suzaku is the ultimate waifu
also ffxiv thread I guess
Suzaku is the ultimate waifu
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I don't browse Yea Forums much, but looking at the recent threads, it seems like theres a certain "culture" for each server. What's up with that?
I pretty much went to Behemoth to hang with friends and solo'd most of the content and occasionally stuff with some them before taking a break and transferring over to Cerberus to hang with EU friends.
>chicken fucking
who did it better?
>Potato wedges or baked potato
They're both potatoes
>not playing the game with Japanese voices and German text
Edea was built for rough breeding.
the english VA is really good, especially as of recently in orbonne monastery
When we come back home everyone will be dead to the rose gas.
Third time i want to replay the game after quitting, I don't know because i always dropped it when max level queuing for raids again and again i felt was boring, maybe because i play manly bard or should i play a more fun class or just stay out of the game and it simply isn't for me ? I just can't seem to stay more than one month on it.
It's pretty normal, you have it in absolutely every game with multiple servers to choose from.
People that have similar playstyles and priorities slowly find themselves over time and make their home somewhere.
A whole bunch of players that wanted to take the game more seriously decided to move to Gilgamesh, so that established itself as a server with raiding as its primary focus, people that wanted to RP searched for one another online and all decided to move to Balmung, etc.
When was the last time you subbed? If you're burned out it's perfectly fine to unsub for a while and resub at a later time. Only erping autists stay subbed nonstop.
That being said it can be very fun and refreshing to level a new job, maybe even another role and revisit some older fights.
Oh yeah, I remember hearing about that back when I hopped in for Heavensward. I got in to Gilgamesh first try cuz it was apparently the most active but then stopped playing for a longass while. 2.0's story is a fucking chore to get through just for a pretty good final 1/5th.
Anything about the EU servers I should know about or avoid? What with the coming cross-server visiting bullshit.
End of Stormblood 2-3 month before shadowbringer announcement i think, i was very bored of doing omega raids again and again to get that shitty piece of stuff i will change later because it's like 5 tier behind your best in slot, i was also pretty much alone with no guild or friend to play with, felt like i was playing a solo game with multiplayer on the side.
If you have a problem with people from other nationality speaking other language, you might want to avoid Moogle...although you came from Behemoth which is the unofficial BR server so you probably don't care.
The ones with pelvic bones
For EU Ragnarok is the biggest raiding server with a whole bunch of competitive groups going for World Firsts, Cerberus is a bit behind now but still has a solid PvE community.
Moogle is the French server, and as far as I know Odin the German one.
Louisoux and Omega have an absoluely terrible rep and the worst clear rates out of any servers worldwide.
If I remember right Light was picked out as the EU Datacenter for PvP, but I'm not entirely sure on that one.
Both datacenters are pretty much dead at this point, with Light slightly more dead. You will inevitably encounter Saluts on Chaos though because of Moogle so bear that in mind when you chose.
Shiva is the German server, which can be really frustrating too sometimes. I joined it because it was supposedly the most active some years ago and never left, but I mostly try to avoid interacting with the krauts.
Moogle is so full of frogs that you practically can't take a step without hearing HON HON HON like they were squeaky toys littering the entire floor. Louisoux also has quite a few, but the server is mainly known for being the one where people still can't clear unsynced regular coil in current gear without multiple wipes.
Oh god was it? I don't think I ever ran into any of that. I haven't ran into the problem myself on Cerberus so it ain't too bad anyways.
Ah that's nice to hear. I can jump onto Ragnarok when the cross-server stuff happens. Should I check for groups? I usually only do roulettes and beast tribes to level some classes and stop there. I've never attempted any of the OSs or even the Tactics alliance raids.
Also a few of my EU friends, a dutch and 2 fins specifically, DESPISE French people, especially in FF14. They got a bad rep I assume?
Woof. Seems like y'all hate the French here too. I'm guessing they're not too fun to play with.
They are generally terrible players, which is already annoying. But you can't even teach them anything because they don't fucking speak english. They should honestly just get their own datacenter.
>ENG Thunder God is infinitely better than JP Thunder God
>JP Agrias is infinitely better than ENG Agrias
Wish I could change voices on the fly
Pathetic braindead weeb
Fuck mhiggers
>68 more days
just started levelling my ast again since I came back, checking out the skills
is it just me or lord and lady not really useful at all?
Lady isn't, Lord is free damage
Has Yea Forums paid their FC taxes yet?
>FC leader asks me to help support his friend in getting a mansion that's been put up for sale
>People that are also waiting brought their friends along
>I end up snagging it by chance
>Everybody is mad at me now and thinks I'm selfish
>mfw I have a mansion now
people that dumb deserve to be exploited
Booooyfriend and I were really disappointed about the lack of male Viera that he went ahead and made us both Viera to play as instead!
Do you just spend your day combing through xiv communities to find things to be outraged about
I know the game is light on content right now but come on son
Was this song original?
No, bf really did make this. We've posted it on Facebook groups and stuff too.
Does Yea Forums play XIV with their significant other?
Pic related, it's her kitty.
Tell her she's cute
You and your boyfriend should kill yourselves.
Wow that's actually the cutest cat girl I've seen in awhile.
I told her and she called me dumb and retreated under her blanket.
She's so dumb I love her.
I've never seen this face before.
Is this modded?
Wholesome content we need to keep the shitposters away.
She looks ugly but at least unique compared to the other samefaced cats
It is modded, yeah. The height seems modded as well, could just be the angle though.
Its not modded. Just shit nose face with eyebrow facepaint
Who was the best Primal in SB? My vote is for Tsukuyomi, though they were all pretty good except maybe Lakshmi
Seething down syndrome au ra.
Now it's bugging the shit out of me because I could swear it is based on another song in the game but can't place it. I was thinking it might have been from the World of Darkness in ARR, but it doesn't seem to be a match.
They need to hurry up and make pet glamour a full-blown thing so I can have a Susano egi on Summon II.
>i'm not gay i'm a top
Fuck are you doing with summon II
It's a rearrangement of Mor Dhona's theme.
you wouldn't
fuck a bird
Listened to more of it. It's Mor Dhona's theme and FFIX's battle theme. Same as Weeping City.
Why would you have Japanese voices with non Japanese text? You either understand JP or you don't.
poopnose is the kino cat face
Soloing shit I'm not supposed to be able to.
desu nip VAs put some more feeling into it since they have a generally better quality job
added bonus is not having to suffer the ye olde englishe koji memed into the script
Plus you miss out on KA KA KA if you use english
>did u know alphinaud can't swim i can swim though but alphinaud can't swim xD
>thank god we don't have to deal with this actually sounding like a fantasy world :)
>nip VAs put some more feeling into it since they have a generally better quality job
Not in XIV they don't. English dub is actually superior in this game.
While I respect yer opinion, that is not Sadu.
Feeling on sentences you don't comprehend, intonation on words you don't recognize. Not to mention there's stuff in English that's changed from JP so it's possible your stuff won't even sync like how haurchefant is a completely different character in JP.
>wanted suzaku to be a sexy ara ara woman
>tomboy with saiyan hair
Get that faggot shit out of here son. This game is for straight alpha males only. Male viera are going to look like THIS #forthegaymers
>Trying to compete the crafting log achievements
Please kill me.
I want her to kick the shit out of me
____ of the Luminary is cackling at you.
Pic related, already hate myself.
Brit Bong Thunder God is quite literally godly
His creepy dialogue with the Vagrant Story music jamming in the back ground is pretty intense
Whatcha mean by Haurchefant being a different character?
He's just the goofy pervert anime archetype in Japanese. He really wants to fuck you, invites you to bed, asks you to model swimsuits, etc.
Don't play in Ragnarok, this server is so dead! It seems to only be active during Fridays and Saturdays. I want to get out of this server, all of my American friends left.
Sounds worse.
Im glad they made him better for english.
Cute feet
He's still a pervert in English, but it's not as obvious. He has shirtless guys working out in his office, and the Year of the Horse quest has him get into ponyplay and he asks WoL to be his steed. There's also a levequest where you're making leather to be made into bridles for Camp Dragonhead but it notes that they don't have mounted units.
>Sounds worse.
But it's not. New game+ is coming around the corner, if you're planning on redoing the story you might wanna try in full JP if you can.
Ah. So less noble and more relaxed. Interesting.
I liked EN Haurchefant though, so I don't mind it too much.
But user, I don't speak weeb.
>no doubles
>doing a dungeon
>tank like a tank
>tanking 3 mobs
>run out of health and drop dead
What am I doing wrong? They didn't even have any special attack. Popping a hi-potion and using rampart makes me last 5 secs longer.
What's the point of the samurai job? What role does it fill? If the concept is to push all the damage with nothing to give the party then doesn't BLM just do the same but better?
It's fun and it looks cool.
I wanna fuck a potato.
Get better gear, a better healer, or pull less mobs.
That's really it.
This begs the question why they didn't just give Lala's bodies like those on the right. I fucking hate the pear shape.
Okay that's valid. But shouldn't the jobs also strive to offer something unique or something that they're the best at?
Because Lalafells are supposed to be classic FF sprite chibis, not sexual Akihiko "Thighs" Yoshida chibis.
66k Crit Midares are pretty useful
Just do what I did. Buy mountains of the cheapest LvX-Y recipe mat you can that produces something stacking, and set up a script to fire off macros for the synths all night in your apartment or house while you sleep. If a game wants to try to play me for a fool, I'm more than happy to return the favor.
SAM is just barely behind BLM. It's the melee BLM.
>pull less mobs
Like how? Currently i'm using tomahawk attack one but then all the other fuckers run after me. Should I be sprinting back or something?
Doesn't that tie directly to what I just said? If the concept is all the damage then BLM pushes more.
You either need to upgrade your gear or get a better healer.
Bravely ones on the right may be tiny, but they still have women proportions in their own way. Full grown women. Lalas are more like toddlers.
Clearly they didn't want women but tiny, they wanted something different.
oh so you're only pulling a single group too? Yeah, that may just all be gear related though. You're not meant to solo things your own level. You'll need a healer topping you off in dungeons often. But tanks are the most gear dependent class in the game.
>Making some decent progress across all the professions
>Start creeping into Heavensward crafting
>Realize much Adamantite I need
>Retainer can get 7 ore at a time
>I'm running out of inventory space
>Retainers are running out of inventory space
>Running out of Market Board slots as cunts keep doing 1 gil undercuts on my shit
>All the random shit I have to go hunt down because some stupid sword needs a feather to function
I shouldn't have to say this, but may as well be safe here.
You're under level 30 right? So you haven't unlocked a tank stance and upgraded job? Cause if you've past lvl 30 and don't have those, that's your problem.
Yeah, 29, but come on, this was haukke manor, the skeletons should not have been kicking my ass
I got to that point with my UWU Pan. I basically just sold & gave away shit at that point, forgoing profit.
Okay. Found the issue. You're in the first dungeon that lets you be an upgraded class without being an upgraded class. You reach one more level higher and you cut all damage to you done by 20% all the time. You'll be fine.
>doesn't BLM just do the same but better?
It hits just like a BLM but it is 2x more mobile, honestly I prefer having a SAM in the party to a BLM since it's hard to fuck up your job and they don't fall victim to the "muh leylines" autismo
melees and casters are not fungible, that alone should be enough of an explanation. There may be savage mechanics that require one or the other, either might be needed for their specific limit break, or their role actions, hell even if they're were both equally good you might want both instead of doubling up (lb gen considerations).
They're different enough already as is in content that counts, not every job needs to be some super special snowflake, and its only going to be harder to do so as more jobs get added to the game.
Yeah I've been giving shit away, too.
>Give one guy in my FC full level 62 sets of Striking and Scouting
>He asks if I need any materials
>Mention I could use more Bloodhempen
>A few hours later sends me 100+ thread
I guess it's not too bad.
Bukkake Manor is one of the first jumps in rape-capabilities on the part of the enemies.
Funnily enough in dungeons the biggest threat for tanks are the average grunts, not actually the boss.
Get to 30, unlock the tank stances and you'll perform a lot better
I like that modded tail bow.
Alright, problem solved. Hope someone gives me the 10th commendation this time
>SAM in the party to a BLM since it's hard to fuck up your job
Okay so easier to play, more fool proof version of the full damage cannon with the trade off being less damage. I guess that establishes its role better to me then.
Tips for getting Crystals? I'm running out.
Aetherical reduction on Ephemeral nodes. Literally hundreds of crystals.
Too bad her fight is just a poor mans rav
I've been borderline angry since I started playing XI in 2004 up through XIV and today that there are no tail bows.
Not modded, I was just looking down on her in first person.
Thank you user. She's a cutie.
Me too, they are so cute
There are tailbows in XI aswell, my current character has one!
Why is the English localization so overdone and needlessly complicated? Here's an example I remembered that was something like this:
>Alphi in a Japanese cutscene
>"What?" ("Nani?")
>Alphi in a English cutscene
>"Pray tell me you don't mean that (I forgot the rest)?
And it's like this for so many characters. So many get to the point pretty fast, but the English versions over complicate and fill dialog with filler. What DID Square Enix mean by this?
It's fun.
Pray tell me you don't mean that he has given unintended offense?
Because it worked in 12.
>cross-world party finder is fugged and the game is literally unplayable now
Sorry you hate fun
>Nothing to do anyway
This. Why doesn't every character in this fantasy world talk in the same modern dialect? Why does Alphinaud, someone from a noble family in a nation of scholars, speak in such a noble, scholarly way?
>scholarly way
You should keep your avatarfaggotry in /vg/
Yes? Are you ESL?
You'd have an aneurysm playing Tactics.
Since we're in the topic of asking random questions that have nothing to do with anything, do you like ice cream?
Is PF really fucked? I was in the mood for some seiryu. Only 1 party up though.
Same could be said about this general thread but I'm not complaining about that now, am I? You can just ignore me, it does wonders.
Will the come back?
>there are people that haven't cleared savage yet even with echo
>unironically getting stuck at o10s
>unironically getting stuck at o11s
>unironically getting stuck on the easiest final fight of the expac
Not him but your logic is retarded. This is Yea Forums you're allowed to talk about video games. Amazing right? If every game that had a general was now banned from ever being on Yea Forums then this board would have next to nothing.
Avatarfagging on the other hand is directly against Yea Forums. Are you just not particularly bright or something?
Absolutely not.
You can talk about video games as long as its not a general thread which is something that you people have difficulties understanding.
Just a friendly suggestion
Why not? They where the best characters.
Smooth brain detected
>Not really that many doujin of this game on sad panda
Excuse me where are the porn?
Haven't started learning it, and who is going to teach me now? Certainly not your smug ass.
And how will I find a party capable of clearing it, with all the retards in PF that are so stupid they shouldn't even be allowed to drive?
Only winning move is not to play.
This entire upcoming expansion is going to take place in another dimension and they're not keen to tag along while they have things to do. At most you might get a short "This is what the gang is up to" segment.
You clearly don't know what a general is.
The only porn of this game is shitty western art of shittier OC cats/lizards.
It's a shame really, there are so many scenarios in the game that has the porn basically write itself.
All the money is in drawing other people's characters. No one cares about the npcs.
Quit attention whoring and fuck off back to containment
doujins are made by the japs and I only know of a few decent ones. Everything else is just fanart and character OCs and commissions.
>it, and who is going to teach me now?
There are guides and stats for every single fight in the game including ultimate
>teach me now? Certainly not your smug ass.
And how will I find a party capable of clearing it, with all the retards in PF that are so stupid they shouldn't even be allowed to drive
"everybody except me is a retard so I'm not even gonna try I could easily clear it everyone else sucks"
People who find excuses not to do content but somehow try to act arrogant over it are xivg tier
>only a couple days till the server hop
I'm kinda nervous honestly, I've been on my.current server for like five years but gettimg jettisoned to Crystal is a no go.
why are these people so retarded
>want to grind alt
>pf is broken
Are they splitting the servers soon? Nice.
Monday night buyo
Making a thread solely for a single game over and over again? You are aware that /vg/ was created for that purpose, right? You can ignore me just as I have ignored you safespace faggots over the last couple of years.
>it's not a 24 hour maintenence
Color me surprised
>any game is only allowed to have one thread in the history of Yea Forums
Well shit just delete the board then
Hell, even FFXV doesn't have a lot. Final fantasy is dyin. DYING.
>everybody except me is a retard so I'm not even gonna try I could easily clear it everyone else sucks
Honestly as someone who's pugged all of savage while it is true that you will encounter a majority of retards, if this is your mentality and you somehow cannot clear fights in pf, it's probably you being the trap. The only constant is you. This "it's impossible to do savage fights without a static that gets all orange parses" is ridiculous. Savage fights are not hard. If western players stopped blaming everybody else but them, we could have clear rates closer to JP but the thought of individually practicing a fight and carrying your weight is unthinkable for erp trannies
God you're retarded. No wonder you avatarfag, you're devoid of any value. Read what I posted again because you clearly have difficulties with English.
Just report and ignore.
>Almost done grinding out an ARR relic for the first time
So, this is what it feels like when you want to die.
More like Japan needs to get their shit together. Can we commision doujins? Is that a thing now? If not it should be.
For the guy who complained about the Light PF only having 36 groups up during EU prime time earlier, here is the currently still Primal PF during NA prime time. 43 groups. A bit more than your 36, but 2 of them are just selling content and another 6 are people trying to ERP, so it's honestly pretty much the same activity-wise.
>Its all FGO shit now
I just wanted to see cat girls getting raped. Was it too much to ask?
What's the point of analyzing this right now? PF is broken and a lot of people know it so they are not using it right now.
How is PF "broken"? Seems to work perfectly fine for me.
I dont get it
>cat girls
You're part of the problem considering 90 percent of the porn we DO get is already cat shit.
>I dont get it
Likely because the dude can't fucking type the most basic of sentences.
>Western shit
Doesn't even count. And fine we can have lizard girl, elf girl, and hyur too. Keep your Roes away from me though.
Taking minutes to join after you press the confirmation and the actual duty takes even longer to pop assuming it ever does (my group is still waiting).
Yeah remember that time someone commissioned a ton of porn with two LoL characters? Well maybe that wasn't true
Take deep breaths, user! Both things are against the rules. Do you want jannies to do their job? This thread would also have to go too~
I'm talkin doujins though. That's got to cost quite a bit more than a normal commision.
>There are guides and stats for every single fight in the game including ultimate
That's not how it works at all. You need to read a guide for a basic idea of what to do, then you join a learning party to practice mechanics- or find a full party that is willing to coach you. But learning parties are full of idiots paradoxically incapable of learning, and FFXIV's endgame community is characterised by a general attitude of "fuck you got mine"; people never stop to help learners, which is honestly fair because of the former mob.
Guides are fine but they only inform you of how to deal with mechanics, not the praxis of enacting those adjustment or the specific timings for skill usages. eg. Precasting an Adlo so it's up for a tankbuster, but not so early that it gets eaten by an autoattack.
>"everybody except me is a retard so I'm not even gonna try I could easily clear it everyone else sucks"
Look man I'm not God's gift to raiding, but I'm no Theon Greyparse either. I cleared all of Coil in PUGs (each tier, back when it was relevant) but it was stressful, soul-destroying, Sisyphean torture that squandered hundreds of hours of my life that I could have spent on something more productive. Because it's not just a matter of wiping to the same mechanics over and over, it's waiting for parties to fill- which can sometimes take hours, and then someone feels like it's pointless with the current party and fucks off and you're back to waiting for someone to join.
So check your static privilige, because you're reaping all the benefits of your FCleader's hard work in recruiting people that aren't 'tarded, and making sure everyone is around to raid on schedule, and you don't seem to appreciate it at all.
>I'm still incapable of understanding what I'm reading
Avatarfags, everyone. No braincells.
>pretending that you aren't constantly browsing these threads
Umm pardon me sir but if you are going to continue this could you find a cute character to post?
Stop giving it attention
Most likely, and you need to know moonspeak too
That's not Party Finder, that's Duty Finder.
>taking a minute to join after you press the confirmation
Don't tell me what to do or reply to my posts again.
Once in a blue moon when we get new lewds it's always a cat girl getting dicked by another futa catgirl
All I want to see is Sadu being bred by the WoL after losing a fight but I can't even get that
>not losing a battle to the Goro and being bred by a stallion
Yikes, get an imagination user
Might be pretty sure I read it's going into Tuesday, could be wrong though. Either way it's soon enough, only downside was it didn't happen a year ago.
At least we got this glorious one.
But isn't DNC a quasi support?
I do not, last night was the first time I posted on this. I'm usually playing video games but there are no good video games to play. I'm only here for about 2 more days so bear with it, please understadu!
Am I not cute? I'm trying my best, i used light make up but i tend to sweat a lot while punching things.
Iris deserves more porn dammit!
then commission it
Well Yea Forums? Still preordering?
best thing to come from XV
Holy shit look at all those skills SAM is losing. I didn't even know it had that many.
So, all I need to do to get you retards earnestly discussing a leak is to take some skills, put them through a filter, and post it on discord?
Here's a little snapshot into my world as a PUG raider.
I think I traded probably a week (realtime hours) of my life waiting-for/wiping-to T7 largely because people just could not wrap their fucking minds around "DON'T LOOK AT THE GOD DAMN HEALER WHEN YOU HAVE CURSED VOICE".
This was 5 years ago and I'm still mad about it.
I thought removed skills in the UI also had a giant red cross over them.
Im all in favor of pruning skills. A ton of skills per job are either useless, pressed once per fight, or could be molded into one button that changed based on stance or rotation.
As much as being a pug raider sucks and you have no handholders aka static, it still beats having to show up in a set time. How can I be free then?
Fake and gay
you should have thrown adlo in there too dude
This is from a reputable leaker who has been right many times.
Trust me, dumbfucks
Your nigger ass is a reputable leaker.
>a reputable leaker who has been right many times
What has RedSixte posted except for those images? Because I had never heard of that name before he posted that shit in these threads.
>discordfag isn't even the """leaker""" and he found a way to attention whore
the guy that posted that isn't confirmed as blufever/fanfest collage guy either
why would sword oath go away?
I swear if AST gets gimped I'm going to shoot up Limsa
My theory is this isn't a comprehensive list. They might scrap tank stances altogether.
My theory is that he took a bunch of random ass skills, greyed them out, and posted them on Yea Forums for (You)'s.
I can't believe you faggots are falling for this.
I hate waiting to find out what classes have been ruined. The one good thing WoW does is give you that shit in advance so you know what jobs are garbage before hand.
Eliminating tank stances. Which means you're always generating enmity.
Okay sure.
>Luminiferous Aether
What the fuck?
Daily reminder male characters are all greylet percentile shitters.
I dont even mean about that list. Im legit betting they are removing them as part of this larger OT/MT remodel where each tank is defined by their skills more so.
>It's this self loathing tranny again
Is the translation done yet, though?
I'd kill myself too if I was a male character with 1k dps.
>you will never fuck suzaku until she forgets about tenzin
it's not fair
muh meme cleave
>Heavy Thrust removed
>Dark Arts removed
This is disgusting. If I find you posting this again anonymous, I'll flay your fucking cock
Why do people keep saying this? When they were originally posted in here, it was just someone putting together a picture to be cheeky about the knowledge they had of which skills were being changed. It's not like anyone ever said these were literally screenshots from some early access client or something.
All the other claims like it being 'datamined' or coming from blufever are just nonsense people made up themselves afterward.
>needing one
Dark Arts being shot in the back of the head would unironically be the best thing that could possibly happen to DRK.
If you want to make fake leaks at least be original. The 8 random gray skills was that other guys idea.
>actually wanting to keep dark arts as it is
Literally 95% of DRK players want Dark Arts gone.
I saw it in english once but I haven't found it again. So it's out there, somewhere.
which one of you stupid motherfuckers posted/screencapped that """"""""Leak""""""""" that was picked up by the discord trannies and posted around
show yourself so i can kick your ass
Why do they play drk then
im glad heavy thrust is being removed because i always start seething when i see every dragoon not use it at all, i honestly have started to see less people use it
I would if I knew where to get them
Are you fagolas implying you want Dark Arts removed? Complain all you want about how it got changed going into Stormblood, but straight up removing it would make DRK the most boring job. They just need to dial it back to make it great again.
It wasn't always this bad, so we hold on to hope that they unfuck it in the future.
And if they don't, there's always GBR
Because it's the posterboy job for 5.0. That's literally the only reason I leveled it.
I'm not implying anything, I'm being explicit about it. Fuck Dark Arts and fuck the Holy See.
Dont stick any decorations in it at all. Leave the front door open to the public for maximum salt.
>duty finder is still fucking up
>probably has something to do with the DC expansion
>probably going to continue through Sunday night
Where should I take my free transfer to? I don't have any friends on Ultros so I was thinking of moving somewhere else and not having any friends there.
White Knights
>Dark Knights
Sad lads
does a drk or war do more damage on a dungeon run?
Any question that contains the word WAR the answer will always be WAR.
go to Jenova and we can be friends
Is WAR the gayest job?
Is WAR the straightest job?
fyi Jenova is Balmung's first choice of Aether server to transfer to.
pld are fedora white knights
war are homosexuals
drk are lolicons
We are getting the information early though? Are you retarded? Next month, which is one month before the expansion drops, they are going to go over all the combat changes in a several hour long live letter.
What the fuck would you even do on DRK then?
Any reason why? A friend of mine is going there. I think hes delusional, but there must be some appeal. I went there and its dead empty.
Where are Balmung refugees going?
For HW they didn't show any skills until the patch came out. Stormblood they invited press to play a build and we had to use screenshots from people at the event to see tooltips and we didn't know how things worked until patch day. At this thing they're probably going to run out of time and not show everything.
They should just do a prepatch like WoW.
what aether server should I move to? leaning towards cactuar
I don't get this newer generations cock sucking for early access unfinished games. Just play the expansion when it launches and find out for yourself then if you want to be a colossal crybaby and not trust other peoples opinions.
Why would anyone want to be on Aether instead of Primal?
Midgar for me and my friend. I don't want to see my server become a waiting room for ERP faggots.
He said Aether dumbass.
Can we purge secondaries from these threads somehow? If you don't want to be involved in Yea Forums or /xivg/ groups and realms why are you here? Go ask reddit what server they play on.
Yeah I ignored it since its not worth playing on Aether.
Does this happen to other DPS jobs beside BRD?
this game blows
>Playing with Yea Forums
>Playing with fucking /xivg/
You must be new here.
Which reddit servers are Yea Forums and /vg/ going to?
If Lalafell had bodies like in Bravely Default, I wouldn't even consider dropping them for Viera.
wait is something happening to Jenova??
>we could have had a race proportioned like Akihiko Yoshida hipmidgets
Fuck you for putting this idea in my head.
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
balmung raiders are transferring to jenova
All 4 of them lol
If they at least looked like GBF's Harvins I would be happy.
They have curves at least, compared to Lala's sack of potato body.
Another server fallen to the hordes.
just mod them
Maybe they want to play with people who speak english rather than spanish, portuguese or australian english?
because they are trannies or gays, primal has normal people
Is that true? Oh thank god, I heard a rumor that a mass amount of balmung refugees were gonna move to my server, Adamantoise.
Mods are useless, because they're only for specific, basic bitch outfits
>Balmung raiders
All 10 of them? Also my friend is going there and he doesnt even raid. I feel bad because hes basically being baited by his dumb barely raiding friend and will regret it in months, being locked out.
retarded newfag
>Guy with plasma gun looking the wrong way
>Has the only gun that can do anything
>Commissar about to slap his shit
Probably late to the party but holy shit is the FFXV event lazy garbage
Its not bad compared to most
It's more than I expected honestly. I just expected a fate grind but we actually got a pretty decent solo instance against XV Garuda.
Fuck me, I just realized it was better than 4.56 in terms of storytelling and gameplay.
>That image
Having been in xivg and actually attempting to participate in the community only to be quite literally demonized for simply not playing ball with what was the popular thing to do. (demonize this guy, idolize this guy) Funny that I am now legit friends with someone they hated and probably still whisper that I stabbed said friend in the back because I quietly got the guy to leave xivg for his own health and we both just stopped posting there entirely simultaneously. All they know is fetish talk and backstabbing. I can't comprehend living like that in any plane of existence outside school.
You okay there, user?
Everyone working on the game either worked with Matsuno in the past or is a fan of his work. They're all like this.
It's actually really fucking simple: money. Localizers get paid for every individual change they make. You'll starve if you translate nain to 'what'. Translate it to 'pray tell must needs blah blah etc etc' gets you the monies.
>Tanks keep slapfighting over aggro in an alliance raid
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round
Like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round
>ask our tank to turn off Tank stance because the other alliance's tank is holding aggro
>turns it off but immediately goes to stand in a corner for the rest of the fight
pld players are something
I'm starting to think I'm the only rational tank who will gladly go dps mode if I'm to hand off main tank status.
At this point I've accepted shit tanks as a sign from God himself to switch back to tanking because I sure as hell can't trust anyone else to do the job right.
O-O-OoohggI-Insult m-me m-more.
>diversion is on the way out
no more diva tank shitters crying about having to do their goddamn job
>DPS shitter doesn't do his job
>All lalafell players need to burn in hell for being pedos. Even though they're adults they look like kids and that's all it takes.
>Though I wouldn't mind actual kids to be playable for my ERPs. They're going to be half rabbit though, so I'm in the clear.
It's either that or
>None of the tanks switch to tank stance
>For the whole fight the boss just attack DPS with healers screeching in the chat
I like skills that manage your total threat like lucid or the samurai counter one. Diversion I don't like much.
Post god tier armor sets
Honestly, that third eye aggro dump was the best thing they added to SAM kit.
I fucking wish I had that during Deltascape.
>the samurai counter one
gross waste of my third eye
wheres the circlet and asscape
Plate only?
>Filling out Wondrous Tales again with friends
>Do Sephirot
>Before anyone can even blink the AST aggros the boss
>He dies while everyone is scrambling to begin the fight
>Blames the tanks for not adjusting
>My friend, the other healer and only person who can revive him refuses to do so to make a point
>We complete it no sweat and leave him there as he expectantly waits for a rez to "make up for it"
I like plate the best but anything goes
Except slutglam
I've never seen that set, what is this?
I should go back to this, but drg genji is so good
The Valerian Dragoon Set, it can be found in the dungeons Neverreap and Fractal Continuum iirc
Losing less than two points of potency is made up for by removing the potential opportunity lost of a missed positional when you steal aggro.
Well I'll be raiding if Shadow Mhiggers interests me enough. I wouldn't mind playing with some of you guys, last time i did it was quite pleasant.
which diversion pulls off just fine if pressed any time it's up
>Wanted to be the silly small angry guy of the group
>choose lalafell
>grow to love a lot of the better designed heavy armor sets
>Everything except for the sets intended to be cute looks fucking stupid on me
My love for dwarves thwarts me again.
Do you mean you're on Balmung and will raid or you're going to Jenova? I like playing with you guys too.
bros wtf am I supposed to do while waiting for shadowniggers?
Play another game
Play something else? MMOs shouldn't be the end all be all of your gaming life.
erp, mod, eureka, farm savage, afk in town
Yeah but if your tank is a shitter or undergeared and you start creeping up again, you get a free dump if you need it.
Spot the bad SAM. And honestly that's saying something considering how easy to play SAM is.
Hide from them?
I'm on Ragnarok at the moment, moving to Jenova. The last time I played with some people from Yea Forums we got through all coils without a problem.
Adamantoise, we're cool.
I think the Field Commander set is the best SCH set in the game.
Yeah that's why I feel emnity isn't ""just"" a tank's job, but they should be dealing with it for the majority.
Seigan is more potency per kenki than Shinten
Yeah but if you're gaining 1.7 potency by forcing the tank to do an aggro combo, you're now intentionally lowering the party's DPS and thus are a shitter.
You could just use diversion on cd.
No because I pop Diversion on cd.
This is negated by the fact that diversion does this better without wasting DPS.
Shame how impossible it is to acquire now
>Seigan is more potency per kenki than Shinten
No shit Sherlock. In other news you need an internet connection to play this game.
>not wearing the hat
>People still try to argue that 1 OGCD press is less worth than 2 whole GCD
handsome roe
What? It's easier now than it has been in years.
I'm replaying story of HW and at 58lvl right now. Apart from Sea of Clouds HW is a lot better than SB.
SB was shit right till the very end. It's honestly quite a beautiful sight.
It's actually easier now than during HW/early SB with the rotation FL map.
People used to only spam Shatter, so you had situations where Shatter queue was 5min and Seal rock 30+min
If we could wear both an helmet and glasses at the same time I would man.
Thanks bud
And if your tank is a shitter and you're still gaining aggro then you should also use Merciful Eyes. You don't have to choose between the two, you fucking retards.
It's a situational skill and may have it's uses depending on the situation. You're not always attacking. Sometimes there may be unavoidable AoE during transition with such a long interval that you'd be wasting a counter if you didn't use it but at the same time there's nothing to attack. And on and on.
It's a good skill to have and may give you tools where before you had none. Treating it like shit only shows how limited you are. And no I'm not the guy you are replying to.
unless I'm in a cooridinated group I'm not going to pop diversion pre-empitively to boost your pitiful tank dps just so I can die later because diversion's on cooldown and you can't do your one job correctly
>Not shirking DPS that don't use Diversion
>Not rescuing DPS who stay far away from the group into an aoe
Can't you get reported for doing that?
No proof, no punishment :)
I'm going to really miss rescue when it inevitably gets cut to make room for some useless garbage.
They can just review the battle logs, can't they
>create the thread
>literally fall asleep 5 minutes later and miss the conversation
I'm going to pug the next expansion's first raid tier on Crystal. Wish me luck. How bad could it be?
always knew this shitty meme was a marketing scheme, no wonder people also keep parroting the phrase clown world
I'm not a tank though, I'm a DPS. I'm just a good one who uses his skills properly, unlike you who lowers party DPS intentionally, doing the opposite of your job.
It's going to be the worst DC in terms of raiding.
more than likely completely fine, i don't know what the primal worlds are like, but servers like goblin, coeurl, and balmung will be there so it should be fine. The only issue is how many people are leaving because "MUH BAD PLAYERS ON CRYSTAL DX"
>why would I want to make everyone's life easier by pressing a simple button?
It's gonna be fine most likely. Anybody actually worth there salt on aether would have a static and not even bother with PF which leaves all the shitters who think there hot shit left in PF.
That's why most players are bad user
They don't press their buttons
It's even worse when you consider he's a DPS who's bragging about lowering his group's DPS.
>t. shitter tanks that force me to use tactician/refresh as aggro dumps because you're too busy larping as blue dps
I'm sure as hell not using diversion pre-emptively on a job that does real damage
BLM players belong in a garbage can
>it's a drg tethers tank and not the ninja or monk episode
>Implying you are gonna be doing enough damage to take hate off me in DPS stance.
Keep thinking that cuck boy.
>just hit golden bahamut this last week
almost there bros, the clear is within sight
Maybe the tank is doing the most damage
I treat dragon sight like personal dps boost, I remember having 2 bards in a party who were fighting over it or BLM who was begging for it. If someone starts bitching about it I just give tether to healer or tank.
Settle down buddy, I pop diversion before my opener and throw lucid up if I notice I'm climbing. Don't lump me with shitters like them.
good thing I can clearly see that isn't the case with my ban-worthy dps meter
People are usually salty about blm because they'll never pop the numbers that a good blm will.
>Not using Refresh for Foe's
I'm salty about BLM because 99% of them sit at the edge of the arena outside of indom range
Fuck BRDs too
I always make sure to stay close enough for AOE heals though, as any ranged.
It doesn't matter where I am in the arena because every AoE will target my.Ley Lines without fail
Then I have no problem with you. You're not a coward.
arcane arts
Damn I know that feel. I always get targetted by attacks that target part of the party
Nobody won the Gate
I'm past seperately healing non-BLM ranged that hang back at max range for absolutely no reason at this point. BLM I just pull into a convenient spot with Rescue if they don't have Leylines up.
If that shitty BRD doesn't want to move into my Earthly Star then that's on him, I'm not going to go out of my way to save his ass.
>implying i'm not just going to let you die
what does the lol spot mean
There's actually an even safer spot.
On the south side, in the niche of the left cactaur floret where I've marked in this screenshot with a dot.
See all those people behind me? They were within your blue zone and still got sneezed off.
>using foe requiem
sorry lad I'm not gonna lose dps because you want to log
cute character
add a giant futa horsecock and this is accurate
Anyone bad at remembering skill names? I know what they all do, but primarily remember them by their icons. It's a bit intimidating in raid when guys are discussing tactics and they literally have every skill from every job memorized off the top of their heads and I couldn't honestly name all the skills of my main.
when I'm talking to someone about a specific skill I usually call it "that one that does X"
I just know skills of the jobs I play at least somewhat seriously.
Thank you.
Shisui top/bottom combines very well with the Hakuko Mirror/Mask (dyed dalamud red) and the Lady's clogs. Looks very slutty though, and I've since settled on something more covering.
>trying to raid for the first time
>look up guide for Rabanastre
>12 minute video jam packed with shit I have to remember
wtf? is this normal?
well it's 4 bosses so yes
middie slut made for au ra cocks
Only SAM skills.
As much of a weeb as I am, I couldn't be bothered to remember all those fucking nip words.
Quick, which hat is better
they're both fucking shit but if I really had to pick one I would say right
>answers used in the final battle against bahamut
>dragonsong used in the climax of heavenward against nidhogg
>revolutions was so meh and didn't get used in a fight
what did they mean by this
The actual hat?
You look like a fucking disaster, so do whatever.
lleft or flames lieutenant
Shit song for shit expansion.
You look ugly no matter what.
>inb4 tranny
You're just a terrible looking highlander.
left to hide that thousand cock stare
Change that skirt first.
dont look up guides for 24mans
they're not hard
savage and extremes you should
but I won't main it or people will hate me
Coward. SAM doesn't want you anyways.
>tfw I'll never find a static
Stormblood was an absolute fucking disaster in every way except QoL changes. I really doubt ShB will end up worse.
Unfortunately it's either that or the skirt the set comes with, since the chest piece is "puffed out" at the bottom to fit it. Anything else looks ridiculous.
Flame Lieutenant Helm doesn't work well with any wide collar chestpieces.
I've had multiple strangers people say they want to fuck my character
Look's weird
I honestly only care about the chest piece, but it has so many fucked up little details that make it incompatible with 99% of gear.
Not raiding and general gameplay. (Except for the first few months.)
There are a few classes who might disagree with that, like WHM having their whole goddamn kit gutted and handed out to the other healers just cuz, or the MCH trainwreck.
You clearly don't have enough hatred for this playerbase to still care this much for their opinion.
Alex > Omega
Four Lords > Warring Triad
Ivalice > yarr in the sky
Thordan > Shinryu
Nidhogg > Tsukiyomi
Undecided on dungeons, leaning SB, but that may be recency bias speaking
That's my opinion and if you disagree that's okay.
>I've had multiple strangers people say they want to fuck my character
ERPers are thirsty degenerates. What's new, your highlander is still ugly as fuck.
Oh I am not saying it's perfect and even if WHM is broken and MCH is in fun they can still do and perform well in ALL content even ultimate. That is what I am hoping shadow fixes. And please give Gunbreaker a cover equivalent cause I fucking kill myself if I have to play PLD another tier.
Naw, all either DF randos from non-RP servers or members of my static.
Judging by their English they're either third world scum or retarded, probably both.
Before anything else I need DRK to get a knockback immunity.
Plunge :)
>lying on the internet.
>timing anything that precisely with this game's netcode
Nice joke user
They like me! they really like me!
>implying good looking highlanders exist
Hey if I can do it with Onslaught you can do it to user. You just gotta feel the knock back it's not as precise as you think.
>Your character is ugly
>"actually people seem to like him"
>fuckin S O Y
You good?
This was the first fight I almost switched to Jap voices, fucking hell.
Jealous manletlanders thread
Shut up Mhigger. Didn't even build a space port.
I'm a female xaela into sexual dimorphism
>Yeah, I'm kind of a ladies man bro. The babes(definitely girls irl) are always hitting on my character(totally resembles me) in the roleplaying game Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I guess they just can't resist an alpha male such as myself.
Why do trannies hate highlanders?
they luk bad
>I'm a female xaela
Your spot is in the blue, disphit.
The weak should fear the strong
Holy shit that's even worse. At least mhiggers formed a kingdom, Xaela couldn't even sack pre industrial Ilsabard without niggering out and killing each other over the loot they found.
Everyone hates whatever races they don't play.
I think that one user is just upset no ones ever called his character cute
>Your character is an ugly highlander
>Nah bro, the chicks say the wanna fuck me all the time, they aren't ERPers or balmung trash either, they're 100% legit and love me.
You literally sound like and should feel bad user.
Just use a smn instead. Does more damage than sam but not as much as blm and it provides contagion for your healers and devotion
I only hate mancats because every one I encounter is fucking terrible at the game without exception.
>This mad you don't slay e-pussy
lmaoing @ u midlets
Highlanders can look good, that user is not one of them.
Now that bunnies are coming out, you think the slutglammers will leave the race to us patrician tomboy cats?
should I Iron Jaws when someone uses Embolden?
Needs vanilla Skyrim, LE, SSE, Skyrim VR, Skyrim Switch and Elder Scrolls: Blades to be perfect
Not a chance in hell.
Mhiggers really get all the axe wounds I guess.
>implying good looking highlanders exist
midlanders hate highlanders
Back to the cuckshed with you, midlander, the male mi'qote will be joining you shortly.
Seething uggo.
As expected, the local trans are infuriated that people dare to play male characters.
i wonder if this user realizes how easy it is to tell when hes samefagging, since all of his posts use the exact same grammar
don't care
highest str
world of str
>Character gets called ugly
How embarrassing. Consider suicide.
>Thinking that the race that raped Bahamut, raped him again when he was brought back as a primal, then used him as a battery is going anywhere
posting wrong images
shitposting like this needs to stay on xivg
Gonna have to speak up, midlet, I can't hear you from all the way down there.
[Spoiler]Shut up it's funny.[/Spoiler]
>we wuz allagans n shiet
your lalafell wants you to pay what you owe him already
Is this the Mhigger version of cracker?
at least we can construct proper buildings, go get sodomized by your horse husband in your yurt
Change your face, christ alive.
lalafell master* wew
don't be jealous of my husband's dick
God fucking forbid dps shitters have to actually press an extra button.
>responding to the same post three different times
>7'4" in game
>5'4" irl
Rate my Allagan waste material
>Allagan waste material
Wasn't this debunked?
needs a bigger hat 0/10
why is she green
No, it was fanfiction in the first place.
It's the only hat + glasses combo there is, I have no idea why there aren't more.
slutty is cute
post at me one more time and I'll have to kiss you on the mouth, gayboy.
>be good at game where 98% of its population sucks at it
>they seek me, even offering to pay for my sub
>been begging me since i quit (4+ years ago)
>login, immediately recognized by those that are still around from those days
>slay e-pussy even if im not really into it
Now if this game wasn't ass, I'd actually play it for reals but i'm going to give ShB a chance since im tsun tsun for this game
>no one ever called his character cute
Oh no...
>Falseflaggers shitposting at falseflaggers shitposting at samefags
what the fuck happened to this thread
I'm ready to do things to this potat
Itβs even better now, they are literal beast tribe subhumans.
christ this is cringeworthy
Don't be mean, user, Midlanders have it rough.
Do it faglord.
But every race is just a beast tribe.
It's on autosage and after 2am, no need to ponder it too hard.
Allag will rise again
You asked for it
>slay e-pussy
Thank God, we've reached bump limit.
where did you find my picture dude haha
anyone wants to rape a female au ra hahha
>be good at game where 98% of its population sucks at it
>they seek me, even offering to pay for my sub
>been begging me since i quit (4+ years ago)
>login, immediately recognized by those that are still around from those days
>slay e-pussy even if im not really into it
we should just start posting our toons haha
i think we should discuss what yoshi-peepee's eggs smell like instead haha
haha here you go bro
Jokes on you, i'm not american
to be fair, they couldn't get past t4 till i joined and we somehow got a WR & WF at the time it was nice
Who said you could reply to me?
everb had one of those eggs dunked in onions sauce sniiff it and find out hahahaha
I'll post my edgelord glamor too, why not
i cleared eden world first early access world record and then y'shtola came out of the screen and sucked my dick
Now... Post your lewd glamour.
Kill yourself
Smart spud.
How cancerous is Diabolos, anyway?
hahha i jstu tried it and actually it was pretty grsoo but it was funny for laughs haha
does anyone have any pics of yoshi-p looking embrassed as he poos out an egg haha
I literally don't have one because I view my character like a daughteru you sick fucks
I cleared the ultimate burden week 1 and Yugiri sucked by dick, get on my level