Was Metroid irreparably ruined by Other M? Will Samus ever return to being her old self?
Was Metroid irreparably ruined by Other M? Will Samus ever return to being her old self?
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She will in MP4
I don't know what this fetish is called but I hate it.
Is there an opposite fetish, where instead of the girl being a complete whatever the FUCK that is, she's 0% whatever the fuck that is?
its just like, bimbo/slutty
yeah but i also hate porn of girls where they are drawn as bimbo/slutty, its gross and degrading
The OP fetish is bimbofication. What you're searching for is purification.
>its gross and degrading
That's an oxymoron
how is that an oxymoron
i think it's just samus as a bimbo with a leash so super mild bdsm - the opposite would be like a wholesome gf who bakes you cookies and headpats you or something
She was already back to normal in Samus Returns.
>blue lipstick
>not into sluts
It exists but there's almost fuckall content of it. Who would want to jack off to a woman becoming more demure and intelligent?
that was a remake stupid tripfag
I love Legoman
No, I know Bimbofication and it's not a big deal for me.
This is like ... retardation and mental illness and fetal alcohol syndrome, or something. Like her brain has gone completely AFK and her basic motor functions are running on AMD drivers. Also her eyes are too high up in her head so she looks like deformed.
yeah i respect women lol
Not even a footfag, but I still love these kinds of heels.
Not bimbofication you fucking mong, look at the collar and leash
bimbo porn also is REALLY obvious by the insanely inflated tits and lips
>SJW and WhiteKnight
fuck off.
oh thats just legoman being a garbage artist lol
>a woman becoming more intelligent
Aw heck yeah, THAT's the opposite of this fetish!
That and her also getting less genetic deformities, and maintaining control of her basic motor functions.
Like, de-mongoloiding.
Gimme some of that.
lol Queer
does he still not draw feet?
>liking severely used goods
>tfw can't talk about Metroid Prime anymore because Yea Forums considers it "fucking SJW shit"
And for what reason? "they took out muh waifu and put in an ugly western woman". Literally the most shallow reason you could think of.
not an SJW i just like women
>can't talk about Metroid Prime
this never happened
anybody who doesnt like strong female lead samus is a big faggot desu desu, fuck zero suit
Why do people say Other M destroyed Samus' image? She had the Zero suit in Zero Mission and that's my favorite Metroid game.
Then go ahead and try and discuss Metroid Prime without someone spamming porn and destroying the thread. It's not enough that people want to constantly jerk off to Zero Suit, but they have to ruin actual discussion.
No, even the most badass women finally succumb to their lack of a Y-chromosome.
It's not the Zero Suit, it's everything else
as an fellow drawfag myself why would shit on someone who degrades their talents and self worth so you can hurridly wipe up semen moisture off your screen
god damn yes i mad
you try to cater to people fuck the masses really dont appreaciate nothing
pearls b4 swine
I didn't play Other M but is it that Adam thing?
Sounds like you got baited hard m8e. It's not hard to see them, they do that shit in every single thread to rake in (you)s
I fucking love blue lipstick.
Got nothing wrong with slags in my porn, but bimbofication looks fucking gross.
Surprised no one started posting sealguy's crap
>colourful lipstick smears
Not enough artists use this.
Oh wait, you're ACfag. Looks like I'm the one that's been baited
>No, I know Bimbofication
>This is like ... retardation
So Bimbofication
that and her personality in general
Blue, black, purple, green...
Sexy as fuck.
post more legoman
Nintendo knew this would happen when they made the Zero Suit
I blame ACfag for this.
I feel like other Metroidvania games have begun leaving actual Metroid in the dust. Like, I played Samus Returns, and I'm sorry, but that was not worth $40. Especially not with Hollow Knight breathing down its neck.
You're the one that just got baited into giving (You)s, man
See, this is what I mean. A convenient excuse to defend the porn spammers. Just call any detractors ACfag.
I love bimbos and gyarus.
Bro stop it I've still got 2 days left of nofap until my onaholes get here you're not helping
bimbos are retarded, maybe bored/ignored/disinterested is what you want?
Is there a name for a fetish where you like the ditzy/happy part of a bimbo, but aren't super interested in them being total sluts? I just enjoy the thought of a strict, wound up girl, acting all silly, and giddy, and maybe a little dumb.
No, fuck off loser.
Well most people like that are just called airheads
>needing anything but old reliable red
Other M was a good Metroid game. Samus Returns was fantastic.
Prime shit can stay in development hell
I realized my mistake, user. I didn't read his second post so he had me going there.
Hey guys. I have Samus in my basement right now!
She's so cute!
Good taste
>talking about wanting to fuck your waifu = good metroid discussion
>actually wanting to discuss the games = evil sjws trying to ruin vidya
What did you mean by this, Metroid fanbase?
It guaranteed that Sakamoto's Metroid games will never be relevant ever again. They weren't relevant since the SNES but Other M cemented it.
Metroid was ruined the day i learned she is a woman. It ruins all the RP.
The whole time playing Samus Returns all I could think was 'why did this take 13 years?'
>simple,short, quick to the point and based
user's going to save the whole world at this point
for the millionth time.
Metroid is and always shall be a literally who franchise.
It can't be ruined, because it was never popular in the first place. The entirety of the series has sold like sub 20 million units. That's like an abysmal release of something like CoD
Green is king
Remember to never respond to ACFag, I know it's tempting but don't
Not all bimbos are dumb
>The whole time playing Samus Returns all I could think was 'why did this take 13 years?'
Why not
Not always insane but big
based as all fuck.
probably my favorite subtle fetishes.
Because during that 13 years 2D Metroid became the basic bitch of it's own genre.
If it does it well, then I don't mind.
Still waiting for a new 2D entry that isn't a remake then
Full pic?
When will LM finally get hired as a game character designer?!
Yes they are
Why not?
never, hopefully
Any other Metroidfag unironically like the Other M suit and its depiction in Smash? Like I'd still go for the prime 2/3 varia suit over it, but I quite like other m's minimalist approach.
Fuck you shitposter
>Samus Returns was fantastic.
>Prime shit can stay in development hell
These are the only things I agree with you on.
When he learns to fucking finish coloring and shading his shit.
Super Metroid is the best in the series and Sakamoto hasn't directed a Metroid game in years, Samus Returns, he only produced it and a guy from Nintendo EPD Production Group No. 7 directed it and will direct future 2D Metroid games too, Sakamoto doesn't have that much control in the gameplay design anymore. He said this way back in 2014, dumbass.
Shut the fuck up drawfag. Whores don’t get to have opinions.
Thank you for posting this off topic filth in a Metroid thread. That's definitely what we needed.
>It's another "Metroid thread ruined by a canadian toasterfucker's autism" episode
why do they keep rerunning this?
>metroid thread
The thread was shit before he even came in.
Lmao dude this is not a metroid thread
but I'm trying to make it one
You're a funny guy. We remodel your shithole last.
Go back
I like them because I don't like masturbating to girls that look like I could care about them, I prefer when they look dedicated to sex because when I'm not horny I don't give a shit about that kind of girl otherwise.
Why do they have to make Metroid a girl? Fucking SJWs ruin everything.
I only like it with the light suit scheme
It is true, there are some characters where I feel like I'd feel even more pathetic than I usually do after masturbating if I masturbated to them.
This was shitty bait day 1 from the OP, dude's just adding to the shitpile
>metroid thread
Wat about tron Samus? Just slightly beats out the light suit scheme for me
>calls people thread nazis
>spams threads if they contain wrongthink (aka actual game discussion)
I've fantasized about it. It's even less material then my fantasy of a MILF switching bodies with me so she can run my life for a year but the idea of watching some turbo duke freak out as the following happens is worth a wank or two.
>Piercings fall out
>Hair grows and turns blonde
>Hymen regrow
>Clothes change into super form fitting house wife clothing.
>Breasts become large and bouncy enough that she can't hid them
>Voice heightens
>Given innate knowledge on how to cook and is now hard wired to want to do it a lot.
>Can't help but act like the den mom.
She has to be aware of it for it to be hot, no point in forcing her to love cooking if she can't internally scream about how she wants to hate it.
Sakamoto not so subtly said he and MS are making Dread for the switch.
man, this image just makes me want to fuck Samus on Ridley's corpse.
Dark Samus master race. Shame 3.0 nerfed her.
being an air head doesn't mean she's dumb
We need to more depictions of women being the submissive sluts that they are.
>those lips
my fucking dick
>mfw RPing a reasonably smart bimbo who's mostly just a ditzy narcissist who knows what she wants
>knock kneed and pigeon toed
Why do artists do this?
What makes that different from a slut/whore? "Smart bimbos" always come up in the /d/ threads and I really want to know why those words don't work? I feel like being dumb and easily manipulated is part of being a bimbo.
where would one find the source for this...
Exciting! Or at least it would have been if it happened 15 years ago on the DS.
the fuck are you going on about, Legoman's been drawing godlike feet for years now
What the fuck is wrong with you
I think it's because people make bimbos drawn as complete brain dead and drooling which is a bit too much and people make a counter reaction to them
im a drawfag too and i HATE drawfags with a passion. nothing pisses me off more than some smug cunt flaunting his mediocre skill to wrap loner cucks around his finger and dangle some art in front of their noses and make them beg for it.
i hate them so much. their stupid fucking power trips. i would sooner shit on a faggot who jerks off to his "power" over niggers on Yea Forums than complement a good drawfag that does his job and shuts up.
as far as i know legoman hasnt done that here, at least i havent seen it. but you are a fucking piece of shit and i can see that you are exactly the kind of queer that im talking about
If that disturbs you then you're either a normie or a Zoomer. God forbid you visit /d/
>metroid, the namesake of the series, has jelly-like monsters that attach on to people and suck their life force from their bodies
>various other monsters/enemies to draw from and an entire space pirate armada to develop scenarios
>almost all porn for samus is dumb bimbo shit
God, it's so fucking frustrating.
It's not really smart, it's just that the average bimbo is written/played as clinically retarded. Every talked to a real bimbo? They don't giggle after every word spoken and they don't have short-term memory loss. If you write a non-retard bimbo, that makes her "smart" by those standards. See: black people written by ThePit, same deal.
acht is the artist, also signs as momdadno.
Are there any upskirt shots in smash ultimate?
Asking for a friend.
that's kinda hot
You guys remember that time when samus got married to a horses asshole haha
what's in the sack
Courtesy of /vp/
I hate how 99% of the porn ignores the armor. All I want is a doujin where she loses a fight and has the suit slowly peeled off, is that too much to ask for?
The suit is just as sexy as she is.
stepfordization is what you're looking for
Saw the movie, replacing them with robots doesn't do it for me, didn't watch the remake as everyone says it's dumb.
Samus is sexier in the games than she is in the porn.
A-fucking-men to that.
Fuck Samus and Fuck the Federation
Smashfags ruin everything.
Always a bummer that the Prime concept art is so much better than the final product.
Don't worry, Metroid Dread is coming.
yeah man. I do like her Prime 2 look but christ, imagine if this radioactive nigger looked like this.
Pretty god damn spooky and badass all in one
Damn straight she was. Fucking loved the emotion she gave in cut scenes in that game.
based tubeposting OCFag.
Nah, that's the name of the fetish, turning them into a perfect 50's housewife.
There's a difference between a bimbo and a slut.
Just wanted to point out that, when you emulate other M and setup the controls for a normal 360 controller, it plays much better. It's kind of a good game, even.
I wonder how many people hated it just because of the shitty wiimote setup.
I just want to fap
based indeed.
Where the fuck are the other OCFags that wrote up that crazy shit a while back? I miss those threads man
That's why shithole remodelling is the best
Adds freaky ayy shit and a space pirate kidnap scenario
Still has mechanic and level design issues. But control mapping was a major flaw
also forgot to add, this by far is my favorite out of the concept art
look at this shit, its like a power stance that says "fuck with me and I'll turn this expedition into a whip-flavored radioactive BDSM session."
Outside of the blue cannon and visor, the colourscheme for this reminds me of the phazon suit
never mind found it
Now this I can get behind
I like the middle two best where she still looks normal.
I want to comfort her and rub her swollen breasts so they don't hurt. I want to help her relearn to read while I fuck her from behind.
that's probably the second reason why I like it I guess, feels more like the suit was actually assimilated rather than used as a foundation to rebuild upon.
I still dig the organic look of Prime 2 though, pissed there isn't an alt for it in Smash
Holy fuck yes.
Sure, you can't get away from the pixel hunting scenes and shitty retard bosses, but the game for the most part plays like people would expect a third person metroid to play. I'm not saying it's anything spectacular but it has some solid mechanics once you stop wrestling with the wiimote.
I drew Samus for Metroid Day.
>Slaps another fetish on the pile
god damnit
presents for good boys and girls.
Me on the far right, but my heels would be higher.
Try this one out
Oh my
>no anal
More drawfags should emulate just ONE (1) thing from L*goman.
Tired of the 1 line anime lip with droll flowing out. I WANT BIG JUICY SOFT LIPS
botox lips are trash and so are you. get back to the trailer park.
This one is pretty much the same theme
God I FUCKING LOVE 2D bimbos.
Lips are great but what about heels?
i want samus to laugh at my dick
>big hips
>cute face
>decently-sized tits
Why is Samus taller than Doomguy? He's like 8ft fucking tall.
>big boobs
>big ass
>toned like Samus
I like it.
My nigger
Hopefully if ACfag slips into a coma
The gamecube couldnt really render any of those concepts is the thing. It would have looked far worse then what we got.
incredibly based
>Full pic?
Is Other M worth playing at all? Like is the gameplay at least decent?
phoneposter go home
Don't feel like getting up.
I don't get this image
it was more movie than game, let's put it that way
Not bimbo lips retard. They are naturally juicy dick sucking lips. Not some botox shit.
It kind of had to be, the only way to make Samus so utterly submissive was to take control away from the player, because there isn't a gamer alive that would do so much stupid crap, even the ones that happily dropped WP on civilians in Spec Ops: The Line.
I am aroused but I am also asleep because he is really that boring after a while
this didn't age well
stop making these threads ACfag, everyone knows it's you
>all these fags hating on bimbo/bimbofication
When did Yea Forums become shit taste central
What the fuck is that image supposed to be?
It’s not even funny
doomguy is 6ft
He has a very defined style and likes to draw the same type of content over and over. There's nothing wrong with it, he's a good artist, his work just gets stale after a while if it's all you look at.
morton's toe motherfucker
Other m didn't ruin anything.
Yes, it's a barely acceptable game, it's enjoyable in some parts and bad in others, the story can be appreciated even though it's not that memorable.
The thing is, metroid isn't ruined or dead, games are being released (samus returns) and samus is far from forgotten, and even though it's a bummer that prime 4 is being remade from scrach that's not other m's fault that metroid is having an hard time lately, it's nintendo's.
>every thread is now doomed to Yea Forums-westernshit tier posting because a girl being female means shes a slut
i fucking hate /fit/-Yea Forums-/lgbt/ so fucking much, why are you subhumans even here?
They really should get rid of those boards since they're filled with reddit/resetera fags. I'm getting tired of them posting here, they're ruining Halo and Metroid threads here.
I really like bimbo housewives
Are people who go on Deviant Art even allowed here?
I support this pairing. Though to be fair Doomguy is probably a bit unstable
>reddit or resetera
Neither of those places can handle standing let alone exercise.
I need more bimbos stat.
Metroid threads are always filled to the brim with retards. I feel dumber having posted here.
It and Halo threads get spammed to hell by resetera/reddit fags.
at bit more and you can be a bimbo
>no feet pics
Actually I already drank a beer so I'm about halfway there. I'm gonna stop posting now. Feel free to reply to this with dick pics or anything you want, I won't see them.
What did Armored Core ever do to you?
>a single beer
Bit of a lightweight there?
Enough titty suit. Post your favorite power suit.
You already did.
AM2R's Varia Suit is criminally underrated imo
look, Samus is smiling!
what a qt
So people hate the game because Samus wanted Adam's dick?.
Samus have shit taste anyway.
>water bottle
look, Samus is smiling!
>smart bimbo
>that face
This is why I despise all fanservice in games, and I hate any sense of waifufaggotry. These disgusting degenerates ruin any thread they go into. And then, while they're posting their 50 page diaper Samus comic, they suddenly wonder why people don't want to see any more of it.
Almost as if a video game DISCUSSION board should actually entail discussion, instead of endless porn. But I'm asking too much of these people who, combined, have an IQ number in the single digits.
>getting mad that people post images on an imageboard
go cry to r/metroid, you might find someone who gives a fuck about your shitty opinions.
I really hope the prime trilogy get's rereleased soon.
You know, like Sarah Palin, or Melania Trump
Samus is a cute princess
fyi, this guy posts in every Metroid thread complaining about the same shit. Keep posting lewd Samus, it really gets his goat. It's great.
things I want from MP4:
>Space Piratesssssssss
>Mutatessss and killsssss thousandsssss
>Fun, rewarding exploration in weird alien environments
>Fast-paced Mobility/Awareness-based combat, keeping the lock-on system
>Feeling like you're in a massive world that exists regardless of yourself (MP1 did this brilliantly, sans doors and bomb switches)
>The Space Piratesssss revealed to have been the good guyssss all along and The Hunter is jusssst a cruel, heartlesssss mercenary, which issss undeniably the truth.
All thisss and you've got GOTY material
I prefer this Samus
is the tape to prevent the electric company from spying on you?
>agreeing with ACfag
what is going on here?
This thread is disappointing
I don't mind a more "realistic" samus if she's gonna be tough and cool
Open-toe platform heels are a gift from the heavens above. I bet all angels wear them.
I prefer you go back.
Gonna need more of that, hoss
I am shit taste incarnate, bimbofag
go to bed shadman
>sameface out the ass
you think so?
Shad has the decency to finish his work.
Now THIS is the true Samus redpill.
>le generic shonen Samus
Literally r*eddit
Funk and Lego are my go to artists to get my fix for high heels.
There isn't a single part of her that I don't want to bury my face in
good taste
>out of character porn
>out of porportion porn
>big tit misty
>meek/shy tifa
>weak chun
>small dick poison
Everybody who supports this shit should get hit by a bus. Completely defeats the purpose of using the character
>>small dick poison
That caught me off-guard.
It's the equivalent of putting tits on a stick figure.
I prefer this Samus.
Samus should talk in MP4, about as much as venom snake did.
Does anyone else ever fantasize about wearing heels
I swear I'm not gay
Princess Samus is surprisingly decent.
I've worn heels before and it was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. The pressure it puts on your knees and feet is unreal. I have no idea how women put up with that shit
you aren't gay but you are trans
heels dont feel nice even if you like how they look
what a weird fucking image
you probably made it too
I like the clacking noise wearing dress shoes gives me, and heels are all about that, but my feet are fucking abominations that 100 percent would not fit into heels.
This is way better than bimboification.
I don't even mind the burns - it's the shitty tired frog face that bothers me
Manic Pixie Dream Girl
fuck no, heels are the most uncomfortable shit
like jesus christ, how did we even convince women into wearing them, what the fuck
Maybe you're just fat
Speak for yourself, faggot.
I need to know what tutorials this man has been following so I can draw lovely high heels too.
I've worn them. Love how it makes my legs look and feel.
that definitely isn't it
Outlet doesn't work and there's a burn mark.
if not the collective we, then pray tell me, who was it?
Wearing girls clothes doesn't make you trans automatically
cuck shit
>heelfags on Yea Forums
good shit post all you got
I want that on my DICK
>Yea Forums continues to not understand what the words they use mean
>Wanting the absolute lowest quality, most retarded women
it's just bimbofication but pure
>waifuing hookers
it's cuckshit mate
Sluts are god tier, but only when they're sluts for you and you only.
Apex God tier: virgin slut
>virgin slut
Too redpilled for this shit thread
>girl is only fucking the person she is addressing by the end of the comic
No cucking here. It's literally the exact opposite, you are preventing people who used to fuck her from being able to because now she only fucks you.
It's fine, for me I own 2 pairs and I'm looking into getting my 3rd pair soon hopefully.
They don't bother my feet and I just like the look of them whenever I do wear them.
especially in leggings and torn shorts
Are you me?
>It's literally the exact opposite,
It's not mate, you're willing taking used goods that took in miles and miles of dick for cash. You're a cuck and waste of air, holy shit.
Have you tried any anime/manga ever?
barefoot pregnant Vanessa
Thiss nigger tryna be a Captain Save a Hoe KEK
When the fuck is Funk going to upload some more shit?
>newfag doesnt know
Does he offer commissions?
Exquisite tastes
What are you trying to say here? That you hate drawfags because the have fanbases? Or because they let popularity get to their head and they start getting all egotistical over it?
Not necessarily disagreeing with you, just trying to understand what you're so mad about.
Where the fuck did you find that? It's not on the boorus, pixiv, sankaku, nowhere.
not a fan of those big boils on her thigh and ass
her thighs and ass are so fat they are tearing the stocking
Do not reply to children.
Used goods is the correct term.
faggot nigger trannies GTFO
>Doomguy is probably a bit unstable
hes a good boy at heart
full image where
3 and 5 are best
>bimbo porn also is REALLY obvious by the insanely inflated tits and lips
I wish this wasn't the case because it's always the mental part that's the good shit for me. That's never how I pictured the look when I experienced the fetish mostly through erotica. Any reference to big tits was a realistic mental image even if they were specifically noted to be fake.
remove thyself
yeah but he's spent who knows how long trapped in hell killing demons, he's probably got demonic PTSD or something.
He only updates his Patreon now.
>he doesn't like big tit misty
>he doesn't like out of proportion porn
cringe, yet redpilled
This isn't metroid
Good stuff. Here’s another good one for ACfag
>Metroid Prime is SJW shit
I've literally never seen this
Man I remember when ACFag was trying to paint the based OCFags as porn-obsessed faggots that didn't care about Metroid a few months ago.
Fuck that autistic leaf, and fuck the feds, we gotta get that Sylux OC back on track.
And better yet, throw in that Slayer and Master Chief cameo for shits and giggles.
that's what makes it good
that's why I like bimbo housewives
Found the woman
>no nipples poking through clothes
Ladies and gentleman, this is how you immediately identify a shit artist.
What site is this? Does it grab locked pictures from patreon or does someone have to upload them first?
t. My commission was rejected
People who have Patreon subscriptions give their session tokens to yiff, which then scrapes all the posts from the artist's page. It still depends on at least one person being subscribed to the tiers with the necessary content, though.
>that one reverse bimbo transformation sequence people thought was a political statement
Lmao she isnt even that slutty looking, just has a leash on.... typically bdsm like that is completely consensual, at least in first world. And I have to say it....
>First Sylux and Dark Samus
>Now Doomguy and Samus
Shit man, the circle is almost complete at this point.
Literally try any genki girl.
Tenma from school rumble
Excell from excell saga
Tomo from azumanga
These are extremely classic ones.
Sorry but only few women has the perfect shit for thar color if not it transform in "look at his lips hahahaha"
dat ass
I sure hope not.
boob make grug pee pee hard
I need more bimbo Samus.
me on the right offscreen
There needs to be more goth chicks in anime, black lipstick, dark eye shadow and eyeliner, dark hair, green eyes and corpse pale skin = Undivine Corpse-Goddess
>those boobs
Man japs have no idea how to draw huh
My dick thanks you, user.
>Man I remember when ACFag was trying to paint the based OCFags as porn-obsessed faggots that didn't care about Metroid a few months ago.
They don't care though. They've stated multiple times that they consider the Prime series to be "SJW shit" as they put it. They only care about Samus when she's in her suit and when she's being sexy and submissive and waifu-like. Don't get pissy when someone points it out.
This is Samus now
In terms of fantasies that's an exceptionally easy one to fulfill dude. Do what makes you happy
Hello ACFag, those aren't the people we're talking about. Fuck off back to Canada with the rest of your subhuman kind
They're exactly the same. Look at how this thread turned out and tell me where ANYONE cares about Metroid for reasons other than their dick.