Why is Japan so different from literally every other country in the world when it comes to vidya? Everywhere else fps, mobas, and more realistic type games are popular, even in other east Asian countries like Korea and china, but in Japan rpgs and single player games are most popular. They are like the only country that doesn't give a fuck about PC gaming at all. Was it the thousands of years of isolation that made them this autistic?
Why is Japan so different from literally every other country in the world when it comes to vidya? Everywhere else fps...
Gaming in general is autistic
less social people probably
are there any books in english about the japanese mindset
it sounds interesting
>They are like the only country that doesn't give a fuck about PC gaming at all
I can't remember the reason, but they don't use home computers for anything other than 2chan.
literally iPhone and KFC is the only non Japanese things that is popular in japan. Xbox sells like 5 units a week and over 95% of cars sold are Japanese.
I think it's because the local porn game makers got to PC first and because of that PC has a certain stigma in Japan.
It's because Japan is actually a huge economy. People don't realize this, but it is #3 in terms of GDP. I think people have this idea that Japan is some small nothing island, but that isn't so. It's so important to gaming for the same reason the USA is, it simply produces the most stuff. China would also be relevant but they don't allow creative stuff.
Normal people owning their own PCs is a relatively new phenomenon in Japan. Consoles were literally the only option available to them. They are coming flooding in now, though.
>Ignoring the hundreds of original indie games made by Westerners that brought the only breath of fresh air this industry has seen in a decade
Japan has been irrelevant for good reason, they shifted to mobile gacha garbage instead of actual video games and are no longer a point of reference in the industry. Hell even Sony bailed the fuck out lol
I don't think that's true. They had their own computers (eg. pc-98). It's just a different culture much more centered on mobile and phone gaming than the west.
well in their perspective they struck a perfect goldmine. what other industry lets you make people pay you for a chance to get an anime jpeg picture?
Not a real computer, m8.
I went on exchange in high school in 2007, and literally no one in my class owned a personal computer. Neither did they have credit cards. But they had phones with 3D screens (this was way before the 3DS, mind you) It was pretty baffling.
Nah. Koei started as a computer-only gaming developer and there are other examples. It's just because they are the home of consoles. Nintendo, sega, sony all came from there. consoles just take over the pc gaming market in a way that didn't happen in the us. It's also a much smaller market in there, so not as much diversified as in here.
yeah. amiga is not a real computer then. nor commodere 64. anytihing that isn't intel or ibm. fuck off retard
>Was it the thousands of years of isolation that made them this autistic?
Of fucking course, they're like 99% ethnical japanese as well, rarely any immigrants whatsoever. Have you never visited any islands? Island people often develop their own super traditions that can never be broken.
I still think they're too similar, such as said
I imagine this retarded zoomer trying to set up a pc-98 computer that used BASIC as its OS.
>hundreds of pixel indie games ripoff old ass Japan games made by Westerners
The fuck are you smoking?
yeah but it doesnt go the other way around. Americans love some japanese games as well as western games but in japan 99% of the games they play are japanese
Come the fuck on, m8.
They are old as fuck machines that came and went, with very limited functionality. PC-98 and the like were basically just office tools with Visual Novels.
And do you really think most Japanese had one? The PC-98 came out in 1982, and by 1999 they had sold 18 million units. There live almost 40 million people just in greater Tokyo alone.
When I went on exchange in 2007, literally no one in my class had a computer. Not one person. Meanwhile, we got free laptops at my highscool in Norway, and we had computer classes from elementary school.
>in japan 99% of the games they play are japanese
Lel, then why did their top 2018 look like this?
dude, he's talking about the 80s to middle 90s. I don't think NEC even produced pc-98s after 2000.
That is likely just because they don't know English and only Japanese games are really going to be in Japanese since it only has 100 million speakers or something, where any European language probably has double that.
That's what I'm saying you retard.
They were machines that came and went - They existed and they were used as office tools, but most common japs did NOT own one, and PC gaming culture wasn't anything more than a niche thing all over the world in 80's. It's irrelevant as fuck.
We nuked them and they became mutants, and it's beautiful
God forbid they become tainted by outside influence in a way that isn't them creating a bizarre distinctly Japanese version of it
> FPS, mobas
> Good
Who's autistic now?
Two nukes werent enough.
heres a sales list for you senpai
Because the majority of videogames players in japan are literal friendless incels, so that's the video games developers main target.
Literally every other part of the world plays games from other countries. I dont think Koreans dropped starcraft because its in english and translating games doesnt exist
Japan's not truly a "phenomenon", if you get me - they're just down a certain path of social development which few others are, though I think it could theoretically happen to others. Just think how similar they are to some Northern European countries, with the community-oriented society, love of nature, focus on personal hobbies, and some others - it makes them like distant cousins. Japan has unique taste in vidya because Japan itself is very unique, but it's not an anomaly I believe.
That explains why only westerner incels play Japanese videogames
Yeah but japs really don't wanna learn English or play English games. Not that it matters now, since games are being centralized and a lot of games are being translated to jap anyways.
>Yeah but japs really don't wanna play English games.
thats literally the point of this thread. Japanese taste in games is completely different that the rest of the entire world
A lot of cope in this thread with the fact that the Japanese have been making consistently better vidya than the west for a while
>office tools
Since when did office tools need two independent GPUs and a full-on 6-channel synthesizer? Shouldn't a single text plane and beeper be enough?
and 711
It is true actually
They're turbovirgins. There is a crisis over there of declining birthrates. That's why they substitute good gameplay with unrealistic tits.
Normal Nips can't fit a full desktop setup in their shacks so they make due with a small shitty TV and whatever console has the games they're interested in.
yeah bro all those rehashed ideas of old games really saved us
>le japanese birthrate meme.
Its not even that bad. Italy, Germany and many other white countries had worse birth rates until they started importing africans to take their place
>Japan is irrelevant because of Gacha
>Even Sony bailed out
Sony owns the most successful gacha by far though, and it's not controlled by the morons in Commiefornia, it's still under Japanese management
Sounds like they need more...DIVERSITY
Outside of jav do jap women look pig-ugly?
They just realized permavirgin weeks are the most predictable retards on the planet with no sense of standards or sense for positive consumer practices so they can endlessly regurgitate easy to produce garbage for little investment and maximum income.
>govt forced breeding programs
Man, those are a lot sexier in doujins
user so detached
7/11 Japan is just unbelievably based. Number one thing I miss from Japan, which probably says more about me than it, but even so.
>it’s not that bad
This 100%
>oh no! Japan’s 100 million people population is decreasing. We must import blacks and Arabs now.
They just realize their island isn’t big enough for constant growth. Something the U.S and Europe has yet to learn.
>Why is Japan so different from literally every other country in the world
So is China, they also consume weird Chinese shit. You just don't like their shit, that's all. Having weird specific national tastes isn't unique to Japan
shoo shoo phoneposter
They haven't met the taste of Western Influence.
I don't get why someone always responds with this comment. If you really liked Japan, why not talk about it instead of constantly proclaiming doom? It's really the same as people who claim to love European culture yet haven't read any of the canon, don't know a thing about Christianity, and in other words only worship it through images rather than what it really is and continuing on in their footsteps. You could channel this kind of thought into actual, productive energy - why don't you?
>I can ignore the content of his message because of a typo
Proof weebs are completely fucking retarded and need to be gassed for the sake of our world's future.
Not just a type. It shows you're a braindead normalfag using a SHIT phone which doesn't even let you type what you want.
>we should write to the politicians
and get deported like the maggots they are
>forced to dress in demeaning outfits.
It isn't like these places are in small towns and someone is forcing them to work there. They're all in the big city and these women could easily find another job if they didn't want to dress up but they probably find it fun
I don't know why you're on Yea Forums typing like some sort of deeply offended redditor just because someone made a sarcastic joke about diversity
Keep it on your twitter, soiboi
Japan is all about mobage trash now though. Their autistic corporate culture makes them too busy to play vidya. I'm pretty sure jap devs are now catering to the western market that wants weeb shit.
Actually mobile games are the most popular games in Japan.
>Thinking letters from foreigners using google translate will change anything
These fucking people.
Unlike Western women who are brainwashed from birth to hide their skin to the point they might as well be under Sharia law Japanese women are okay with letting others know they're women.
Says the guy that posted type instead of typo. Whoops, guess someone just got exposed for the same thing he was raging over. It's hilarious that you weebs are so fanny flustered the second someone trashes on your lack of standards. Nothing but hypocrisy and intelligible autismal screeching while hammering on the phone.
So now you contradicted yourself and failed to argue my points. What a miserable failure you are.
It's the mindset they get when they're privileged, sheltered, and entitled to the point they think they're the center of the world.
They don't give a fuck about PC gaming because they realized its a meme to be ignored, and that all the games on release play like shit even on good hardware.
stupid cracker
I'm typing on a computer. If I make a mistake it's because I typed it myself, not because some shitty software corrected shit to shot or hell to he'll. I don't need someone or something to tell me how to type.
I mean I'm assuming they're talking about maid cafes, in which case it isn't even showing a lot of skin. It's just that those types of people think that women wearing anything feminine is degrading.
To be fair Japanese games are mostly good at maintaining 30fps or 60fps on consoles.
Of course. Western men are also taught that women looking feminine is literally the rebirth of Hitler. They don't even know why they're uncomfortable because it has been ingrained in their mind since birth.
>E key is anywhere near the O key
Uh huh. Good job, but no one is retarded enough to fall for that besides you.
> My belief is that if anime becomes more mainstream and popular with western audiences, outside of a handful of shows, that western sensibilities will start to influence Japanese games and anime more and more and over time we will hopefully see less of these depictions of underage or child-like characters. Sadly though, I doubt that this will impact smaller niche titles much unless Japan passes some law against it, but at this point that seems even more far-fetched to me.
It's not just vidya. It's all their media. It's just a different market due to cultural differences. You can't change this nor can faggots.
I want to go to Japan so badly bros
My heart is in pain
Just buy a one-way flight and enjoy yourself.
I don't use any other site. It just tires me seeing this same shitty joke over and over by people who don't even care for another country's culture at all, who cry for Notre Dame but have no idea what it even housed. It's such a phony thing to me.
Literally cultural imperialism.
It's a symptom of social media poisoning. See everyone on your Facebook wall posting about something? Better follow along and repost their post so you get internet points for being a drone.
>tfw learning Japanese so I can get my qt Japanese gf
Not that guy, but flights are so expensive
Griffith said nothing wrong
Sounds like you've got some issues honey, tell it to a psych
If you've ever been there, consoles are more common
there are old people on the subway playing on their 3DS in public and pretty much anybody from children to salarymen can be found at the arcade on any given night
PC gaming is becoming more common, but is still considered a hobby thing
No matter how well you learn Japanese you won't you'll never get any nip girl above a 4/10.
Whatever you say Griffith.
All Japanese girls get a +4 bonus in America. You know that user. 8/10.
Don't lie. Jap girls in the US are 3/10 at most.
You're mistaking them with the other Asians user. Remember. Use the eyes and accent for reference.
No. I'm doing my PhD and there are some clearly Japanese girls in this one class I'm TA'ing, they're 4 on a good day.
My chance to get green cardo
>Unlike Western women who are brainwashed from birth to hide their skin
What fucking bubble are you living in and how the hell do I get there? The west is only prude about media shit, but it reality they are extremely sexual
Literally false, Asians are more attractive than western women just be virtue of not being fat. Even the uggo ones are more attractive as a result.
Delusion, just another symptom of the yellow fever
But when they are it's always hambeasts fucking hambeasts.
Imagine the comfiness of being at the top of the tower
It's the exact opposite of delusion, it's simple data. They're skinnier and shorter, and thus more attractive. Even an unattractive Jap will be more attractive than her American counterpart because the American girl will be obese.
There are fit caucasian girls out there but they're all taken by Chad.
The majority of Japan's population lives in tiny, cramped partments that they would be lucky to even have room in for a full sized bed. Most can't spare the space for a full desktop PC and thus PC gaming never took off.
Griffith is based. Gay' kawaii' with a bunch of tiny schoolgirls shit is fucking garbage.
Most of the people who gamed on PCs back when PC gaming was big in japan in the PC-88/98 days were adults. Many of them still played PC games into the early 00s, but at that point many of them were middle aged and the only big Japanese PC developer left who hadn't moved to consoles was Falcom. When Falcom's PC distributor abruptly dropped them without warning in the late 00s, they had to choose between trying to find a new one in a few months to continue making games for their aging fanbase who were reaching the age where many of them would start being physically incapable of playing action games, or to move to consoles. After that the only PC devs left in Japan were eroge devs.
Also at the time Sony, Nintendo, and Sega (for a while) represented what IBM had taken away from them via mass importation of IBM PCs: a domestic video game machine.
Except one of the most beloved games of all time from that era in Japan is a PC-88 game
711 is owned by Japan.