Do you buy digital or physical on Switch?

Do you buy digital or physical on Switch?

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Depends how lazy I'm feeling.

Digital, unless I want a special edition.
Physical games don't even have cool manuals anymore, there's no point in buying them. Also, it saves me the trouble of carrying a bunch of cartridges around.

Physical always if I can. People who buy digital for games that have a physical copy are literally throwing away the ability to sell the game back in the future. Even when I buy a game for full price, I can always sell it to someone down the road for at least 25% what I paid. That's better than nothing at all.

>selling games

I don't buy them, I download digital games for free.

Digital since I'm too socially anxious to go outside.

You've never once in your life decided that you're never going back to a game? Good for you. Tons of people end up moving along after a generation or two and it's great to be able to get some money back from collectors or just on good trade-in deals. Again, it's better than getting nothing back at all.

Physical whenever I can so I'm not throwing my money away. It's obviously no problem as the carts are tiny and fit in the switch case no problem.

Pirate digitally :)

Depends on the size of the game file. If it is huge I'd rather just buy it physical so I don't fill up my SD card with a huge game I'll only play through once.

Physical for single player games since I generally only play a single one at a time.
Digital for multiplayer games since I like to switch between them a lot.

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I download the games I want to play on release, because they never arrive on time here. Otherwise I go physical.

I don't have a Switch because I'm not a child. My main gaming system is a 360 (just haven't got round to getting an XB1 yet because I don't think I can justify the expense) and I get discs second-hand because the savings are insane. E.g., Halo 3 pre-owned is 50p ($0.65 USD), while a digital download costs £15 ($19.50 USD). That's THIRTY TIMES the price. No thanks.

>i'm a mature gamer :^)

you never buy digital, you're just renting until whoever """""""""sold"""""""" it to you decides you don't get to play anymore.

Basically this for me. Larger MicroSD card prices are cheap. Even if Nintendo games don't go on sale often, there are other games that do.

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Seeing as most discs and carts these days contain 10% of the actual game on them, there is literally no reason not to just go digital unless you really want a box.

Bought all 2017 switch games (zelda, smo, xb2, pokken, mk8, zelda wariors, arms, 12s) for 3$ each thats cheaper than buying a single digital game

All switch games have 100% of the content on the cart so you dont need to even own a sd cart im been using my switch since release and still have 20gb left of the 32gb

Physical when possible, digital otherwise.

Maybe for PC games, not for switch

don't give losers the (You)s they desire



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Not true, for example, MK11 needs a download to get the full game.

Pretty much have to go Physically.

sure thing bro, consoles are forever
you're even more screwed with consoles you retard

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This. Hacked Switch master race!
I pirated Mortal Kombat on the Switch, and I still felt ripped off.

I have
> xc2
> smash
> botw

Want to get world of ff but I’m confused on whether there is anything better. I don’t want to octo since pc and I don’t want to play MHGU since I hate the janky movement.

I want all my games on the fly. This is a portable console after all

>Buying mk11 for switch

Hardcore physical fag but I brought Splatoon 2, MHGU and Smash twice because I orginally brought them physical got lazy and just brought them Digital so I don’t have to get up and change games
Pretty much every game I pour more than 200 hours in gets this treatment

>get console stolen
>say a bad word online
>try to modify or use an unlicensed accessory

Console briked
Games lost


Digital because fuck cartridges

physical only for all consoles.

Would you say it was worth it? I have Smash and Splatoon 2 physically too and keep pondering with getting them digitally

>look through eshop
>find good looking games
>check if it has physical and whether or not it's reviewed well
>add to wish list and buy physical copy later
my plan. its perfect

A mixture of both really. I'll also go in on special editions like said, but I have other regular edition physical games. Probably most of what I have that's digital are indie titles and other small games.

Mix. The only "big" game I have digital is Donkey Kong because it was much cheaper digitally than physically. Rest of my digital games are smaller titles like Cuphead, Downwell, BOI, etc.

Physcial just because you only own a copy even after the eShop is shut down.

The only problem is in the future when that does happen, you lose all the old updates if you switch games so you'll get old bugs or lose quality of life improves.

On the bright side, it means the return of 'THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME' in XBC2

>living near niggers
>being a nigger
>being a poor ghetto nigger
I’m sensing a pattern

Irrelevant, you idiot.

You said ALL games have the full content on the card and that is just not true. And there's countless other examples: the magaman x collection, Bayonetta, etc

whichever one is cheaper

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Wow you people are retarded and fat

I buy physical when I can, but will buy digitally if it's dirt cheap or exclusively digital and I feel like pulling the trigger.
This was sorted between digital and physical, but that's just to tedious now.

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How's remilore?

hows langrisser?

I vastly prefer physical but if I have to pay a ridiculously inflated price, I won't bother.

I swear Switch is the 3rd time I've bought that, and it isn't even all that spectacular a title.

I bought everything physical until I filled up the case, now it’s all digital because it’s much cheaper and I can just play whatever I want instead of swapping cartridges.

Is Ace attorney trilogy very expensive to import?

Hacked Switch is actually the master race, using my DS4 or wired 360 controller with hid-mitm on the Switch, while still playing online using lan for free is amazing, and no one can convince me otherwise.

Who cares, the upscale looks like shit

only retards sell games especially to a game store.

Real time Rougelite, pretty fun for its value and because it's published Nicalis, if you find a first printing, it comes with a manual and some other stuff. It's not spectacular, and it's not bad, it just has set goals and it does what it set out to do.

Standard SJRPG, but I you can't brute force it and need to know Japanese to play it and not have it be extreme trial and error.They did include an option to use the original Urushihara art in the demo.

People who call themselves the master race are neither masters nor a desired race.

>Cleaning attick
>Oh, its my my old switch!
>Wonder if it still works...
>*Switch Sound*
>Fuck yeah
>I have a shitload of games!
>Lets try BotW
>Server Not Found
>The fuck?
>Oh look, I have a Mario Odyssey cartridge
>Bing! Bing! Yahoo!
Atleast is not google

what about aryan germans. check mate untermensch.

i wonder how she feels knowing that most of her followers found her because of her porn

I guess so, but you still can't deny that hackers achieving things like themes, custom controllers and emulators ahead of Nintendo themselves are not amazing.

A few years ago I was "strongly against" digital, but as time passed I changed my mind.
At the moment I have 32 digital games (28 if you don't count free to play games) and only 4 physical.

>Be the 'master' race
>Lose to America
Checkmate fascist.

she probably feels like a very naughty boy.

Physical if I can, otherwise digital.

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Not really, I wouldn't be surprised if companies like Sony contracted hackers to do all that to get people to pirate Nintendo games and drive down sales.

Sony was caught hosting a pirated version of the GTA game for the DS, and that successfully drove down sales enough that Rockstar considered the game to be a flop and cut ties with Nintendo until recently.

>switch games uninstall themselves if you put them up

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>get bombed into stone age and literally raped to death by drunken slavs
>m-master race

it was a ruse. winners always fall eventually. great britain "won" against india and look at them now.

You uninstall them when you run out of space in your supper expensive 64GB SD

Winners fell into your master race aryan women over and over until they were bursting with their jizz lmao

>Sony was caught hosting a pirated version of the GTA game for the DS
Wait seriously?

Depends on my FOMO levels, really. If it's a game as extremely hyped as Pokemon, for example, I'm getting it digitally so I can play it ASAP. But if it's Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, I'll get hit up amazon or Wal-mart and pick up a copy.

this so much

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Are you retarded?

Would you recommend Moonlighter and Dead Cells to someone who liked Chocobo Dungeon and Quest of Dungeons, but hated Mana Spark with a passion?
(not that user, but...)
Wait, what?

Didn’t know the Germans were Iranian, well maybe in the country’s current climate

Digital, but with the caveat that I pirate my shit when it's no longer available.

Great Britain did win against Indian in terms of how they crippled the country and people. India had 23% share of World GDP when British arrived and was down to 2.4% with 12% literacy when they left.

Always physical - I tend to hunt on eBay for the best prices and get most of my shit on there.

this, also I may hate the game. ESPECIALLY for switch, they're already overpriced, no game on the switch even zelda is worth more than 30 dollars, most aren't worth 15.

whatever is cheaper

Never played the latter two. Can't say Moonlighter and Dead Cells are really comparable to Chocobo Dungeon either so it's hard to make a basis off that unless you like RPGs and Rougelites. Moonlighter is an RPG and Dead Cells is a rougelite.

not true, I just bought dead cells, got it yesterday and had an update file when I inserted the cart, I mean you can play it w/o but just saying.

Both, but I opt for physical when I can.

What was the last game released that didn't come with an update or digital instal?

>also I may hate the game
Retard alert.

and now 50% of britons are indian and curry is their national dish.

Physical. Nintendo's digital pricing outside the US is a fucking joke.

Probably some 3ds game.

Non sequitur.

Buy it physical, then pirate it and never open the shrinkwrap.

yeah but at least you OWN some useless plastic

i don't speak spanish, miguel

For Nintendo? Last gen with the WiiU and 3DS. there was some updates, but unless it was a big bug, nothing day one. Also Nintendo had an extremely strict policy on putting out updates so it forced devs to make sure everything was good before launch. Problem is now that relaxed that policy, it means they can shit out uboptimized Valve tier updates

तर्क नहीं।

Neither being true.


physical so I can taste the bitter cartridge

Tikka Masala isn't an Indian dish Amerifat.

>and now 50% of britons are indian
The last census places them at about 7% user.







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Depends on the game

Splatoon and eventually animal crossing: digital all the way. Fuck swapping cards everyday for that.

Otherwise I follow the sale prices and how many GBs the game is. Like Diablo 3 is 14 GB and has been on sale for $40 in both formats. Even though I have a huge SD card, I got the cart from Best Buy, and avoided taking up that much space.

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I personally think it’s worth just for ease of use and not forgetting my favorite vidya



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>Do you buy digital or physical on Switch?
Physical unless it’s literally impossible to obtain without the eShop or else has an absurd market price.

what's that, user?

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>uses highly valuable space on system
>cant be returned
>can be shared with a friend or family if you give them your Login data, both cant use it at the same time
>you'r game is gone once the servers are dead
>no need to carry cartridges around, can launch the game from the menu with ease
>most games are overpriced or still launch price, have to wait for official sales
>if you loose your system you can still download your games again
>in case you want games from a different region you have to create a new Nintendo account, game might be cheaper this way cuz no importation fees
>can get more nintendo coins for each purchase

>most games doesn't require an extra download, can save on storage space
>nice aesthetic box design + cartridge
>can be returned once purchased or sold
>can be lend over to friends or family, no need to share login data
>game is yours forever
>have to carry cartridges around and have to swap them all the time, not like they're big but there's a risk of loosing them if you're a retard
>games can be found brand new for lower prices at retail or you can look in the pre owned market
>if for some reason you loose the cartridge you're done
>can easily import games from anywhere in the world, no need to create a different account and have your games split across multiple accounts
>can only redeem 30 nintendo coins per purchase

sx os

you got that thing for free?

How do I get my hands on one?

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The switch has like 10 games that aren't shovelware. Are you really that poor?

Like a retard he paid to pirate



>spend several hundred dollars on games
>or, spend $40 for all games
tough choice I know, I deliberated about saving hundreds of dollars for several seconds

>not having emunand
>actually using tranny hacks

>thinking only 10 games are good
Look who's calling who poor.

I buy from soft cobra.

I'm convinced. Where can I buy one?

Check your priveledge cause not all people can afford paying for the same game twice asshole dipsbit twat bloody wanker

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They were pissed people figured out how to constantly hack the psp and the PS3 well lost 3.5 billion dollars meanwhile Nintendo is drowning in money with 2 systems both selling over 100 Million units at the same time.
There was also accounts of them lying about how many PS2s were sold in fear of being over shadowed by the DS.
Losing a big dev studio like Rockstar to Nintendo would’ve been a death
sentence so they pirated the game and offered free downloads of China town wars on their servers

Just ruthless business practices user

team xecuter

physical for single player games since I would probably just delete them after playing anyways.
digital for multiplayer and mario maker so I can always have it ready to play

>paying to pirate games
cant wait for the new switch with an actual custom SoC so you guys get locked down on the inferior system revision running everything like garbage or overclocking to get a whooping 30 minutes of battery life

Do you have a preferred re-seller on their site?

Didn’t Nintendo already shut down SXOS?

>Losing a big dev studio like Rockstar to Nintendo would’ve been a death
Funny how they aren't too bothered nowadays given the whole censorship thing.

Physical because it feels right. Also, I don't want to have to undownload and redownload to switch between games, even if I have enough space to do it.

Big fan of digital. If I am playing my Switch somewhere else all my games come with it.

would you anons recommend the Gunman Clive games? i have like 5 bucks of credit and was thinking of saving it for future Smash DLC, or using it to take a little off something like Cuphead or Katana Zero. noticed Clive was on sale though

Here’s an idea
Stop being poor

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I've only recently picked it up for Switch myself, but with what little I've played, I would recommend it.

>actually giving a fuck about graphics on a console
pic related

pretty sure I used modchipsdirect

how the fuck are they going to shut it down? they're based out of russia, and they've probably been around since before you were in your dad's ballsack

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I buy physical simply because I don't want to use up the system's internal memory or shell out money for SD cards. Some games are GB-intensive.

whats up with those CPU temps?

Sony knows they own a huge part of why the PS4 was so successful to GTA 5

GTA 6 could have more tits and ass than Pornhub and Sony won’t do anything because they fear Rockstar

speccy cannot read amd cpu temps correctly for some reason, it's been like that for years

And then that new version gets hacked too and you get cucked for a second time lmao

honestly, depends on what is being sold since jewtendo makes their own carts too expensive for publishers. ITs like n64 all over again.

2018 was all about "buy our game, but half of it is digital only". Now its "it might be an empty case and a download code"

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Huh could of sworn they were having a 404 problem for a while there
Guess not

>there are people who actually pay for pirating games
lmao this is next level cuckery

happens to me with the gpu, reporing only half of the vram

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core staples/multiplayer - digital (mario kart)
niche games/8hr completion games - physical

first you have to wait fuckboi, beg to those tranny devs to release the exploits

>Sony was caught hosting a pirated version of the GTA game for the DS
Not that I believe that Sony is some paragon of goodness and ethical behavior, but I’m gonna need a source for that.

mix of both
BotW, MK8D, Odyssey, Smash, USF2, DBFighterz, Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack
n++, sonic mania, Samurai Shodown 5, the messenger, FFVII

I guess it really just depends on the game. Although I wish I had gotten sonic mania physical and had gone digital with gunvolt striker pack. My next physical purchases are probably going to be sword and team sonic racing. For digital cuphead, katana 0, CTR, Spryo trillogy, cybershadow. I’ll definitely have to get a large sd card before any of that though.

yeah because they migrated servers for like 2 days. don't tell me you actually believe the shit you read on this board at face value

>tranny and/or poorfag literally this assblasted about not having emunand

If pirating on the switch was as easy as clicking twice on the store I'd invest in a bunch of memory cards.
Once 50 USD isn't a lot of money anymore it becomes more of a hassle.

>Sold my copy of Arms for $50 back in June 2017
>Bought a licence for TXOS custom firmware with it and had $20 left over that I spent on Chinese food and beer
>Used it to pirate over 800gb of games to date
>Downloaded $200 worth of games just TODAY
>"H-h-haha paying for p-p-piracy!"

You're crying inside really.

Digital because I dont want to dust and organize more shit than necessary. When the eshop goes down I'll use backups like I did for Wii VC

>if for some reason you loose the cartridge you're done
Your saves are stuck with the console and not the cart like 3/DS. Assuming you still have your console, you just need another copy and then you can pick up where you left off.

>peasant piratefags defending their peasantry

Don't even (you) me you broke-ass niggers I'm off to laugh at your poverty in some other thread.

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yeah i added that one as contrast with the digital version which in that case you only need to re download the game, technically your digital games are always with you until nintendo decides otherwise

I normally don’t but the one time I google search for myself and find nothing but constant 404 I just figured another one bites the dust like loveroms

>GTA 6 could have more tits and ass than Pornhub and Sony won’t do anything because they fear Rockstar
Problem is if they don't enforce that on everyone on their platform then they could be in for some legal problems.

>800 gigs
Everything I wanted to play easily fits on a 128 gig card

I'll get a physical copy if it costs over $40.

This is literally how it’s gonna go down
There’s too much sex dial it back.
Why hello mr. Miyamoto!
Why yes we are interested in...
Nevermind do whatever you want please don’t leave us.
Sorry Moto I gotta go
Need to pick up my dog from soccer practice

Physical unless it's digital only. If it gets a physical later I'll double dip if I liked the game. Also import jap versions of games with english options if they only came here digital. Things like Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon or Taiko.

Those of you who buy digital, what size of mircro sd do you recommend getting

Unless you spend $1000 on digital games a 256gb will probably last you forever.

wtf? do you buy games just because or do you actually play them all to somewhat completion?

I still have GCU (and for a couple years more still) so physical is the cheapest for me, it doesn't make sense to buy digital anything unless it's digital only.

We get physical for single player games that me and my bf both want to play, digital otherwise.

Where's a good site to download switch backups?

So far I have half and half, exactly five games physically and five digitally. But the digital games I have are all digital only.

I'm over the physical game meme, there's no point in having a bunch of game boxes sitting on shelves

What's the top left game you're downloading right now?

Physical for Data cap reasons.

>say people only keep games they still play
>mentions collectors

Depends on the game. I get physical if I think I might want to lend it to someone or if it's some big single player experience I'll play campaign style. Any game I want to always have on hand for multiplayer or pick up I get digital.

I'm 75% physical. I should have just went all digital. How much money would I lose if I tried to sell my physical copies?

does hid-mitm work on sx-os?

Digital is a blessing for third wolrders like me. If I were to buy a physical I'd have to pay from 150% to 200% the price of digital.

Old pic, Kadokawa's Yume Nikki. Not good, but imouto likes it as much as the original.

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Imagine being so fucking disgustingly fat and out of shape that getting up for twenty whole seconds to change a game cartridge or disk is a problem.

I'm not going to spend my hard-earned money on thin air.

Digital everything unless the boxed edition comes with something good

Less than how much you lose selling your digital ones

people like you with zero reading comprehension should be shot

I buy everything physical I can because I like getting more for my $60 or whatever it may be and if I end up not enjoying a game I can put it on eBay for most of what I payed for it.

People don't realize that collecting in 10 or 20 years is going to be a million times harder and more physical games are going to probably increase in value for once.

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i always buy physical unless i have no option other than digital

>Sony was caught hosting a pirated version of the GTA game for the DS
the only relevant source that comes up on google is this thread

Fuck if I know

1st party Nintendo holds it value
Anywhere from 40-45$ jewstop
Other games expect 15$ if that

Thanks for nothing, I guess.

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Pirate digitally

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>paying for piracy

I've just started buying all digital. I hate having to swap out/keep up with the carts. Especially since the switch has so many good pick up and play a little at a time type games. I can easily just bounce between doing a few splat matches to playing smash, then doing a gungeon run or something.

Physical, if it exists.

Can you put your downloaded games on an SD card, and still have it play without being online? If so, there may be some more benefit to the online purchases.

I started with physical for my first two games, but then realized there is literally no reason to own physical games since I don't ever intend on selling my games.

There is literally no reason to ever buy physical anymore.

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What is it like being poor?

Physical generally, digital for games I'll want to go back and forth between a lot or random indie shit.
I buy discounted eshop vouchers too.
I should have bought Splatoon 2 digitally.
I would've bought XC2 physically, but I could never find it for a good price. Finally bought it during the Blockbuster sale thing.

Why Labo?

>back to /pol/ with you.

>back to redd*t with you


I bought Splatoon 2 and Arms digitally when they were on sale, but other then that, I mostly buy physical.

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

>Physical games don't even have cool manuals anymore
They do if it's a Nicalis game