Why is everything in Dragon's Dogma a damage sponge? i dont want to spend 2 hours shooting at a cyclops
Why is everything in Dragon's Dogma a damage sponge? i dont want to spend 2 hours shooting at a cyclops
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because enemies have weaknesses, and pressing m1 over and over expecting good results is something i would expect from a dark souls retard
>2 hours shooting a cyclops
Even if your pawn has downs they'll be able to kill a fucking cyclops in 1 at most
get a better party set up
enjoy the grind my nigger.
Because the game has the worst damage formula conceivable. The end result is that you do no fucking damage to anything until a couple hundred of attack points put you above the magical threshold where you do your full damage to the same targets and suddendly they have 10 times less effective health.
The game is bad.
>any DS
What a shitty game. Can't kill any boss whitout any guide. URRRR DURRRRR It's shit game.
Grow up, Fucking N. Use your goddamn Neurons and try again later posting shit here.
Because level scaling is for retarded assholes.
Consequently you can, and will meet enemies leagues above your level at times.
The damage calc is not great, but as long as you don't go out of your way to tackle enemies in the worst possible order it won't be much of a problem. Damage boosting items and consumables are there for a reason. Otherwise, grind and upgrade shit. The moment you can (easily) kill the drake at Devilsfire Grove (around lv15), you should be getting stuff dragonforged.
Always remember that Fashion > Stats for defense. Keep your best weapon with you, but roll around with the best looking.
>t. got killed by that one bandit fighter up that narrow path over and over again
what do early game bandits have to do with anything I said you retarded nigger
I hate to admit that those bandits did kill me until I gave up and came back
Get a better weapon. I'm doing a sorcerer run right now. I love the dragon's wit, but it puts me at 1900 magic damage vs. the bane archistaff's 2400, which puts me in striking distance of the 2500 you want for daemon 2nd form.
You were fooled by Yea Forums the game is shit and I will explain why:
>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks
I don't know how people defend this game.
Should I buy this game for the 4th time on the Switch?
Just wait for DD2
>get a new graphics card
>now the game runs at a snails pace in menu and game
What in the fuck is happening lads, it ran fine with a 4gb card but I switch to an 8 and all of a sudden it’s unplayable, any way to fix this incredible slowdown? Should I just re-install?
Almost had me you fuck.
upgrade your fucking weapons, you cheap ass jew
climb it and strike at the eye
Because Pawns with bad inclinations often sit around and do absolutely fucking nothing. The shitty AI is make or break on if you get to actually enjoy the game.
im playing a magick archer and literally havent found a single magic bow, i still have the one from the gran soren shop
All roads lead to ____ _____
Hey Arisens,
My name is Daimon, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are base, trifling, slaves to a broken order who spend every second of their day completing stupid ass quests. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pawnssy? I mean, I guess it's fun killing random stuff because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than doing radial quests on Skyrim.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I played 190 lvls as a Sorcerer, and started as a Mage. What builds do you play, other than "jack off to shameless princesses"? I also have every other Vocation maxed, and have a banging hot pawnfu (She just told me wolves hunt in packs; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just godsbane yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my waifu
I know min maxing is stupid, but I'm curious if anyone's figured out a build that has a minimum of 4k hp, 3.5k stamina, 500 attack, 600 magic, and 350 def and mdef?
I've been dicking around with the stat planner, but haven't been able to pull it off yet. This is the closest I've gotten so far.
I literally never had a problem with whatever the fuck you're talking about and have done like 5 playthroughs
Just upgrade your gear and get whatever the best shit is available.
based daimon chad
this game sucks a dag of dicks, tried so many times to get into it but i just can't
I started this game a week ago and I'm liking Strider. Is Magic Archer fun?
Cool, I never like magic in other games but it sesms fun in this one.
Imagine Strider but you can set yourself on fire as a legitimate strategy.
Dubs and Sequel announced at E3, otherwise I kill myself.
jesus christ I hope that's not your character and just some saved pic, that is one edgy looking mother fucker, makes me cringe in pity of whoever created it.
>>Damage sponge
What? What is maker's finger, what are explosive arrows? What is arc of deliverance? etc etc
>that is one edgy looking mother fucker
That was the point user.
bros, I started playing and I can't decide between mystic knight or assassin
There are so many factors that multiply your damage that it's really only an issue if you try going to BBI out of the gate. Even then you can get by with consumables and shit.
Zombies are tanky early on, but fire damage of any sort fucks them over and causes burning damage over time. Saurians are pretty strong at first, but are weak as fuck to ice and being frozen - giving you all the time in the world to blow their tails off and turn them into total bitches. Bandits are deadly, until you blind them and they go down with a single throwblast.
The game requires more strategy than people give it credit for, but because the level cap is so fucking high everyone just min/maxes attack power for two hundred levels and stomps through everything.
>Not diggin the Snake aesthetics on an Arisen.
Get the fuck out, and take your buzzwords with you.
all hybrid vocations are fun
Nobody said anything about level scaling, DD simply has the worst damage calculation of any game ever made.
There are very rare moments when your stats and the difficulty align well and the game feels fun to play, the other 90% of the time you're either doing chip damage or fucking destroying everything.
The combat system is good but it's fucking ruined by the retardation that is the damage calculation.
I never got to play the new stuff but ironically the health of enemies is fine until later on where they die blisteringly fast and most of the threat that really endeared the game to me goes away save for a few parts in the Everfall. All this whining of "damage sponge" on anything that doesn't immediately keel over regardless of the player's effort, stats or skill has almost completely destroyed any kind of grand climactic encounter design, much like the similarly asinine complaints about games with multi-enemy encounters.
magick archer means sacrificing a bit of overall agility for the ability to cover pretty much any monster weakness.
With Strider you tend to be a more more of a spaz, moving around, being a chainsaw and jumping constantly. Magick Archer is a bit slower, but I'd say both are equally effective.
Isn't DD's damage calculation literally just subtracting defense numbers from attack numbers?
assassin is kinda plain, MK has loads of fun abilities
You're supposed to upgrade your gear, skill, play multiple classes and use enemies' weaknesses against them. It's not hard.
I remember falling for this exact post 6 years ago.
Where did the time go and why the fuck are there DD threads every hour all of a sudden?
Use lighting damage and hit it in the eye. You can also set them on fire or poison them. Curse them if you really need extra damage.
It's pretty much reduced by a percentage (Your damage reduction) and then by a flat amount (your defense). Or maybe it is the other way around. Either way it is pretty standard. If you really need to fight something obviously out of your league use some of the consumables that are literally everywhere or slot in some strong single hit skills instead of spamming multiple weak blows.
>cringe in pity
I'll never understand why people do this
soaked to the bone
I unironically think the best build is 1-10 (your favorite color), 11-90 ranger, 100-200(your favorite color)
after playing through the game so many times I understand that stamina is the only stat that truly matters, so I just start a new game, go to BBI, change to ranger, cheese the shit out of Gazer with throwblasts and then cheese death with periapts to level 90 times as ranger.
then after beating daimon 2.0 I go push the hydra head to gran soren
it's a bit more complicated than that, especially when you get to elemental damage. But the general idea is that if you cross a threshold of defense, then your damage increases extremely quickly. It's why elemental weaknesses/knockdowns are so important.
Something like that, it's basically "you will do zero damage until your attack is higher than the enemy defense, then it will scale wildly"
It makes it terribly unbalanced because there is a very small sweet spot of balance, you either do no damage or melt everyone.
after playing the game solo I sadly can't go back to using pawns, at least in BBI.
The bonuses you get for playing solo are hard to ignore.
Still not there, but really close.
You're getting a lot of hate, but I kind of felt that way about BBI, which I didn't start until post-game. I could consistently beat things, but it was fucking impossible to keep my pawns alive while doing any meaningful damage to enemies, so I was basically forced to solo stuff, which wasn't super interesting.
It takes a shitload of grinding to "melt" anything in BBI. If you really want to scale it down just ditch your gold rarified level 3 BBI shit.
You aren't really expected to take on Garm and Elder Ogres and shit on your first go through. The undead pope and cursed dragon are drastically easier than normal cursed dragons for example.
>Line your pawn would say during sex with their arisen
I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since this shit came out. It’s been so long all I really remember is wolves hunt in packs and she-goats are horny for cloudwine
I didn't get far into BBI, I started it and cleared plenty of rooms after finishing the game and then started getting stuck.
Looked online and it turns out it's super gear dependent and people just farm for items by running in and out until they get what they want and can proceed. You also needed a ton of some currency I had very little of because I played offline.
Seemed mindlessly tedious so I quit.
It's a shame because I really liked the combat system.
How do I into this game? I put like 10 hours into an Assassin put found out apparently you have to play other classes to optimize the class you want to play? And I had like irreversibly damaged my character by playing the class I liked. Should I give it another shot? Do you really have to min max like a faggot to enjoy the game?
>pleb that has never played on Hard
user is right, the damage and armor calculation is so bad its inexcusable. The game is shit overall
Isn’t that just overly complicated masturbation?
It's being released on the switch in a few days.
whoever said that is a moron, minmaxing is absolutely irrelevant
the only thing that "matters" is playing with all the classes a bit to get the augments and then mixing and matching those with whatever class you end up enjoying the most. The stat growth is piss in the ocean.
>Stop! NO!
>Do you really have to min max like a faggot to enjoy the game?
Absolutely not.
Tis a troubling foe
>I can’t believe it’s been 7 years since this shit came out.
I was counting the years down today. It's pretty crazy to think about.
how could you forget that they're masterworks all
Also does anything feel that the hydra's are just incredibly average to fight. I really wish they had something more because they are my favourite large enemy but still seem so underwhelming
minmaxing is useless honestly. Having good gear is far more important. And honestly the best way to enjoy it for a first time is to not look anything up, work out how to effectively fight things on your own. Explore the map at your own pace (just do note some quests will become auto-fails when you pass certain story checkpoints. These are really obvious so you should be fine)
>didn't beat BBI with the Dragon's sword and shield
There are so many ways to exploit the game using items and elements. Fuck, you can even run away from the fuckers hounding your ass and wind up on level just fine.
Sure, but breaking the game with items and elements is even worse.
Like I said, game has a great combat system that is totally ruined by the crappy damage calculation. The entire rpg part of the game is broken to the point where it's just not fun.
I have no idea what you retards are talking about. The amount of damage I dealt always felt fine. Not too little or too high. Obviously you aim for weak spots and hit weak spots as well. That's basic logic for any game. On Cyclops, you aim for their big fucking eye or just climb up there.
Every enemy has a weakness and if you dont use it you're going to struggle
That being said the stat system can also fuck you over, if you play and level as a mage for hours then switch to warrior you're going to do shit all damage since stats are gained on each level based on what class you are at the time. Its probably one of the worst stat systems I have ever seen.
The stats gained from leveling really don't matter that much. It's all about equipment.
Is the combat system great though user? Strider/ Ranger is fun, but what if you're like me and like two-handed warriors?
>virtually no movement options, character feels like a retarded sloth
>only 3(three) mappable abilities compared to everyone else's 6
>dps is consistently subpar, assassin/strider/ranger are by far the strongest classes in terms of damage
>flying enemies? eat shit nerd lol
If you played DD only with the Warrior, I guarantee you will hate this game
Because the game wants you to progress incrementally through experience, upgraded gear and knowledge. There are ways to get past high defense enemies if you're willing to experiment and/or listen to pawns.
I only played warrior in the later stages of the story because I wanted the augments and I enjoyed it. You're a little more glued to the ground but it was doable with the right skills iirc.
That reminds me, I killed the final boss guy with a single hit done with the overpowered warrior skill that takes ages to charge. So anti-climatic.
As mentioned in your first run through all of the monsters that show up out of nowhere (Elder Ogres, Garm, Cursed Dragons, Death) are pretty much "stage hazzards" until you get some of the gear. I typically just avoid them until I can kill the undead pope and get a cursed dragon horn. There is a quest that requires three of them, so you just duplicate the one at The Black Cat. Once that is done you can just buy some of the BBI gear. Dragonforge that shit and you are good to go.
The stats from leveling up don't mean shit in the long run. Your gear and actually targeting weaknesses matter way more. Branch out for the augments but other than that don't worry about it.
Hard doesn't reduce your damage at all though? You also get gold thrown at you left and right so always having top end shit is no issue. You can also buy consumables like you are hoarding for the apocalypse. If anything hard is a little easier than normal mode in the long run.
Using status ailments and shit is fucking amazing though.
The multiplier on Arc and shit is high enough that you'd still be fucking fine. Warrior specializes in defense and knock down more than offense anyway.
you can one-shot him with that special arrow that one-shots anything
Ok but why is OP suddenly playing it for the first time?
Cus it's releasing on switch he decided to get it on pc? These threads are weird.
Don't mind me.
see you in an hour
Doesn't reduce your damage, but every enemy gets a massive steroid buff to their Def and Attack. Pausing the game and eating 2 stacks of Greenwarish while a troll is chewing on your skull is hardly a good healing system though?
Probably and Yea Forums does like to talk about the game a lot too. Also Itsuno did drop massive hints about making a 2 in a dmc5 interview not too long ago.
Because it's an RPG.
Is your new card set up to be the active video card? Could be that your system defaulted to integrated graphics when it didn't detect your old card.
merely pretending
Fuck I forgot it was coming now I gotta buy it again
They get a buff to attack, but not defense. Grabs are easy to break out of if you grab that fighter augment. Alternatively if you actually stack defense / health regen you can take all the time you want to break free because you are just as tanky as the enemy. OR give your pawn plenty of knockback and they can free you. Spamming healing items is totally an option but I would hardly say it's a knock against the game when you could just as easily use defensive periapts and avoid taking so much damage in the first place.
too son lad, dmc5 just came out, which means dragons dogma 2 has just entered production
Its comming bro, be patient and please expect!
Itsuno's gonna have a lot of freedom with how well dmc5 did and capcom has been getting good results from letting their devs just make their game with minimal interference it seems.
it's more of a matter of math than anything else
i'll try to lookup the stat growths and see if it's possible
I hope he gets to make the Dragons dogma he originally wanted
What we got was great but IMAGINE a DD game that looks like MHW with the original scope (a whole continent+endless tower+moon), with the gameplay lessons from DDO and DMC5
Shit could be fucking insane lad
What did they add in DDO? Haven't played it.
>game doesn't tell you which enemies hunt in packs
0/10 WGOTY
fire arisen
>it's more of a matter of math than anything else
yeah I know. There's no real point to it either as I won't be doing it. It's just a frustrating bit of theorycrafting I'm stuck on.
i'd wager it's not even that hard to prove if it's possible.
just level the class with the highest avg stat grow until you hit one of your "targets" and then switch to the second most efficient
I really hope the theories that V was a tech demo for a DD2 vocation is true. I'd love to see it expanded.
re-rolling right now. What's more fun, strider or magic archer? should I try a mage?
Not OP but I'm playing it for the first time on the PS4 because I am a poorfag and this game didn't seem that appealing.
They are both fun. Strider if you wanna bolt around the battle fucking shit up and MA if you want to become a human lights show (also if you wanna Allahu Akhbar shit while climbing on it).
btw these should be the stats once you reach lv10 depending on what class you chose
do you mean with or without gear?
because that's a whole can of worms by itself
>smashes club into ground with dragon crushing force
4 skill slots with 2 palettes so you can bring 8 skills with you
There's two things to keep in mind
1. Enemies have weak points where they take more damage.
2. Enemies have a flat damage threshold value that you need to exceed to deal any real damage to them. If you don't deal "enough" damage, then you'll deal "basically no" damage.
i don't think it's possible
what fucks this over is the 600 MA, you basically need to play sorc or mage for a fuckton and that rapes all your other stats
Properly, but a man can dream. That netflix show is likely a attempt to get normalfags interested in the series.
What lessons could they take from DDO?
Yeah, I unironically enjoyed V's gameplay, it just needed more mores because he feels lacking compared to Nero and Dante since most of his unlocks are just charged versions of the attacks he already has.
I'm buying this for the Switch in a few days. I've probably put like 100 hours into it on other platforms but never played a MK or Warrior. Which is more fun and wtf should I make my main Pawn?
I mean there's
+137 hp
+44 stamina
+1 atk
-2 def
-2 mdef
away from the goal. It's just a question of if it's somehow possible to trade some of those points for those 2 def and 2 mdef points without dragging atk under 500, magick under 600, hp under 4k, and stamina under 3.5k.
meant in pic -
to elaborate on this, if an enemy has a threshold of 100 damage, you must do more than that or you;ll only do 1
for example, using the above enemy, if you do 99 damage, its below the threshold so youll only do 1
if you do 101 damage, then you'll do 101 damage because its enough to break the threshold.
Playing warrior rn.
Fun but stupid that you only have access to 3 abilities.
Also your main pawn should be a loli healer
I'm actually just 1 def point away now. Haven't figured it out yet though.
Magic archer skills makes BBI easier than most other vocations
consider pic related
you need both 2 on DEF and MD in a single level, that rules out most of the possible stat gains
now you need to remove 1 level from your leveling chart so that
is a level between 10 and 100
hp: irrelevant
attack:no more than 1 more than the choice between these
defense:someone with either 0 or 1
magic attack: a 3 or a 4
magic defense: 0 or 1 or 2
it's 4AM so i probably screwed up something
Mystic Knight with Stone Forest and a fuckton of buffs. Don't use the cannons, they are pure cheese and make the game too easy.
it would help if you posted what leveling sequence you used
I bought it on PS3. PC. PS4... I have not regretted it yet even as I sell my ps4. Why is it such a good game... fourth though? I dunno. Honestly I am waiting for dragon's dogma 2 at this point since DMC5 is done and there was willingness if not outright joy at working on dragon's dogma 2. I did a lot of playthroughs mind you. If you only did one or two on each platform or whatever, why not.
>enclosed space everywhere
>ricochet arrow
those poor monsters
I remember the first time I played I ended up with a magic knight for a while. That fucking magic cannon combined with the fighter attack where you spin was hilarious. It would hit the magic cannon like, ten times. It was like having a mounted machine gun.
after stopping just before getting 20/20 wake stones and finishing the game I stopped for a year until I came back just this day to complete it. I’m going for new game plus and starting BBI. This game is kino even if it’s a bit tedious.
Sure thing.
First 10 levels - strider
32 levels of fighter
12 of sorceror
3 of mystic knight
37 of assassin
6 of magick archer
and for the final 100
89 of sorceror
11 of mystic knight
since you have so much excess stamina and HP, switch out 3lv of MK for 3 of Marcher, that should result in a surplus of 4 MD points which may help
yeah, I tried swapping 2 MK for 2 MA and 1 for fighter, which gave the missing def point +2 extra atk without bringing hp, stamina or magic def under, but it cost 1 pt of magic, lowering it to 599.
nah the griffin flew off man
How are you playing it? Game releases in 3 days faggot
>falling for the gb meme
I did it at last. Thanks for the help.
by exclusion i can say for sure that this combo will never be balanced, because you can't exclude any sorc or assassin levels or your attack/MA go under, fighter has the highest DEF gains so that's a no go, MK is a downgrade compared to MA in the 10-100 range but that doesn't help
can't remove MK from the 100-200 range either because that leaves you with fighter or warrior only but they lose Mattack
Aw man. Oh well. Guess i gotta beat em up at his nest
>3 hours of excel autism to minmax a 7 y/o single player RPG
been a pleasure
>Yea Forumseddit hates dragon's dogma now
This place still manages to get worse every day even after you think it's already at rock bottom.
And while the damage scaling does have issues and is a valid complaint you can get around it by using periapts.
Are pawns any good at playing ranger?
With the right inclinations yes, but that applies to all classes the pawns can be. Though, of course, they're still not going to be as good has you playing a ranger.