Post underappreciated vidya waifus here. They need some love.
Post underappreciated vidya waifus here. They need some love
Who's that
Elise from Azure Striker Gunvolt. She has multiple personalites.
Still best girl after all these years, yet still no game
Looks like non-transformed Elise from Gunvolt.
why would you want your waifu to be known and appreciated, instead of having her to yourself?
Benefits from free fanart and brand recognition
Gunvolt Waifus need more Love in general.
I love Reisen!
>yet still no game
Soon, user. MW was confirmed.
One of these days, Inti.
I hope that they see fame.
Callie from Splatoon!
I like this version of her as well.
But will Reisen ever love you?
That's fine
I will find out when I get to Gensokyo!
>no hot mechanic gf
I love Fuuka!
Fuuka seem like a girl who would be fun to bully.
S: Lola, Elise, Lumen, Joule (GV1)
A: Gibril, Quinn, Nori
B: Desna, Zonda (Glaive), Mytyl
C: Zonda (True), Moniqa
D: Joule (GV2)
Sugar from Summon Night. I didn't really get into GBA until I emulated games in my teens and discovering summon night makes me glad I did.
Caring, supportive & willing to sacrifice herself so you can live
Fuuka is for tender loving only, no bullying!
She's already suffered enough!
Ram is cute!
I want to see Fuuka look at me, with eyes full of hate, I want to push Fuuka till she finally start fighting back.
she's appreciated well enough (I guess?) here on Yea Forums, but there's so little quality fanart that I've had to resort to scouring places like deviantart
Adepts did nothing wrong.
Copen is the real monster with his cold attitude.
There are less than 5 lewds (and probably less than 100 good pieces of fanart) of Luna, but she's still my angel.
Should have spend more time banging his maid....
Why did Elise have to die? She could've been reformed with some help.
Waifu plus a godly OST
Fuuka has no room in her heart for hate! She is an angel who only wishes to make the world a better place!
They need more love from the developers, who keep killing them all.
Zonda you 11 year old fuck stop making sexual innuendos!
Good tastes.
Barely any pics of her
Showing any sort of love to females in Gunvolt is deadly and sometimes fatal....
Not gonna lie, that 2nd fight with her caught me off guard in a really unexpected way.
copen need take care of his robot girl first.
Godammit just imagine how she would have played with her blood to blades mechanic but no into created just likes to put waifus into the ground… Oh no! run Kanna ruuuun!
How does one fuck a hologram?
These stickers are cute as fuck.
>Feeding her the sandwich.
She's gonna die now.
>Use Zonda’s glaive fragments
>You got, Ona Option.
Real shame that there isn't more lewds of the characters.
They didn't deserve it.
>tits keep getting bigger and bigger with each new game
Good girl
In all of her edgy glory
Can't believe I forgot about her. Nice Suit
Why didn't people lewd the fuck out of her.
One day, my slime queen will come back
Hopefully not with mandatory levels where you play as her.
Deserved to be in a far better game desu.
it;s confirmed mobage
Th-they weren't that bad...
Plz no bulli.
Sadly, the Bravely series is not as mainstream as anticipated. But on another note, Holly Whyte is hot.
>No Alt
>Character switches personality to a badass
>First thing they say is "Teme..."
I love this trope.
>You're alright senpai, don't come to Gekkoukan tomorrow
What do?
nice tits
Hello! Some of you have mistakenly posted waifus that are overrated. I'll point these out so you can correct your mistake.
Fuuka is overrated as fuck
Oh, there was only one! The rest of you seem to know your waifus well. Have a nice day.
Fuuka deserves all the love in the world and more!
Best president
You seem like a reasonable fellow. A nice day to you as well
>having a waifu
very lewd
I love my gorgeous wife!
>Like niche girl.
>Enter name on image sites.
>20 results.
Rabi-Ribi needs more Pandora. An SP fight would be nice.
>My little sister can’t be this seductive.