminist SJW garbage with causalized gameplay
Slow release year, huh?

But you didn't originally, so what does that make you. Frame rate matters most in a game like this dumbass, why am I explaining myself.

Top looks noticeably better due to lighting/textures but I'm impressed at the model quality on the bottom.

Bottom still runs amazing which is more important and I was pretty hyped for MK11 but the pre-order shit and insane grind/lootboxes killed the hype

I'll get the GOTY version with all the DLC on PC in like a year when it's on sale like all of their games since MK9

Nigga you're blind or in denial

Has there ever been a point where anyone said the switch is as strong as the ps4/xbone?

this is the most retarded post here good job

>for fighting games
I mean it looks shit but any console that the majority of the userbase is on shitty wifi will be garbage no matter what it looks like
>(see) sakurai: prease buy ethernet adapter for our most hype game round eye, gomenasai

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>Admitting one looks worse, runs okay
>Not supporting retarded business practices

I think you're just upset that I'm not shitposting like you, faggot

Vita did it better

Attached: mortal-kombat-3.jpg (960x544, 125K)

>he doesn't even realize how retarded he is
Oh my...

>Zoomers actually think this looks bad

You all should be thankful its this close to the console versions. You think this looks bad? Have you SEEN what previous handheld iterations of Mortal Kombat looked like?

You think the Switch version looks like trash?
You think its ugly, muddy and shitty to look at?
You think no one in their right mind would want to play this port of a Mortal Kombat game and it would play like shit?

Ladies and Gentlemen, feast your eyes, on THIS:

Attached: 1521344180265.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>Switch doesn't get a game
>Switch gets a game
Pick one

Portable/home console hybrids were a mistake

>Switch doesn't get a game
>Switch gets a shitty downgraded version later
Pick both.

why should I bring my switch to a buddie's house? they should already have a console or pc there for us to play together

What engine is the Switch version running?

Main versions are using modded UE3

If it runs at 60 consistently, who gives a flying fuck?

Except OPs screen is during a fatality, which are 30fps


Yikes. 60 dollars for this?

it's also a game


You don't do anything during fatalities, though? They also ran at 30 in MKX, too.

>uses real word
>are you irrelevant eceleb who also happens to use real words

Dude I brought my switch to work cuz my boss wasn't there Friday, me (20) and my coworker (27) got paid for a full 8 hours of playing Mario Kart and smash. Call it want you want, but I call it fun

MK fans have soul. They pave their own way and don't follow under the Japanese like soulless anime players who can't think for themselves.

>shirks duty to play videogames
I call it manchildren giving in to escapism.

>Graphics suck on a hendheld system just slightly more powerful than an xbox 360
whoda thunkit

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Why didn't he use a direct capture?


Vita was ugly my man.

but both of those deserve to be made fun of because they're completely different things that don't preclude each other

So is Switch

Yeah, it does make the Vita look pretty pathetic, and that bar was already set pretty low based on how hard it flopped

Attached: Uncharted-Golden-Abyss.jpg (1271x689, 673K)

how can someone miss the point this hard or be this retarded?

What was the bar?

>if you say something bad about Nintendo you are Sony

Damn right, at least we have a functional Mortal Kombat on a handheld. It isn't blurry pixel shit, and it ain't no washed out figures like MK4 on the GBC

I already have a phone thanks

Nah will pick both.

Improve your standards



>all of those dislikes from Yea Forums
LMAO the butthurt is real
slavery is bad and colonialism damaged Africa
Go to your safe space on /pol/ or the IDW if it scares you so much


>MK fans have soul

You first, anitranny.

do you have a spare dilation station i can use

>MK fans have soul.

>plays game for one week and drops it
>4 years later

Attached: 1382960372618.gif (375x375, 160K)

DBFZ Evo champion
Not reliant on Capcom's teet to have a scene
Online community still active to this day

One looks like a early 360 game

>easily pirate it
>play it on the dump
win win

At least the Switch version has boob jiggle.


what the fuck is a vita

>console has 360 specs
>WTF it looks like a 360

Raiden transfers his god powers and immortality to Liu Kang

>underpowered console

It's the most powerful portable ever made. There's nothing "underpowered" about it and it's not a "console".

>it's not a "console"
So this is how far you people have sunk?

>Can't decide on an argument
>Picks both due to complete retardation
Bunch of cheaters I tell you

Is this even 60fps? looks like sub-30fps and lots of framepacing

You gonna tell your mommy, kid?

You can't pick both, you can't shit on the Switch for having no games and then shit on it for having games, that's cheating

>bragging about western video games


that's a snoyboy alright

Hyper violence is okay so long as they're good Muslims and wear their burqas

Why do you think the graphics are so ass, its targeting 60 FPS

Either you get graphics closer to the PS4/X1 and it be 30 FPS or you get way downgraded graphics and it be 60 FPS

I'd take the latter to be honest.

I buy switch games so I can game when I poop don’t really care about the graphics.

Careful you don't flush your console by mistake.
Get it? Because it's SHIT.

I legitimately don't give a fuck
I already knew it was going to look like shit, as long as I can take it anywhere and practice on the go I don't really care
especially now with how the Switch has more options to connect your fight stick than the garbage that was the Vita

we all know nintendo doesnt put as much focus on graphics as others do

I don't care about graphics but
>playing a fighting game on fucking joycons
>using the dpad on the pro controller
why would you buy multiplat games on this thing

Holy shit they even got rid of most of the normal maps and specular.

If it was a decent game you'd have an argument but it's Kuckold Kombat 11. A game so social justice infested that all-american Jax has an ending where he actually says "woke" and that's before we get into gameplay issues, microtransactions, all kinds of mobile tier garbage to punish players as much as possible. Anyone buying this game for any system is an automatic pedoera tier fag.

ok billy

>can't refute
And that's how I know you're a shill

If I want graphics I buy PC and if I want convenience I buy Switch.

She looks cuter in the bottom one.

looks like my job here is done, remember anons

It's worse than just shitty though, it's been downgraded in all the easy and lazy ways, it looks and runs worse than Arms.

Zoomer detected

>2019 game has early 360 graphics

these guys would have committed suicide in the 8bit and 16bit eras.

It really sucks on Switch and kinda gives me headache in TV mode.
Handheld mode looks like a vita game.

ok billy now go back to twitter

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You should take some aspirins and lay down. There, there. It'll be OK princess.

Imagine trying to be this snarky without understanding resource management

>damage control

Wii you give me a good night blowjob though?