Yeah, it's another SMT thread.
Yeah, it's another SMT thread
>first run of SMT4
>didn't really pay attention to the morality system until it was too late, just rolling with the questions as they come in
>flying blind into the Whites, have zero idea where I am in the balance
>Whites ask what I want to do, uphold the status quo or destroy it
>Fuck it, go chaos
>They say something along the lines of "you choose to destroy the status quo, but you are too late for that path", thinking that I get the shitty ending of chaos but too law aligned and get a worse end
>"Our 5th Son, who chose neutrality"
>waking up with Isabeau
>mfw lucked into Neutral.
If they're gonna saddle us with permanent party members on the journey I'd rather they just be able to optionally incorporate them into the party with some degree of customization and control rather than sitting in the back a la SMT4/A occasionally blasting shit. Something like Nemissa.
Also physical skills with elemental properties.
I didn't even know that SMT 4 had a morality system, it's my first SMT game.
I just got past the part where your friend becomes fucked after reading some wacky books. My party called me a retard for not wanting to kill him.
I want a COMP AI again, burroughs was the best
You're still practically in the introduction, not even up to the main game world yet.
Alignment won't matter for a long time, you won't have to pay attention until the yamato reactor
>battle the last White
>Scanning... Excuses, unjustified resentment, self-justification, a rash desire to negate oneself... I don't see any good reason to join their cause.
Based Burroughs.
>Replay SMTIV in anticipation for SMTIV: Apocalypse
>Lent game to friend, so prior Neutral ending profile got deleted
>Find out about bonuses gained for earning endings in prior game, replay in preparation
>Carefully balance choices out while trying to retain semblance of logic to what I do
>Get to the White
>Final choice of whether I want chaos or law
>Choose chaos
>Get chaos ending
>Load back
>Choose law option
>Get law ending
>Load back multiple times
>No matter what option, cannot get Neutral
>Balance options so perfectly that I was literally right in the middle, so any combination of options set me over to one side
I have never felt such a mix of both pride and pure rage quite like it.
Yeah okay why did no one ever fucking notice this in game? I'm still mad.
that's the major problem everyone has, the neutral threshold is +/-8 and the final choice before the lock is 10 points either way
maybe they wanted veterans who know to balance their alignment for based neutral to have to experience something else for a change
Figured this was an okay place to ask, how do I get past this part? I beat Pandora no problem but I can only beat one of the pillars and all the rest kick my ass.
I surprisingly missed out on walter fucking me over, but I got the same experience tenfold with Nozomi shooting people
Fucking lucky
I needed up being a lawfag
I hated Johnatan
Stupid faggot
Why is Commander Gore so god tier?
>learn the power of charge
>mfw doing almost 4 digit numbers against bosses with gun skills
God if only I didn't put any points int STR and the bare minimum into MAG.
Can someone give me a non spoiler plot to the SMT games? I know theres demons and shit, but why? Why do they help you and what are you usually trying to accomplish in the game narrative wise?
just swiggity switch to a not-shit partner, bananaslice
Pascal and based Navarre are really all you need.
Version 0.6 of fan-made cards game Akuma Cards Battle RE.
Choose one of five heroes and his partner demon and engage in furious cards battles against powerful demons of Megaten universe.
Download builds for Windows, Linux, Mac and Android:
Burroughs was the best
I hope they bring her back for V
Tito Tito just didn’t rub me the right way
I recall Toki being pretty good too.
Yugoslavian version of Tico from DeSu2
Here's the general gist of any SMT game
>the world gets fucked, apocalypse happens in some manner
>(You) are caught up in it
>through a computer program or demonic power, you are able to form contracts with demons
>demons will join (You) for money, ideological reasons, or magnetite (an ambiguous life force/energy source)
>the forces of law (generally judeo-christian angels) and chaos (most non-law or non-neutral demons led by lucifer) engage in a struggle to remake society/the world
>(You) must chose a side, or chose the neutral path (humanity)
>but why?
Dickhead ends up opening a portal to the demon world
>Why do they help you
You can convince them to join you and they make up your party in most games.Can also fuse them together to make stronger ones
>what are you usually trying to accomplish in the game narrative wise?
Depends on game to game but you're just following the plot until a route split depening on your views throughout the game and what major faction you end up working with
she's good for yeeting random mobs but doesn't do much to bosses.
SMT4 kind of sucks with its alignment system because getting Neutral is actually pretty hard. There's hardly any, if any Neutral dialogue options so the figured course of action is to back and forth on Chaos vs Law choices to stay neutral, right? Well fuck you because the scale is like -100 to +100 and Neutral is sitting at like -5 to +5 and the final alignment choice can easily push beyond the threshold for neutral.
Strange Journey did you the favor of letting you nudge yourself towards whatever option you could with its alignment lock, assuming you weren't too far. Basically if you were leaning towards Law, you'd basically be asked to go Law or Neutral.
Setting is all over the place and outside of SMT1 to 2 they don't take place in the same world, or rather they take place in parallel worlds running different possibilities.
In SMT1 you're an ordinary teenager who gets an email to a computer program that will help with summoning and interacting with demons and then some dipshit makes the whole world go all Black Mesa and then some stuff happens and you get caught up in a war between the forces of heaven and hell.
Basically there's always some shit that makes demons fuck up the world and you get caught in the center one way or the other, and you usually get a computer device that lets you negotiate and summon monsters, like an edgier Pokemon.
>buy SMT at gamestop when looking around one day because it's an M Rated JRPG and the 3DS was all I had at the time
>play it a bit, not really impressed, think its just basically pokemon with demons in a medieval setting
>start getting into the abandoned construction area
>get insanely creeped out and cannot put the game down
>get into the sky tower
>"holy fucking shit what is going on in this game
>get into Tokyo
Not a single other series has done that feeling of "Holy fucking shit" for me in YEARS. It's been like 6 years since I first played it and i'm still impressed
Most SMT games have their own self-contained plots with general thematic ties and overarching world-building intact. General ideas are as follows:
>World gets fucked somehow, often apocalypse in the form of a battle between the forces of Law (angels, "God") and Chaos (devils, Lucifer)
>Humans naturally caught in the middle, sometimes as survivors, most often with you being a chosen one in some form given powers through some divine means
>Recruit demons through both negotiation and pure show of power/strength of will
>Progress through the game defining your own views of the world, whether humanity needs to fall within order and divinity, free themselves and give in to might makes right, or follow their own path
>Divine beings and even other humans with strong Reasons tempt others to join their specific crusade in an effort to remake the world in their vision
>Choose your path, fuck up demons, make it rain life stones on demons calling you a ho, punch god in the dick, then decide what to do with the world
It really depends on the game though. For example, Digital Devil Saga is significantly different in its focus and world. The general idea though is that humans are caught up in a divine war of ideals, often times one that is technically masterminded by "God" or YHVH who continues to endless cycle. Some of the games have you either preparing to fight YHVH or outright taking him down.
Can someone edit this image with a lens flare on the eyes?
SMT in a nutshell
Yo nigga demons have ripped a big as hole in the sky and started to pour out like rice crispies
You either gotta send these fuckers back to hell (SMT Strange Journey) or make a new world
(Pretty much every other game)
You’re friends are either assholes (SMT 3: Nocturne), blinded by their alignment (most other games) or dead (basically all of SMT)
You got law: So you like sucking angel dick?
You got Chaos: so you like more violence and bloodshed while sucking demon dick?
And Neutral: The one choice that makes sense 99% of the time
Also demons are like Normal people
Some are murderous dick heads
Some are flirts who will die for you if you so much as say Hi to them
Some will take your shit and run
>Realize God is in the sun
>Contact God
>God cries too and everyone turns to stone
The beginning hours of SMTIV are incredible.
>the soundtrack when you get to the Tokyo world map
The atmosphere in SMTIV is still one of the most well done I have seen in any vidya before. Not only is the world just generally fantastic in how you get both post-apocalypse and post-post-apocalypse going on, but the feeling the game provides in quests and environments in so on point. With how brutal the combat can be at times, it really does feel like your exploring this dangerous, dark city alone, grabbing up scraps to sell and taking down demons with bounties on their heads.
Maybe it just hit me in a specific way, but it feels super immersive in how lonely it can feel at times exploring the city. I fucking love it.
Just wait until you reach Blasted/Infernal Tokyo.
>There's hardly any, if any Neutral dialogue options
Honestly, this is how they should be. What I like most about SMT4's choices is that there is no path of least resistance. The moral quandaries feel like there's a lot higher stakes if you can't just pick the obvious neutral option. There isn't one for shit like the Reds, it's strictly yes or no. Are you OK with the processes with how they're made, and the sacrifice for the greater good, or are you not.
Why the fuck do no demons drop macca in IV? It's jarring compared to the money bags in other entries
Boost you're negotiation and fundraising skills through app points you dipwaffle.
Lol hit them with a blind attack and keep shaking them down
I got like 6000 from one zombie cop because he couldn’t do shit
makes money actually matter, you only get it from quests rewards or auxillary skills like fundraise or selling items you get from negotiating, it's weird but interesting because every other game you literally never do either, although I don't believe any prior game even had quests with rewards either.
Holy shit fuck Nozomi. Recently replayed SMTIV Apocalypse and remembered why I hated her so much.
>Wait, you guys released Krishna? Oh shit, gotta go tell everyone!
>Oh no, everyone wants to near execute you, but don't worry, I got your back!
>Oh hey, while we we're at the meeting where people want to lynch you, the city got attacked while a shit ton of people were distracted.
>Oh, whoops, during the attack and everything, Asahi's father got killed. Ah well, just give her some time.
Fucking Nozomi.
Is Apocalypse even worth playing? I heard people saying it's basically SMT: Persona and I never bothered to buy it
so that the peace of today can continue on to tomorrow
The one upside is that she's hot so you can turn her into your sex slave on Anarchy route or kill her if that's more your speed.
SMT4A wouldn't be so bad if I could actually side with the polytheistic gods. Whatever happened to "Deep Neutral"?
Yes, it has the most polished gameplay out of all MegaTen games, the story is bad, but not the unplayable kind of bad.
>Asahi's father got killed
>mfw dialogue choice telling her she's worthless and it's her fault
That was the turning point that sold me on the edgelord ending, everything from then on is so edgy to the point of absurdity and it's hilarious.
Gameplay itself is probably the best in the series,so you can play it just for boss fights and music
Gameplay: Marked improvement, they did stuff like have Smirk modifiers, making skills better if they're used while smirking. Hama/Mudo simply do damage for example but smirking can insta-kill.
Story: Story'd interesting minus the fact they want to shove all these people in your face to be your friend. No matter the ending you kill YHVH
Who here is excited that SMT is going to go mainstream with SMTV on the Switch and these comfy SMT threads will be a thing of the past?
Fuck yes, because it can be Persona or SMT depending on how you play it.
>Play it super friendly and supportive of your group of anime tropes
>Get generic friendship beats everything ending
>Play it as a hardass demon eviscerator who will throw his allies in the way of attacks if necessary
>Fucking bro it up with an awesome demon companion, usurp god's throne, and make your world the way you want it
Besides the fact that it's just a fantastic continuation to SMTIV's gameplay systems and world, you can basically spit in the face of everything "friendship" related if you want, and the game honestly gives you a fucking radical outcome for it.
Apocalypse sure was weird about it's dialogue.
>Hey Nanashi!
>Oh hi Asahi
>Fuck you cunt stupid useless bitch why don't you die
>lol let's go hang out
It only won't be comfy because of people like you crying about the new entry and falling for obvious bait.
This. It really helps me feel better about no one wanting to be my friend in high school.
The only thing I'm actually legitimately worried about is that the console war shitflinging will come into these threads
When SMTIV was in the spotlight before it was awesome having all the threads. People shitting on casuals, hoy images, tons of stories being swapped of close calls in fights, where to complete side quests/find items. It was great.
Currently playing through 4 after finishing 1, so is there like no major alignment shifting events like in 1 and your final alignment will ultimately depend on the various responses you give to NPCs throughout the game?
That's fair but I don't think TMS had much console warring.
The last couple bits of dialogue before alignment lock are big pushes towards Law or Chaos. It's why getting Neutral is so hard.
that one in particular is special because it doesn't have the usual "hey that's not nice" and then business as usual, she just gives this hollow acknowledgement like she's not even fully aware what you just said to her, pure kino
Gaston confronting you about being Dagda's puppet is good too, instead of defending yourself you just go "yeah you're all scrubs anyway" and they're all unanimously disgusted with you, it's really a special kind of edge you don't really see in most games.
>Play game
>Go full edge mode
>Shit ton of prompts in boss fights where boss goes, "Haha, I have your party member, now you can't do anything without hurting them."
>Tear right into them and boss for huge damage and reaction from them
>Be fucking sassy and edgy to everyone, including telling Skins to kiss your ass or telling Asahi how it's her fault people died
>Bro it up with Dagda
>Shit on stupid fluffy moments straight out of Persona
>Kill all your party members individual by individual, getting some of the best dialogue in the game that really shows the kind of person they are, including Nozomi trying to take one last shot at you, Gaston near losing his mind at it having turned out this way, or Isabeau calling you out on being scum for not escorting hunters early on
>Get to choose a single party member to be your companion, basically being your mindslave
>Fight with YHVH makes way more sense and is a logical jumping off point, with an awesome showdown with the people of fucking Tokyo prior to it
>Fight with YHVH is way more straight forward, with Satan being objectively more helpful and cooler
>Dagda not only being a complete supportive bro, but completely upholding his promises
Edge mode in SMTIV Apocalypse is fantastic. If you don't want the friendship beats all experience, the flipside is a banger too.
Back in January/February I was thinking of a JRPG series to dive into and was like 90% set on FF until I thought about giving SMT a go on a whim and so far I've finished DDS1+2, Nocturne and about half of P5. I've got all the 3DS games on my radar but I might take a short break after 5, we'll see. My main concern is dealing with how scaled-down the games are.
kill your friends boyo
I'm not prepared for SMT threads to be ruined when they're some of the only good threads on this board.
I just kind of wish there was an actual neutral option, it basically amounts to just happy funtimes or kill everyone. I even remember pre-release it was said there would be Peace, Anarchy, Neutral and "Deep Neutral" endings
Post smirking
If Citra was as well developed as it is now back when I played them I probably would have just emulated them instead, they're all great but especially SJ the hand cramp really gets to you after a few hours. If that's not a problem for you then do whatever but for me games like Samus Returns are impossible to play comfortably for a considerable amount of time.
I recently beat Persona 5 and felt like trying out the previous entries.
Do 3 and 4 still hold up and what are their definitive versions?
How about 1 and 2?
I still can't bring myself to finish this game
I got lost somewhere in ikebukuro and then gave up
Convince me to beat it
What a fucking cunt
Personally I would just kill Nozomi and spare everyone else if Dadga gave me the choice.
3 is really fucking boring, 2 has a great story but the actual game part is pretty slow, but it's easy enough (IS at least) to just autobattle your way through it, so speeding through via emulator makes it much more enjoyable.
Got Citra set up with the screens split between monitors, played early bits of both SJ and 4.
I mean we can't forget that Nozomi was a faceless NPC in 4 that had the worst fucking mission because you're fighting Asura and it's game over if she dies and she's worse than I'LL END IT THUS in that literally everything she does makes Asura smirk
Absolutely based
I just hope SMT V has surface level persona for Personafags buying it so we can have good sales numbers and some good old fashion Rip and tear for SMT chads
Already did
Being a god is fucking awesome
3 is an ungodly grind with cool story/characters, don't bother with The Answer it's just more grinding for a story that shits all over the base game (story and characters)
>Gets debuffed
The Archangel designs in 4 were kino as fuck
That mission was s complete fucking slog
I nearly dropped the game it was so frustrating despite everything else being a walk in the park
All are great, all have aged in specific ways.
1 is good, but the combat is a slog. 2 has a fantastic story and characters, but the combat is pretty braindead. 3 is phenomenal in atmosphere and characterization, but lacks in the inherent plot and the gameplay loop can be a slog due to Tartarus in addition to not being able to directly control your party members. 4 is equally fantastic in atmosphere and characterizations (for different reasons), but the core plot has issues.
I'd recommend playing 2 if you want a straight forward JRPG experience, but keep in mind it has a second part that directly ties in as a sequel of sorts. Otherwise, play 3 and 4. For 3, play Persona 3 FES. It's an enhanced version with new content, social links, and quality of life mechanics. It's a direct upgrade. There is also Persona 3 Portable, which allows for control of your party members, but reduces walking around and cutscenes to static visual novel styled images, which ruins the atmosphere significantly as well as some scenes. Persona 4 has Persona 4 Golden which is exclusive to the PS Vita. It's also an enhanced version, with some major improvements (but an awful character admittedly). If you can play it, play that, but a PS Vita is certainly not something a lot of people own
>she turns the healer into normal and not the guy with all the buffs and charge waiting to fuck his team
I mean I really liked how Persona 5 rendered its demons, had kind of that almost 2D comic book look, I loved it (going back to SMT Demons over nondescript shadows was also a plus)
If they kept that, I'd be all for it.
I really loved how Merkabah looked like some eldritch horror.
So what was up with Lucifer's fap arm?
And why did it hatch in his final form?
Why is Gale so based?
How can I get an Angel gf?
That arm baby is Walter. He even has the scarf and everything
Persona threads used to have good discussion too, before Persona 5. All we can do is enjoy them now. If SMTV goes the traditional SMT route and doesn't opt for Persona pandering though, I doubt we have anything to worry about.
Be honest, Yea Forums.
Would you damn the world and all of humanity to be treated as livestock just for a chance at that ass?
Atlus needs to go based and add the unique death animations of IV IVA to those models too
Designs: okay
Art: Bad
Keita Amemiya's boner for frivolous asymmetry is pretty lame. Doi draws that same design better, though it was only for poster stuff, and they didn't appear in 4A so they didn't get redrawn like Merkabah, Lucifer or Medusa
Yeah I got that but... Why?
Are we posting god tier demon designs?
Don't mess with high level demons
>kills angel so she doesnt have to live with the trauma of seeing her husbando die again
>Not being strong enough to take that ass for himself
Submissive fags need to leave
>Nuking one of the enemy hordes with Mabufudyne and watching the massive ice shittershattering.
Never got old.
>Isabeau calling you out on being scum for not escorting hunters early on
I can't find a single video of this sadly, and because I helped them out the first time I really don't want to replay the same route. Can you tell me exactly what she says?
Can you emulate the 3DS games completely?
I want to beat them all but I don't want to buy a new 3DS just to do it.
So there's no metaphor? He's just an egg on his arm cause demonslol?
Yes, Desu 1 is kinda hard cause you need some older version of Citra but all are fine
Was it Amemiya who had no regard for a demon's real world lore?
>Hmm I got commissioned to design Lilith
>she's commonly associated with Snakes, since Adam and Eve and the tempting snake
>Well she's a spider now because reasons.
>can't forget that asymmetry!
Minus the tumor arm, I wish the complete forms of Lucifer and Merkabah were their base forms. With some proper refinement they'd look nice.
You know some of the shadow designs weren't even that bad. A lot of them just happened to be tables, hands, birds, statues, and tanks with faces.
Yeah, i forgot if he tried to control Lucifer or some other shit then he became the arm cause he could no take the power or some shit
>with some proper refinement
So drawn by Doi like their first forms you mean
Man, Another Hibiki's design is looking solid for Zi-O I see
Don't remember it verbatim but it's along the lines of her stating, "Do you remember when I asked you to help escort the hunters to safety and you said no? I think I hated you, ever since that moment."
Yeah, you'd be strong enough with your max'd out DEX, but that doesn't change the fact that almost every other human being on earth doesn't have anywhere near that kind of power, thus genociding your entire species.
Post lawfags
>The whole game she hates you but reluctantly has to help you anyways
Who is worse? Amemiya's forced asymmetry or Nirasawa's marker drawings with bird talon fingers?
Why did Lucifer look like a cancer patient in 4?
She gatekeeped me harder than minotaur.
I like how that was the basis of the New Chaos ending in SJR
>Survival of the fittest!
>actually turns out all demons are stronger than humans meaning they get wiped out lol
>Okay let's try something else without demons
>Famous for snake hair
>Half of the hair isn't even snakes
The contrast between Mikado was real good.
I wished we could have spend more time there.
because Nirasawa basically scribbled art on paper with markers and had it scanned into the game wholesale
At least he looked a little better in Apocalypse.
>This and that lame ass Centaur are some of the only guest designs that survived the jump from 4 to 4A.
>Minotaur and the National Defense Divinities that aren't Tenkai nowhere to be found.
I'm fucking mad.
I think the better question is why is he an ayy lmao
So we know Stand Up Steven is the strongest being in the SMT verse, but what tier would IVA Lucifer on 2 legs be?
She says that she hated you since that exact moment.
The design isn't even bad in retrospect. Just the execution. Doi redrew several guest artist designs (Redrew, not redesigned), making them just look better.
He did this for Medusa, Centaur, Napaea (probably the only downgrade), Lucifer and Merkabah. Maybe a few others that I missed.
IIRC you need a citra custom build with FMV hack function to make first DeSu work
hey, he made centaur look better
Kudos to the artists for salvaging the designs without entirely scrapping what they were in SMTIV.
Satan looked nice.
And then Doi got to design his own demons in 4 which were pretty good
>Odin depending on how you feel about Sentai themes
>Big egg fertility boob mommy
I feel like the only miss was Krishna if only because he didn't have a demonic looking true form or anything. Just tooty brown boy.
Oh God what does the original look like
no tooting allowed
I unironically love Doi's new Satan, although it looks like a Persona. On another note..
>Signature move is called Megido Ark
Nice reference Atlus..
Doot doot.
Nirasawa's classic copic marker drrawing straight up scanned without touching up
Come here you smug son of a bitch I'm gonna shove this katana right up your ass
>Doi draws Cleopatra white as she was historically
Toot toot nigga
Okay let's not go crazy here
Someone living in Egypt wouldn't be THAT pale
>Her right hand is a cluster of snakes
>Nice little reference to the popular theory that she committed suicide by letting and Asp bite her
Nice symbolism. One of the better Doi designs next to Mephistopheles.
FUUUUUUCK CHIRONUPPU, also sup leader?
I liked his concept satan better, but the suits really like that toku/persona look.
toki is cute
They could be if they were never out in the sun. That's why historically Pale skin was seen as a symbol of affluence. Dark skin meant you were out working in the sun all day.
But yes, Cleopatra was white, or at least she wasn't Libby Folfax.
What's the best SMT game to start with
I'd recommend DeSu as well despite it being an SRPG.
Darth Vishnu was unironically one of my favorite things
Thanks. I didn't like her either way, especially in this one. Hell I don't think I used her except for in the Ring of Gaea dungeon
Oh no no no. Fuck that boss fight, almost made me decrease the difficulty. I actually had to on YHVH's fight because it was just bullshit all the way through
if you go into smtiv completely blind the twist with tokyo completely blindsides you and is super memorable.
thats how i experienced it and it blew my mind when i got to tokyo and saw that that was where the real meat of the game was
Yeeah I was like how low into this stupid boring rock cave do I have to go down
then I got pleasantly surprised
How did you feel about Shesha Flynn?
I liked when he vored Asahi
Do you think he will be fusable in SMT V?
Fuck him, dumbest plot point for the entire game. Even the "Law" ending somehow doesn't kill his ass for good. The fact that Flynn even got bodied still pisses me off. AND IT'S ALL ASAHI'S FAULT
Scared the fuck out of me when I was playing it at like 3 in the morning.
>go to the local comic book store because why not
>there's DeSu 1 manga there
>it's actually kinda good
Based gore
>The flames of the Candelabrum of Sovereignity are flickering wildly.
DeSu is just based in general.
It's probably my favorite MegaTen game, but that might be, because it was my first.
Gotta be honest, kinda agree
>Goes from fire snake monster
>To green robot looking snake monster
I feel like we skipped some steps
that's not sae you fucking idiot retard
after the digital devil saga duos what do I play next to get into the series
Why is IV so quotable?
Same shit brudda. But I was going chaos without doing most retarded things. Ended up with Bobo.
Play either SMT IV or play Nocturne if you want more of the ps2 SMT aesthetic DDS had.
>and to GIANT EGG
Yeah Shesha was my least favorite thing in the game because he's just a roadblock you fight fucking 3 times plus he turns into a fucking dungeon.
Raidou 1 for the plot and raidou 2 for the tolerable gameplay and kino side missions
Pretty much everything about Apocalypse is shit in all honesty. There was no real need to continue on with IV.
Literally a Persona. Fuck off. Doi needs to stop designing shit like this and continue doing the few GOOD designs he’s done for V.
SMTIVA fags should fuck off and go back to playin Persona
>literally forced to grind in SMT 2 because the game is locking me out of progressing until I have a certain amount of INT and I was a building a WORLD OF STR character
>not putting into int from the very beginning for negotiations
Did you learn nothing from SMT I?
Freeze and charm are the key to victory?
Same, except I ended it early by nuking the whole town when they give you the option. Wanted to see if it would actually happen.
Congrats, you chose the best ending even if it was for the wrong reasons.
>I picked Navarre for the buffs
>starts saying gay shit to you
>Pick Gaston
>Makes the final boss shit
>However, has some of the best lines as a mineslave
I will never not get over "Behold the power of the Goddess"
user.. im here to tell you a truth..
apocalypse is worse then IV in every single way
Why are Whiteposters always so right?
>every single way
Hama/Mudo make me forced to disagree with you on principle.
Looking a little limp there, eh?
Ohnonono this isnt happening mara bros, the lawcucks are making us look limp
Is V ever coming the fuck out? Jesus christ, has there even been any info on it past the reveal and odin trailer?
The production is in full force and theybare working really hard on it, no fooling!
They are also thinking about a nocturne remake, I guess.
Imagine not being a neutralfag
The real question isn't law or chaos, it's neutral edgy or neutral sappy.
4A doesn't have the gay old 1/256 Fiends.
Picking Neutral-Law and Neutral-Chaos is no better than being a regular Lawfag or Chaosfag. In fact I'd argue it's worse because you aren't making the concessions that normal Lawfags and Chaosfags need to, because worship of an almighty God and leaving the earth a destitute wasteland have actual moral compromises. Neutral usually implies that by abandoning all other assistance, and oftentimes dooming mankind to its own mistakes without being able to blame it on gods or demons, you are expecting the best out of humanity while being ready to stomach a blameless worst. 4A ruins this by giving us an ideal world where all humans are happy because every human is invariably good, or one where you just kill them all, become the new God, and create a perfect world anyways.
>a demon will never revive your waifu and improve her
I'd kill to see a high quality scan of the KMT art
better than literal titty monster
>not liking titty satan
But that is the best rendition of Satan, especially when that horrific monstrosity is the ultimate lawfag. Sentai Villain Satan isn't bad, but it's definitely a downgrade.
Did you guys play SMT4 on the 3DS or emulated?
I've always had some half-interest in the games, but I never had the chance to play any of them. What SMT game should I start with to get introduced the series, Yea Forums?
IV and Devil Survivor are good starting points, though Devil Survivor has slightly different gameplay compared to other games, but it'll teach you attack names and basic demon fusion. Persona 3 isn't a bad place to start either if you're fine with it being half dungeon crawler half friend simulator.
SMTV news when?
It will be out by next year right bros?
Don't know but I'm pumped for it. I will grab the switch just to play it. And the switch has built up a a good catalogue of games so I'm even more pumped.
Piss off zombie nigger
Hey the previous one was from 2015. Blame /smtg/ for being a bunch of lazy fucks and not updating it with each new release.
Fuck off masetama
i also accidentally got it
>discover SMT a few years ago
>love it, finish IV and IV:A and almost finish Nocturne and start playthroughs of DDS, Raidou and SJ
>now just can't get into turn-based RPGs anymore, even if they do it really well like any SMT with Press Turn, because it feels like too much of a waste of time
Am I getting too old?
Yes but actual demons from mainline games actually being the enemies is better and stays true to how persona is based on SMT if... (starting the whole of persona), persona 1 and 2
personabab here
where should i start with SMT?I don't care if it's janky
>tfw just found the arcade game in nocturne
>stuck at level 8
>so close to completing it but just cant figure it out
>cave and look it up
>turns out i was completely off
FUCK this game
I'm going to have to come back to it eventually for my vain quest of collecting every Magatama but jesus christ why
Devil Survivor: Overclocked is the one I always recommend people start on, it's got actually good writing and the gameplay is pretty fun. It also has the side benefit of not being horribly outdated, but if you don't care about jank that probably doesn't matter
fucking based
legitimately might be my favorite atmosphere in any game