
Can we have a discussion about the greatest rhythm game off all time made for personal computers?
What maps are you playing, practicing, trying to FC?

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I don’t understand why people stick with osu
I genuinely don’t understand. From an objective level the game is garbage and every side mode it comes with is just an inferior version of another rhythm game that already exists. Why do people stick with osu1 when there’s so many better rhythm games out there?

>when there’s so many better rhythm games out there?

care to help a pleb out broski?

im a complete shitter who has like 75 hours total playtime and only 2 of those hours are in the last 2 years but im trying to pass the pretender rn as my goal managing most 4.5 to 5.0 star maps
no idea how long thats gonna take me but its comfy playing again

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Who cares about side modes? Aiming is what makes osu stand out from every other rhythm game

Because of the accessibility. There's also no other rhythm game of this kind that offers good multiplayer, rivals, and a ranking system as conveniently as osu, not to mention that there is no alternative to osu!standard in general.

Because on PC the only other options are bootleg clone versions of existing rhythm games.
Ofcourse osu technically is also just that but it feels more professional as a real product instead of just a janky clone

I'm surprised there's no osu! general on Yea Forums. I got into it because I wanted to get used to my drawing tablet for actual drawing.

I don't care super much for the game.

The only thing that's really interesting that I have to say is that I don't play anime maps, because you'll get frustrated with a map at some point and frustration and anime should NOT be mixed.


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This thread's going like a train tbhtbthbthtbthjbthtbthtbh

Holy shit Sega just put project diva on pc it's an untapped market and nobody is trying to cash in on it.

They's pretty good. I only got in to that range well over after 100hours

Project Diva fucking sucks ass and I cannot imagine people wanting to commit to it as much as to IIDX clones or osu!. They would have to rely on a subscription model like Konami does with EA-Cloud, and that shit is fucking expensive and gay.

yep, now THAT was a good rhythm game

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Anything by Bemani
Groove coaster which is also on steam
K shoot mania
Taiko no Tatsujin
I'd mention Sega's rhythm games but only they're only available in nipland

>K shoot mania
These two are trash and are a worse option than osu. If you're not playing SM with a dance mat you are a top level faggot.

Are there any other decent o2jam clones?

>Worse than osu
Yikes, and you know that kshootmania is based of sound voltex right? It's not the same shit as beatmania to begin with so saying that just shows you know jack shit.

Suck my cock you fucking mongloid. I'm 11 dan halo on SDVX and kshootmania is a fucking disgrace of an emulator. I personally play it because there is no other alternative, other than data. And yes, these are worse than osu by long shot.

If you want the same noodle style, go for DJMAX Trilogy. There is LR2 but that's BMS and not really the same thing.

I have Trilogy but it's infinitely easier than o2jam or osu. Also the color scheme for the buttons in 7k is inverted and fucks with my reading.

Yeah and my dick is better than your vagina
You can't compare two completely different games.
>Literally who

>I'm 11.

Not that user, but that answers everything. Guess you're getting instabanned.

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Why is it whenever there is an osu! thread it gets flooded by people with cringe opinions about other rhythm games and how much better they are?

If you're good then it's not really an option. Only osumania and LR2 then.

>pretending to be retarded
Humor for autists.

should i start playing again?

I'm making a better comparison than you because I'm actually considering how they run and what their purpose is. If you want to be a 4 Key pleb playing SM with a keyboard, then go for it. Why the hell would you do that instead of playing IIDX or LR2? Kshootmania runs like fucking ass and is coded in Hot Soup Processor because the dev is a retarded jap.

Because rhythm game fans are top tier autists, no sane person would play the same rhythm game for thousands of hours. So them constantly needing to bring up their preferred games comes with the autist perk
Yikes and cringepilled
Because it's not the same game, retard.

managed to get to 6 star maps but than my autism ran out, the game becomes too much a boring chore after a while and i really wouldn't recommend it for people who want to play a rhythm game as osu! really isn't much of one.

>Yikes and cringepilled
I don't even know what you're referring to, but it seems like you've run out of arguments.
>Because it's not the same game, retard.
You're dismissing osu as being bad with the same bullshit logic. Why are you doing it selectively?

>people still talk about k-shoot
just use usc ffs

I'm referring to how cringy you are.
You are the only one who pretends like I said osu is bad when that wasn't the point I was making at all.

Fuck, I actually played on one of the earliest releases. The development has come along well, I see, it looks good. Anything to replace the pile of shit that kshoot is.

This thread literally started with osu, and you "yikes'd" me before when I said SM and kshoot were worse options than osu, which they are. What does that imply? It's fucking hilarious how these threads attract the kind of rhythm game plebs that think they're being cool kids by talking shit about it without knowing anything at all.

there was this ugly girl who kept trying to talk to me in DT class back when we were 15. One day I discovered she had a deviantart page and an account on some fanfiction website where she wrote fucking NOVELS on obscure anime characters. Shit was hilarious

Because Osu is pure fucknig putrid shit. It's a 1001-games-in-one chink bootleg abomination that you'd find in the bargain bin at Walmart. It's the Naruto of rhythm games. Its community is full of literal and/or mental 11 year old ironic weeaboos who can only ever mouth "this looks like Osu" whenever seeing any other rhythm game being played because their only point of reference is Osu. Listening to J-Core has become a fucking embarrassment because every. single. fucking. time. I go to listen to music I like I am greeted with unavoidable Osu playlist recommendations and cancerous "who is here from Osu? lol xD" comments.

Fuck Osu and doubly fuck you.

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oh I forgot to mention how it's at all revelant lol, she carried a miku bag. Every time I see a mikufag a look of disgust runs across my face

>Can't even remember what order the replies where posted and completely ignores what I just said in the post you replied too
And you pretend you aren't retarded? Yikes!
Yikes is the only worthwhile word to send in your general direction since you can't understand actual conversation

>caring about shitty communities
just have fun in the game?

I think the biggest problem with osu is that you're a faggot

Just like go to japan and play the actual games instead of shitty clones lmao

So I wrongly assumed that you talked shit and just recommended different type of games. Alright then. Have you finished now? You sound upset and you're not even talking about rhythm games anymore.

How the fuck are you supposed to have fun in a game that has zero actual fucking quality control on charts and zero actual original content? If I want to have fun there's a legacy of tried and tested rhythm games dating back at least 20 years.

>zero actual fucking quality control on charts and zero actual original content
That is factually wrong though, on both points.

*wades through pages of pages of PP grinding charts*
heh... nothin personnel, kid

Didn't take you long to move the goal post at all. You don't have to play the monthly free PP garbage, there's enough other good maps out there, especially in regards to tech.

i agree that modern charts are fucking shit, but there are still a lot of good ones. look harder.

Not even the best

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turns out despite playing lots of rhythm games like IIDX, DDR, Amplitude, and Pop'n Music through my teens and 20s, i'm getting old and I suck shit at Osu.

I've been trying to play 4key, and I just can't keep up with it, my brain just can't do it anymore.

So instead i just watch people stream the game and sit in awe, wishing i could play like that.

For me, it's Cytus. The best circle tapping rhythm game.

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>greatest rythm game of all time
>only have to account for pressing 2 buttons