Enemies can open doors

>enemies can open doors

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haha his name is butts

How did this soi react to his wittwe weaction blowing up

what the fuck is that open sore on his face?

Probably a pimple that the fat fuck scratched out.
He doesn't know hygiene.

pretty sure its a birth mark, i checked one of his vids from like 3 years ago and it looks the same

Mark Hamill reached out to him and he gained a shitload of followers. He won.

Just use a trap door, fence gate, or piston door. Zombies can't break them down then.

If I had that, I'd honestly get it removed. Looks like a wound.

There is no way you actually think that looks like an open sore. The dude is a complete fucking joke, but if you need to make shit up about him, you're sucking too many dicks. There's so much he's given us to laugh at, don't be retarded.

>enemies are doors

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I feel out of the loop

It looks like he scraped off the top few layers of skin shaving with a shitty disposable razor.

It's a guy that reacted to the Star Wars trailer and Yea Forums raided him

Why is Yea Forums sucking Yea Forums's cock now?

never mind

>doors are enemies

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I hope you people don't really think that he's actually cried because he loves onions wars that much? Obviously this pathetic piece of shit is trying to rack up some views for his shitty ass youtube channel that has 4-5 videos uploaded every day.
Also, this is probably the most disgusting looking face on youtube. Clearly this man have 0 self-awareness and shame, so I'm not surprised when it comes to such embarrassment.

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Nigger, you've never shaved. You're embarrassing yourself in a thread making fun of someone who cried at Star Wars.

>Star Wars trailer drops
>Dude makes a reaction vid and starts to cry
>Someone on Twitter uses it as an example of how far men have fallen
>Now it’s a war between if the man should be able to cry about something he has passion for or if he really is weak willed
Just drama that will fade in like a week

pretty sure he also got invited to the premier of the movie.

>Enemy passes you by on the street and could easily beat the shit out of you and you attempt to make a friendly facial expression at them but it ends up looking like pic related.

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Are you him, or something?

its literally AIDS

I'm trying to teach you to at least act like you're old enough to post here. Have some fucking integrity.


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>enemiescan drop off cliff

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>dragonslayer greatbow in dark souls
>gravity deaths everywhere
It's fucking funny and I fucking do it.

I thought he was just another soiboi reactor until he wailed his arms like a literal child. At that moment I really wanted to punch him.

>Wojak ruining the image


He also cried for the last jedi so maybe it's real. Or he tried to do the same thing twice, even though it failed the first time.

His wifes boyfriend hit him because he played his Switch for more time than he is allowed to daily.