>five months have passed
Five months have passed
Nobody's talking about it because trolling Undertalefags got stale after the first game.
Ddin't he posted something about being almost done with chapter 2?
woah its like tobyfox is one trick pony and homestuck fanbase is dead and buried so nobody will jerk off to his new game ad nauseam
>I'm with you in the dark
What did she mean by this?
Signing the deal with Epic
Not wrong after all the le funni ebic sans shit.
>homestuck fanbase is dead and buried
My buddy's 14yo plays tobyfox games. I think the fandom has infected a new generation, but one that doesn't give a fuck about social media (therefore, no online presence)
I really think he's gonna pull another ebic troll and just release the rest of the game out of nowhere.
That chapter 1 release was literally everything he had done till this point, it's gonna take years for him to do the whole thing you mongoloid
He literally just tweeted about making amazing progress with chapter 2 stfu
He unironically goes on twitter?
>We won't have to wait another 3 years
It's done when it's done, user. Undertale was the exact same between the demo release and the final game.
Because the people who actually give a shit about it are contained elsewhere. It looks better than Undertale but Undertale was 6/10
It has 2 meanings
bad meaning - your trauma and bad memories follow you
good meaning - your friends are with you through difficult times
>Game's not going to start actual development until next year
>>>designing chapter 2
kek he's only drafting the shit still
gonna be another 2 years before he actually codes and implements it
>he hasn't even actually started making it
>Because the people who actually give a shit about it are contained elsewhere
We're still here, just waiting for more.
so is susie x kris canon