Yea Forums has way too many DMC and souls/sekiro threads. Does 4channel need a "/bv/" board? braindead vidya.
Yea Forums has way too many DMC and souls/sekiro threads. Does 4channel need a "/bv/" board? braindead vidya
>s 4channel need a "/bv/" board? braindead vidya.
You're on it right now, you retard.
this tbqh
if you want actual vidya discussion head to
܂>if you want actual vidya discussion head to Only for the first months, after that you'll be better making thread on Yea Forums than staying in a general.
Na, it is just called the jannies not doing their work and telling them to fuck off to /vg/
But we used to have so much fun here dont you remember? what the fuck happened.
܂Like this.
Yeah, we can just move all the video game threads there so Yea Forums can finally just be shitty pepe and wojak edits.
This is the video game board.
Not your redditumblresetera safe space.
Now fuck off and go back.
It's need a faggot board for OP lol
We're having fun in those threads, you're the problem.
܂Keep trying :^)
Not enough smash threads for you faggot?
>way too many
kek but let's ignore the smash threads
>Not smash or persona
oh no think of the poor smash threads
We gon' keep the Souls babbies CUMFTAHBLE
I came here just to say fuck you unicodenigger. I've been seeing you in a lot of threads today.
and nah I don't play smash, but those are far more sparing than DMC threads. DMC threads have been a problem for like the last 6 months.