this motherfucker was so fucking difficult. Feels good to finally kill him.
This motherfucker was so fucking difficult. Feels good to finally kill him
Elder God Tier
Ishin + Emma
Top Tier
Owl (Father)
Mid Tier
Lady Butterfly
Low Tier
Corrupted Monk
Guardian Ape/Headless
Demon of Hatred
Divine Dragon
Folding Screen Monkeys
Jobber Tier
Ishin, Sword (Gun) Saint
>didn't actually beat the game
>Guardian Ape/Headless is Low Tier
I mean the fight itself is meh and even story wise it has nothing to do with anything but alone for that fucking kino transition between phase one and two it should at least be Mid Tier
They did the same thing (victory fakeout) with Lady Friede
was waaaaay too obvious
Miyazaki is getting predictable
He's a joke compared to sword saint
You realize you fight him again later and this time he brings a buddy. Then it becomes one of the toughest fights. I had to unlock all the way through
His buddy was useless and most just ignore her completely while they beat on headless.
Better Vergil fight then dmc 5
Why are Yea Forums tier lists so bad Yea Forumsros
that really makes me feel uneasy, knowing I am playing a 2nd run (to avoid the shura ending this time). Though this time, I will be purposely avoiding ringing the bell and giving the charm. Fuck all that garbage.
Was always an annoyance for me. Had to kite her away everytime I try to attack headless
>fight Headless again
>this time he brings a friend
>ignore 2nd ape and focus on headless
>parry attacks, pull out the centipede, repeat
>easy kill
>after killing the headless
>2nd ape just sits down and dies on his own
I wasn't prepared to feel sorry for killing a headless ape monster
Hmm I killed the 2nd ape first. Was just too annoying with its screams and chimp out
>sword saint
>1st phase jobber genichiro
>2nd phase jobber old man with limited moveset
>3rd phase spams one combo that leads to free mikiri
>4th lmao lightning
Sword saint was a joke compared to old man
Emma > Genichiro
Ishin > Sword Saint
Plunge attack phase 1.
Pop divine confetti
Mash r1
Stagger out of transitional roar
Mash r1
Stagger after first roar
He dies befores other ape even finishes her roar
Does Isshin have the wind attacks SS Isshin has? I find it hard to believe he has less combos
>Plunge attack phase 1
You mean a deathblow? How?
>people still posting about how they beat a boss in the FOTW game for validation as if we gave a fuck
go make a blog
Puppet the monkey above him
Monkey drops down
Gets mooked
Headless can now be death blowed
Yes but they function differently. Old man uses wind to send out flames that are on the ground
I wish he didnt have a lightning attack
Turned a good fight into a shitty gimmick fight
is old ishinn harder than the younger one?
>pretends to not give a fuck
>makes a post telling everyone he doesn't care
Okay retard
>Not even sure what she does since she just dies instantly
>Cone attacks where you just hit his back
>Slowest grab in the universe
>Ultimate combo that you just cancel with a firecracker
I think so.
Sword Saints only challenging phase is phase 3, when he grabs the spear. It shifts from being a fight about being aggressive to managing your posture to counter his combo with mikiri as his full combo does too much posture damage that if you don't parry properly you'll get hit.
But overall he has a limited moveset as most of his attacks are based on distance between him and the player.
But then during phase 4 he uses lightning which invalidates the boss fight completely.
Whereas Old Man has a large varied moveset and can seriously fuck you up if you don't react fast enough. He legit has manus/kos death combos
>press X->R1 to do 30% HP and Posture
>good boss fight
If Genichiro (and later Sword Saint Isshin) use the Black Mortal Blade against you, why are you able to resurrect?
Nah, you just suck.
Agreed, but why do people overrate owl 2, hes not that different than owl 1
God Tier
Guardian Ape
Top Tier
Owl (Father)
Corrupted Monk
Lady Butterfly
Blocking Bullshit With Umbrella Tier
Demon of Hatred
Emma + Isshin
Demon's Souls Tier
Folding Screen Monkeys
Mid Tier
The Rest
Low Tier
Every recycled mini-boss in the game
Bad list
Post yours so we can see your objectively worse taste user.
Demon of Hatred was the most fun boss in the game because it wasn't an autistic parry check.
Only your mortal blade can severe immortality.
Divine dragon is pretty cool tho
Why the fuck is the other one called the Mortal Blade then?
Not fond of gimmick fights desu. Sword Saint got a pass because 3/4 phases were good.
The lightning gimmick at least is already established. Not a big fan of the trees in the boss but he has a nice sword and cool beam attacks
I think it lets you summon dead people from the beyond basically
The original name "fushigiri" just means Everlasting (fushi) + Cut (giri). The name might also be a punny double meaning with other concepts like duty, since the blades are made with a purpose in mind and wielded by immortals themselves.
Mortal Blade is an iffy translation since it works for the Tears blade, but makes no sense for the other one. It's a more elegant translation but that makes it a bit unclear.
Both can harm Immortals, but only the Gracious Gift Of Tears blade can actually kill immortals - it's designed to get Dragon Tears, but is also there to free immortals from their cursed existence, hence the name. The other blade is called Open Gate, and does the opposite by creating/recreating life, presumably in an immortal form since Sekiro uses the Mortal Blade to kill SSI.
All in all the other blade seems like a McGuffin so i'm expecting it has some relation to Tomoe or the Serpent worshippers.