Would you play a spider Gwen game?

Would you play a spider Gwen game?

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sure why not

Hell yeah, hope she shows up in the next one.



Depends on if it causes a shit ton more porn to explode of her or not.

No because as a western game it would be feminist cuck garbage for having a female lead

I would play with her tiddies

Yes, and I would let the enemies kill me on purpose

I wanna fuck her

No, Give me Noir, Miles and Porker


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this but only noir, gwen and peni

Lol no because it'd be AAA consoleshit, and therefore crap.

I want cute and funny Peni-chan!

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No but I'd play a Gwenpool game

absolutely, her suit's design is fucking great, feminine while also being sleek and cool

Peni-chan more like penis-chan LMAO!

If that means we must play also as miles morales the spider-diversity hire-man, then fuck no.
If we can ignore that loser, then fuck yes, I would pay Gwen in a heartbeat

If I got to cum in her ass, sure

nope I dont want to play a coal burner

Keep the Mask on then it’s more Sexier

sexist much?

>watch trailer for Spiderverse
>"Peni looks cute! She'll be great!"
>"The Pig looks like a comedy vacuum. He'll be terrible."
>watch movie
>Peni is garbage and Porker is based
What the actual fuck happened?


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I rather play a Noir Spider Game


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Sure but I'd rather have Venom

Nigger Spiderman movie's Gwen is hideous, why did they have to give her that trashy disgusting haircut?