When did the definitive JRPG series become Persona instead of Final Fantasy?

When did the definitive JRPG series become Persona instead of Final Fantasy?

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Cool Playstation exclusive you got there

It's not; Persona has just done better recently, but people still are more likely to play old Final Fantasy than old Persona.

When Final Fantasy stopped bothering to even try to be a jrpg

When Final Fantasy stopped being good

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I enjoyed P4 more than FF13, but FF15 more than P5

I mean what the fuck were they thinking with that series. Has there ever been a series that could have been a condender for best series ever that fell so sharply? I mean jesus christ the stark contrast between VI and XV is insane. What the fuck were they thinking?!

Youre really misrepresenting the situation with the series. It's not that popular worldwide, at least not yet and you might think it's bigger than it is because of all the toxic secondaries on social media

>Definitive anything
You sure are eager to dethrone the shittiest JRPG franchise there is, granted, Persona and SMT in general are definitely on the right path to do so.

This. JRPGs in general have been a shitshow these days and Persona 5 became "definitive" just by sticking with what works instead of chasing the ADHD western hack-and-slash crowd.

Fuck off zoomer, FF was god tier in the 90's

Both series are the same - they stopped being good after the 90s

when persona went to shit at 3

should i play persona 4?


I'm older than you, FF has always been nothing more than shallow, pretentious garbage for children, don't kid yourself.

After Persona 4

Sure but don't play Golden because it literally rips the soul out of the game for more time on the clock

Zoomers don't understand what life was like before personal computers and the internet
They will never understand. They will never understand. They will never understand.

Video game arcades literally don't exist anymore

When compared to western CRPGs? Dragon Warrior? Fire Emblem? Final Fantasy has always been kind of boring except for the PSone games and 6.

Fuck off retard. You can literally ignore Marie if she triggers you that bad.

FF has been garbage even compared to other JRPGs of the time, no need to look for CRPGs for that, which is opening another can of worms in itself.

When FF started fellating western audience.

After playing PQ2, FeMC is the best girl.

Can't ignore the downgraded voice acting and filler

not if youre old enough to use Yea Forums.

Persona got more popular with the wave of waifu culture sweeping through anime. It's very unfortunate, but Purse Owner really just appeals to edgy teenagers who like anime. That happens to be a vasy majority of JRPG players.

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The real answer is a slow stream of high up positions being given to people from the animation industry. They started using story as a benchmark for making the games. They said that about XIII, that when they were making it they focused more on story benchmarks than how much gameplay content they had completed.

>downgraded voice acting
>compared to vanilla 4
oh no it's retarded

>Downgraded voice acting
>Actually liking old lady Chie
Fuck off dumbass.

Not that guy but in general I have always found most JRPGs shallow games with extremely similar gameplay unless they include some kind of grid movement. Otherwise it tends to be
>use strongest attack
>heal or use potion if hurt
and then if you lose your only real option is to grind more. There are rarely strategical decisions to make.

FF hasnt been good since what.. FFXII?

XIII-2 was actually good gameplay wise but no one played it because it has terrible characters, a terrible story and was a sequel to a pretty reviled or at the very list divisive game.

Eh, Persona really isn't that anymore than FF is now. Person definitely has a large piece of the pie but I hear way more people talking about Tales and Trails series now.
All three series are good though so I don't mind.

Nah, there is no reason for anyone to play Golden first with the state of how they messed up the game. Play the game in its original state on ps2 with the soul in tact and if you like it, play it again on Golden to see if you can tolerate the bitch Chie screaming in your ear, Marie walking around as some abomination to be respected and liked for some God forsaken reason and a bunch of filler content where you get to hear Chie burn your ears for a couple more hours

Why do people say FFX was shit? It was a solid game with no glaringly huge flaws like FF13 or 15. The biggest flaw gameplay-wise is that all the characters have the same stats in the end, so Lulu goes from God-tier to shit-tier for post-game content. Story-wise, cutscenes are unskippable and you may not like Yuna, but FFX is objectively a decent game.

FF will still sell more however its like Assassin's Creed
It might have better brand awareness, but people don't look up to it for open world gameplay anymore

>hear way more people talking about Tales and Trails series now
High quality bait

I never played any persona game and only watched streams of P5 gameplay. Is Golden basically P4 with DLC, and is thus the definitive version?




>unless they include some kind of grid movement.
FFT includes grid movement and is just as shallow as the mainline.
Kiseki games have movement mechanics and are just as shallow as FF games.
It doesn't matter which or how many mechanics you put into your games if you don't make them matter.
CRPGs are the same, D:OS games have movement that hardly ever matters because the meta revolves around shutting down things with elemental mats and then spamming all your hotkeys and work around cooldown loops, D:OS2 is even worse, because they're a clusterfuck of mechanics that don't work well together, Pathfinder is all about stacking a gorillion buffs and then clicking around a few times and see your group steamrolling shit, because RTwP is a garbage combat system that also invalidates many core mechanics from the tabletop game, making it shallow, overly clunky mess.
>if you lose your only real option is to grind more
You're a fucking retard, but I've already guessed as much given how you think that movement in itself adds any sort of depth, unless you're talking about late 80's games there's hardly any JRPG that forces you to grind.

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Hi I'm that guy. I only mentioned CRPGs because I'm not super familiar with that era of JRPGs outside the Toriyama illustrated ones, all of which I've found infinitely more interesting than FF1-5.

P4G is the definitive way to play P4. Same way that P3:FES is the definitive way to play P3.
>B-But muh shitty waifu MC
Fuck off losers.

You should dig more into the SNES and PC libraries of the time, FF is nothing but a gateway at best and it's arguably the worst IP from Square, if you want to play Square RPGs stick with either Front Mission or the SaGa games, even the Seiken Densetsu series has more to offer and it's a series explicitly made for younger audiences.
Look more into the Enix library, if you like Dragon Quest there's more of that and you can look for the more bizarre IPs like the Elnard/Mystic games that started with Elnard, or Seventh Saga as it called in the west.
Check Metal Max, especially since you like DQ given how it builds a lot on what makes DQ appealing but gives it a more solid identity, it's also a fairly unique series when it comes to setting and its vehicle mechanics, Tengai Makyou is another series that is kinda similar to DQ but with a more explicit fantasy japan setting.
Check Falcom's production, games like Lord Monarch, Brandish, Ys or Vantage Master are all solid to this day, even the more outdated ones like Xanadu or Sorcerian are still interesting as a product of their time and there's also the relatively more modern Xanadu NEXT.
Check the Ascii Soft games, they made quite a few small sized project that tend to have interesting battle design for their time.
Check Masaya's Langrisser as it was the main rival to FE when it came to SRPG, together with the Shining series to a lesser extent.
On PC you have quite a few core series like Powerdolls, Uncharted Waters or the Lunatic Dawn games, though Uncharted Waters arguably has better versions in some of the console ports.
There's even a few interesting JRPGs on SEGA's side outside of the aforementioned Shining series Gen'ei Toshi being kind of a cult one, and of course the Phantasy Star games.

There's a lot more to JRPGs than FF and the average clones.

FF still sells 4x as much despite the quality drop. Persona isn't popular enough to be the definitive jrpg

I would murder for another PS1-era FF.

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Holy shit user thank you!

>unless you're talking about late 80's games
So the era where a massive amount of JRPGs were made? Are we just pretending Dragon Quest, one of the most influential and popular JRPGs of all time isn't filled with this shit all the way up to the most recent game?

I don't think movement inherently adds depth, it just helps. Obviously mechanics don't mean shit if you don't make them matter. I'm curious user, what games do you think have depth?

i actually just finished the game today and thought it was amazing.But i'm new to them so I''m kind of going backwards in playing them from newest to oldest

after X

>quality drop
Are you talking about XIII? Cause XV is out now and it is the best FF yet.

What about FFV?
I thought this one was pretty fun to play, encouraging me to find different approaches to various enemies more than most of other FFs I've played (which were I-VI).

I don’t know user, but persona got me back into JRPGS. Based Persona.

Here's the definitive Final Fantasy chart.

Attached: Final Fantasy Chart.png (1228x1046, 145K)

This chart is unbased and bluepilled.

Both franchises are garbage.

Baiting with VII aside, what is it with people calling VI better than V?
It really isn't.

When it improved turn based combat beyond attack, heal, attack, heal, etc.

Back then, Persona 3 was the first major turn based game that felt like it had a sense of depth and complexity to it beyond the above mentioned combat loop. However if P5 is anything to go by, they are, in turn, ripe to be replaced by some other innovator who will then go on to become the next "definitive JRPG series".

>Real characters
>More interesting world
>More interesting villain
>More item complexity (at the cost of class complexity)
>More spell complexity if you count Strago's blue magic as spells
It's arguable, but both are valid claims for better than the other.

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