Choose your fighter.
VN Thread
Choose your fighter
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I choose the sexualized jailbait.
isnt that like half of that image
How is being able to use these two even fair?
>tfw Type-Moon will never go back to their older stuff since FGO has supplied them with enough money to coast on mediocrity forever
The second works like an assist, only participating for specials and the like. Once your main is out you both go down.
mods just going to end up deleting this thread, why even bother when this website clearly died with moot.
At least she's honest
>Anonymous;code was announced more than 4 years ago.
Seriously. Even AAA titles don't necessarily take that long.
Is there a newfag mod who has no idea what fuck is what just deleting random shit at random or something? The hell is going on?
I pick my wife.
>delete high quality and on topic threads because hurr durr vn do not belong on Yea Forums
For free
Wich game ?
>fuck a princess
>end up best friends with the strongest knights in the territory
>he doesn't know
VNs are not games.
They are played.
jannies are almost always faggots. you have to be to voluntarily mod an anonoymous board like this one. Just create another thread until the retarded janny becomes tired or something. though they're very often autistic as fuck so they can mark you and your thread for months and start deleting it as soon as they are awake and start their neet life.
Explain further
name some soulful vns
Then why are threads like this one allowed? Also some VN have gameplay elements yet still get threads deleted here for some reason
pic related
Where the fuck is Fata Morgana's Vita port
such a simple yet beautiful song. I'll never forget the first time I read tsukihime
>I pick my wife.
She doesn't care about you.
... or anything, really.
shiki, saiba, rider, arc
is that a real fighting game? i wanna play
No really what game is this?
It's just fanart, dumb dumbs
Nice waifu user, shame if anything were to happen to her design...
How good is the higurashi VN? Art aside. I heard it drags beyond the acceptable limit with forced slice of life.
it really has a lot of slice of life. when higurashi gets going it's seriously good at times, but it bogs itself down with "wow you should care about these characters look at how happy and zany they are", it's really forced juxtaposition
i still think that it's worth playing but you need to go in expecting it to be boring sometimes
The slice of Life sections are divisive, on one side they add to the more horror based side by helping you like the characters before stuff goes down and it adds to impact, on the other side if you are the kind who doesn't care for SoL it can be kind of a slog since it does legitimately go on for a lengthy period of time.
I personally thought they added to the game by including it.
ramius might be the perfect wife
I pick Nasu & Takeuchi
I love all the main wives, to be honest the side wives are kind of lame and I kind of wish they were toned down in favour of more Ramius, Riche, Gurigura and Kath
I already know that the nurse is apparently the villain from exposure over some years. That's all I know though. I don't even know which nurse or what she looks like. Will that knowledge ruin much?
you shouldn't be assuming any spoiler is correct
either way higurashi is hardly about mystery, it's more of a character drama with mystery coating. umineko is the mystery one
How long is the game? Is the gameplay ok are a pain to go through?
It's about 60 - 70 hours long. The gameplay is overall very mediocre but still decent enough for a playthrough. The selling point of the game is mostly the character interaction and the humour, if you played any alicesoft game then you probably know what you're getting into. The plot is also pretty mediocre but still has some really great moments here and there that stand out from the rest. I had lots of fun playing through the game, even with all its flaws it's still one of my favorite eroge.
Tsukihime remake never ever
Mahoyo part 2 never ever
Melty blood 2 never ever
characters and ost are phenomenal. if you like old turn based rpgs you'll feel right at home with the gameplay.