Happy 4/20 Yea Forums

Happy 4/20 Yea Forums.

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>get ash everywhere
>have to repeatedly relight it because it's weed
brainlet tier gadget


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it's not even 4/20 anymore


>what are timezones

Are you bad at rolling joints or something?

Its Sunday 21st of April you fucking uncultured swine, go be 3rd world somewhere else.


bro pot rofl

>ash tray
>time your hits before it goes out

brainlet tier arguments


>he lives in a country where this is illegal

I'm in a weed legal state and it really sucks that most of my family and friends smoke and I can't because I work for the state.

That doesn't really matter. If you're playing a game where repeated button pressing is going on you're gonna get ash everywhere. Doesn't matter how well you time it or how well you can roll. At least with the hot pocket controller mount you can adjust it back into the holder so as to contain anything that would otherwise splatter.

>get clip for your dudeweed on your controller
>be constantly balancing it over an ash tray

>PS4 Controller
>Smokes weed
>Implying he isn’t playing one of the dozens of interactive movies the PS4 has


Even then, god forbid whatever dumbass would think of this as a good idea not clamp it well enough so that it's lax. Then on top of an ashy floor you'd have to deal with a possibly singed controller.

judging by people's interpretations of how ashes operate, I conclude that none of you faggots ever smoked anything else but cock

shut up moran


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judging by your name, I conclude that you have nothing of value to add on any given topic

that was the fastest (You) I've seen

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I was thinking of you when I typed it

>smoking joints
is everyone on this website literally fucking 12? once you get even a rudimentary pipe joints feel like such a waste.
nevermind something like a water pipe or a bong.

joints and blunts are literally for dumb niggers. I remember telling the black kids at school that I didn't get high from joints and blunts and they laughed. God I miss the feeling of superiority being around niggers gives you. What I wouldn't give to rape one their hideous women

It's Mr. Hitler's birthday, not some fucking holiday for grass. Show some goddamn respect.

>God I miss the feeling of superiority being around niggers gives you. What I wouldn't give to rape one their hideous women
You have to be 18 or older to post here

1, 2, 3
Dude wEed lmAo
what does each capitalized letter spell?
that's right
enjoy federal prison Juan

jesus that escalated quickly

>mfw ate all my edibles then hit the vape and bong back and forth

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4/20 stopped being cool 5 years ago

>not having a space afro
>feels bad

It's all about 20/4 now.

? I don't get it

(he's a subhuman, don't mind him.)

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Friendly reminder that if you require more than a tiny bowl of weed to get high for a few hours, your tolerance is too great and you need to lay off for a week or more.


Aren't you hippies ashamed? I'm from a bloodline of fighters, my father a martial artist, my grandfather a boxer, the other one a sailor, my great grandfather a war hero (even has a statue somewhere). What do they all have in common? They all stayed on the straight and narrow. So for all you kids that come here getting influenced by the maggots around you: have discipline, stay in school, don't do drugs, and don't disappoint your ancestors.

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larping lmao

hit a fuckin' gato maaaate

Where the fuck do you even buy weed. I don't have any fucking connections.

and here you are on the videogame board of Yea Forums

You obviously make connections then dingus.

dude dududududude WEED WEED DUDUDUDE

damn. i don't miss those days.

>mfw work at a dispensary in a legal state
>mfw im my own dealer

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>living in a state where weed is illegal

lmaoing @ ur life

>smoking weed
cringing @ ur life

Go to frat parties. It fuckin sucks, but at least you'll get drunk. I am assuming you're going to college, though.
Ask some coworkers if your job is manual labor, perhaps? Maybe drive to Colorado and get a shit ton of weed then leave? It sounds so easy I'm sure you'd be btfo by cops the moment you left the state.

You can tell Yea Forums is the virgin board when they hate weed. Go outside sometime pussies.

You: looking like a crackhead
Me: strolling confidently along having a nice smoke with my head up enjoying nature.

If you can't afford it, don't smoke weed you fucking peasant.

Forgot to mention you're huffing unburned butane as well. Pipes are literally for aspiring retards

It's the trumpers who joined during 2016. They live in states where they can only find heroin, give them a break.

>living in a state

Get better friends and family.

>unburned butane
You might have a little bit of retard in you. You use a pipe by lighting the weed, then inhaling after moving the lighter away.

>uses MM-DD-YYYY
>calls others uncultured swines

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george washington grew weed get fucked

>I only take a little huff of butane at the start
Enjoy your redardation

>not vaping

>mfw taught myself to be a functional stoner

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thank you, user :3

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>He is not smoking cigars like a real man

That has to have ruined his hearing

I smoke too much so I barely got high today, I should have got concentrates.
Going to quit once spring break ends till WoW Classic comes out.

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Smoking isn't fun.
I don't know why people do it.
Alcohol is so damn much better.

Fucking junkies

spark it my man lmao
Im high AF right now


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Enjoy the hang over

>Thinks he's superior
>Still relies on combustion based methods
Top pleb
If you vape you can inhale it, then you can eat the ABV later lmao

Who are you quoting?

I don't get hangovers typically, all you need to do is drink water.
Enjoy your slowed mind that lasts for months even if you don't smoke

Alcohol is shit compared to weed, it's only really good while you're actively still drinking. It gets you dehydrated as fuck, gives you a hangover, and gives you a beer belly. And you can't drive on it for shit

This post made me cringe even more that the weedfags, good job user.

>It gets you dehydrated as fuck, gives you a hangover
Just drink water
>and gives you a beer belly.
Weed does too, ever hear of the "munchies"?
>And you can't drive on it for shit
I seriously hope you don't drive on weed, wtf is wrong with you?

Jelly beta?

>depressed incel smokes weed because its the only way he can get any form of satisfaction

>Enjoy your slowed mind that lasts for months even if you don't smoke
Lol no
In fact alcohol is the stuff that can permanently kill off brain cells, not weed.

Then why does basically every ex-stoner who quits for a few months say they feel like a cloud has been lifted from their mind?
Just because you don't notice it when you smoke daily and are never sober doesn't mean it's not there

Happy 4/20, anons

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Happy birthday Hitler

>had an edible for my first time
>was extremely intense, actually felt like i was on the verge of a fucking heart attack
>my friend tells me to stop worrying that ill be fine, you cant die of weed
>it mellows out after a couple hours, the shaking stops and all that and its just a relaxed feeling
>later find out I had an extremely dangerously low vitamin d level, enough that i was on the verge of a heart attack at all times
>find out weed doesnt kill, but that it does sometimes cause heart attacks as a result of its ability to push the heart rate up and stuff
Well then. I wanna do it again but uh, not for a while.

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You can't deny weed slows you down a bit. It makes you think in other ways, but your day to day common use of your mind is dwindled a bit. Although it does vary who it is, how much they're smoking and how often.

lmao smoke everyday

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Somebody out there is attaching clips to mini USB jacks and sells them for what? 12 bucks a pop? Plus shipping?

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*Gives you a load of my vitamin D*

Open up






I bought a car on 4/20 last year so this is my 1 year anniversary.

Oh i should mention to anons out there
If youre low on energy and you get random pains and you dont get much sun, or drink vit d milk, GET YOUR FUCKING VITAMIN D CHECKED
Seriously. My random pains are gone, and I feel a lot better. My heart is way, way healthier now. 2k iu a day, only oral tablet. Gummies are a joke, softgels are shit.

>I ate two edibles
>Kept telling myself "GOTTA GET A GRIP" in my head

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>Don't know how to inhale and smoking is fun so I smoke a whole gram in one sitting
>Literally start seeing visions and hearing voices

epic gamer reference XD

>smoked the first time with friends
>it felt like I was looking through a camera
>had moments where my body felt like it was going down or ahead, like my spirit was getting taken away
>the 70's shows was fucking weird


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How the fuck they get Jackie Chan to star in some weird fetish video?

>wasting weed in a joint
>not taking small bong hits whenever u want

dumb gamers lol



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duhhh durrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr forbes.com/sites/travisbradberry/2015/02/10/new-study-shows-smoking-pot-permanently-lowers-iq/#75e59b992f5b

ethanol is bad for you in any amount

there's no timezone where it's still the 20th



>adolescents are the omly ones affected
Gee who would've guessed. Almost like legally you have to be 21 to smoke pot. Oh wait.

What do drugs feel like?

We need to invent a holiday for DMT so I can buy it easier, tired of waiting a week for the next box to arrive.

"Pot" is a dangerous narcotic that is illegal in every 1st world country

Like hitting your dick with a hammer

>Your ancestors are heroes and you waste your time in Yea Forums.
Can't think a worse way waste your bloodline and life.

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>he fell for the weed is bad meme


do retards actually believe this?


>mfw edibles don't do shit for me
Had some caramels and no matter how many i ate i wouldn't feel a thing, ate three in one sitting once. Meanwhile my buddy was completely zoinked after eating half of one.

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fuck this, post anime girls getting lit

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The last time I was smoked was after a break of several months. Boy did that fuck me up, one hit from a GB sent me on a rocket.

This is one of those h mangas where they get the girl hooked on drugs and make her a sex slave, isn't it?

Here's your (You).

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>he actually thinks thats what all weed smokers are like


I smoked a big spliff before my driving test, so I am qualified.

It's the 20th of the 4th though you stupid yanks

You can lie to us user, but you can't lie to yourself.

Actually it's 2019/04/20, Eurofag

>forget you forgot to eat
>go drinking

>drank a fuckload, got bloated
>have to wait 2 hours before consuming more liquids
>suffer hangover

>smoke weed
>drink some water
>no blackout
>no hangover

I used to be like you, too, when I was 14 and could binge drink without consequence. As an adult though, boy howdy that shit has certainly gained a penchant for fucking my shit up. I can't smoke though, employers like to violate my privacy.

>hes actually never smoked weed



>Been drinking since 14
>Doesn't know how to drink yet
Jesus, consider suicide


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I dunno boys, I smoked every day in varying amounts for years and quitting never really impacted me other than a sleepless night. I miss blasting a bong and hanging out with friends getting baked and talking shit. Even had dreams about it, but they were bad because work does UAs.

>depressed incel projects himself onto happy stoners for finding satisfaction outside the political normative

You know what else lowers IQ? Depression, stress, there are also correlates with socioeconomic status and childhood diet as well as culture. IQ is too noisy to study anyways, there's nothing to say that the participants weren't just dandy coming in for the first test while every subsequent test became increasingly inconvenient.

And that's failing to mention prevalence of, for example schizophrenics, to use tobacco and marijuana over the general populace (it's a real thing btw.) So since they took kids that were already "at risk" so to speak, there's a good chance some of them had undiagnosed or undisclosed psychiatric disorders. Schizophrenia is correlated with low IQ, and one of the models currently being peddled is over-pruning, where markers tell the systems at hand to prune neuronal links, basically unlearning things, but in an unhealthy manner uncontrolled and at random. [In fact reading through the study, they didn't control for confounding psychiatric disorders, just alcohol and drug dependence(?!)]

The researchers acknowledge this:
>It is possible that differences in test performance between cannabis users and controls are attributable to premorbid rather than cannabis-induced deficits
>A second limitation is reliance on retrospectively reported quantity, frequency, duration, and age-of-onset of cannabis use, often inquired about years after initiation of heavy use.

More later.

>implies he knows how to drink
>doesn't blackout
Pathetic, learn how to go hard you nancy faggot.

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To suffer a blackout I need to drink enough to kill most men like you.
So no, I usually just drink until I run out or I've had enough that I can sleep soundly.
Lightweight go home