What is Lovecraftian? Does it mean abstract horror, grotesque horror, or cosmic horror?
What is Lovecraftian? Does it mean abstract horror, grotesque horror, or cosmic horror?
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you are nothing but a dust mite
It's racism
It means Lovecraftian horror.
Cosmic, mostly.
Mixed with hopelessness and the futility of trying.
Mostly this. Sadly a lot of games just throw in tentacles and fishmen and think that automatically qualifies as Lovecraftian without embodying the themes
To make edgy teens feel intelligent.
>non-Euclidean pathways
>Cyclopean arcitecture
>otherworldly beasts of madness
>unfathomable horrors
>endless unknowable terror rooted at the depths of human consciousness
>fuck niggers
What are some Lovecraftian Kino games?
it means niggers
eternal darkness
Shadow of the Comet
The future is incomprehensibly big filled with crazy creatures and objects that defy physics and aesthetics that shatter the mind with their very presense
Fish People
I love Bloodborn
Niggers and fish lmao
>dude have u ever smelled a smell that was such a mysterious smell and youd never smelled a smell like that smell and a hairy arab once described the smell to you but you were unwilling to smell his smell and now the smell is taking over the school
>Helen Pebis Lovescunt
San Andreas
Weird fiction.
Was that smell niggers?
was he /ourguy/?
maybe but knowing for sure would drive you mad and make u have sex with a fish LOL
prisoner of ice
The feeling that there are beings and events huge and unseen that you cannot begin to understand but they can end your existence easily.
I fucking would
Also, the idea that cats are better than dogs.
A. Those cats are just retarded
B. Some cats do fetch
Demon's Souls
The endless quest for knowledge and the scope of the discoveries being too much to handle.
>muh racism
He married a jew, got over some of his issues and generally mellowed out of his biggest problems by way of actually going outside. More people should follow his example.
Sunless Sea
Darkest Dungeon
>nothing we do matters because we are a speck in the cosmos
>You cant escape the crimes of your ancestors
>Ancient incomprehensible beings will one day kill us like a human stepping on ant
>dude fish are creepy lmao
Here's an excerpt from lovecrafts much praised "The crenallated old faggot who was mentally ill and not from where I grew up so he was no better than the macabre arabs"
>Stewlurt waited
>The radio furtively crackered to life
>"Stewlurt you must fight the demons"
>"No. Cyclopean niggers. Furtive."
>and then the unknowable space roach brapped the rocket missiles
>"I will be fighting the horrors" said Stewlurt, and he furtively did so in the cyclopean mystery of his puffy pink asshole
>"No Harry Potter, you married a jew! Which you hate!" And i did
Bet it was funny with him and his wife at parties.
"Damn Jews."
"What? Oh, right. Except you."
On Sonia's reaction to Lovecraft helping to edit and refine her short story
>"His continued enthusiasm the next day was so genuine and sincere that in appreciation I surprised and shocked him right then and there by kissing him. He was so flustered that he blushed, then he turned pale. When I chaffed him about it he said he had not been kissed since he was a very small child and that he was never kissed by any woman [...] and that he would probably never be kissed again. (But I fooled him)."
On Sonia and Lovecraft's relationship
>"Sonia seems to have understood Lovecraft very well, his frigidity, his inhibition, his denial and his disgust for life. As for him, who considered himself an old man at thirty, one is still surprised that he could envisage union with this dynamic, vivacious creature. A divorced jewess, what’s more; which, for a conservative antisemite like him would seem to constitute an insurmountable obstacle. [...] But it is perhaps the most unlikely explanation that seems the best: Lovecraft really seems to have, in a certain manner, loved Sonia, as Sonia loved him."
On Lovecraft marrying Sonia Green
>"Sonia writes: "I have nothing in life to attract me to Life and if I can help the good and beautiful soul of Howard Lovecraft find itself financially as it has found itself spiritually, morally and mentally, my efforts shall not have been in vain." [...] On March 3, at St Paul's Chapel at Broadway and Vesey Streets in lower Manhattan, H.P. Lovecraft had married Sonia Haft Greene."
Unfortunately it didnt last as Lovecraft never found a job and wanted to move back to Providence while Sonia preferred the big city.
>*alien biped dangles a piece of string in front of you*
>non-Euclidean pathways
>Cyclopean arcitecture
>otherworldly beasts of madness
>unfathomable horrors
>endless unknowable terror rooted at the depths of human consciousness
>fuck niggers
Demons Souls.
Darkest Dungeon.
Lovecraft or Lovecraftian horror is about the thin membrane bubble that is our anthropomorphic view of the world and the existential nihilism that is the real and alien. And the madness associated with this knowledge and coming to terms with gods who care not for the whims of man.
Aka not the derelethian muh tentacles muh evil aliens as a substitute for demons bullshit pop lovecraft has become.
Why does he always look like he’s going to punch me?
Have sex incel
>that first quote
Holy fuck that's really cute. If he can make it then so can we.
Probably would. He was not a happy man.
It means there was a tentacle like thing in the game at some point
uhhhhhhhhhhhh tentacles
abstract or cosmic horror.
simply being grotesque doesn't make something lovecraftian take for example the resident evil games. the shit looks nasty but doesnt give that cthulu underworld feel. its all about things that are incomprehensible or so pants shittingly horrifying that you cant describe it in words.