Im about to start this. Any tips?

Im about to start this. Any tips?
I usually like fast weapons with good mobility in other games, anything good like that in here?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 53K)

Try to experiment and try all the weapons as you progress through low and high rank, find the one you find the most fun, ignore meta etc. For end game, look up a good build for your favorite weapon type and make gear sets/setups for end game bosses to avoid a lot of headaches.

>Any tips?
Yeah, refund it.

Dual knives

Insect glaive, charge blade or dual blades my guy

Dual swords is probably the best for a beginner. Fast, and teaches you how important hitting weakspots and stamina management are. Other than that, gunlance is pretty good, mostly since it's pretty braindead. Just slam->Fullburst ad infinum.

>fast weapons with good mobility
Long sword, ignore the sword and shield and dual blade cucks that spend their time biting a monsters ankles until someone with a real weapon knocks it down for them

I agree with THIS user!

Attached: BING BING.png (644x800, 68K)

Use the training room to get a feel of everything, have fun, kill stuff and do all the canteen quests from the chef

Its not monster hunter if you aren't using slow weapons. Fast weapons go too fast for the AI and essentially cheese the monster purely by constantly moving too fast for it to properly aim an attack.

Dual Blade and IG are the best. Longsword is also really good.

Also never craft anything except the bare minimum of armour in Low Rank, it will get replaced.

IG would be the perfect weaponfu if you didnt need to stop having fun to recharge the buffs every few seconds

>I usually like fast weapons with good mobility in other games, anything good like that in here?
Insect Glaive
Dual Knives
Sword and Shield
Light Bowgun if you want ranged

HBG if you want to wreck shit. Hammer if you want to have fun, but not be useless. Everything else is for filthy roleplayers.

>using the two most boring cheese weapons
lol figures and HBG user would find Hammer fun

Hammer is best weapon. Great sword second best. This is my opinion obviously. Who else hammer here

Play 4 Ultimate instead

Brace for garbage controls, horrible unskippable cutscenes that overstay their welcome, having to look at the handler’s 13 chins as she shoves more turkey legs down her throat than George RR Martin, and every mission being exactly the same.

I'm thinking of getting this game but I feel like I missed my chance. Is the online scene anywhere near it was when it first launched or has it become shit? Will I enjoy this coming from the 3ds version of the game?

Obviously it's not as active, but you can just join an existing lobby and there will be people to play with

Though most activity is in high rank, but I still found some people to join SOS during my new playthrough on PC

Both steam and PS4 are still active at the end of the game hunts. Like pretty much all the elders and tempered monsters yiu can find randoms with. No clue how it is in the low rank and middle part of the game because it's been so long since I was there but I would rather play solo until end game anyway

Pick a greatsword user, if your hits are accurate, you can kill most monster in 2-4 minutes or so

Get the skill that increases charge time then

>Im about to start this. Any tips?
Play all the weapons to test which one you enjoy most. Youtube has good guides on special tricks/tips on each weapon and you should watch them. This is important, because you're going to stick to one or two weapons for most of your game time.

You will eventually get a farm which harvests resources for you like berries/herbs/mushrooms. Just good to know now so you're not wasting too much time collecting them.

You dont have to do all missions to progress, just the key ones, generally most people just do the key missions first then do the non-key ones later (usually once they have high rank gear and can breeze through it). The only exception is if the non-key quests give new upgrades or resources like food to eat or farm upgrades, you can tell which ones give you these upgrades because they come from NPCs and will tell you in the description.

Spending 5 minutes to sit back and watch monsters moves is a good way to learn them before you even try attacking them. you cant deal damage if you're continuously gettting hit.

Dont ever go to /mhg/.

>Playing a HR game

SnS, DB, LS, IG, HH, LBG, Bow.