April 2019, I am forgotten

Things to discuss with the original RE2
>Are you a Leon A or Claire A man?
>How many items do you leave for B scenario?
>Do you get the costume key from Brad?
>Do you bother to close the security shutters? Which ones do you close?

Things to discuss with RE2 remake
>unga bunga claire make peepee go hee hee

Attached: re2.jpg (550x550, 63K)

>another "I am Forgotten thread"

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Sure thing, bro.

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I cant believe its already been one year.

I unironically cancelled my preorder when I found out they axed the spiders. Will buy it second hand from a friend in a couple of years.

Did anyone check in on Michael?
Is he getting above 5k yet?

And demake nigs only defense was "W-w-well they weren't that common or effective anyway!!!1"

And this is a FUCKING remake - make them common and effective enemies

>Things to discuss with RE2 remake
How about, when is this fucking game going on SALE!?
Ben Powell's randomizer mod doesn't work on the pirated version, and the PC Version is still 60$
Goddamn it that can only mean its so popular people are still buying it at 60. Stop buying it so they'll lower the price!

Does anyone else thing this game is absolute shit. It feels the same for both playthrough but


I enjoyed my first run but this game is shit for replayability. At least the original felt like I was playing two distinct stories vs 1 shitty similar story

What does A/B scenario actually change in demake?

>Kingdom Hearts 3 over DMC5 & Sekiro

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RE2 is a blatantly rushed game. The difference between the first remake and the second is that the first accomplishes everything it sets out to do, fully redoing the original and adding extra on top whereas 2 remake is one full of compromises and cut content that the original had.

Ignoring the botched scenario system we have the following.

-Cut 2nd run character streets before station (Roundtable actually showed gameplay of streets near that side-gate, it got cut)
-G-adult as a compromise for removal of various enemy types
-Chemical plant+Marshalling Yard cut
-Every boss re-used for both characters aside from one
-Ivy's replaced with boring plant zombies not out of creative reasons but to avoid needing to animate an enemy from hand and just use mocap instead
-Everything to do with Annette being a bipolar cunt and her deaths makes the game feel blatantly unfinished

I really like remake 2 but I'm still disappointed in it. I wish some of these fags claiming this remake to be a masterpiece would hold it up to the standards as a game made over 20 years ago by a team half the new team's size with a smaller budget made in 2 years.

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Although the puzzles in the police station are the same, Claire and Leon have different key items they have to get which helps it feel like different runs

Remake has the same get:

First 3 keys , underground parking, meeting Mr X , Mr X clock segment

Demake doesn't even introduce mr x in A scenario so he feels more threatening in B.

I know the original has similar styles but there's enough changes for them to feel different and you never got that from remake

I agree, they all instantly cry that we have fucking glasses on but this game feels much less emptier than the remake. I loved seeing the station in 2018 but everything else was disappointing

I thought the sewers section was an actual improvement in remake. I still dunno how to feel about the lab though. All it did was make me want to play Below Freezing Point in Outbreak.

KH3 and DMC5 are on the same level of mediocrity. Sekiro is kino and deserves the 2nd spot.

It was nice until I found out you do the exact same thing in Claire's story

Never understood why they remove the zapping system.

Seems like the game wasn't meant to have 2 scenarios for both characters to begin with since they kept stating at E3 there would only be a Leon and Claire campaign. Either they changed it due to fan outrage or could've been a case of them misunderstanding the question or something lost in translation.

Remake 2 is a fantastic game, its just it doesn't do what remake 1 did which was the right way to be, no compromises.

The entire 2nd run is just a building sense of disappointment once you get to the first Birkin fight then it's not so bad again when you're doing the basement (Lickers for Claire, Dogs for Leon). Once Mr.X lifts the chopper for the second time though it all goes downhill from there.

I love this game. But after finishing it for the third time I really started to notice its flaws. Like how everything after the police station felt rushed and lower quality. The game is good, might even be excellent but I really mourne for what it could've been if they had like a year more. Then it could've really been a masterpiece.