So, was it better than Bloodborne?

So, was it better than Bloodborne?

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Bloodborne is a 10/10 masterpiece and Sekiro is a 9/10.

No. Bloodborne > DS3 > DS2 > DS1 > DeS > Sekiro. None are bad games.

No. Sekiro had great gameplay but world and story was worse than any soulsborne and whilst the mechanics were great the variety and enemy variety not so. Once "how do i beat x" threads are done sekiro will be the least discussed From game. Bloodborne 10, sekiro 7.

From hasn't made a good game since Lost Kingdoms 2.

Lost Kingdoms and Armored Core > Bloodborne/Souls/Sekiro

>from is now forever doomed to make the same game over and over and will never go back to mecha

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Nigga what? The story is the one thing it did better than every other souls game. Lore, maybe not. Story? Definitely.
Based and Contrarianpilled.

No but it was still amazing.

Bloodborne is a coping meme for snoys. Sekiro is an actual good game.

It had a more direct narrative sure but it was flat. Even the bare bones story in other From games is more captivating.

Bloodborne is shit and probably the worst game From has made. It doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned alongside Sekiro


ANYTHING is better than pretentious roll, roll, stab trash.
Really glad From have finally left that shit behind.

It's Souleborne with all the good stuff removed, so no.

They're literally working on a new armored core right now

Never ever :)

>implying anyone cares about Bloodborne

Give it a rest, Snoys.


Yes. by a large margin

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Where the fucc do I go next bruhs im stuck and trying to not to look anything up. I made it to the dude that cut off your arm but he seems way too hard for me to take on right now. I did the hirata estate but came up to a locked door and couldn't progress any further. I followed another way and ended up killing the long armed centipede giraffe (wtf). I also have the monk area but that seemed like a side area.

What should I do bros? Grind out attempts against the lighting dude?

Shit thread. Stop trying to ride on the coattails of Sekiro, snoyfags


Better than what? Never heard of it.

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fingerless glove meter off the charts

It's the first game that doesn't rely on jank to create difficulty. Going from Dark Souls to Sekiro is like going from NES Castlevania to Hollow Knight.

The monk area is where you'd need to go next after Genichiro anyway, but you can clear it out beforehand. You can find some beads there too so you might be able to upgrade your health. There's also the depths you can do.

I could never get into souls/bloodborne but I platinumd sekiro. I just prefer the combat system in this, it's very rhythmic .

pfffttt. fuck no.

bloodborne > lords of the fallen > dark souls 2 > sekiro > dark souls 3 > the surge > dark souls > demons souls

This. Sekiro is actually well made (by From standards) and is difficult cos it's actually properly designed that way.
Soulsborne games are only difficult cos they're plain awful to play.

Is there anything I should know about Genichiro other than git gud? I spent last evening grinding out his first phase and beat it this morning thinking that was it but then he got nude and one shot me.

Get gudder.
Geni is the tutorial boss

Learn to combine perfect deflects with the act of moving around your enemy. With Genichiro it’s very easy to stay close to him and try to circle around to his back. Outside of the times he jumps back and shoots arrows at you, he rarely punishes you for being too close and aggressive. Once you are able to get his timing right and start circling behind him, you will notice you will not only do posture damage to him but you will also be able to punish him as well get his health down. That’s how you beat him.

git gud is the main thing, but more specifically make sure you are deflecting everything you can, even arrows. get up his ass and attack whenever you aren't deflecting, chipping health away lowers enemy posture recovery. you can often interrupt his attacks, especially bow ones. after his jump he will do either a thrust or a sweep, learn to recognize the tell then mikiri or goomba stomp him respectively.