Replay old game

>replay old game
>is still good

What's her name?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Starfox 64

metal slug's

Pics got nothing to do with your shit thread.

Harvest Moon: FoMT

Diablo 2.

jedi academy

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Why would a good game suddenly be bad just because its old?

Animal Crossing
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Black and White 2
Zoo tycoon 2
Lego Star Wars II

Final Fantasy V

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Castlevania 1 on NES
Chrono Trigger on SNES (I hear PC version is better)
Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission on GBA

city of heroes

Crash 1-3 + CTR + Bash
Spyro 1-3
Rayman 1-3
Ratchet and clank 1-4
Sly 1-3
Jak 1 and 3
Ty 1 and 2

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Metal Gear Solid 2

>Retards abound naysaying Banjo-Tooie these days
>Replay both games
>Tooie is still great, and is still a monumental step up from Kazooie

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Mario 64


Resident Evil 4 will never not hold up.

Chrono Trigger


a good game is always good, ageing doesn't change the fact it's good. is there even an example of an old good game that's now bad?

>¡Allí está!
>¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón!

and this

her name is himigo toga

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ocarina of time

Phantasy Star Online
Vampire Savior
GTA: San Andreas
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

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Kid Icarus Uprising. Replayed it about a month ago and got a newfound appreciation for the difficulty system as well as the weapon fusion system. I thought I was good at it in the past, but when I looked back at my old save file I had crushed all my old records in my new playthrough. Good times.

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Dark Earth

uhhh none of em.
new is good and old is bad get over it grandpa

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Every game, I have never not liked a game that I used to like.

systemu shooku 2

Toga is cute and is the best BnHA girl!

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Gran turismo 4 and down


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Megaman Legends.

Goldeneye. Time has not been kind to it's control scheme. Plus all the other advancements in the genre that make it feel really clunky from a modern player's perspective.

Megaman Battle Network 3

I just played X-Men 2 on Mega Drive, that's some good shit.

GTA San Andreas Fool

goldeneye was overrated crap from day 1.
every PC shooter blew it out of the water

This image really triggers my autism. No one yawns with their tongue positioned like that. No one.

Fable TLC/ 2.
Saints Row 2.

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dead space 1 and 2 3 is worth playing once

Because video games are milk or something

Great taste though rayman 2 + 3 are kinda shit

this post made me yawn

Still Good:
Dirge of Cerberus.
No longer still good:
Half life 2

dungeon keeper

XCOM. Blows my mind how complex and engaging a game made 20+ years ago can be

Yoshi's Island

Half Life 2 and Goldeneye were never good and Final Fantasy X/X-2 are fine games if you like weeb garbage.

newer games accomplishing the same thing but better, or less clunky.

>Half Life 2 never good
I was about to say something about lazy and garbage contrarianism but then I remembered where I was. Here's a (you) for your efforts.

Deus Ex

Tank controls Resident Evil
I replayed the Sands of Time trilogy recently.
The first game was my favourite before but after playing it I noticed the game loved spending tons of time slowly zooming in on every puzzle element in the environment.
Not to say there's no reason to play the game still but that seriously bugged me.
It can also sometimes be very difficult to judge the angle and distance when jumping off pillars.
Warrior Within still holds up 100%

the people that call this game super aged just played the half-FPS PS2-based PS3 version. No it's not as smooth as Berseria, but I don't hold the ideas of 2016 to a 2002 game.

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True, but I hadn't played a PC FPS at the time of Goldeneye, and it was the best local MP FPS possible without bringout out LAN rigs. So it had that going for it. Half life 2 was a cool tech demo when the engine was new and impressive. X/X-2 suck because the random encounters system and combat are god awful now that I have played a lot of SMT games.

>a good game is always good

Donkey Kong Country
Pokémon R/B
Turok 2
Battlefront 2

most of the time when I try to replay an old game that I used to like I am amazed. I cant believe I enjoyed that garbage. but sometimes I think, hey its actually good. melee

This is stupid.
Games can be replaced by games that are similar but objectively better in all regards. Certain aspects of videogames are always improved upon. There are certain games that become less dated than others but it is certainly the case of plenty of games. Goldeneye being one of the most cited examples.



look you have great taste but that game isnt old you dumbfuck

Yeah yeah new=good old=bad I know.

Absolutely not. Warcraft 1 is outdated as fuck. It controls poorly and people thought it was good back then solely because they knew no better.

because better games have been released over time

thats like saying "huhh why would a computer or a car released in 1970 that was good then not be good now". now the tools are much more advanced, the ressources are much greater which does not just include better computers but much more money in the industry, much more experience and knowledge. if you make a game now that is not better than most games 20 years ago you are incompetent

the only trend that is bad is that the consumer has become a lot more stupid and incompetent. since devs cater to the market that means a lot of modern games are shit on purpose

sonic adventure 2

I want Toga to schlick in the corner while she watches tsuyu give me a rimjob

King of fighters 98
castlevania sotn
valkirie profile
silent hill 1
cs 1.6

Fucking Lost Planet 2 hands down. Game's a gem.

Silent Hill 1-4, Max Payne
And this

Sounds like someone's janny application got denied

pretty much all of these
+ medievil 1 and 2, silent bomber, speed freaks

toga's first kill was such a pathetic one-dimensional story

this is a total non-character

>dirge of cerberus
>ever good

Deku's wife sure is a cutie

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Too bad the 3d Gex games aren't as good as the original

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>Dirge of Cerberus

Metal slug X and 3

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Super Mario 64... Home.

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He's right though, v is just a water-downed b

I like Enter the Gecko best.

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It came out in 2010 how is that old?

If you enjoy strategy games, try to go back and play one from the 80s and you likely won't be able to stand how fucking slow it is and how clunky the interfaces are.

god I wish she were me

Eat shit, fucking loser. At least he's posting an image unlike you, my good bitch.

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>2010 was 10 years ago
>How is that old?

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>ywn draw qt anime girls

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I'm willing to bet she is this way cause some dude wouldn't give her the D. Calling it here.

Demon's Crest
Megaman X 1-3

Alien vs Predator
Dungeons and Dragons
Killer Instinct
X-Men: Children of the Atom
Marvel vs Capcom
The Simpsons
Pocket Fighter

I don't even fucking consider 2007 to be that old

I want Toga to bite off my dick!

All of them.

When you play an old game you liked and it's shit, it's not because the game magically turned into shit, it was always shit and you liked it because you were a dumbass.

Ninja Gaiden Black.

some games just don't age well dude

If the year starts with a 2 it ain't old.


is her game any good?
just finished watching the anime and there wasn't enough of her

GTA Vice City

>age well
Meme perpetuated by zoomers who refuse to play anything older than themselves. Name one game that was good on release but bad now.
Nightmare mode: has to be post 2600.

Sonic Adventure

Saints Row 1,2..3
Fable TLC, 2..3
Mass Effect 1,2
Far Cry 3
Gears Of War 1,2,3 only.
I'm a BC whore. I admit it and I regret nothing.

Great game. Interesting mission objectives. Cheat unlocking. Enemies react in amusing ways when shot. Solid 8/10. Gets unfairly criticized for "aging poorly" simply because the only time anyone ever plays it is when they're drunk at a party at 3AM and decide to dust off an N64 and play Goldenye, at which point they play multiplayer with their equally drunk friends and discover what everybody with a PC and a modem already knew in 1997: the multiplayer is trash.
>Sonic Adventure
Always fucking sucked.

>holding the burger like that
lol enjoy your broken burger, the size of it will fucking crumble with the way she's holding it

Nice strawman retard.

Every gamecube game

Name one reason to play Mario Kart SNES now that 64, Double dash, wii, 8 and 8 ultimate exist?

fuck you, guy
don't talk shit about my wife

Eat shit and fucking die


It was 9 years ago and yeah a game from 2010 is not old

Name one reason to play Mario Kart.

the original yakuza don't compare to the recent remasters, even 4 is getting a new version

Lost Planet 2

Suikoden 2

I like nuts and bolts more


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Going by what I assume is her flashback she was obsessed with Deku even before the sports festival and fight with stain. I'm getting serious Harley Quiin vibes

I've yet to see a Heroes or even Heroes-esque game that manages to hit the level of quality that is III. V is the closest it ever got, but that was 13 years ago, while VI and VII were pure shit.

As a spic, these voicelines were hilarious.

because it is fun? I didn't ask if you fucking liked mario kart user. I Dont give a shit about your presumably god awful taste.

Crash Team Racing

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Jedi Knight 2
Aria of Sorrow

Amped/Amped 2

KI:U is not an old game you underaged bitch.
And the ground levels still have horrendous controls, only the flying sections are acceptable.

Pitfall 2

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dungeon keeper 1


System Shock 2

shameful, me too

Booting up Psychonauts is a combination of me always finding something new on replays, and sending me back somewhere nostalgic and familiar.

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Ocarina of Time still amazes me. I'm sitting there the whole time thinking
>Woah they really did this back then?
it's pretty much green Dark Souls. Also Final Fantasy VI surpasses my expectations of the SNES era.

But in general I appreciate old games a lot more than I did when I was a kid. Contrasting with the last generations where games can look like real life itself and still be boring, I marvel at how old developers managed to scramble and do fun games with what little they had.

I think it depends on what merits made them good in the first place. Goldeneye probably banked on its graphics and the novelty of being a fps but lacked things beyond it so now it aged badly, same as some old RPGs like Megami Tensei whose strong point was the different mechanics from everything else of that era but it still sucks at everything but those fusion mechanics.

Then you get games like the different Mario Bros and Pokemon which can look like crap but they manage to be enough fun by challenging you as a player.

Worst girl
>Eat shit and fall off your horse

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Super Mario World.

>is it just me, or are the rodians kinda creepy?

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good game.

toga worshippers are gay badtasters
remember trannies aren't your friends but passable traps are

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>And then Jan punched the Weequay right in th-


ssx 3
that looks like a good burger

passable traps are good

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For me it's
Rainbow Six Vegas I & II
Fallout New Vegas
Supreme Commander
Age of Mythology

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new vegas is great!

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>challenging you as a player.
That is literally the opposite of Pokemon and Mario... I mean I will give them a pass because they are designed for small children, but come on user.

>He's right though
You're wrong though. Why don't you try posting something of value next time, champ?

Bioshock because I played it 8 years after release and forgot about the twist and it still blew my mind

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How the fuck would she even know about Deku before the sports festival?

>replay game from your favorite series
>so good at the game and so familiar with the mechanics that you stop the entire campaign without any effort
>even self imposed challenges are barely a problem and you sweep the game anyways
>know the story from front to back so the cutscenes feel redundant
What do

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I am so neurotic from years spent here that I can't tell if I'm being agreed with or is that a sarcastic retort. Help

Brief flashback in the latest chapter showed she was there at the beginning when Deku jumped in to save his precious Kacchan from the slime guy.

Kotor 2.

I like to send mixed messages but I do really like nv!

Demon's Souls (sshhh it's 10 years old now) I replay it every year. Still feels great. It's crazy how Dark Souls 1 feels so stiff in comparison.

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You are gay user, kill yourself

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Fuck off, retard.

That wasn't Deku, that was a classmate of hers that just looks a lot like him but with shorter hair.

Residen Evil 1 is still bretty good except it can get ridiculous against bosses. I just fought the Giant Snake boss and it was basically myself standing still shotgunning it in the face faster than it could maul me to death. It felt like a league of legends fight.

I would, but I'm too busy getting called a girl irl and then correcting people and saying I'm a boy

where does the anime end in the manga?
I want more Toga

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Or it was Deku when he was younger

Rise of Nations.

World campaign is still as fun as ever.

>devil may cry 3
>ace combat in general
>Metal gear solid 1-3

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Mario 64

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Pretty sure you can play this 29292282 times in a row and never get bored. What a fucking amazing game.

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SMB3, Twisted Metal 2, Resident Evil, Tomba
Yeah ots and fp shooters are fun but I almost feel bad for zoomers. They're like picky eaters ordering chicken fingers at every restaurant

Warcraft 3

kingdom hearts

Kys zoomer scum

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I bet you like yaoi
me too

Mirror's Edge

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>the one black clover fan in Yea Forums spends more time being butthurt about hero academia than liking his own manga
hi jeremy

>turns out she was a normal girl all along, she just chose to be edgy

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>still having hope in MHA

its time to let go

Who the fuck said anything about Black Clover? I like how one can't be brought up without the other. MHA fans are insecure. My fave manga right now are Made in Abyss, Golden Kamuy, Vinland Saga, The Promised Neverland, and Kimetsu no Yaiba. Go read those. MHA is pretty generic in comparison. The only thing it has going for it is the character designs.


i used to play dark souls 3 back in the day, and after jumping back into it i'm having a blast

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never owned a PS2, never played collectathon platformers growing up, this game was great, and the controls were really tight, also great art direction and style.

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Banjo Kazooie and Tooie
Age of Empires 2
Ocarina of Time
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2
Marble Blast Ultra
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Hitman Blood Money

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whatever you say, jeremy

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Y2K was nearly 2 decades ago my friend

How old are we talking about here?

Also, just happened today.

>Sis birthday so she invited her friends and shit
>asked me if she could borrow my ps4 and tv so their friends can play
>i dont have many MP games and the ones that i do have arent on the hard drive but i lend it anyways
>her friends see i have all 3 PS2 GTAs on my ps4
>they immediatly take thei phones to look for all the cheat-codes so they can fuck around on it
>one of them also says the game has a 2 player mode so they played that for hours
>they also played twisted metal black for a biut and wipe-out

it was fun as fuck.

I also recently finished tales from the borderlands and man i forgot how good that game was.

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it is whatever I say. Because I am right. Also I thought jeremy was the guy that defends MHA not BC.

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I've been putting off Psychonauts forever, should I start up that or Chrono Trigger for the first time tonight?

Asura's Wrath

This one for sure, replayed it back in November 2017 and had a blast.
Only iffy parts were that last fucking slide challenge in Kelp Forest and the final boss battle.

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Agree with everything above, except for Crash Bash. That game still sucked even back in the PS1 days.

Toga and her fangs uwu

What a grotesque picture

Keep making shitty edits, jeremy
I'm sure that'll get people to read your manga

That picture is so disgusting

I had Gex 3 as a kid. Pretty fun but I wish Gex would shut the fuck up after about 5 minutes

Halo 1

I've heard people saying this game didn't age that well, so I figured I went back and soon regretted taking Yea Forums's opinions seriously because this game is still good you fucking retards.

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