I'm playing through pic related for the first time. It's pretty fun so far, just got to Threed.
Is there missable content/story stuff? I've been really taking my time with talking to everyone and with battles. It feels like the game is huge and that I've barely started into the world.
general /earthbound/ thread I guess
Should I play Mother 3 once I'm done?
Why aren't there games like this anymore?
I'm playing through pic related for the first time. It's pretty fun so far, just got to Threed
forgot to mention that obviously the music is amazing and has lived up to everything I had heard about it before playing
Glad you're enjoying it. There's not really any major missable content really. You should definitely check out Mother 3 when you're done but it is pretty different from Earthbound in a lot of ways.
>Why aren't there games like this anymore?
I know, I wish we got a game half as creative as this one. Maybe it is too risky.
Thanks user. I started watching Vinny play through it and stopped when I figured I might want to. It didn't look too different from what I could tell?
Story wise it's completely different. Art / gameplay is very similar to Earthbound.
I see. Like I said I didnt watch very much so I guess I wouldnt know
The only thing that is truly missable that you might notice is the sword of kings since its part of a set.
threed's feed and seed
I just started playing this game called boot hill heroes on steam its basically earthbound in a western cowboy setting
mother 3 is way better than earthbound, ending will probably make you cry, as did i. you don't get into the actual meat of the game until a while after starting, so don't expect to gather a huge party right off the bat. pretty sure it's either chapter 4 or 5 that you finally get all 4 together and lucas leads. great storytelling, and goes even better after playing earthbound as you already know a certain character that returns. only way you're gonna be able to play it is if you get the mother 3 fan translation.
Nothing really missable that matters. You can get rare powerful gear for the party, but some of it is behind some really powerful enemies with really low drop rates (1/128, I believe?)
You absolutely should follow with Mother 3. It's not essential, but the nods there will stand out more. You should also consider Mother 1, but looks for hacked editions that balance the game out a little better.
As for why there aren't any games more like this, it's ultimately down to lack of risk and creativity. These days, people just want shit that will make money, and not be a bit strange. Only game recently that's come close is Undertale, but it's pretty blatant it borrows from Earthbound's oblong style.
Thanks for the detailed response, user.
Havent played undertale myself but from what ive seen it seems like
>lol subversion-The Game
Which i dont really care for. i could be wrong though.
Mother 3 has much more interesting gameplay
Not as obnoxiously as you'd think. It is a nice twist from the usual RPG mechanics. I think the fanbase just extremely really overrates it. It's fun enough to play through twice. Best gotten on sale or just pirate it.
Earthbound flopped. That's why they don't make games like that anymore.
Fuck i needa get back into this game, i was born too late for the SNES but i got the mini SNES, fuckin good game
Earthbound is awesome, and Mother 3 is great, but honestly, you should follow your EB playthrough with Mother 1. You'll appreciate the first alot more after Earthbound. Also, it'll make sense if you go EB-M1-M3, because M3 is canonically 10 years after Mother 1.
>Is there missable content/story stuff?
Technically yes, you can sequence break it in some parts by clipping through walls.
You can also skip some parts later in the game if you willingly refuse to use shops and inns, though that requires a bit of foreknowledge.
Is EB a prequel to Mother?
Also what balanced roms are best for Mother? Some other user ITT was saying the difficulty is fucky
Maybe. The timeline is weird, but M1 is 10 years before M3.
Just get the English Prototype ROM for M1. Only difference is it's english and had a couple censorship things, like cigarettes being removed and robot tiddies being nerfed. It's not really that difficult
if you need to use a guide for duncan's factory it's ok user we understand
>mother 3 is 10 years after mother 1
What? Earthbound is roughly 10-20 years after mother 1 and mother 3 HAS to take place after earthbound (and based on the state of things in mother 3 it’s probably very very very far into the future after earthbound)
>Fourside is in Ohio
deepest lore
Hey, user, I just started playing EB, too. I've restarted my play through like 4 times throughout my life because for one of another reason I end up losing my progress. Hope I can finish it this time.
Believe it or not I forgot to get to the cult village in Twoson. If I remember correctly, I have to get an item that deletes the metallic pencil on the way. Care to give me a small hint?
All Mother games are sequels to the game that came before it.
Invest in science.
>Play Earthbound
>Only two hours in
>Have enjoyed Onett more than the entirety of the Final Fantasy franchise
Why are the FF games so overrated?
>cigarettes removed and robot tiddies nerfed
earthbound is literally mother 2. the only reason it got called earthbound is because we didn't get mother 1 and it would be weird calling a game mother 2 if mother 1 didn't exist in the west.
An IGN article about Earthbound 64 states it takes place 10 years after the original Mother. Yes, I realize this is EB64 and obviously a couple things changed, but you'd be super surprised to know all of the things that stayed exactly the same
There’s a desert that seems to be where a lot of people I know tend to drop the game. Anyway, it’s not bad by any means so just get through that section and you’re in the clear
>Is there missable content/story stuff?
Nothing you need to worry about. There's very little optional content, and none of it really matters. Some late-game enemies have a 1/128 chance to drop ultimate equipment, but don't worry about it.
>Should I play Mother 3 once I'm done?
>Why aren't there games like this anymore?
Play LISA.
It's been awhile since I played it but I don't remember there really been much missable being some really rare drops particularly the sword of kings for Poo which is his only equippable weapon and it's in a non-revistible area so unless you get super lucky going through or know about it you will prob miss it.
play mother 1 next then mother 3
thanks kindly, user. I've seen some footage from LISA and it looks interesting. Maybe I'll try it out soon
formerly giegue's
Well mother 1 takes place in 198X and earthbound takes place in 199X, and given all that you learn in mother 3 once you get near the end of the game literally all of society would have needed to completely collapse and start fresh in a new area where all memories of the past world are erased. All that happening in under 10 years (since it has to be after earthbound due to all of porky’s memorabilia from the events of earthbound) seems unlikely. Also I’m pretty sure porky is so old he’s forgotten his age by the time mother 3 happens, and he had to make dr andonuts immortal so he could continue making gadgets for him
>Why aren't there games like this anymore?
Because "idea guys" became a derisive meme. So everyone went to learn coding and game development, but in the process became bitter and lost the joy and dreamer mentality necessary to make games like that.
The best version of Mother 1 is Mother 1+2 with Tomato's patch.
>M3 is canonically 10 years after Mother 1
What the fuck did I just read?
Go for the original mother 1 experience these faggots just can’t handle the chaos of it.
this was recommended once or twice already ITT so I think I will. thanks
what's so chaotic about it?
The spawn rates pf the enemies and sometimes theres just nothing you can do until you get more defensive psi or simply more party members. I find it makes the run to Eve more valuable.
Its not just frustrating?
I felt certain moments were stronger with the characters because of the hardships you went through together literally. Saving is pretty easy in this game though and jt really isn’t that long of a game either.
I'll try to remember this.
I just finished up the mini dungeon as Jeff and met the Dungeon Man. a bit about him is spoiled for me but still excited to see him later.
Youve convinced me. Ill try it out vanilla before I consider anything else. Thanks, user.
Are you fucking me? I literally just exited out of my emulator an hour ago when I got to Threed. Took 5 steps off the runaway 5 bus. Fuck off this is a simulation.
Of course and you do level up really fast in this game I found anyway.
I'm actually working on a game inspired a lot by the Mother series as they defined a big part of my childhood. But with very limited time and a currently difficult life, I can't focus too much on it at the moment.
I could be some alternate 'you', user. But I'm playing on a mini SNES.
Tell me, alternate me. Am I happy in your reality? Less depressed, at least?
Same as you user, I tried so hard to play every FF but honestly, they’re really boring