Remember when Kratos didn't respect women? Uhhh this is awkward

Remember when Kratos didn't respect women? Uhhh this is awkward.

Did he become a softy because he got #MeToo'd?

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He grew up and you should too

In the last game he literally threatened to kill the first woman he ran into no questions asked. He only didn't because he realized she was no threat.
It is not like he was bending over backwards saying "m'lady".

that's kinda what happens when you have kids. you turn bitchmade. it should've honestly ended at 3 with him being with his family in the afterlife.

I'd take 3 over 4 anyday
My biggest issue with the game is that kratos became a babysitter
Wouldn't have any problems with it if kratos was alone but I just can't stand that fucking kid


>when people have kids they have to raise them
Maybe if your dad didn't just shit you out into the world and fucked off you wouldn't be so retarded, user.

He got old.

Why didn't he fuck her brains out to relieve tension and frustration?

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Nah he just got old.

Poseidon princess was some top tier ryona

Kek, that part was brutal. The soifaggots fortunately don't remember this part or didn't even played it.

My grandpa is old too, and he doesn't respect women

They dug up Kratos's old misogynistic tweets from 2005 - 2014.

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In gow he calls freya "woman" multiple times, he kills her son right in front of her, she spergs out and curses him and he's like "lmao she'll come around" along with Mimir
Reminder that the pantheon had it coming, kratos did absolutely NOTHING wrong and was manipulated along the way

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Because his games went from being made by normal guys who would say "we just want the game to be fun and what's more fun than wrecking shit?" and is now made by hipster faggots who say "I'm raising my wife's son and that means I need things to be poignant and deep, by which I mean I need things to show my shitty life in a way that makes it seem like it's better than everyone else's. So now Kratos has a beard just like mine! And a kid just like me! I'm just like big, sexy Kratos, basically! I crave that validation!"

Because he didn't trust her and she was clearly sketchy as hell. In fact, he only agreed to go there when they really needed help and would always fuck off as soon as he could.
Also, most people are in control of their libido, not the other way around.

Because she's a nasty wiccan lady who probably smells like cat piss and doesn't believe in bathing

We're not talking about your grandpa, we're talking about Kratos.

It was his son you mongoloid.

It's wahmayn

Lmao cuck logic
>if tyrone made my wife pregnant, then it's as good as mine!

Sweetheart, treating woman like men and without their privilege (which they bravely threw into the shitter for their jew masters) is the ultimate form of respect.


You've gotta be baiting or you didn't play the game at all. Atreus has the Spartan rage and Kratos's god bloodline. Unless there is ANOTHER Spartan God in the Nordic Realms.

>Da jooz


Normal peoples dont throw themselves on first penis/vagina they see

>B-b-but muh goalpost
Diggin a deeper hole by the second, buddy. Just accept it.

>I didn't play the game but want to pretend I did; the post

I wanna see someone draw Kratos tipping a fedora towards her saying, “M’lady,” now.

Oh, now I am sure you are baiting. Good talk user, have fun.

Being a virgin should immediately disqualify you from participating in video game discussions, to be honest.

Then why are you still here?

I always have a fat laugh at shitposters who try to say that nugow is NOT one of the most wholesome, masculine big budget game to come out in recent years that has absolutely no poison from the modern social justice "values" shoehorned in

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But where will I post about how much I love the new god of war?

Onions turned him into a faggot

I admit, I overdid it but it must have been the alcohol, I can't bait like I used to anymore

Why are people comparing him to when he was crazy to god knows how many years later when he got his revenge?

>he says while posting on Yea Forumsirgin

>Normal people
cool story bro

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bruh the vikings bathed a lot, in fact the spartans/rome/greek learned a lot from them with their bathing techniques

however this bitch who knows

also Kratos is a softy because the developer is a huge beta fag


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I dunno. I liked the ps4 god of war for the smashing and grabbing

man face

He settled down with family. So yeah hes normal

>In 3 you could give Aphrodite and her concubines hard dickings over and over until you get bored
>In Nu-GoW the only woman in the game has you caring for her pet and picking flowers for her the first time you meet her
I like both games, but the emasculation is all too real.

He finally had sex.

GOW is probably one of the only games that turned out good in spite of people trying to twist everything to be political.
It's pretty good all around.

Is God of War an incelcore franchise?

The director literally talked about how this game had no "toxic masculinity" mate

>grew up in California
>weather is amazing
>great food
That's it, those are the only good things about this fucking shithole. Unless you're a pot smoking ultra-liberal who likes to cry about being white.

>Reminder that the pantheon had it coming, kratos did absolutely NOTHING wrong and was manipulated along the way
This but unironically. I can't think of a single fight in the games that Kratos himself started. It's either rampaging monsters who needed to be killed or enemy agents. He tried to spare Hera until she said some shit about Pandora
Pic related might have lived had he not tried to lie

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While he mellowed out a lot, he actually didn't become a beta bitch like you'd expect of someone from modern snoy. He still talks shit to Freya and gives no fuck about her threats, and beats down the Valkyries

>caring about other people kids
go marry a single mom faggot

That worried me pre release, yet I saw absolutely none of that in the game. The whole plot is really normal, it absolutely doesn't go out of its way to push social justice values, it's all about discipline, self control and respecting the old man of the family. For fuck sake Kratos keeps calling freya "woman", not even aknowledging her by name. Toxic masculinity my ass, the game is as manly as can be. You, my friend, did not play the moviegame

Woman are more miserable than ever and competing with men due to "woman's rights". They were brainwashed into throwing away motherhood and abandoning their children to public schools in the pursuit of buying shit they never fucking needed until (((they))) fooled them into thinking that wants and needs are one in the same.

>For fuck sake Kratos keeps calling freya "woman", not even aknowledging her by name
Not true.

Yes, but to show how toxic, brash and aggresive men are, especially to women. Not to glorify Kratos.

Imagine the outrage if Sony did this today

there must be something in the air or the water that turn people gay

he is a god . retard

Would you believe some journos complained about Dad of War being anti-woman because it didn't give Laufey enough spotlight and focused on Kratos and Boy?

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stfu nigger

You're actually right because I skimmed through the scenes and Kratos addresses her directly exactly 3 times in the whole game, 2 times by name, and one time by "woman". My bad, but It doesn't invalidate my whole post

Toxic masculinity doesn't mean what you think it means. Discipline, self-control and the like are the parts of masculinity that the left wants to preserve while the "toxic" stuff is catcalling and grabbing random women's asses and stuff like that. Due to the nature of the internet, where you'll see some literally who with 0 followers have a tweet saying "this guy made eye contact without my permission, so toxic masculinity" posted to Yea Forums by someone who just wants to generate rage for the lulz and "you's", you have a warped view of what toxic masculinity actually refers to.

Yes. But it's clear she will play a large role in the next game.

that would be san fransico mate, and la is a massive shit hole

Nigga she dead, what else can they do except the "dead relative encourages son/daughter from the aterlife" trope? Next game is all about the shonen journey to powerup atreus and tag team Thor

Well we don't need to worry about that with Sony running things.

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> the "toxic" stuff is catcalling and grabbing random women's asses and stuff like that.
I remember when that was just called being an asshole or pervert, before SJWs invented the term 'toxic'.