Sub-par shooting even for the time

> Sub-par shooting even for the time
> Atrocious audio engineering makes the game feel lifeless.
> Utterly brain-dead AI
> Levels are smaller than you think
> Galactic Conquest is a shallow joke
> Star fighter Combat is boring as hell.

Has there ever been a more overrated Star Wars game? Literally the only thing this has over the EA game is there are no microtransactions, but it's sad when that's all it has going for it.

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I honestly enjoyed the first one much more but at least the one your talking about is still better than the modern joke shows they are releasing.

s-shut up ea s-shill

Agreed. First battlefront is the best

I don't trust the opinion of someone who wasn't even old enough to buy the game when it came out.
Fuck off, EA's Nu-Front took 2 years to finally reach the point where it can rival a game released over a decade ago.

It doesn't even matter because anything Star Wars related past 2010 aside from Rogue One has been a fucking mistake.

I never said the EA Battlefront were good, kid. They have better shooting mechanics and amazing graphics but everything else is also shit, just not as shit as the original BFII.

honestly kind of agree

played it on a Yea Forums server last year and it was quite a bad experience overall


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remainder that putting "sage" on "options" is a thing

I was going to refute every point but the fact you said Galactic Conquest is a shallow joke is sign that this is bait.

OG Battlefront 2 is still a lot of fun, its a bit clunky but I love it.

You forgot the worst offender
>class balance is utter dogshit, rocket troopers annihilate EVERYTHING and hero vs hero is a joke spamfest

>Has there ever been a more overrated Star Wars game?
republic commando

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You take that back

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Kotor 2

I bet you thought Spec Ops: The Line was "deep" too

Who ever claimed that Republic Commando was "deep"? It was an enjoyable FPS game that made the droids not a joke.

what about the clonewars

Literally all other well known Star Wars games are more overrated than BF2. How the fuck shit like Kotor or Jedi Academy are regarded as anything more than merely good is beyond me. Battlefront 2 is the closest to a all round Star Wars simulator anyone is gonna get, and is does is great. It's simple, easy, but has so much that other games haven't even tried that it stands out as the best SW game for me.

This, or the Jedi Knight games,

lmao what fuckin game is this

The first one was the best. The maps were so much better and the gameplay was a good bit more fun. There was also air vehicles in regular maps, which BF2 didn't have.

its a mod of jedi academy called movieduels

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>still manages to be fun as fuck
It's sad that you force yourself not to have fun, user.

Also worth mentioning that they took out the aerial combat from BF1. Flying around in a starfighter strafing the shit out of infantry was very fun, as was playing a very mobile squad in a LAAT/i. In BF2 it was only possible on Hoth and Geonosis. Space Battles were okay I guess, but aside from boarding there wasn't any ground-air interaction.

still better than nubattlefront 2

minor gripe I had with the 2nd was making it so that your own grenades hurt you. I loved throwing my grenades a little bit ahead of me in the 1st and jumping into them to send me flying, shit was pointlessly fun.

Based. The space battles were rather boring, and the addition of heroes didn't add much to the gameplay. The first had a better selection of maps and the combat felt much more lively.

Yeah, BF2 is the Budokai Tenkaichi 3 of Star Wars games. It has the most gameplay of anything else and they won't ever try to do a game like that again, especially not in one package.

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