are they even capable of making a game that has something else in it other than just a combat? they literally design a map, spawn enemies in it and that's it, literally nothing else, it's not a AAA quality game design at all, they milked this formula for a decade now and refuse to evolve it, that's fucking pathetic
Are they even capable of making a game that has something else in it other than just a combat...
From's only good game was Demon's Souls, and that was thanks to joint development with Sony Japan Game Studios. I tried playing DS1 and DS3, both were soulless as fuck. Bloodborne is merely okay.
Somehow every iteration of this thread manages to be even dumber than the last one. I'd make a witty joke now, but this is just a waste.
Suck my dick. Bitch.
Deracine came out only a few months ago you fucking mongoloid
They're not AAA games user. They're barely AA games. They're like 20-million dollar Musou-tier budget games. The first Demons Souls made like 5x its budget on 2m units sold.
These are quick cheap games and people like them. Why are you so angry and why do you type like a retard?
>are they even capable of making a game that has something else in it other than just a combat?
Even though I'm sure they are capable, why would they? Their fans were crying at the slightest deviation from the Souls formula.