Come play vee

come play vee

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>free to play

more cancerous than

>early access

shut your fucking faggot mouth and play it before shitting on it
the enjoyment that KAG can bring is greater than any other game can
if you disagree, you have either never played it or are shit at playing it and get curbstomped in every encounter while your killer spams the smug face emote

ded game and i can't believe i payed for this bullshit

also they should make bigger maps

Playing this with Yea Forums years ago was fun. And then they started charging for it and interest completely died here.

is it fun

>still can't say nigger on official servers
fuck global admins, fuck Geti and fuck this shitty game

>it's free to play now
Fuck, I bought this two years ago for $10 and the servers were dead as FUCK so I never really got to play or enjoy it. I should have refunded.

best chance to hop on now

is this teraria?


it looks lawsuit levels of similiar to teraria

alot of these pixel games do but its more a team-oriented fighting game with fun physics and castle-building

don't forget the nazi mods and discord faggots poisoning every server

imagine choosing a multiplayer game based on whether you can say nigger or not

stop being such a huge homo and enjoy the game

>dev goes for the esports super competitive instead of adding a tonne more content, larger maps, and generally more fun
Could have been a tonne of fun, but instead they tried to cater to the tourneyfag audience.
>someone raises a complaint
>dude stfu just play the game turn off your brain bro
Kill yourself, shill.

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I enjoyed it for five fucking years before devs drank the cool-aid and you're absolutely delusional if you think the game's worth a shit these days

it doesn't even let me play

see this is an actual legit criticism that people can respond to
this is just

there is a difference

Says I have a problem with my internet when i try to link my steam?

it would be stomachable if it was just nigger and faggot, but the filter is so strict you can barely use the fucking chat

holy shit I remember this game, it was so fucking fun
shame happened

There was some big mod being worked on to add a tonne of content but it died.

its fucking shit

This game was so good before they created the new engine for it. I used to play it all day.

what happened

Try asking in the forums

it's weird, you can say nigger on SOME official servers sometimes. You'll never get punished for it, they just put a word filter up for shits and giggles.

this game has literally been out since before terraria.

There was a modded server for a while, Char's CTF, which added in a lot of classes, vehicles, etc. It's fun in short bursts, but that kind of gameplay sort of has a rock paper scissors component, where instead of skill you can just win by farming enough coins inside base to buy the vehicle/weapon that's OP enough to bypass the current enemy defenses.

i remember a rp server with orcs and shit