How long can Windows 7 stay relevant for PC gaming...

How long can Windows 7 stay relevant for PC gaming? Is everyone just going to have to switch to linux once it's basically rejected by everything? There's no way in hell I'm switching to Windows 10 and I'm getting a little worried here.

Attached: windows_7_logo_blue-56a6f99e3df78cf772913905.jpg (768x512, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Debian on SSD1
Windows 7 on SSD2
Primary storage on HDD1-3
I just change the boot order whenever I need to run something on widows.

Just get LTSC or reskin Windows 8

>Windows 8
Why would I give my PC cancer?

So you can actually play video games? Pick whatever OS you want, just don't complain when you have to learn how to use a new operating system and deal with the poor support that comes with free software.

your options include
>suck it up, someone will create registry hacks to get updates just like with happened with XP
>upgrade to Windows 8[.1] since it goes out of support in 2023
>switch to Linux
>switch to ReactOS since it might potentially be usable by the time 8.1 is deprecated

Learning a new OS is valid but I've yet to see worse OS support than end-users get for Windows might have to you a console.

Oh I've seriously considered buying a console to literally replace my PC entirely. Microsoft is incompetenting themselves right out of the PC market even existing. Just use a fucking console to browse the internet, watch movies and play video games. The only thing that would suck would be word documents or various minor applications, but I'm sure there would be work-arounds.

>free software.
yeah, fuck W10

I think you are a bit optimistic there about ReactOS
But it was nice of them to attempt making a free and open source Windows clone. I'm sure WINE was able to use some of their findings, so not completely all of their work went into nothing.

Fuck Windows 10. I will stay with 7 as long as possible.

This. I don't know why there isn't more of an outcry about this. I mean the whole world basically relies on Windows (screaming linuxfags protestations notwithstanding) yet nobody can fucking use anything past 7. Something needs to be done about that, yet literally nobody is even TALKING about it in the mainstream at all.

Can I still buy a new laptop or PC on shitty 10 and buy a Windows 7 disc and just copy over 10? Or is it too late.

as long as you aren't using some unpopular /g/ distro that no one gives a shit about you will have plenty of linux forums to choose from for support.

I think it might be too late. I'm trying to buy PCs that come preinstalled with 7. I don't think Microshit even sells the disk anymore.

LTSC is too expensive...

What’s wrong with windows 10 exactly

Just install Win 8 with Start8.

I'll keep using W7 until a huge, amazing game that doesn't support it comes out, then I'll replace my currently dual-booted install of Vista with something newer.

Is that a joke? I mean, good christ take your pick of poisons. It's part of that nu-software bullshit where corporations want you to have their fucking umbilical cord tied around your neck from cradle to grave, for one thing, I've seen the updates be mandatory, but I've heard people claim they can be turned off - which shouldn't even be in question. Microsoft updates are pretty much always cancer, and 10 has plenty of machine-wrecking ones.

Oh yeah, I've also heard it crashes all the time, which is nice. Not surprised with the fucking spaghetti code they're working with by now. Fucking pajeets ruin all technology.

That's why you pirate retard

Already switched to linux, it's not nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be.
Windows is fucked once 7 dies.

I sure loved that one update that was literally deleting people's files on W10.
That wasn't fixed until fucking 5 months later.

>Windows is fucked once 7 dies
Yeah, again, why is nobody talking about this? Why isn't EVERYBODY talking about this?

I still play games on Windows XP, so there is no reason why Windows 7 won't continue for another decade at the least.

This is never going to get better ever again either because of the H1B visa problem. Indians are just cheaper to employ and capitalism is fucking eating itself.

Everyone DID talk about it. Everyone already knows and now it's just people who have accepted their fate, people who have switched to Linux, and people who are waiting till the end

You're not accessing the internet via XP now are you??

Why shouldn't I use windows 10?

It should be talked about until a solution is found though. Not just dropped while everyone waits for computing to die (more than it already has).

It sucks

Linux is the solution.

I technically can, but I'd rather not... I just dual boot between XP and 7.

because everybody is using w10.

Windows 10 is full of bloatware and Obama era spyware. I only use Windows 10 for gaming, don't even browse the internet on it.


7 will stay relevant until it becomes the new XP and games stop being made for it. Just accept your fate and install 10 LTSB.

>A non-standardized bastard OS is the solution to global standardization of an OS that was once THE STANDARD for PC operations

I love how whenever I see a person using a laptop now they're just fucking staring at a blue screen telling them their system is updating. I'll touch that shit with my fucking lich hand and nothing more.

This world has become a nightmare.

>once it's basically rejected by everything?
this isn't going to happen lmao fucking shills

Or you can disable Windows Update service and never see an update again.

Show me a game made after 2009 that works on Windows 2000. I'll wait.

>A non-standardized bastard OS
We're talking about LEAVING Windows, user.
>global standardization of an OS
Unix in general and Linux in particular is already the standard for every platform except the desktop, and a desktop Linux quasi-standard already exists in Ubuntu.

Don't be silly. This isn't the end of anything except a Pajeetware OS.

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>using windows 2000 at all
>taking it to the extreme
please post a reasonable thing next time loser


Why not? XP is.

On 10? I've heard it turns itself back on.

>for every platform except the desktop
So in other words, the things that the overwhelming majority of the population actually fucking uses? Wow, fascinating.

XP died too, retard. I still use 7 despite my hardware being "too good" for it according to windows update

>uses a computer with a microsoft OS (windows 7 in this case) that's connected to the internet
>doesn't want to use windows 10 because they're afraid of being spied on

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2000 > XP and you know it. 7 won't last forever and I give it 5 years at most before no new software supports it.

It doesn't. I've ran my server for 4 months straight with the update service disabled and only enable it when I actually want to install updates.

Mandatory updates are a good thing. They can be kind of annoying for power users, but regular users are fucking retarded and won't update unless you force them to. If you get Pro and set an update deferral period you'll never run into any issues. Windows 10 has reduced my family tech support time to virtually zero thanks to mandatory updates.

They never actively pushed out that update, you had to manually install it yourself. It was fixed within days, they were just really cautious about pushing it out.

>never see an update again
You mean until month later it will turn itself on again and start downloading updates without asking or warning? I have win10 on my work laptop so
>just turn it off bro
won't work on me because I know there is nothing you can permanently disable in w10.

>Mandatory updates are a good thing.
Stopped reading there. Fuck off.

how does vulkan work? tw games are notorious for having bad amd performance but it seems to actually match nvidia on linux due to vulkan support. do you select the api in game?

>the things that the overwhelming majority of the population actually fucking uses
You mean phones? Which run Android (Linux) and iOS (BSD)?

I'm just telling you what the way forward is. You can attack me for it but it doesn't change what has to happen

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Just use Windows 10.

Yes, but people largely skipped Vista and then 7 was usable, although inferior to XP. But after 7 there was 8 and people waited for 9, but they fucking skipped right over it and made Windows suck for all time.

This. I have been running Windows 7 Ultimate, with SP1 installed and no other updates of any kind and I have been getting by fine.

Everything XP did 7 did better.

>Mandatory updates are a good thing.
If this was bait it was the good shit.

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>although inferior to XP
How the fuck do you figure that? It was alright for its time, but come on now. XP nostalgia is ridiculous.

>won't work on me because I know there is nothing you can permanently disable in w10.
See this is what I keep hearing. And then some pajeet says "Oh you can just turn it off". But I've SEEN people use 10 and it's horrific to behold.

If you gain possession of my corpse you may make it use 10, but I shall never while alive.

using steamos

it's pretty good, does everything that win7 does nowadays.

Windows 9 is actually Windows 95 and 98. Microsoft's sense of humor...

I don't know if it was Vista or 7 but one of them introduced all the copyright shit so half my really great freeware shit literally can't work on 7. RIP in heaven Process Guard.



It was Vista, with the new driver model that forced many kernel-level software to stop functioning unless updated. If you were alive during the transition from DOS-based Windows to NT you'd realize it's the same thing all over again.

The thing that Windows XP can do that subsequent Windows can't do is run 16 bit programs.

The only reason to use to not use Windows 10 is autism

I was running 16-bit programs on my 32-bit Windows 7 perfectly fine. Even Windows 10 can run 16-bit programs if you get your hands on a 32-bit version.

If you know what you're doing, you can disable (stupid, but you can do it) or delay updates. If you don't, then you should be forced to update. I've seen so many XP and 7 machines years behind on updates and riddled with malware.

Poo in loo.

I can't use my PS2 controller with my Nintendo games anymore :(

This should NOT even be an issue. Fuck you. Go back to India and take your extended family with you. Stop shitting in software the entire world needs.

>I've seen so many XP and 7 machines years behind on updates and riddled with malware.
Oh fucking well?
Too bad for them, sucks, but I ain't dealing with mandatory shit of any kind.

>software the entire world needs
Last time I checked Pajeets didn't work on Linux.

It's pretty clear you fall in the latter category here.

Nobody uses linux.

>How long can Windows 7 stay relevant for PC gaming?

As long as there are Chinese people using it to game in droves, it will always stay relevant.

>mandatory updates are a good thing

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Shhh, how people use their PCs is not for you to decide. That's what the "P" in PC stands for. PC does not stand for "Pajeet-Controlled". It stands for PERSONAL computer. The end user should be deciding how they fucking use their hardware and software, NOT the corporations that produce it. Get. Thee. Fucked.

Not an argument

So I guess all the web servers, routers, switches, and high-uptime industrial equipment run Windows?

Even now, it isn't a serious gaming OS - its bad at being a modern windows OS (ie DX12, SSD compliance and other features), because as much as the shit atop W10 is annoying (ie the windows store nonsense, app garbage etc) it has some real improvements under the hood. Hell, I can't even run a UEFI GPT install like one can with Linux or W10.

People should ideally switch to Linux, but if they need a windows OS pick some version of W10.

ITT: massively computer illiterate morons.

Which part?

That's not my fucking concern, now is it?

It's really not an issue at all.

>Nobody uses linux.

I have been using Linux for well over a decade as my main OS. I'm actually really impressed at how much Linux has expanded over the last six months as a gaming platform. Every year, i find Windows 10 to be less relevant than the last year.

It will be relevant until Unreal Engine switches to Win10 as the minimum version.

Friendly reminder that there's literally nothing wrong with automatic updates, especially ones that solve security flaws. The problem lies with retarded fucking companies that push actively harmful updates that fuck you over just because they can.
Hate Microsoft, not updates.

Attached: unrelated.png (784x443, 17K)

Attached: perfectly-working-pc-windows-update.jpg (500x375, 15K)

What OS is your phone running? This should be good for a laugh.

No, mandatory updates of any kind are shit, especially if they turn off my device while I'm in the middle of fucking doing something.

but i love using linux, and do so regularly and have been for ~9 years.

How dare you use an OS that I don't use. By not using my preferred OS, you're basically saying that I made the wrong choice. You have personally insulted me.

I mean yeah you can turn them off Ive never had any problems with windows 10 I just have fun playing video games

What's less than 0? We talking negative numbers here?

They don't.

>how people use their PCs is not for you to decide
>The end user should be deciding how they fucking use their hardware and software
Yet you still use Windows.

"Security" is a meme that pajeets' bosses use to install spyware and destroy software functionality.

Phones aren't computers. This should be good for a laugh: what games do phones have?

Don't worry, I switched in 2012, and it has worked out nicely.
After using it for a year or two, you'll be wondering how you ever managed to stick with Windows.

So we've reached the blatant fucking lying portion of the Indian tech support shill talking point list. I honestly hope Pakistan nukes India.

What a great Twitter meme. Indeed, the true purpose of updates is to fix not-working computers.
I think forced updates are stupid but the more I see of anti-auto-updaters the more I support it.

If that's the stance you're going to take, then no version of Windows is for you. And why is Microsoft not caving you your idiotic desire to not install critical security updates such a great affront to personal choice to you?

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Windows is still more popular than phones everywhere except in 3rd world shitholes.

Attached: StatCounter-os_combined-ww-monthly-201904-201904-map.png (1116x645, 354K)

Because it lets me shitpost without speaking machine code to metal and plastic. And as we have been saying, the SECOND 7 starts demanding I use my PC the way IT wants, it gets fucking nuked.

Just decide what kind of computer you need based on the DirectX requirement:
DirectX 9 use Windows XP
DirectX 10&11 use Windows 7
DirectX 12 use Windows 10

>Phones aren't computers
I knew it would be good but I didn't know it would be this good.

Attached: seriously fuck you.png (760x261, 202K)

>not present
Lol get reckt

i can install security updates, and security updates only, when i want on w7. i can't do that on windows 10. hell, even with my 'pro' version, every time i boot my computer up from shut down, i find 'dolby access' has once again installed itself on my computer. shit's fucking annoying.
>inb4 just don't shut down then.

If you don't set active hours (which is your own damn fault) then it might restart if you're away from the computer for a while, but it's never going to just restart while you're actually using it.

That's actually pretty much what I'm doing

Gonna reinstall 7, whats best way now; is WSUS offline the way to go?

I don't know much clearer this can be made so

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Interesting how you changed from "the vast majority of the world doesn't use linux at all" to "ok so shitloads of people use linux but those people also use Windows so you have to pretend like I wasn't wrong."

>Phones aren't computers.

- A multi-core ARM CPU
- 1 - 8 GB of memory
- Internal hard drive
- graphics core
- Unix based operating system (iOS, Android)

Sounds like a computer to me.

That's because you're stupid.

Linux is fucking everywhere.
You are probably aware of the "Year of the Linux Desktop" meme?
That arises from Linux being the dominant system pretty much everywhere except for the desktop.

Sorry you don't know how to use Windows 10, user.

>unreal engine

They abandoned Unreal, it's called the Fortnite Engine now.

The fact that there's a specific way that you have to "use" Windows 10 for it to not be fucking annoying is why it's shit.

>you're just holding it wrong

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>Phones aren't computers.
Wow, I didn't think it was possible to prove yourself to be the single dumbest person on Yea Forums in just three words, but here you are.

apples arent oranges either mate

>get w10 fot gaming because why not
>upgrade from w7
>get black screen of death with cursor
>have to download new w10 install on usb from a different pc and do a new w10 install
>finally think i have w10 successfully installed
>for not particular reason, look at taskmanager
>CPU at 100% constantly
>tfw w10 was supposedly made for ease of use and userfriendliness for the whole family

Attached: 123546342.gif (496x280, 3.3M)

>That's because you're stupid.

How so?

Yes sirs yourr oerating systems are fine it shutdown while you wlriting thesis because compiouter anti wirus update no worris sirs

>That arises from Linux being the dominant system pretty much everywhere except for the desktop
yeah, because linux is terrible for video games
the only good video game you can play natively on linux is dota 2. everything else you have to play via wine, which means you might as well be playing it on windows.
>computing device
>A computer is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program.
you're FUCKING retarded

>not writing your thesis in latex on gentoo gnu/linux
it's like you don't want to graduate

Keep going, this is great.

Attached: apples and oranges apparently.png (559x256, 18K)

Spending literally one minute in the Update & Security section of settings is hardly a massive change in how you use the operating system. Certainly a smaller impact on user experience than doing updates manually in Windows 7.

>Linux is fucking everywhere.
In PCs? Because that's what we're talking about here. Nobody cares what OS your smart toilet uses to flush.

>You are probably aware of the "Year of the Linux Desktop" meme?
>Heh, I'm actually a pretty big deal, perhaps you've heard of me?

India must pay for what it has done.

Dude, let's be honest here. Tablets and phones are not real computers. They're like computer-esque toys for babies. They can't do anything fucking useful. Even surfing the internet is painful on them.

>tfw w10 was supposedly made for ease of use and userfriendliness for the whole family
LOL who the fuck tried to make people believe this bullshit?!?

See above.

So a simple calculator can surf the web? Clearly not all computers are created equal.

Considering I have the option to do updates manually or automatically in W7 that by default makes it better than W10.
Less options will ALWAYS be inferior, no matter what you say.

>oranges aren't fruit

But I don't do manual updates on Windows 7, """David""".

How can anyone use w7 or w8, if you want to use the latest nvidia drivers? I want to fucking play vr arma 3

>Dude, let's be honest here. Tablets and phones are not real computers. They're like computer-esque toys for babies.
wow, those goalposts really moved fucking fast.

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>phones aren't computers
By all means, don't let the literal definitions of words stop you. Surely there must be a way to dig yourself out of this hole if you just keep acting retarded.

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With those compile times, it'll be a miracle to even open latex.

You can still get the latest drivers for W7 64 bit.

I think the guy you are responding to is referring to computers in the traditional sense. In all fairness, it works both ways. If I were to call my literal desktop computer complete with mouse and monitor a "phone" because it has Skype, somebody is going to have their autism triggered even if I am technically correct...

Oranges are just overpackaged juice.

Nobody is moving any goalposts, you autistic pedant. There's speaking colloquially and then there's being literal. When people say "computer" they have expectations beyond a fucking wooden box that produces punchcards.

>rather than let people learn about how their computer works let's dumb the OS down for absolute normalfags
this is why i switched to linux

>Error Code: 506

>I think the guy you are responding to is referring to computers in the traditional sense.
Which phones still are. It's literally why we call them SMARTphones.

VR is a Windows 10 thing. It is difficult to get it working on 7 properly.

Maybe if updating Windows wasn't such an arduous, dangerous and fucking annoying process people would be more willing to do it.
You know how fucking easy it is to update Ubuntu? You don't even have to reboot unless the kernel gets updated.

Not really.

did you know tomato and avocado are fruit not a veg

But they're dumb pieces of shit.

>Nobody is moving any goalposts
Then you admit phones are computers, great.

>arma 3

I've been considering the switch for a long time but I've never used linux before. is Solus the best way to start with gaming and an easy transition in mind?

Attached: solus.png (1280x723, 529K)

what kind of autismo is this? is this just what people do to convince themselves that they're unique for using a different OS?

Yet another fucktarded stupid ass gimmick nobody needs or wants. People want their fucking computers to work with minimal hassle and input from the manufacturer, Rajeesh.

Yes, baby. Go play with your toy computer now.

>without speaking machine code
You barely have to use the command line at all, and when you do it may as well be copy-paste. Setting everything up is about as difficult as properly optimizing a game to use your GPU properly on Windows. Make the switch/

>for gaming, have a Windows PC completely disconnected from the internet, only connect to play online games, have nothing else related to you or personal at all on that PC
>for everything else, use Linux

Keeps you safe from Bill Gates and you can still play vidya

phones are computers in the traditional sense. your desktop computer isn't a phone because it doesn't use SIM networks to call others, nor does it have the functionality to (usually), so no it doesn't work both ways.
Nobody is moving any goalposts, you autistic pedant. There's speaking colloquially and then there's being literal. When people say "computer" they have expectations beyond a fucking wooden box that produces punchcards.
so phones are computers, great.

>Go play with your toy computer now.
Absolutely seething, but it can't hide how fucking retarded you had to be to make that post.

Gentoo has binary packages. It's the usual route people go for when installing larger programs like Firefox these days.

Doesn't matter if that Windows PC is on the same network as your other computer(s).

Well you won't have to shill for long. In a few years, millions of people will be forced to.

>phones are computers in the traditional sense
So are wooden boxes that produce punchcards. Can I sell you one for internet use?

VLAN, nigger

tell you what, user. if you can get me a wooden box that can connect to the internet through punch cards, i'll buy it from you. that doesn't change the fact that Desktop/laptops and phones are computers.

All computers are, they literally have to be told every single tiny little step of every single task no matter how easy or else they shit their pants. Computers are fucking retarded, they just also happen to be insanely fast at being retarded.

>found a way to disable updates on win10
>haven't had a single one since 2017
>not a problem has arisen since

I know you're going to scream "MUH SECURITY" but do you seriously trust Microsoft with your security? Every time I look in the patch notes, it's basically "we fixed something that we screwed up to begin with." 90% is something related to Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, the other 10% is something related to software that you should have disabled by default, like Remote Desktop Protocol. Literally every other issue is mitigated by common sense.

>muh wannacry
Learn how to work a firewall.

>muh spectre/meltdown
Learn how to use umatrix/ublock

>muh zero days
Stop browsing russian websites.

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Really depends on how well Vulkan will fare and if it wins against (or at least stays equal to) DirectX 12.

Linux isn't a viable option for normies yet. It became so entrenched in its nerddome that any demand for more usability is met with an honest to god "why would anyone need that?". Sure, you can get by using it for basic desktop tasks, internet and even gaming now but every advanced feature which can easily done on a Windows system involves an incredible amount of terminal fuckery. Just try to change your system fan profile and you know what I mean.

>All computers are
Can't argue with that. Although smartphones are particularly shit. Tablets are worse though.

>Literally every other issue is mitigated by common sense.
Yeah, like using Linux instead.


>refuses to use windows 10
>proceeds to use every Google product and multiple social media platforms


I won't argue with that. Still, this is for those rare times when you need windows.

>proceeds to use every Google product and multiple social media platforms
Stop projecting, fag.

>>proceeds to use every Google product and multiple social media platforms
It's cute that you have to make things up to feel smart.

So, if I have a Windows PC and a Linux PC in the room, and one modem, and only one of those two PCs is ever connected to that modem at any time, Microsoft can still spy on what I do on the completely separate Linux PC? That's not fair, how does that work

...Which is a separate network.
Also even your average /g/tard doesn't have a clue when it comes to networking.

To this day most atms still run XP

How the fuck are you supposed to use the new hardware if it needs W10 to work? My mobo and CPU only work with W10, i was forced to use otherwise i wouldn't be able to fucking use my PC.

Nigger what

can you list them please?

How does that work? You'd think people would have easier time cracking a deprecated OS and a lot of motivation to break into ATMs

>only work with W10
No. It might not work with Win7 but it sure as hell isn't Win10 exclusive.

>not using grub



Gotta choose your battles. You can choose to increase your security in some areas and choose not to do so in others. Maybe it's impossible to be completely secure from every entity, but why not protect yourself from the ones you can?

Ryzen 5 2600 and ASUS PRIME B450M-A

your asus prime would work fine, from what i'm reading, on linux
they work with linux fine too. don't get memed by MS, your hardware works.

MS is rolling out DX12 for 7 now though, so there's basically no reason to even consider 10 until the day comes that no up-to-date browser or anti-virus works on 7 anymore.


desu that's not a bad idea because windows likes to fuck with grub sometimes

Nothing really, just Yea Forums being autistic as usual

Plus you feel like a super hack0r because you have a hidden sekrit club OS on your PC.
>tfw installed a debian partition on the family pc
>no one ever found out
My porn was as safe as houses.

Is there a version of linux with a UI virtually identical to Windows 95/98? I prefer stripped down flat utility.


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January 14th, 2020

if it has an optical drive, absolutely, if it doesn't it's piss easy but requires some working around it

Nothing, just /g/ faggots pretending their ebin terminal penguin leet haxors shit has any impact on games on the video game board


now that i think about it, Lubuntu or Xubuntu should work too. but really what you're looking for a specific desktop environment, not a distribution. so look for xfce, lxde, or cinnamon (I think) which is what mint uses.

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>How long can Windows 7 stay relevant for PC gaming?
until no new drivers get made for it at all.
which may take another 5-10 years, at which point I've already mostly moved to Linux anyway.

Manjaro is fucking based.

>I don't think Microshit even sells the disk anymore.
you can literally buy legit CD-keys for like 3 bucks online, and use those to activate the OS.
MS' own sites even host the installation discs' images you can download for free.

That being said, since you can just run an activator software for 0 cents, why pay for it?
The ease of pirating + cracking of W7 is one reason MS is reee'ing and shilling W10 so hard.

I made a meme desktop a few months ago. It's not perfect but I'm lazy.

Attached: Bildschirmfoto_2018-04-21_01-37-48.png (1280x720, 1.76M)

Also, Vulkan stuff, including Proton, work on W7, meaning you'll be able to play new shit for quite some time.

>Turned off automatic updating
>One month later it turns back on without warning, right in the middle of me playing my video games
>Completely fucks me and my team over
>Try and play a game that worked just fine before the update
>It doesn't fucking work because of the update I was forced to have
>Go back to Windows 7

I installed Mint on my parent's oldass craptop, and modified it to look just like Vista / W7.
It runs waaay better now, and I don't think they've realized that it's now a totally new OS.

keys are like 5 bux on ebay user, also pirate

This thread proves how little Yea Forums knows about simply using a computer

>Turning off automatic updating
People seriously fell for the "lol u can disable updates!" -meme?
No bro, W10 demands you to put the lotion on skin, or you get the hose.

I myself suffered almost 6 months with W10 Pro, with something breaking almost each week. Went back to W7 Ultimate, and life's been great ever since.


>How long can Windows 7 stay relevant for PC gaming?
For as long as dev keep supporting it. MS is too, with paid updates that you can just pirate.

Attached: 1555747382694.jpg (706x721, 53K)

>don't update for a fucking month
>be surprised that the OS is trying to save you from your own retardation
>also making shit up and falseflagging

>Yea Forums
>making up shit
Wtf surely not, that's never happened before

>Making shit up and falseflagging
Shut the fuck up, this was what happened, and despite the fact that I can uninstall the update, I don't appreciate buggy untested shit being forced on my computer.

Huh, interesting. I'll have to jot those down for later on.

You joke, but I have winamp open right now.

>how does that work

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Well you idiots don't want to do even incremental updates. Also most of you don't update mobo firmware or chipsets.

Why are people doomsaying about the end of Windows 7 when Windows 8.1 is fine? I followed some guide to uninstall telemetry updates and I use classic shell, afaik that's all you need to do to un-fuck it.

As for Linux, it's great, but the steamplay compatibility has been dodgy for me. Still, stands to reason it's going to be improving quickly.

no game will ever ask for a windows version lmao
it runs on your video card not on your fucking windows

Same. No other music player fits all the functionality I need in a window as small as Winamp's. It's a literal fuck you to "modern" app design with useless blank space and drop down menus.

>40% of PC users still use windows 7
>Only 40% of PC users have adopted Win10, despite W7 being on extended life support for years, and officially being killed in 6 months.

This isn't an XP/7 situation where stubbornness keeps people from switching. People legitimately hate W10. W7 will stay supported for years and years until hardware is so advanced using super quarks or something that it physically cannot run it anymore.

>not having options is a good thing

Because normies don't care and will never switch their OEM installations unless MS literally bricks all windows 7 machines and forces them to.

w-what happens if you go online using XP

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Also running Mint. Xfce is so customizable it's really comfy to get the desktop you want.
That's not even Winamp

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the mindset makes me irrationally mad, especially when they think 'oh, i don't want options, so therefore no one else wants options either'

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You have to use the group policy editor or something. Also you might need Enterprise not Pro. You CAN fuck around with W10 updates, but they made it much more difficult to do so. Presumably to idiot proof the thing.

and thats why i won't willingly use it. let me admin my own fucking machine, thanks.

Retard here. Recently switched from Windows 10 to Ubuntu, is pirating even a thing on Linux? Everywhere I've looked says it's impossible and you need to buy a game on steam and run it with Proton to properly play the game.

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Those people are idiots. hxxp://

Because its not fucked? By volume most pcs and laptops in regular use are going to be W10. W7 mostly are used in either old computers or people who bought computers in like 2010 and dont upgrade. You may as well be saying that MS was fucked post-XP, or 93

Based and 1995 pilled

Damn, I've used the-eye before, they have a Linux games dump? Is there anything special I need to do to run these?

Nothing as long as you don't visit some shady shit sites.

>It's a literal fuck you to "modern" app design with useless blank space and drop down menus.
my nigger

As long as you know how to run .sh, no.

Yeah, it's insane. If I break something by being stupid, I don't blame the world for the possibility. I blame my own dumb ass for it.

Windows XP is an easy as shit target for hackers since its been almost 20 god damn years user. Practically everything about its weaknesses are documented. Its not going to instakill your pc but its going to suck bigly if you click a less than reputable link

>He doesn't dual boot Linux + your mainstream OS of choice
What's your excuse, Yea Forums? There's a Linux distro for any kind of user, even if you've got no space or a craptop with shit specs. There's literally no downside since it'll install right alongside whatever you're using and not fuck with it in any way. It's best to start learning Linux now before Windows 7 becomes unusable.

Are there really people out there that bother running malicious code targeting xp users exclusively? How many fish are they gonna catch with that bait?

You guys should really try Audacious. It's basically Winamp 2 but with more (non-bloaty) functionality. I didn't knew I wanted tabbed playlists until I used it. Even your old Winamp skins work on it.

That's a sweet looking taskbar. Especially having the resource manager on display.

I'll give it a look, thanks.

Yeah, XP is pretty common in some places. China of all places basically uses a clone of XP for government stuff, literally like a 99% clone. Plenty of small businesses and older people use it, and even a few government pcs that have software that isnt compatible with modern stuff (usually the company that made it went under, etc)

My boomer parents are idiots and I constantly do phone tech support for them. WIth W7 support ending I'm worried that they're going to get fucked, especially since they do all their banking on their W7 computers. How easy is Mint to use if I dress it up like W7? I already get phone tech support calls from them, but will they be even worse if I migrate them to Linux? All they do is banking, facebook, youtube and sometimes microsoft office on it. What about getting W7 compatible printers to work on it?

Some Russian or Chinese company has to step in here, there is a huge market for people like me who want to get away from windows cia spy programs

I know the Chinese military came up with their own version of XP that they ripped of microshit for they're army to use, surely something like that can find its way onto the civilian market

>installed mint on mom's laptop
>wrote script to run updates for her
>confirmed her printer worked
haven't heard anything about tech support in years. Sure occasionally she'll have a question, but nothing like 'user!! my computer won't do xx!". not that she had that with windows, but mint is easy enough.

> Microsoft updates are pretty much always cancer, and 10 has plenty of machine-wrecking ones.
I can vouch for this. There was one October 2017 iirc that would FUBAR some machines. Mine was one or them. I have everything backed up so nothing losses but annoying. I now dual boot win10 for games and Linux mint for everything else.

Windows 8.1 isn't gonna last much longer than 7 so why change to that? Also, it has it's own annoying shit.

>Downgraded from windows 10 to 7
>Everything runs faster and smoother because half of my ram isn't being used on idle.

My dota matches don't hang up for 15 seconds after the transition from the picking phase into the main game, it's amazing.

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user are you seriously saying you want to use a piece of chinese software as your OS instead of Windows 10?

I guess I'll look into it then. I could dual boot mint, make sure it loads first, and then wait and see if I get any complaints from them over the next few weeks.

Can you debloat win10?
or I am forced to move to 8?

Most people who use XP are older, less tech-experienced people, which make for good targets for ransomware.

There's the LGBT version that microshaft debloated themselves, and the AME project.

Deactivate Cortana, thats the big one.

Yes, thats how little i trust microsoft

>Most people who use XP are older, less tech-experienced people
>zoomers actually believe this


I'd rather the Chinese or the Russians have my information than the Jews.

I recently had to help my dad with his computer. He'd accidentally uninstalled office.

>There's no way in hell I'm switching to Windows 10
you will go win10, like most of the normies around here, only a few autists will dare to try linux shit

>click uninstall
>are you sure?
>click yes
>WTF i didn't know uninstalling office would remove it?

Don't be so sure. People aren't adopting W10 as fast as Microsoft expected. Because of it Windows is losing market share and smaller OS' like MacOS and Linux are steadily rising. If people call their Jan 2020 bluff then they might be shooting themselves in the foot.

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Friendly reminder that the idiots and shills who insist Windows 10 has more security are right, but what they don't tell you is that you can get this security on Windows 7 and 8.1.
Install the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit and you'll enjoy pretty much the same protections Windows 10 has but without the bloat.
It includes a kernel level driver that fucks with a lot of how windows work behind the scenes. It's integrated into 10.

Literally eat shit.

actually, it legitimately doesn't seem to be (entirely) his fault
he'd had tech support remote-access his computer to help him with outlook, techie installed a bunch of shit he didn't want in the process like chromium, and some weird-ass antivirus that would keep hijacking his browser and open new chromium tabs

anyway he didn't want none of that so he went into the control panel, clicked chromium, and hit the uninstall button
now, clicking next a couple times and saying yes to "are you sure you want to uninstall MICROSOFT OFFICE, you dumbass" kind of is his fault, but the control panel really did point to the wrong install wizard

that's fair, hopefully you got it back for him easily.

Windows 7 is basically the final version of Windows.

>implying Yea Forumstards are able to recompile their kernel each day because of new drivers and everytime they install a new software

y'all just swallow the winpill

>not knowing how distributions work
>spouting nonsense and passing it off as fact
fuck off

I've said it before and I'll say it again: devs are fucking cancer. They are almost exclusively the reason that all software is shit now and the internet has gone to crap. They're the ones who kept pushing the security bullshit for years, they're the ones who keep pushing all this bullshit of taking all choice away from the end user and adding a bunch of fucking bloat to everything while sacrificing functionality.

Devs know the least about software of anyone.

Most sites just won't work. It's too old and incompatible.

oh yeah, he just had to work on his craptop for an hour while office verified its files after using a restore point

That's not devs, that's the enterprise community.
They willingly ask for the bloat, while acting so stupid that they need significant restrictions on choice and an asston of security features to mitigate their total lack of computer literacy.
Corporate culture is responsible for this, not software developers.

>have to reinstall a new distro every day because something changed
same shit, just another nerd doing it for you

>linux gaming
fucking lol
there is no way an OS where, to install and use a file, you need to:
>unzip said file
>start up terminal
>head to directory of download with cd /whatever/
>compile in the directory
>install with terminal
>do sudo update
>go to the shell file and create a shortcut to desktop so you don't have to open the terminal every time to run it

Except that's wrong you fucking idiot because former versions of Windows actually fucking work. You're comparing apples to Indian shits.

We're talking commercial games.

what the fuck are you on? who 'reinstalls a new distro every day' because something changed. Do you have legitimate examples of this happening? Because the ONLY times i've ever had to install a distribution are when I, personally, want to. System updates and updates between versions in distributions like ubuntu, handle themselves just fine through the normal update process. Please give a case where what you claim happens.
which file are you installing?

based retard

>using a computer takes an iq >80

well if you are dumb, linux is not for you, it's easy to learn and use in a breeze

No, the devs are loudly shilling for it online at all times, just like in this thread. They've been pulling this shit for over a decade. They need to start being punished for it.

I'll keep using W7 and there's nothing you Indian cunts can do to stop me

I don't think you understand how fucking retarded your average corporate drone is.
Devs have been pushing for it because a fuckton of critical infrastructure is insanely vulnerable thanks to these dumbasses.
Consumer PCs are in the minority, and stopping morons from fucking up important things is of more consequence than your freedoms.

This. Steam dropped XP support only this year. W7 should work fine for like another decade unless you upgrade to cutting edge tech.

>windows gaming
fucking lol
there is no way an OS where, to install and use a file, you need to:
>unzip said file
>start up executable
>doesn't work, run as admin giving this random executable system-level privilege
>doesn't let you choose directory half the time
>installs additional spyware
>go through a myriad of filepaths to make a shortcut and put it on your desktop so you don't have to use the painfully slow HDD-destroying search function every time to run it
compared to Linux where you just
>open terminal
>sudo apt-get install [application]
>run it

win10 really is not that bad. You can disable telemetry and it's nice to be able to change boards and just have things work. Emulation is fine for everything else.

>disable telemetry

>windows 10 is 'not that bad'.
this is true, compared to getting literally, the original definition, shot through the dick and both testicles, windows 10 is better. it's a locked down and aggressive OS that I'd not recommend to my worst enemy.
Watch this and tell me Windows 10 "is not that bad" you computer illiterate cunt.

This! Buy a PS2 and be happy.
Fuck PC games and fuck new consoles. Buy books too, they're fun.

Just use 10, stop being autistic. Nobody cares about what porn do you have.

Accept Yea Forums. You are irrelevant.

Now go play your pirated games.

Nah fuck that, OP if you got a fast processor, download mednafen and start emulating Saturn games. Lots of hidden kino.

>Now go play your pirated games.
Can't do that if you have Windows 10 installed

bite me, my reasons for not using 10 include, but also extend, beyond the bullshit telemetry.

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I always hear all these complaints but have never really had the problems or any issue finding quick solutions. The biggest pain in the ass is I have to run a VM of XP for some games but big deal.

How does it feel to have no dignity?

Stop pirating malware. All my cracked games nd software work perfectly on Windows 10.

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>Just use 10
There's literally no reason for me to over using Linux.

> [Error]
Windows 10 is free user.

Using it now without activating it. Evertyhing works fine

Windows 10's target audience is the enterprise community, which is essentially people with an IQ of -10.
It's fine that you fall into that category, but please realize that not everyone does.

like i've said earlier in the thread, i've been using linux for nearly a decade with minimal issues. anons who say shit like 'lol linux? i don't want to use the command line to do everything. it's always broken!!!!' don't actually know what they're talking about.

>installed Lubuntu on my shit PC (pic)
>can't watch films or series with subtitles because of the delay
>try the same film/series with the same subtitles on Windows 7
>it works
>let's not even talk about gaems
Well, at least I can use this PC for other stuff like internet, downloads, write stuff and edit images.

Attached: 2019-03-23-171655_1600x900_scrot.png (910x317, 33K)

I'll guess I'll stop playing new games on PC by then. I'll keep using W7 for older games and for navigate on internet I'll either keep using W7 or most probably switch to Linux
And I won't support Microshit tho, I'll have to move to Shitsony for the lastest games

what video player? That's really strange

Not if you want some measure of control over your system

You can't disable updates on W10 unless you disconnect your PC of internet

Ok but first let's name all the Windows 10 games........Wow that sure was a lot.

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What version of Lubuntu? They recently switched from LXDE to LXQt which made it basically useless for shit PCs and defeats the whole point of a sleek distribution.

did microsoft stop supporting windows 7?

Just play pirated games; They work fine.

Theres nothing wrong with using Linux, MacOS or whatever. But if you need Windows for your games, just use 10. Its free. You don't even need to activate it.

Dude, It's true that i am a "basic" person. I have a shitty job, some good friends and like to run sometimes. Nothing really especial.
But so are you. Stop being brainwashed by the bullshit scifi that you consume. No one cares about you.

To be honest I'd love playing the last Forza but it's just not worth it.

I think they'll stop next year

2020 is when they'll stop giving you placebo """security""" updates

I use Linux/Unix at work and Windows 10 at home (And MacOS). I don't understand the problem with Windows 10 that people seem to have.

Is it just autism? I'm going to need a technically comprehensive answer in order to take this seriously.

January 14, 2020 is the last date.
if we're so basic then they don't need to collect our data.

I don't want a spynet on my machine. I know I'm just a retarded little faggot who no one cares about, but it still icks me I'm williingly giving up my privacy just to play games.

>No one cares about you.
Besides the point.

I used to think the same way until I switched to win 10 LTSC 2019

buy a console ;)

I stopped installing them after one made my pc randomly freeze up

they literally do fuck all

>But so are you.
Yea and?
I couldn't care less about their telemetery, it's pisseasy to block anyways.
I want an operating system I control.
C++ development on windows 7 is already hell enough.

>I don't want a spynet on my machine. I know I'm just a retarded little faggot who no one cares about, but it still icks me I'm williingly giving up my privacy just to play games.

What do you mean by 'spynet'? Can you specifically go into detail on how Microsoft is spying on you and what information they're looking it?

>But if you need Windows for your games
Again, I do not. Pretty much no one does, and the number of people who do gets smaller by the day.

they still keylog everything you type and sends to headquarters every site you visit.

What an absolute waste of an entire device. A Linux OS shouldn't waste more than 10 gigs if you want to give yourself some bloat room. I feel very foolish for even allocating the 60 gigs I did. Your Linux distro and Winbloat can coexist nicely on the same device, even if you've got a small SSD like me.

Attached: whatever15.jpg (441x147, 16K)

remember when microsoft forced pop ups onto your PC asking you to upgrade to windows 10 for an entire year?

they track everything you do. it has been documented.

well the NSA does that by default anyways

no because I have updates disabled

What i'm trying to say, and i think that answers all of you guys fears is that we're fine. Theres nothing wrong or too special that we do that makes the "system" pay attention to us.

If the information that they are collecting makes them show ads about products that "they" think that we want, we just don't buy them.

Let instagram brainwash stupid little women. We are at least better than that.

nah, I'd rather use linux.

Gnome mplayer, the one that comes with the distro.

Lubuntu 16.04

Only if you installed every update like a blind retard. Part of what made windows 7 so good was that you could choose individual updates. At a certain point I memorized the update IDs for the "upgrade assistant" updates.

I don't like fighting my OS to get it to do the things I want it to do. I don't like being data mined and having my OFFLINE data being sold to the highest bidders, profiled, logged, stored, disseminated, and generally handled without my permission with no limit. I don't like MS treating me like i'm some braindead fuckwit who should just bend over and take their updates whenever they want me to. Oh, i can set 'active times' to prevent updates during that time? great, it's trying to make me feel better while still doing something i might not necessarily want WITHOUT my consent. I shoudn't need to edit the fucking registry just to prevent the same bullshit ad-ware games and programs I don't need nor want from being installed on my machine. If it works for you then that's fantastic. Use it. But for the love of god do not assume that because you like it that everyone who doesn't is just autistic or some other label that you can just disregard. Windows 10 is shit because I want to run MY machine how I want.

And I don't think you understand that I don't give a fuck.

>Can you specifically go into detail on how Microsoft is spying on you and what information they're looking it?
Not him, but no, and that's exactly the fucking problem you moron. If I don't trust what a company does with my data, and don't want to spend hours researching what little precise information there is on the subject, I don't want to give any to them regardless of how mundane that data might be. I just don't fucking get what's so hard to understand about that.

Is Linux Mint good for someone that only used Windows? Just play some old emulators and use Microsoft Office 2007 for work. How well these things work on Linux?

yeah. i have the retarded updates on a txt file on a pen drive for the times I needed to reinstall

software developers matter more than you, so it really doesn't matter whether or not you do


You ara as paranoid as Brie Larson, bitching about a guy who smiled at her.

thank you, sane poster.

>I don't care if my information gets sold, therefore neither should anyone else
Opinion discarded. Privacy is a right, and one that is on par with freedom of speech in importance. If you don't care about yours that's your loss, but don't go around telling people not to care about theirs. If you even remotely believed the shit you're peddling, you'd post your bank account. But you won't, because you don't actually think that having personal information thrown to whoever wants it is a good thing. You're just an idiot who literally cannot comprehend basic concepts and lashes out at those who do.

Yes, what? Explain pls...

Now i'm playing Vagrant Story on ePSXe and i use Citra and PPSSPP too. Do these thing work fine?

What about Office, what is the alternative?

DO i need to install an antivirus?

paranoid? user, the data mining bullshit is such a small part of why i hate windows 10. It's a shit OS that i need to fight or dig deep into to get to do what I want, with no guarantee that the stuff I tell it to do or to not do will remain that way between every update, or hell every restart.
yes, mint is fine for you. look up your games on your own. office 2007 works at least through wine if not natively, otherwise just use libre office, or google docs, or whatever. no, you don't need an anti-virus.
More importantly: Please, please, PLEASE, do your own research on your use case before you use linux, get mad because you can't be assed to learn something new, and then blame it on linux.

>I just don't fucking get what's so hard to understand about that.
Precedent has been set. What should be an open and shut case is now an uphill battle because "that's just the way things are." People who don't know anything about a subject tend to default to thinking that surely the people in charge know what they're doing.

>That arises from Linux being the dominant system pretty much everywhere except for the desktop.
You'd be surprised just how many idiots actually use Windows servers. I daresay they are the majority nowadays because Windowsbabbys are the only fresh blood getting into the IT industry. If you ever DO see a Linux server it's a bloody Ubuntu desktop installation, GUI and all. The people running the infrastructure we all rely on are tech illiterate imbeciles who can't deal with any problem a step-by-step wizard program can't fix.

Well, Microsoft is way more trustworthy than you cunts.

I already had my credit card stolen in some shitty gas stop and had all the shit refunded to me as soon as possible. The shit fucks in this site are still trying to find out the social media of any girl that dares do post here.

>You're paranoid if you care your os gathers your personal information for money

Imagine creating an OS so fucking terrible that you have to keep reminding people that it's free and they still tell you to go to hell.

Linux is more user friendly than ever with retard proof distros, and even Steam is going full into the Linux market by optimizing their games themselves with Proton. In a few years Linux will be a no brainer replacement for Windows, but as of right now it's perfectly serviceable to try as a dual boot or even just in a VM. I don't understand why people are so scared of it.

>fine for you

Ok. But is he the best? I can learn a new OS without a problem. I just hate the hassle of formating my PC and installing a new OS

What the flying fuck does any of that have to do with anything
This post is beyond retarded

is /g/ trustworthy for getting information on this? i'm seriously thinking on changing to linux, but i don't know shit about distros, configurations and other shit

>Well, Microsoft is way more trustworthy than you cunts.
And there it is. You don't believe the shit you're peddling one bit, yet you expect us to believe it without question.

>Windows 10 at home (And MacOS)
Holy shit we've found the cancer that cancer gets.

I actually just upgraded this week, all i changed was disable automatic updates. everything fien for my purposes so far, in fact some programms actually run better now since they stopped providing updates to win 7 a while ago

Look into Puppy Linux. It's a live CD/USB distro that you don't install (so, you know, zero commitment). Uses a very simple and lightweight window manager and file manager and functions a lot like Windows 95. You can take it with you and use on any computer that'll boot from the disc or USB. Runs on toasters.

>is he the best?
the best distro? do you even know what you're talking about? it's painfully easy to set up, as easy as windows, if not easier. you just click 'next' a few times, type in your username and computer name, select your time zone, and you're done. please do research, preferably run mint in a virtual machine, and then decide from there.

I use the example because is the worst thing that can happen to someone as basic as you.

And it ended fine. Don't worry user. You can still visit Motherls without the cops appearing in your front door

Quicklaunch buttons next to the start menu was a IE4 upgrade/Windows 98 feature, not 95 and you're missing My Briefcase. 6/10.

Why don't you read the thread, moron

Install mint alongside your current OS (the installer takes care of everything including the partition) and mess with it for a few days. If you don't like it then go back to windows. It's risk free since you don't have to wipe anything if you don't want to.

rank all the windows

some distros are basically windows nowadays dude. those were made for people like you. just relax and install mint.

This. Not my fucking problem.

>Doubting the righteoness of a Yea Forums user is now a stupid thing

Really? Share your social media user. Just a simple thing that we do every single day.

Trust us.

>>upgrade to Windows 8[.1] since it goes out of support in 2023

Who honestly still has Windows 8? 7 I can see, but 8? Everyone whose had 8 has already upgraded to 10.

How exactly? Can you tell me the specific times the data is sent to Microsoft? I've ran packet captures on default W10 installations and never seen anything outside of typical telemetry data.

Instead of calling me a moron because I'm not on your level of paranoia please provide some pcaps so I can see this for myself.

>Linux is more user friendly than ever with retard proof distros

7 > 2000 > XP > 10 (LTSB) > 95 > 98 > NT4 > 3.1 > 2 > 1 >>> 10

Yeah i'm looking at some stuff now. And Linux really seems to have evolved since the last time that saw.

Mint is just like Windows. It seems fine.

I just want your opinion, i guess. Is mint the best Distro? Which one do you think that is?

Attached: 1554777148027.jpg (640x640, 181K)

are you reading the thread or just being a dense faggot?

Are you a literal cretin?
Do you really trust a company or a government to keep your data in storage for literally ever and hope that nothing will happen with it until you die and after? You feel this is fine because cops won't show up at your doorstep for watching porn? What the fuck?

>software developers matter more than you
I am sorry pajeet, but you will never be white.

8.1 is better than 10 and unlike 7 is still supported
whereas the only complaint people have about it is "muh start menu", which can be replaced with the old one even though you shouldn't be using anyways

not him, put personally I like gentoo.

no, i do not like mint but it's perfect for you. the best distro is the one that makes you happy. just use it, user. stop trying to turn this into a distro war. alternatively, go onto distrowtach and see the top 10 and test those ones.

sorry m8 C++ is a white man's language
you're thinking of java

I see no need to run linux, never have. I use windows for gaming and web browsing. Sure I could use it if I had to but I don't.

Actually, he's a paid shill.

I'm asking because I want to know your opinion. Which distros are retard proof?

And now you resort to putting words in my mouth to pretend to have a point. I'm not the one here claiming that information is worthless, nor am I claiming that Yea Forums users must be righteous in order for Microsoft to be untrustworthy.
You aren't convincing anyone here of anything other than the fact that your words are entirely hollow. Everything you say is backed by nothing, not even by yourself. Yet you have the balls to act as though the demonstrably valid concerns of others are as empty as you.
Try harder.

MacOS is superior to Windows for music production and video editing.


Using retroarch is a pretty good solution for most things. Libre Office is one of the most common replacements for ms office. As for antivirus idk

the only problem I have with linux is that I mostly use my computer (besides netflix, music, youtube whatever else) is games. and we all know most games are made for WINDOWS (R).

As sad as it is I wouldn't bet on it.



normalfags don't give a fuck about the fact that everything they do being sent to microsoft
privacy isn't on their minds at any point, they use Win10 and macOS, that's literally the level at which normalfag discussion on this stuff is

no privacy, built to spy on everything you do
spaghetti code by pajeets
horrible efficiency
built with tech illiterates in mind
etc. etc.
the issues only begin there

>Mandatory updates are a good thing
literally what I meant for built with tech illiterates in mind
go kill yourself

Attached: Windows-10.png (807x6544, 1.7M)


I dunno, I don't go there. You're likely to get memed. You don't need to do too much research though as long as you don't fall the INSTALL GENTOO meme.

If you're looking for recommendations, I like Devuan. it's Debian (known for stability and not giving problems) but without the new cancer killing Linux called systemd. As a new user you'd never know the difference between the two but I can tell you that systemd is a pain in the arse that needlessly complicates things if you ever want to, say, change what services run at boot time. So I'm recommending Devuan. Don't think 'it's small, so it's less supported', it's literally Debian with a far less shit boot/core system. You can install stuff intended for Debian (or Ubuntu, usually) on it, no worries.

There's this thing called the internet, and it has a lot of answers to questions you may have! Here you go though baby, open wide for the airplane! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yes but:
1. UEFI needs to support disabling of Secure Boot and Legacy method booting/UEFI-CSM support, some UEFI bios (Microsoft Surface, from what I've seen some Lenovo laptops do it as well) disable these options from being changed.
2. Drivers, which will literally be a case by case basis for each unique piece of hardware inside of the laptop. Newer Intel Wireless adapters have no driver support for Windows 7 whatsoever so if you get a laptop that has say a Intel 9650-AC chip you'll be shit out of luck.
3. From my understanding CPU's like the AMD 2200G and 2400G won't boot to Windows 7 at all, you'll get a blue screen which has no work around, if this applies to their laptop chips I'm not sure of, but something to keep in mind.
4. NVMe SSD support is shoddy on Windows 7 and you might get lucky with Samsung drivers you may not for other vendors. This also requires tweaking of your Windows 7 .iso to add the drivers before booting so you will see the NVMe drive in the preboot installation settings.

Just don't buy their stuff user. You have the same right to choose which Os to use, as to buy whatever is being offered to you. Stop being paranoid.

In the end, this is not as important as you made uo to be. I know that this is the point of your personality that make you feel unique, maybe it is the trait that you use to meet new people and feel less lonely... You are more than just that user.

Try to run a little bit. Maybe walk your dog. You will find other people that share other similarities with you. More normal stuff, you know?

Every production place I know of uses Windows or Linux based systems. Even at school we weren't taught on Macs. The old "Macs are better for creative work!" adage is outdated by like a decade.

>Can you tell me the specific times the data is sent to Microsoft?
> I've ran packet captures on default W10 installations and never seen anything outside of typical telemetry data
there you go. please though, disregard the entire rest of my post dedicated to nothing to do with telemetry.

This looks like it was written by someone with a very basic understanding of computers and networking.

Re-read this and try to understand the fucking point you dumbass. I don't know exactly what Microsoft is collecting and I don't trust them to tell us exactly what they have nor what they do with it. Even if they just store it and never use it, what if they go under? What will happen to it then? What if they sell it? What if they give it to a government that could give me trouble with it for whatever reason in the unforeseeable future?
With that in mind, tell me why I should trust these fucks?

>and games stop being made for it
this. when games stop being made for W7 all that will remain is emulation and indie titles.

the only reason why home computing exists is games and market capitalism retardation involving itself with graphics improvements.

> microsoft's answer is to make their next OS a completely walled garden with no freedom of speech and a complete corporate cocksucking circle-jerk
and thus, an entire industry ceased to exist over night... because everyone involved in that retardation would be murdered.


You haven't attached the pcap to your post. I don't think it's a supported format by Yea Forums.

For people asking about what distro to start with, Ubuntu has the most compatibility with most things right? Just check out which desktop environment looks best to you and install it from there.

>actually making airplane noises while spoonfeeding
you get a free pass, this time

it's made FOR people with a very basic understanding of computers and networking

>Belonging to the Apple cult
Hell no.

and pic related
there's many more documented examples where shit will send to microsoft no matter what you do

Attached: Windows 10 enterprise spying.jpg (638x5176, 968K)

What the fuck are you on about now?
No, really, what the fuck?
Do you have problems at home that make you project so hard ? Do you move the goalposts because you are completely lost in whatever shit you were arguing?
Are you simply insane? YOU should go outside and think on yourself a bit because I'm afraid that you are, quite literally, losing your grip on reality man.

This is exactly why Steam is investing so much into Proton and native Steam compatibility with Linux. They know once Microsoft totally strongarms W7 out of the market there will be a lot of people who jumped shipped to Linux and want games. By then Steam will have perfected Proton thus giving them a huge market all to themselves.

>I don't know exactly what Microsoft is collecting
You can easily find out for yourself though, just capture the packets. If you don't like the idea that software you run is sending information to a server that you don't understand then you should just stop using networked computers altogether. Can you 100% factually tell me what every packet of data from the software you use contains? If you can, then prove it by giving me technical examples.

>b-but it's not a pcap file of your machine right now, therefore it isn't an issue!!

I will ask you out of curiosities sake what your luck has been with older games that aren't win10 compatible. What distro are you using and what'sthe simplest to use without pretending to be an edgelord? If it's easier than a VM i will think about dual booting it. It can't be any worse than using dos.

>i stick with windows 7 because i don't like being spied on or cucked in other ways by microsoft, still use 7 though haha
Imagine a small-brained wojack picture attached, windows 10 is better in marginal but noticeable ways, there's really no reason to stick with 7 as you've accepted being advertising and data fodder for mcirosoft either way.

But it's wrong.
>You'll have to disable 100 different internet addresses

What exactly does this mean? DNS blackholing? Show me the .pcap

He's desperate to save face after getting shat on by everyone in the thread. Notice how his tune has changed from "stop having autism and use Win10" to "use whatever you want, it doesn't matter and you're a shitty human being for having a preference."

What you are doing is complicating something that it is extremely simple. 10 works fine, still you have to create this mental barrier based solely in the purpose that you have something to hide.
If you want to keep losing your nights sleep thinking about what will you do to not install 10 and still play your games, its your choice.It's also your choice to spend the last 3 hours talking about it as something so mundane,
Just don't preach as the ultimate Gospel. Because for everybody that is outside your bubble, this is extremely silly.

>Just don't buy their stuff user.
That's the idea.

older games work fine. i'm using either ubuntu 18.04 and antergos.
>simplest to use
just google 'linux distros for beginners'. simple means different things to different people.
likely. something like the pi-hole.
>show the pcap
not only is it not a valid file format, but i dont use windows 10 here at home so how could i show you a pcap for an OS i don't use?

Day of the penguin is coming, Wincucks.

I don't trust the program then I don't install it so, sorry, but no I won't spend days reviewing what my bandwidth is used for.
However, since you claim to have proof of exactly what data Microsoft is gathering or not, please, share them, show us. That would be a lot more relevant than the vague shit you've been telling us about that data since the beginning of this literal travesty. Give us your technical examples and prove your point.

I have various linux keys nicely labeled and my boot order goes USB -> Disc -> nvme drive (win 10 because reasons, don't question me right now I am doing serious shit here). I stole a bunch of 256gig USB keys when I quit, though. Like a freezer bag full.

Redpill me on linux!
I'm building a PC soon (just waiting on last two parts) and I was either going to install Windows 7 or try linux. What can linux offer me that windows can't if I'm just playing vidya and doing work? All I here is people contantly having to google fixes for problems

Everything you say is backed by nothing, not even by yourself. Even truer now that you have resorted to claiming that none of this matters. You have done nothing but conceded and made an utter fool of yourself, but you'll still continue on as though nothing happened. Because that's the kind of coward you are.

>read the thread
>do your own research
>try linux in a VM before installing
>try linux through a USB before installing
windows 7 is great, minus the EoL coming up in less than a year, if that matters to you.

You don't want LTSC anyway. LTSB is where all the cool kids are hanging out. I got my key from chinks for less than five bucks, just don't expect them to immediately get it to you. I had to wait a day.

Or just pirate it.

Unchecking IPv6 Networking doesn't mean that the network card is going to be completely unable to send IPv6 frames. I don't see what this proves at all.

Turning off the smartscreen feature doesn't mean that the OS isn't able to connect to a host.

It's the same for all the others. Outgoing connections to random hosts doesn't actually mean that the data is being sent in the packets. If he actually bothered to look at the payload he'd be able to see this. Instead it seems like all he can do is look at the destination host and go "Welp, must be using that feature".

You need to know how to actually read this information and what goes on in a network before you make comments about this sort of thing, but of course that doesn't stop hobbyists who read a few words and think they understand. I deal with these sorts of people at work all the time, there's a good reason we ask for actual pcaps and not just screenshots of destination hosts. You'll have to do better than that.

nah user. My argument is that no one here is as special as they think. So worry about stupid things is, well, stupid.
For the rest i just want to show you an alternative. Not for something as irrelevant as what OS you use,but how you can live a bette rlife without resorting to conspiracies and other bullshit.

I think that you problems undersanding simple points. See, you are not even as intelligent as think you are. Why should "they" care about your data?

if 'They' don't care about people's data, then 'they' wouldn't be collecting it. At all.

t. microsoft intern

>8.1 is better than 10 and unlike 7 is still supported

I'm sorry user, but I disagree. I like 7 more than 10, but I like 10 more than 8/8.1. The only Win OS worse than 8 was Vista.

Windows 7 users needs to die

are you fucking kidding me? facebook and google are infamous for collecting your data and selling them. are you saying this is a worldwide conspiracy theory?

Actually I'm a senior networking engineer for an ISP. Data is data and nothing is proven until it's in the packet. As we say, .pcap or it didn't happen.

>this entire thread

Attached: retards.jpg (326x179, 5K)

I have no idea where you want to go user... I was extremely consistent with the things that i'm saying .You started to be extremely defensive in your arguments though... Did i opress you? You want me to apologize?

nice english, nigger.

Win10 consumer editions are the absolute second worst OS I have ever had the displeasure to experience. LTSB (Enterprise edition) is fine if you are required to "upgrade" to windows 10 due to hardware constraints.
Doesn't work on all motherboards
Not an option for some of us doing certain shit
If you've updated windows 7 in recent memory you've got it also
It's the same win10 script, just edited a bit
Just gonna stop you. Windows 7 is pretty good, but find an OEM disk with SP1 on it if you're worried about spyware.
It does, get LTSB. Buy a key off some chinaman on ebay if you feel icky about pirating windows, but those are grey market keys and can be shut down by microshit
Yeah, I know, just having fun with greentext.

Kill you're self

well, goodbye windows, hello ubuntu

>literally came here to scream at other people that they aren't special over an issue that he keeps saying doesn't matter but won't shut up about
I'm sensing some deep seated esteem issues. Care to talk about it user?

It's time to come home.

Attached: 4b1315f311db79c93a380041efddc5a15f4e5061.jpg (1280x800, 71K)

No, the problem is you're still besides the point. Again, how does it feel to have no fucking dignity to speak of? The worst I've "hidden" on my PC is some porn, pirated music and old console ROMs, as you said, nothing which would get me in trouble and yet I find the idea that someone is spying on me infuriating. How would you react to have a mandatory penis inspection just to be able to use your car? Or for entering your house? Would you go "Lol, they see penises all day, you are not special. Stop caring"? Same thing. My PC is my private space and no one but me should have the right to see its contents.

Again, just don't buy their shit.

Use them, don't let them use you.

(Sorry for the gramatical errors. English is not my first language and i had a long day)

>don't let them use you.
So just don't use Win10. The thing you keep yelling at everyone for doing.
Holy shit this is hilarious, "long day" my ass. You're just fucking retarded.

>senior networking engineer for an ISP
He's the guy they transfer you to when you threaten to cancel your contract because you're tired of your ISP butt fucking you and refusing to come fix the problem they don't allow you to fix yourself and if you fix the issue yourself they call the cops to give you a stern talking to before writing down their cell numbers so you can do it for them.

He's customer retention, in other words.

exactly lol

what the fuck
8.1 is almost identical to 7, the only difference is the start menu, which again, can be replaced, and shouldn't be used
Also, I suppose for games, DWM being a "mandatory" thing (it isn't), but in terms of actual negatives that's it.
what the fuck do you think windows 8.1 is?

Distros come with multiple players. Mostly redundant as mpv is THE player to use. You might be using a silly Gnome frontend to classic MPlayer, which was bloody good for its time but said time is past.

And make sure your video drivers are installed if you're a Nvidia guy. The Noveau driver built in is not acceptable.

>don't use their stuff
yeah, thanks. that's exactly the point.

I have 8.1 with classic shell installed, it's basically Windows 7 but supported for longer.

What makes you think Microsoft can see your porn collection? How exactly do they see this? Can you please describe how this works in technical terms? Are you saying that Microsoft is mirroring the entire contents of your HDD into the cloud? Is it just the filenames? Specifically what data is being sent?

operating systems are for pussies

I misquoted that post. I actually agree with most of what you said. the quote was meant to this post

They aren't. At most hashes of files are being sent to check against a database of known malware, but at no point is file content sent.

Can someone fill me in? I dont understand.. are people here just refusing to upgrade to Windows 10 because muh spyware OS meme, or is there a legit reason?

I liked 7 more, but 10 isnt that bad.

You really are a joke.
You are the most self-centered motherfucker in the entire thread. Feeling so special that you take the prerogative to define what is stupid and what isn't, and categorizing those who disagree with your bullshit (and who are tearing you a new asshole doing so), as complotists.

So I'm just going to make it clear for your sorry, retarded ass : there is nothing remotely complotists about caring about what data Microsoft collects.
It is perfectly sane and normal behavior. Not caring about it whatsoever and encouraging other to do so is, however, not safe, childish and, quite simply, absolutely stupid.
There are thousands of reasons companies might be interested in collecting, storing and using data. The fact is that I can't say for sure exactly what they are doing with it, or what they will do with it in 5, 10 or 50 years. In that specific case, reason and sanity advise me to be at the very least cautious with that, which I do by not installing W10 and a bunch of other shit.
You are quite literally advocating not giving a fuck about anything, which is destructive, unsafe and at the end of day, quite insane. And you feel special for doing so. So in addition to your stupidity, you are also a hypocrite, and an arrogant shithead.

Actually I mostly work with troubleshooting L2 and L3 peering issues across global transit links and mainly deal with OSPF/BGP/EIGRP related issues.

they are using your keys presses, your browser cookies, the time your turn on or off your computer, your geological location, the times you are out of the house etc. etc.

I don't really have any self esteem issues, i guess. And am pretty satisfied with my day. Was able to run 10 km in less than hour for the first time since i hurted my lower back doing deadlifts. Met some girl in the beach while running. She was roller skating and seems to be nice.
Some uncles of mine were in my home, it was good, but it let me really tired. Now i'll start to play Dragons Dogma, and am thinking about if i should plas as an Assassin or a Magic Archer.

What about you user: Is everything alright?

>Can someone fill me in?
Can you read the thread?

i don't like fighting my OS. spyware aside (READ: I do NOT CARE how invasive or not it is), the OS attempts to overrule how i want it to work. This is not acceptable to me. therefore, i will not use it. read the thread for more detailed explanations

Stop projecting user. Your life is not a conspiracy theory

t. the man with no dignity

user what you're saying and what you're doing simply don't line up. It's not good to lie to yourself like this. Obviously you're extremely upset about something and are taking it out on people who don't like your favorite OS (which again, you say doesn't matter but won't stop talking about). I'm just trying to help, user.

>Specifically what data is being sent?
Well since you are the self proclaimed expert on the subject, please, do tell us!
What data is being sent exactly, and why should I not care about it?

As in all cases, you'll see the people asking for help - the thousands of times something goes smoothly nobody gets onto the board and posts "X worked easily just as I intended it to without any issue!"

In any case, define "vidya" and define "work". That will impact how easy a time you'll have on Linux. As for benefits, you'll have a lot more control of your system, be supporting open source Free/Libre software which is beneficial, will evade shitty things done to monetize your personal info or constantly shove something in your face for you to buy etc. There are lots of benefits to Linux both technical and ideological but it all depends on what you value/use etc as far as whats most important to you.

Playing vidya on Linux is easier than ever these days. More games have native support than ever and those that don't can in many cases be played using WINE and other software that allows you to run things made for Windows, and especially Proton - an enhanced build of WINE + a few related programs developed by Valve and released open source. Valve has done a ton to support Linux and Steam is pretty much the only store/platform that really has full Linux compatibility natively. Now, its possible that every single new fancy AAA game without a Linux client won't work immediately on launch day using WINE/Proton etc... but typically it will in a little time, more often than not.

Regarding work, depending what you have to do just be aware if you have any windows only specific software, you may need to use it with WINE and/or use it virtualized using VMWare or VirtualBox, depending. Then again, if its just about getting the task done and you can use an alternative piece of software there is lots of good stuff for Linux too.

Any questions?

Key presses you'll have to be more specific on, what key presses exactly? When does this data get sent and can you tell me when it happens?

Browser cookies I've not personally seen either - please provide proof.

Time you turn on or off your computer yes this is standard telemetry, geographical location also telemetry, the times you are out of your house is impossible unless you believe that you have some sort of tracker embedded in your person.

>I don't have any self esteem issues I swear, blablabla here's me talking about my shitty life to prove it

LTSC is just a renamed LTSB. Microsoft is calling all new versions of LTSB LTSC, so if you're getting patches I assume you'll get renamed to LTSC. Unless they're dropping support for LTSB?


>What can linux offer me that windows can't if I'm just playing vidya and doing work?
>Very easily customizable
>Generally more stable, more secure and more lightweight (doesn't hog as much system resources)
>Takes much, much, much more longer for your OS to start bogging down your system to the point that a reinstall is required unlike Windows
>Package managers are great once you get used to them
>It's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Obviously not nearly as user-friendly, it's pretty much guaranteed you'll need Google 99% of the time
>Drivers can be a huge pain in the ass (can be mitigated by distro and desktop environment)
>Updates can be a pain in the ass (can be mitigated by distro and desktop environment)
>Compatibility is a problem, you'd better learn to live with the alternatives for Office, Photoshop and Vegas Pro

Screencap this. 2020 will be the year of the Linux. Valve is investing a ridiculous amount of time into Proton in preparation for the death of Win 7.

Attached: 1546604428957.jpg (479x720, 63K)

according to oracle, google does that (and full disclosure: i'm not the same user in this thread who's way more intelligent and technical than me):

why is everyone acting like security patches do anything? why is everyone acting like windows 7 will just refuse to work once """"support"""" is ended?? why is everyone acting like myu copy of pirated windows 7, not updated since 2015 isn't running brand new games at 60+ fps???

Neo-Cortex approved

Attached: 0eec83aa88ade4da930abe34bfd8ca60.jpg (1080x1184, 119K)

people think not supported means the thing in question is just going to magically stop working nowadays

When I checked on a vanilla Windows 10 install, by default I only ever saw telemetry data. The packet sizes and frequency were too small to be logging anything substantial. When the telemetry features were disabled, no more data was sent. Connections were made to the Microsoft Telemetry servers, but the payload of the packet did not contain anything but handshake data. The packet sizes were also much smaller.

If you're saying that Windows captures private data and sends it to their servers at some other time that I've somehow missed then that's fine, but you'll need to prove it.


Attached: sipnotify_hcHbAM2cHu.png (1140x720, 202K)

No, but they do think it won't be as safe to run ans are legitimately asking themselves what they should once support comes to an end

Ohh... I didn't want to ruin your day user. Just wanted to help you lighten the burden of using an OS.

You must be really upset when you see an AD rin your Marvel movies, right? For someone as loony as you, having to wait until the 10th post credt scene until you can get out of the theather and buy they shit mus be torture, right?

>keys presses
only if you enable text correction and suggestions, but why would you on a regular PC?
>browser cookies
only if you use microsoft edge and enable account sync
>the time your turn on or off your computer
that's been around since windows 98 with automatic time synchronization that fires when the computer starts up
>your geological location
any server you connect to stores your ip address, location can be inferred from the ip address
>the times you are out of the house
can be inferred from usage data

Is 10 LTSC that bad? Seems like 10 without the bullshit people complain about

It's just a very shittily designed OS. Not even starting with the privacy issues, just form and function is inferior to 7.

I wouldn't put it past Google, but I'd need to see the facts either way. I won't take Oracle's word based on nothing.

Google 99% of the time lol? Just use the built in software manager. Failing that, usually you just have to extract a rar.

>>Obviously not nearly as user-friendly, it's pretty much guaranteed you'll need Google 99% of the time
not so. and when shit goes wrong on windows, users use ?????? hint: it's google.
>>Drivers can be a huge pain in the ass (can be mitigated by distro and desktop environment)
drivers that work on one machine, work on the others, but yes you're technically right. which is why Mint and ubuntu are so popular since they have a lot of those installed by default.
>>Updates can be a pain in the ass (can be mitigated by distro and desktop environment)
updates are the same in flavor, all that changes is the package manager used.
>>Compatibility is a problem, you'd better learn to live with the alternatives for Office, Photoshop and Vegas Pro
the newest office doesn't work (i think) but i'd be surprised if MS didn't have a linux version by now, or in the works. photoshop 6 works. what the fuck is vegas pro?
honestly, how often do people use photoshop? everyone claims that's the thing holding them back like they're all photographers or something.

Well, its true that i don't like 10 as much as 7. I just don't tthink that all the struggle to keep using an outdated system is worth it.

>remote access

Why are people so completely comfortable with this I keep my lolicon on an external but still I have family photos, work shit, mortgage shit all kinds of stuff and accounts I keep logged in I dont need some dude poking.

It's better if you get 2016 LTSB since you can play with it a bit more easily than LTSC.

Windows 10 is basically slowly taking away more and more user power, or obfuscating it with every update. If you're fine with that, and hey maybe you are, then keep using it. Just remember you're under their thumb if you do. You might be using a certain program windows doesn't like, and they can just lock you out of it without you being able to do shit in the next update. Under the hood tinkering is becoming harder and sometimes impossible. Even registry edits get ignored if they have to do with telemetry.

Think of it this way. W10 is like going to work/school with a dress code. Except it's wherever you go all the time. Maybe you don't care, maybe you're fine with wearing a dress shirt and dress pants wherever you go. Maybe the policy is lax enough that you can get away with different colored dress shirts, or jeans on Fridays. But as the dress code goes on through the years it's getting more strict. Now it's only white shirts and they have to be buttoned up and tucked in. Tommorow it might be ID lanyards are mandatory at all times and no more jeans. In a few months maybe you're only allowed to buy clothes at the Microsoft store. Do you want to be able to dress how you like? Then use something else.

Oh god he's been reduced to esoteric shitposting to feel better about getting shat on. How sad.

Just have a HDD with win10 just for gaming if you really need it

>The packet sizes and frequency were too small to be logging anything substantial
Present data and examples on what is and what isn't substantial packet sizes for telemetry, and present verifiable proof that Microsoft ISN'T data-mining everything. Show their telemetry packet sizes vs the average. If you can't then the rational person MUST assume everything under the sun is being collected. You can't refute this.

You can control all that easily. My machine doesn’t do shit unless I let it.

Ohh... I'm sorry. Am just proud about the runningg shit that i want to use as an argument to the "self esteem issues", that the guy who is fighting for 3 hours about an outdated OS just because the big corporations want to sell tissues for him to use while watching the cuck porn on Motherllss, while they are turning frogs gay.

Problem is LTSB isn't supported on some newer hardware. Which is why Windows rolled out LTSC in the first place.

i'm sure.

>The packet sizes and frequency were too small to be logging anything substantial
So windows sends data out and you have no idea what it might be. You also can't define substantial, nor prove your claim.
What a surprise.
So, stop putting words in my mouth. I don't claim that Microsoft captures private data you absolute illiterate moron. My entire point is that I cannot say for sure what they are collecting and logging, so I won't ever give them anything until I know with certainty.
You don't have any clue either of what they are actually collecting but are enthusiastically giving them. You don't give a shit. Good for you. But I really don't see what's admirable in that attitude.

Windows 7 had 10 years of support. Just upgrade already, luddites

nah, i would rather go to linux. i'm thinking of ubuntu.

>hurr nothing to hide nothing to fear
>dey jus wan 2 advertize to u
What's sad is that this troll post actually encompasses a large majority of the populations mentality.

>I don't have any self esteem issues
>but let me project all my insecurities over you
Feeling depressed after a shameful masturbatory session lmao?

people are retarded. news at eleven

I don't feel like it

dude you've beingj btfo everytime by that poster. you were also the first one to go for the ad hominem. just kys, you lost the argument.

>NEWER IS ALWAYS BETTER!!!1!1!!111!one

As I'm sure you're aware, packet size varies depending on your MTU setting, but the frequency thereof is more important. Saying "the average" doesn't make any sense. The average compared to what? MacOS? I don't think you understand what information you're asking for.

>If you can't then the rational person MUST assume everything under the sun is being collected. You can't refute this.

What exactly do you mean by 'everything under the sun'? Define your terms. Are you implying that Microsoft is mirroring everything from your HDD? It would be absurd to assume that by default.

Attached: a104ab51723dc9c0fc87f2def08636ef607e4787c8593feadf69b15eb87364b7.jpg (1280x960, 368K)

I dont' think I am who you think I am, you might have lost track of the 'debate' or, if you are the other moron repeatedly getting btfo itt and now resorting to samefagging shamelessly, you can go fuck yourself.

>getting shat on

You truly are pathetic.

Gonna play some Vidta now. Good luck with your life

>You don't have any clue either of what they are actually collecting but are enthusiastically giving them.

You absolutely can. Download Wireshark or tcpdump right now and see for yourself.

you posted this in fglt on g but i still want to say no, xubuntu is probably a better bet. steam is developed with debian systems in mind, gog specifically only bundles for ubuntu (though it works on all of them im only saying its made with ubuntu in mind) and all developers have their very own ppas with the most updated versions available. specifically i say xubuntu because its reasonably lightweight with all the pros of ubuntu without all the cons