You will live to see Steam die a slow death in your lifetime

Sweet justice for them resting on their laurels and thinking they could coast on their monopoly and mediocrity alone.
Steam's response to Epic:
>jack shit
>banning porn games and discouraging japanese devs from putting their games on steam
>releasing a cashgrab hearthstone clone
>not releasing any of their long awaited long overdue games

Attached: epic.jpg (643x348, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why respond?

>caring about Ubisoft


Ubisoft has been wanting to push people towards Uplay for ages without resorting to completely pull their games from Steam like EA did. Pushing your games to a store no one wants to use but allowing you to purchase directly from them on Uplay which was already forced in Steam game is a pretty brilliant move because it's worked for them. Just look at the massive spike in Uplay pre-orders for The Division 2. People didn't buy it on Epic they just went directly to Ubisoft which was exactly what they wanted.

I brought Anno 1800 through Epic specifically so Ubisoft has to give Epic a cut, for doing nothing.

Because when a competitor uses heavy handed methods to cut in on your business you have to respond or slide into obsolescence.

valve has been so content with their position over the past 5 years or so. they gotta pick up the pace soon.

Brave and stunning.

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why is gabe still allowing publishers to do this?

*hits pipe*

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Why don't people like Epic? I've only heard that people don't like it and that it gives more $ to the devs.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a buyfag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying from, subscribing to, playing the product of, and defending a corporation solely so they can go and get your games locked onto certain digital stores. All the hard work devs put into their beautiful games - sculpting their bodies, getting the animations just right, figuring out what their audience wants, designing a fun experience. All of it has one simple result: their game is more enjoyable for one particular audience that will buy it on another storefront. Made the perfect game? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random alt-right russian hacker incel who has nothing to do with digital stores, who just pirates the game. He gets to play the game without any sort of interruption or DRM. He gets the benefits of the game's good times, the way the devs intended. As a "man" who has a PC, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life supporting a publisher simply to support games for other storefront consumers to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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I honestly don't think Valve is afraid or should be. People are still going to buy the games when they release on steam and still take that 30% from the devs.

whats more cucked than pirating a game, liking it, then buying it on steam

That falls under "being a buyfag."

Why do anything when your rabid drones do all the work for you and go full autism of a mention of a different digital store?

Thanks for beta testing, buyfags! I have plenty on my backlog, so I'll let you guys complain on the forums until the launch problems with the game are fixed and torrent the update later.

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>banning porn games and discouraging japanese devs from putting their games on steam
Epic wont allow porn on their store and indie developers, no matter where they're from have almost no chance of publishing their games there.
>releasing a cashgrab hearthstone clone
Fortnite was a huge cash grab, just like Paragon, just like UT Revival
>not releasing any of their long awaited long overdue games
Keep rehashing GoW nigger.

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Based Epic keeping all the garbage AAA games off of Steam


Steam deserves to go down for literally those reasons listed. anybody trying to defend valve in this state deserve to be dragged like gaben and the rest of his team

>Fortnite was a huge cash grab
its free tho

There's no such thing as "too big to fail" and history is littered with plenty of fallen companies who once fancied themselves untouchable. Valve would have to be so arrogant as to almost guarantee their destruction to not be concerned. If they were just losing games that would be one thing but it's not hurting those companies' sales to leave Steam so Valve doesn't have the market share leverage they thought they did. Basically, they have nothing but fanboys.

>it's fremium tho

pc gaming: consolised.

Attached: Completely Free tho.png (1503x222, 141K)

Its a game retailer that came out in 2003 not some great institution of society, "You will live to see steam die in your lifetime" makes it seem like you got caught up in the Steam As PC Games hype yourself.

This, the unwashed masses are to busy with their hateboners for Epic to give Uplay the Origin treatment, and are literally buying games from Uplay to stick it to Epic. Ubisoft are fucking geniuses

As someone who used to play the original HL to death as a kid, I don't know what I ever saw in Valve. Gabe may or may not be a nice guy, but his company is garbage.

all steamcucks can do is spam negative reviews on their own platform which Valve then has to clean up LOL.

Attached: gaben cucked.jpg (899x862, 191K)

>Basically, they have nothing but fanboys.
And good pro-consumer store (on this field they are loosing only to GoG).

Tim Sweeney is going to fund your new vagina, tranny.

>sweeney is wealthy AND healthy than gaben
what a time to be alive

Yes, marketer-kun! I too hate valve now, for no apparent reason.

>good pro-consumer store

You actually unironically say this about a company that has been taken to court multiple times over Steam for breaking the law? Like I said, they have nothing but fanboys.

Shut up, fag. I'm 31 years old and have been gaming for longer than you've been alive. Valve deserves to be hated and Steam was never good.

Steam should die for being so complacent, lazy and arrogant, but not if it means Chinese botnets until the end of time.

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I'd rather deal with Chinese botnets than Jewish ones.

>one spyware platform is replaced by another that is supported by Tencent (aka CHINA)

It's like watching one asshole get the boot, only to be replaced by a bigger asshole

ok dude

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>Sekrio alone is better than every single Epic exclusive
Epic can't do shit if they don't get any jap support, which they won't

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Isn't that the single player mode that no one plays?

>You actually unironically say this about a company that has been taken to court multiple times over Steam for breaking the law?
I don't live in EU, so I don't care.

>there is no such thing as too big to fail
there is, it just has nothing to do with what most people mean by it.

Wanna bet? Japs don't like being fucked, and they're already well aware that they're being fucked by Steam.

The law is irrelevant to if they're pro or anti-consumer

look at this delusional weeaboo faggot. it's hilarious. lmao

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lol Epic’s constant bitching about Valve and desperate begging for their attention reminds me of Eminem and his diss tracks about Trump and how he was completely ignored and he got even angrier about it and released another diss track. It’s always hilarious watching retards spin their gears and tire themselves out.

>they're already well aware that they're being fucked by Steam
Sure thing, I bet they're clamoring to put their games on a broken chink store

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>that they're being fucked by Steam.
How so..?

And Japs hate chinks and vise versa.
Also they have more respect for their fans and are less likely to sell out and deal with backlash and westacucks.

They are. You're a zoomer. Stop acting like you have any foresight about anything. You're lucky you can wipe your own ass by yourself.


Stop pretending to be smart.

>They are
Got any proof for that claim, Epic Shill #53205326?

the bigger picture though. This slowly but surely builds up the number of people using EGS, as a secondary store. Once there is enough people accepting EGS and using it routinely, and it has enough games, there could be a taking off point where publisher voluntarily go EGS exclusive. Even if that is still temporarily, Day one sales are huge, games coming to GoG a few years later dont do as well as games coming to GoG day one for instance.

I am smart. I've been on this shitty planet a lot longer than you.

>failure to provide basic consumer rights guaranteed by law has nothing to do with being pro or anti-consumer

Yep. Just fanboys.

I bet they would scramble to put their games on steam if it meant they could keep the Senkaku Islands.

I think if epic is still spending the absurd amount of money it probably costs to get the game as exclusives on their store in two years then maybe Valve should panic but right now I don't see why they should be scared.

That troll is hardly healthier. He probably has less than 8 iu of vitamin d in his entire body.

>references none of them

>makes it seem like you got caught up in the Steam As PC Games hype yourself.

Well in some sense Steam has been for years ingrained with PC gaming master race culture so it is easy to see it that way.

Steam as a company is so fucking incompetent and lazy that it makes me fucking baffled that they stayed on top for this fucking long. Their company infrastructure is so bizarre and barely works, they don't finish products, the entire concept of "Valve Time" burning bridges with potential partners and losing goodwill in consumers, allowing DRM on top of their platform that's already DRM, it's fucking stupid.
>uses UE4
>Squeenix, who released flop after flop for the past couple of months and would have been the most receptive to a moneyhat
>still chose to go on Steam

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>I'm a Retard and I don't Know Shit: the Post

Here's a hair's breadth worth of depth regarding what Steam does in a year:

Attached: 1518527361364.png (400x400, 30K)

The best move right now is to do nothing, outside of journalists who are still angry at Steam for not banning wrong think using this as a chance to beat valve, everyone else is pissed off at Epic. Letting that unrest fester and boil is what will cement Epic's reputation as an untouchable. Valve isn't going to die, right now valve isn't even losing money in any big way. Epic on the other hand is sinking money in hard which is unsustainable long term. For a company that recently boasted about how most of their users haven't even used Steam as if to say Steam kept them away or something, all they did is prove the point that users aren't flocking to them with this strategy.

I'd rather see op die.

I love porn and I love VR so you can suck my cock idiot. I also love being able to force games to support DS4 controllers and being able to look up and instantly download existing controller configs all without having to leave my game and most of all I love native mod support, integrated user forums and social centers and user reviews so suck my chode faggot

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agreed on all your points. if i could i would upvote your post. nice one, bro.

Having Down Syndrome doesn't look that healthy dude.

I doubt they are actually spending that much, and as I said, at a taking off point they wont have to. People act like publishers just love steam and EGS is making them an offer they can not refuse, when the opposite is probably more accurate. They want to jump cant justify the risk. EGS is simply compensating their risk aversion. Then even if EGS flopped there is no reason for Ubisoft to go back. Steam still has some use to publishers who want to use their servers and Steamworks DRM, but if publishers have their own servers or are publishing a sineplayer game frankly they get nothing out of it. Ironically, if it wasnt for the fact that steam is the better store(or at leadt perceived to be) less publishers would be keen to leave.

yes, I was unironically looking forwards to that going free so I could have some mindless zombie shooting fun with friends.
You know when they said STW would go free.
Summer fucking 2017.
They don't want to release it because you can get free v-bucks in it and then kids will stop buying them and just save up from the single player campaign even if it takes months for one skin, bullshit marketing tactics.

Wasn't the BR version a rushed piece of shit? Don't forget your season pass or whatever it's called faggot.

This seems like you're making his point for him, because there isn't that much here. So that would maybe lean towards his argument that they're pretty content. Nice try I guess, maybe dilate and take a break.

Epic's launcher is so fucked up and unreliable, it makes people want to use UPlay. Steam isn't going anywhere

true but it is functional enough to complete it's primary task of launching games. And there is enough of a market there where cost savings there make it worthwile. for every game from every publisher? no. for a large chunk of games? yes.

shitty fucking b8

don't dilate, girl. let it rest, let it rest.

Why doesn't steam just do an a la carte pricing system to compete with Epic?
store listing 12%
Cloud saves, achievement and cards 15%
access to steamworks DRM 20%
access to Workshop 25%
access to steam online services 30%
free source engine for any listing.

They have to be being payed enough that makes up for the potential lost sales they would've had on steam.

Anybody who replies to this thread remember.

Epic Game Store is only good for Devs not the customers.
People who support epic are either in league with them, misguided idiots who think Valve needs a kick in the dick in order to start making good games again or contrarians going against
Epic games key resellers are the same price as the game store.
the store is inferior in every way possible including how heavy traffic is handled dont forget all the other great things Steam offers such as a customize profile community market, mods ect.

>I'm a Retard and I don't Know Shit: the Post
Great rebuttal my pus puss friend :^)

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yeah, I just doubt it is that, that much. The vocal minority likely exagerates the size of the boycott. No different than contrast between EA PC sales numbers and the the no steam no bug movement from when they first left. I wouldnt be surprised if they are breaking even on some of these even.

Because that's dumb and it'd negatively impact upon users who would now be denied cloud saves because publishers want to save a few bucks. While Epic only gives a fuck about publishers, a real store can only survive long term if they actually give a fuck about their customers, not just their suppliers.

>customize profile, community market, paid mods, etc
fuckoff epic shill. I hate these things to, but you can ignore them and then Steam becomes only just as bad as EGS, not worse.

what? he took your retarded tranny joke and made it funnier. you're the one who's retarded.

>thinking Nips would ever associate themselves with a barely functioning chink store
>thinking chinks would ever associate themselves with nip games
No wonder you think epic is a threat to steam, your just so retarded that you can't even grasp basic common shit.

publishers are their customers retard. People buy games not stores. They offer a service to publishers, a service that is drastically cheaper then the competition. Not many people really give a fuck about shit like cloud saves, and the publishers leaving are all cleary ones that use 0 of Steams services, singleplayer games and Ubisoft games that use all Uplay services anyway. Steam is not prosumer, they dont give a fuck about you.

If you believe all press is good press, this is fine, but gamers tend to hold grudges, and won't forget that epic is slimy as fuck and all the publishers are complicit in this jewery

>Anti-shilling Epic
>Epic shill.

heres a (you).

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he said EGS, not Tencents launcher, of which a lot of them are already on, you illeterate fucking mongoloid.

>publishers are their customers retard. People buy games not stores.
Publishers are their suppliers you fucking moron. They SUPPLY Steam with the products that are sold.

Fuck Epic and fuck Uplay.

fuck you, faggot.

>gamers tend to hold grudges
hang on let me consult this list of the largest videogame publishers... Huh this EA company and Ubisoft most have walked a tightrope to keep gamers happy with them all these years. Gamers dont hold grudges, angry posters yell at clouds.

>not a lot there
Yeah, they totally didn't buy and service servers for a dozen nations so they have direct connections to Zimbabwe's ISPs so when SHTF Zimbabwe can still buy Suzuki Goes Fingering III, and everyone else can still download Asstro Pirates: Anal Adventures. They totally didn't add in DDoS protections so shitty penny pinching AAAs don't have to run a mainframe, but can P2P with limited concern (consoles don't even have this shit). Or free use of their latency reducing backbone with prioritized multiplayer traffic.

They didn't continue to expand payment methods and grow their consumer base and marketshare by doing so. They didn't compound their ability to manage bandwidth and distribute insane amounts of throughput easily, no they've been complacent, that money is going nowhere. They certainly didn't have to spend money on lawyers to make sue their EULA is compliant in every corner of the world, they didn't have to hire tax attorneys to make sure the governments they operate under get their monies. No, all of this comes free and easy.

They didn't have a design team working on handholding a dozen developers to streamline their direct-to-consumer news pipeline, or deal with their new library. They don't have anyone working on the countless APIs. They don't have customer service around the clock, and they certainly didn't have an automated system they had to build from the ground up to satisfy consumers and developers alike. No, they're growing complacent on their infinite money that people mindlessly pay them.

Just watch the video you fucking flid.

Okay is Anno 1800 even good

>implying your dumb post about Steam being great cause it is social media wasnt bait.

>unironically playing modern AAA garbage
None of these store wars have any relevance if you play actually good games.

None of this is that exciting or big. You are easily impressed, you should calm down man. I don't know why you're so angry.

>You will live to see Steam die a slow death in your lifetim-
Hey, this sounds interesting. I hate Steam, I wonder what they fucked up now!
>...b-because muh hentai
lol you dumb fucking weeb retard do you think 90% of steam's userbase gives a shit about this

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who cares

steam is not a brick and mortar. They dont just order a palate of games from the publisher to sell at MSRP like every other store around them. They sell a service to publishers. they provide a chromium based web client for transactions as well as host game files, patches etc for 30% of sales. they are not ordering a pallete of keys to flip to steam users. this is why steam copy is a thing, that can be bought at many stores, but cant be used without steam a lot of the time. if publishers were just a supplier, they would be better off direct selling. they are seling a service to publishers, who are then using this service to sell games to end users, who are THEIR customers. hence why they get revenue per sale

I care, that's why I asked, you unimaginable retard.

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nobody has ever explained the advantages of buying on the epic store or using the epic client for the consumer

it's always about the developer and the finances behind it
what if I don't give a fuck about the developer like that

>'Valve doesn't do anything'
>Here's a bunch of things Valve does
>'Well that's not exciting so it doesn't count'
How about you tell him then what new and exciting things Valve can do to improve Steam in some significant way then?

The only way Valve could respond is by striking exclusivity deals themselves, which would be awful for the consumer.

Energy companies are suppliers of electricity despite it not coming on a pallet you mong. Learn what words mean instead of trying to stubbornly redefine other words.

The advantage is that the game is on EGS, and not on steam? same advantage as Origin, or Battlenet.

Yes, it replaced 1404 as the best in the series.
And it's not an epic exclusive since you can buy it on uplay, and only retards would buy it somewhere other than uplay

it's not bloated chromium garbage for one
yeah that's the only thing I've got really but FUCK steam browser

ok but like, what's the advantage

>How about you tell him then what new and exciting things Valve can do to improve Steam in some significant way then?
They need to ad some sort of symbol to tranny accounts, so I'll know to mock both of you the next time I see you in a game. That would be a neat feature.

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Seething boomer, i hope you don't have a hearth attack or some shit.

>You will live to see Steam die a slow death in your lifetime.
Thank flying fuck for that.
But I'm worried that instead of being replaced with someone who understands and respects Gamers' right to anime tiddy, review bombing, and calling out faggots and jews,
it'll just be replaced with more of the same anti-Gamer bullshit.
Someone really needs to firebomb E3 to let them know that our rights aren't something to be trampled upon.

The advantage is you get the game before any other platform, it is the same principle as console exclusives and yet retarded consumers still have no problems giving their money away to consoles which is arguably a worse service overall then the epic game store.

>the point

>your pea sized head

does this also mean every game I buy from steam using Unreal engine I am atually buy from EGS? and that Unreal Engine is a customer facing business? afterall they get a small cut of every sale! just like valve!

You keep using that word but you have no idea its meaning.

and losing all their games they paid with their parent's credit cards.

When you buy milk from a store are you buying it from a farmer?

that you can play the game...? same advantage Steam had over GoG. I cant buy Sekiro from GoG.

>and calling out faggots and jews,
>anti-Gamer bullshit.
I'm worried this was written without a lick of irony

Steam is a shitshow

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Name one massively successful EA non sports title game in the past 4 years

Who cares about another Anno reskin? Same game, same graphics, different skin. Moreover they make us use chink store with no basic QoL services like cloud saves and user mods

the actual solution is to just stop playing games

It's not even toward the developer, only if its a true indie game. Otherwise all the money just goes to the already raking in millions publisher.

What does DLC have to do with Steam being a shitshow? Why are you actively looking for this DLC to complain about it? Your example is a game with exactly 1 review on it

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Its a strategic move to make people use their gamestore. you can clearly tell that's their intention

There's no advantage. EGS does nothing for you, in fact it does less than Steam and it does less than other alternatives as well.

You don't have to use EGS for Anno. You have to use Uplay.

when I buy milk from a store, the store buys a swathe of packaged milk from a dairy company, straight up, then sells it directly keeping 100% the revenue of that sale. The grocery store does not sell different milk, the grocery store has no role in packaging and sells an identical product as all other grocery stores. If the grocery store agreed to let a farmer license out a stall within their store to sell milk, agreeing to handle payment processing in exchange for 30% if the revenue. Then yes I would be buying from the farmer, and he would be the costumer of the stores services not me.

>gamers tend to hold grudges, and won't forget that epic is slimy as fuck and all the publishers are complicit in this jewery

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i only play solitaire with actual cards.

The entire world is irony. How else can people think it's okay to enjoy Fallout 4, to give lighter prison sentences for kidnappers and rapists and armed robbers than for the people complaining on twitter about them, and to sell games as a service that can be taken away if you stand up for your rights?
If the world is a big fuckin ironic joke, then so too must we be.

>19 people out of 833

Why are you posting that when the full thing shows the page numbers and the pages on pages of people not playing? Only the ones playing are booted to the front. The rest is 16 pages of no one there.

I can't wait for the inevitable Epic Game Store data breach and millions of user data gets leaked and they lose all support and disappear into obscurity. I can't wait until Tim Sweeny finally sits on a toilet and blows his brains out with a shotgun because he was a massive fucking failure despite talking mad shit on Twitter

epic indie """"devs""""
imagine all those """"games"""

>I can't wait for the inevitable Epic Game Store data breach and millions of user data gets leaked
> and they lose all support and disappear into obscurity

users are fucking retarded and they'll keep supporting a platform that fucked them over no matter what if they keep offering "exclusive" games

just look at the playstation store

Battlefield 1
Apex Legends
somehow fucking Anthem
Star Wars Battlefront 1/2
Tonnes that I could list that were probably quite successful, but you would obtusey say dont count cause they dont meet your definition of "massively" so their rank as objectively one of the largest videogames publishers is invalidated I am sure.

Don't try to take away one of their propaganda pics from them, it's one of the few they still have when every other reposted pic keeps getting called out

Well, there's only one store on the playstation

Uhh who needs to do all that GAY SHIT when you can just buy games, Valve is fucking dumb.

Your definition of supplier prevents the idea of upfront exchange in leu of later payment? Then utility suppliers really need to change their descriptions. Hell all forms of contracted suppliers must not be real suppliers because despite them selling you products either through instalments or a later payment, they're not being pre-purchased and are therefore not supplies.

Publishers supply Steam with an indefinite supply of software licences that they sell in exchange for a predetermined amount of money. Just because Steam pays this amount in a non-upfront way doesn't change the fact that they were supplied with a product to sell, sold the product, and then paid their suppliers the agreed sum.