Other urls found in this thread:
reply to this post with your stage so it doesn't get lost in the replies
Banjo Kazooie Spiral Mountain (v2)
now with included grunty stage hazard
i know its fucking supposed to be "stage is baba" but its too late to fix it
Made a new Arena since the others were full
Pass: 999
Post more AA.
I wanna like that clock tower but its ruined by hanging. turn it off
i made one for my friends uni mascot
you guys think I should change anything about this
i need that cat as a stage
Shilling my stage one more time.
The Kestrel from FTL
yeah you should fucking post it, please stop being a attentionwhore and go to twitter if you are so afraid of a 9 hour ban from online
Damn, I posted my stages on the meme thread, so I'll repost them here.
I made two new stages.
First stage is my favorite Pokémon. I posted it threads before so doesn't need explanation.
Second one is a flight battle.
Third one is Kalos Route 10. The Ultimate Weapon is in the background. Eternal Floette and other Pokémon from this route are here too.
Hope you like them.
For the love of god, please upload this, I will nut to this so hard.
Made a stage more focused on some interesting gameplay.
Platforms can be toggled to move by hitting a switch you'll always hit when recovering, changing the stage layout as the game plays.
is your friend's mascot a Smurf Syndrome?
less clothing more cunny
Couldn't add details due to limit but thoughts?
>tfw I just realized I'm paying 20 dollars a year to download porn stages
Worth it
the face, looks weird.
reposting my stage. I'd love to see some more transforming/ morphing stages
Quality stage here.
Fish can roll
lmao did you even read what I said? I said people generally prefer youthfulness, as in youthful traits, over animal traits. I didn't say MOST people are pedos.
>jerked off 3 times today to shoddy drawings on a kids game
Can you please put Smash in the OP?
Space Station 13 stage. The shuttle at the bottom moves when the lever is hit.
Kill yourself pedo
Anyone made a piccolodick stage yet?
>steve without ashley or kumatora
ggs to everyone that was in bronard's room
Lot of nice attention to detail. Good job, user.
>spend 3 hours on a level
>still gets less yeah's than the meme level you made
I feel this stage is appropriate
Oh shit I was just thinking of making Ultimate Weapon. Nice.
what ?
you tell me
reposting stages so far:
>that isabelle futa stage
lil monkey fella
I hope that user that made those stages with duck hunt fucking samus makes more
you know it brother.
Yes it is.
it's creepy yet child-friendly.
don't lewd her damn it
You mean the ledges?
Happy Birthday
>Monitoring all these stage builder threads
>Everyone is having a good time with each other
>Expressing their love for porn and hate for trannys
>All i can do is watch, because am switchless
Do you guys think this will still be the rave by the time i get around to getting one? Please i don't wanna be left out of the fun anymore...
How do I post pictures from the Switch, anons? I feel retarded right now.
I imagine these threads will pop up again everytime there's a new DLC character released
These Ashley stages made me realize she has a low amount of fanart despite her popularity.
looks like that puppet from crash & bernstein
she's just too damn funny. I can't help it.
How do you check the stages you've posted online? There seems to be no way to do that.
Who had the pumpkin hill stage from last arena? Shit was sick
> Ashley
> Popular
Imagine being this delusional, only pedos on Yea Forums and Twitter like her
>use the capture button
>go to your album
>select image
>press "post"
>upload it to twitter
>download it
Reposting from another thread
buy it, you are missing out since most lewd stages get deleted
Yeah, turn off ledge hang on the soft platforms
looks like crazy frog on fire
You can put a micro SD card into the slot where the stand pops out on the switch.
Then you hit the screenshot button.
Then you turn off the switch, take the card out of the switch and put it in a micro SD card converter.
Then stick that SD card into your computer assuming you have an SD card reader in your computer.
I guess that's one way to hide from the skimmers.
please post it
Post id
Has anyone got the ID for this yet?
its on the last thread
Shameless Shilling.
Unironically thinking about making that next
im trying to make a birthday cake theme but im having a hard time
i gave up on trying to make a hopping easter bunny stage involving colorful eggs too
I give it honk/honk
calm down, I just wanted to make sure it was worthy of a ban
Just uploaded Flying Scotsman a few mins ago, taking critiques on them.
Can't decide what to make. Anyone have ideas that aren't cute or funny?
Bruh......did you see the amount of official 3DS themes made for her?
She also has a Mii costume.
no because the creator pussed out
>circle tool shit
Thank you :)
literally just move the blocks around
thank you
recreate a level from a game
i dunno. shadow of the colossus, or bubsy.
>against the dark knight
He posted it in the last thread.
Takamaru has a Mii costume too, is he popular?
does anyone have the pikachu libre stage
those hips better gyrate
no he didn't
I didnt save the webm but was that roughe stave with the moving legs get finished and posted yet?
fuck, that's what I get for trying to get my stage out there as fast as possible
Thank you user, will enjoy this one.
>Up to four
>Against the dark knight
>still no K. Rool belly stage
enough to get a mii costume. K. Rool was a costume as well. Still is.
Lewd stages are not actually fun to play on. Can we get over them already?
Yoshi butt, or big uncut Birdo D
Yes they are.
holy shit i want that spurdo ocelot stage
>shadow of the colossus, or bubsy
What a bizarre combination.
>music: power-hungry fool
dios mio...
Dude got rejected for Smash twice, nobody cares about him, same applies with Ashley, Mii costume Means shit.
Don't be this delusional.
>that revolver spurdo stage
fucking beautiful
they really are fun to play tho
That Spurdo Ocelot stage is amazing. Someone has its ID?
Should I turn it off for the moving platforms as well?
Is there anything I should add to this from a platform/hazard standpoint or should I go ahead and try to start figuring out what to do aesthetically?
shame that you can't use custom stages in training mode
Sounds pretty great, please share with those of us outside the arena if or when possible.
what are you talking about, you know that didn't contradict my own shit. i just brought up K. Rool because in 4, people then thoguth K. Rool was neva eva.
if there's a Smash 6, maybe,
yo I can't let anyone play on my switch or else they'll see all these lewd stages i'm saving
honestly this, with a few exceptions here and there the lewd stages are awful to actually play on
the name is RX.swf v2. trying searching that
Here it is. Also thanks quick user.
No that was just some user posting to a trans level.
Not mine btw.
Yes please
How do I switch an existing asset's layer?
you dont. if its one the wrong layer you gotta delete and redraw it
in 2022 Sakurai gets to make the first ever Sequel of Castle of Murasama.
My dad is literally Nintendo he eats the offerings of peasants.
DDD niggers are the worst.
Get Yeah!'d
Finally thank you
found it, thanks
Edit + ZR + Dpad
If you're talking on the same layer then yeah you gotta redo the whole thing. Earlier drawings go further back.
why is sakurai so dumb ?all these lewd stages wouldnt be a problem if he added private stage sharing
>if he added private stage sharing
he kinda did with arenas, since you can use stages in there including ones that haven#t been uploaded at all
The fact that you can't share privately is just retarded. What a huge oversight
\whos fucking internet is this
Stop fucking camping in my camp-able stage
Made an ugly hsien ko
QCKHW1DY non lewd Muffet stage doesn't use 8 bit music as the theme U WOT
if you wanted to privately share something, be cryptic to how you name your shit. people are searching by tags like Trans, so don't be caught in that trap and hope you make it past the new stage trap.
lewd arena when
Needs the use of cannons.
Dropping my new Queen Sectonia Stage
It is really fun to spike people into the gap in the middle by throwing them into the spinning flowers
Better than my attempt I made in 15 minutes
yo kick this gum nigger
Source please.
>tfw arena is full
aw man I wanted to share my tetris chaos stage with you all
anyone got id for this
youre the olimar arent you?
Here's my basic pac-man stage:
I see your AA and respond with Layton.
Are those yours? They look great.
Anyone have the ID for this stage?
Nah it's someone else, I won't kick you lmao
Bold and Smash
since you made the effort to sketch it here, why not sketch it in the stage builder so you can play that?
good stuff, yeah!'d
And this one is called "Hellish Escape":
based sukapon
I just checked and it got deleted
>that goatse stage
PASS: 1114
3 stock - 2:30 FFA FS on Items on med Customs on
most definitely does not belong in the trash.
nice hyness picture.
I like it
post pics pls the arena is full
Cute stages user
Still trying to get hang of the editor, made a little pinball stage
I like it :>
Someone post THAT samus stage
That's a pretty damn ugly Hsien Ko, user.
Still best girl though, good job.
Well since says it's deleted I might as well.
Please post id
Really dumb and simple but I'm very happy with this. It looks good and it's for my main man.
I might try adding a platform that acts like the moving one you control in the original game, but I doubt I can pull it off well so I'll probably just upload it like this.
>Want to share my horrible levels and find out what it takes to get banned
>Wifi is down
>Ethernet is not
>Figure the switch base probably has an Ethernet input
>It does not
>Needs an Ethernet to USB adapter
God damn it Nintendo
reposting from a few threads ago
i wanna make more stages with this more natural style
incorporating uneven terrain and aesthetic elements like trees and bushes to make stages feel alive while also keeping them fairly balanced and without gimmicks is my overall goal
Make a Mipha stage pls
>tfw no jiren stage
where's the moving impregnating dick?
Someone direct me to the futa Isabelle stage dammit.
Can someone make the Mario Sunshine Pachinko stage?
thats a very cute stage,please upload it
Kick whoever has that stupid fucking NIGGER stage
anyone have the pikachu webm?
yeah I made it but some fucking janny keeps deleting it ever time I post it. not posting it again until next thread
The Comets are shit
Don't pay attention to literally deconfirmed characters.
I mean I could make one
anyone have the incineroar one
you know which one
>Stage is banned for hate speech
they really are
just search incineroar
Utterly based
christ is there anyway to make smash lag less online?
How the fuck do I make good/fun stages?
please if you want. dont wanna force ya
Ethernet to USB adapter
If it's consistently doing that YOU might be the problem
I like your style. I'll check out yours if you check out mine. Mine's pretty sloppy and rough to look at though. I'm gonna work on a remaster.
There's already a pretty good one, check the popular ones.
What kind of stages do you find fun? What kind of designs do you find fun?
Maybe a switch with a movable hazard.
If you download a stage are you able to edit it? I like your stage and would love to try to add to it.
my download speed is good enough to use geforce now, but i guess i need a ethernet adaptor for smash. thanks.
Aqua user here, my new stage is ready.
PASS: 15963
3 stock, random omega, 10 min, no items
help me get better please
No prob
Glad to get another low ping off the streets
why do you guys want the lewd stages itself?
you're not gonna get much more once you see the picture of it
>want to make a level
>don't care about how it looks just how it plays
>think about uploading it
>literally zero cosmetic flairs so it's basically just a few thin lines and some stage hazards on a backdrop
>realize nobody would even glance at it on the catalog if they happened to see it because it isn't some dumb meme or a political message or something lewd
>don't upload it
That brings new meaning to the phrase dummy thicc [/spoiler
When you droppin it
nice user
nintendos made a mistake all these little kids are gonna be exposed to the strangest fetishes
Post Miis and your name so people can search them.
how it plays kills half of the "pleasing to the eye" ones
you're based, drop a pic
The height of comedy.
scrub lord i think you're lagging
Why are you sexualizing a retard?
dude. the wave effect you have is awesome.
if anything tho, the walkable ground you got needs to be expanded so that actual fights can be had there
use tortimer island as inspiration and you've got one hell of a stage
By not sucking big, musky dicks
>excited to play all the creative and mechanically interesting custom stages everyone would build
>nothing but epic maymays and borderline porn
>that music choice
Wtf user
Someone post dog dicked
I believe downloaded stages can't be edited I'm afraid. I also used up most of the resources building that background wall so you'd probably be more efficient potentially if you remade the stage. It's pretty simple.
Here's the code for it as is.
oh wait im an idiot you put id on comment
Give me all the (yeah)'s
I dont think liking a nice round ass really qualifies as a strange fetish. Samus jacking off dogs on the other hand.
Where's the Guts Man stage?
aqua's fat ass makes it lags so much
What a weird stage, it's just 4 stars in space.
ID for the lanky stage please
This has been the internet for the last decade.
Thank you. I know it's more of a meme stage in it's current state but I don't wanna lose the lil' cartoon island look.
I gave your stage a yeah and saved. It's solid af. Very nice.
>sexualizing special needs people
dude come on
Still has problems but a lot less problems.
Nintendo is not Sony it will be banned for being political
Tfw Aqua's ass is literally too much to handle.
kick scrub lord he's causing the arena to lag
>Caring whether you get likes or not
I made a Pac-Man World 2 stage and I have a grand total of 3 likes on it, and I don't regret making it at all because I love the game. Once you stop giving a shit about getting likes and (You)s you can really have fun with Stage Builder.
battlefield/fd version when
>Aqua maps
fuck that where's the best girl maps
>flat map with explosions
Useless goddess cant even be a unaware stage right
Oh cmon
But user, aqua is best girl.
2 stocks 3min with items arena GET IN HERE
Pass: 999
this wheres vanir
Some user picked this stage in an earlier arena and I had to play through it many times, fucking hate it
Give ID please
Bowser in the Dark World
We'll never see a Wiz map.
To add to that most maps have been getting a lot of positive encouragement. Which is pretty surprising for here.
There have been loads of maps that look like literal children made them but you'd be surprised once you actually get into the stage they're pretty fun. If you drop an ID somebody will try your level even if it's just out of curiosity since it takes like 2 minutes to input a code.
You're as dumb as your waifu. We all know who real best girl is.
wtf why did spiral mountain play kk slider music, that's not what I set it to
we already have ashley stages
How come there are no Bomberman maps yet?
>peepee version
you're both mentally ill
seek help
how does this even work
Why doesn't the arena ever choose the level I actually chose? It keeps choosing the same stage
>woah, i have infinite possibilities to make a stage
Oh no guys, it's got to the point where Nintendo is recommending me lewd stuff.
Just found this Kumatora in the Hot tab, it's very crudely drawn but it has a very fat ass.
Please enjoy!
I could use the ID for that evangelion stage posted earlier
pic related is you right
memes are in fact, a possibility
nice one
Fun stage, and I know the cannon is the deku flower, but consider moving the canon to the background. Not a fan of that one gameplay wise
kumatora x lucas stage when
I enjoy the idea of kumatora with a massive ass but this stage is
Very crudely drawing is an understatement
Aqua's not even my favourite, she just has really good ass gifs.
I don't get why people making meme stages can't put it all in the background and do an actual stage in the main level, even if it's just a battlefield/FD ripoff
It's random, would be nice if that one guy would change his set stage
please people in here set stages to custom random. I'm playing on way too many duplicates
Are the ZSS ones taken down?
Owari da
It's laggy
get fucked ridley
Where the fuck are the Vibri stages? I'm making one right now. I better see more Vibri stages.
Fucking BR internetfags
can you move elements between layers?
shit meant to reply to this with
Seethe more Jigglyfaggot.
kek thats good
Youre alright in my book
hope you liked that galaga
user , you accidentally hit the selfie button.
Not as much as you appreciated that unguarded U-Smash 2 seconds before the match ended.
Oh yeah I'd love a quality stage but until that shows up it's interesting just to see where this artist's priorities were.
The face looks like shit and the top half doesn't connect to the bottom half properly but he went into great detail with the thighs and even added in some panties for good measure.
More of an "artist" interpretation.
I was thinking about doing a Parappa/Lammy stage since I already made Miis of them
Has anyone made a sf2 Ken stage yet?
it sure must take a lot of skill to miss a forward smash on a sleeping opponent
I gotta go sorry guys.
What does the lever do? couldn't figure it out
user from I made Tick Tock Clock from Mario 64. The pendulum was going to swing and there was going to be the arrow hand moving across the middle of the stage as well but size constraints are fucked.
>arena's full and the other ones are down
someone make another arena with items
gib code
what arena are you in? they all appear to be down to me
Nothing, it's just for decoration
any one have that hot tub gif
>waifu stages and fat ass lucario are the only stages ever chosen
user who made Fish can roll
someone make a level based off the first water level in mario 64 uwu
Thanks user, I knew it was shitty halfway but too late to scrap and decided to finish.
I shouldn't be going for complex characters but fuck me I wanted some darkstalkers shit in smash
okay i will consider it, mipha is cute
It's a loss video guys.
Why are Jigglyshit mains the worst?
we exist to make others suffer
Really happy with how this one turned out before I ran out of assets to use.
>the software was closed thanks to an error
just when I win, damn
What a gay fucking Final Smash.
Forgot to Anchor this
Fuuuck yesss take my Yeah!
>fat ass lucario
Where is this arena
I don't know if it's him but fuck cade
Any good SMT stages yet?
Are you the creator? You should make the rail's invisible
Making a new arena
Get in
Pass: 1789
3 stocks 3 minutes low items
What's the best song for a Yume Nikki stage? I was thinking either Magicant or Hail from the Past.
Is there any way to change the background once you start making a stage or do I have to do this entire fucking thing over again
I said SMT, not Persona
>tfw no map of megumin doing an explosive brap
Persona is SMT silly.
Something from Mother 1 would be most appropriate
easily, you just start all over again from the beginning
We will remember this user for his brave sacrifice
anchoring this
Great stage
thanks user, absolutely based.
Other arena is already full
Pass: 1
3 stocks 4 minutes low items
>won because a box I opened exploded
That's some bullshit.
I saw a KanMari stage earlier, can anyone help me find it? Probably made by a Jap because I can't find it by searching through non moonrunes
Balamb Garden
tried it but says not found, before then it was full.
Items lead to a lot of bullshit. I tried turning off a lot of the redundant and instakill shit.
I can't sorry, I didn't buy ninternet.
It's relatively easy to replicate though, you just need go into the gear menu and align all of them correctly with the correct angle
I'm stupid guys. How do you get the code for your stages? I posted a few and can't find where the code is.
is there a way to organize the stages you downloaded?
good one
You sure about that? We're only 4 in the lobby now
The only thing you can really do is favorite some.
does anyone have the ID for pic related?
would post full image but looks like jannies are working overtime
deleted but still based
search > details > creator > you
whenever I search that ID it says not found, and I've definitely typed it correctly
Thanks so much!!
300 hours in Smash Stage Builder
Ya got any blackface stages? Asking for a friend
Incjevil stage when?
Take a joke, mods.
2 stocks 3min with items arena GET IN HERE
Pass: 999
Any good Touhou stages?
bug leader tell us genitals bad
must obey bug leader
OwO is literally the least funny meme and if you think it's funny you're basically brain-dead.
Looks cool user
i like this one personally
cute cats
it's also a terrible stage, who keeps picking it?
this is why OwO is funny
Anyone know how the Switches work?
Not really, no.
Whats this referencing
Switches only do something on stage blocks which have gears or rails; placing the switch makes it so that they only rotate or move once the switch is activated.
Is there a Hex Maniac stage yet?
Oh, Dhaos castle, that was your stage? I upvoted it yesterday just looking up random villain names.
is that Lucario?
someone get on this
Don't be mad you lost.
nah some girl
Yep! Thanks. I have an obsession with Phantasia.
is there a way to make platforms solid from underneath? so people cant go through them
based probopassbro
t. nosepassbro
looks like Lucario's head
then thats not a fucking platform
>tetris stage
My amazingly shitty attempt at a Venus Lighthouse. We have to suffer, GSbros, but we can suffer together.
4 players max. After the Venus Star falls in the pit, it'll re-emerge as a hazard after a few seconds. The smaller platforms slightly drift up and down, while the elevators on the sides go all the way to the bottom, but there's a windbox below the screen that will sweep you off if you try to camp them.
minus8 rhythm heaven flash
did i ask that?
that's my stage, u liek?
it's completely unpredictable
>the most popular stage has FIX in the title
Fuck. Please stay up until I get home
Post the fucking ID
What was the fix?
I saw a boob one somebody posted in a previous thread that they found on Japanese twitter.
Sadly it didn't come with an ID but the idea has been done and I'm sure a public one will show up at some point.
who's the fucking idiot with their stage set to final destination
Butters is literally G0D
Friendly niggers
everyone knows it's butters
I tried my best to recreate pic related stage
Please give me those yeahs and enjoy :)
Ledges act normally
>Music isn't Butter Building
It isn't that lewd so you should be fine. Unless you aren't going to be home for like 12 hours or something.
>Teaming fag borbs.
Do you mind sharing the ID with us?
Fuck, i've fucked up.
>That Zero stage
I had no clue the wind currents could do that.
Is there a way to delete an old stage if you upload an updated version?
I made a PinoP stage
Has anyone made a good Pong stage yet?
post code
who the hell is vincent?
it's some bearded old man everyone's sharing in mii creator
Meme youtubers mii fighter
>being this fucking retarded and new
from the art academy games I think, he's also an assist trophy
He's from Art Academy. He'll probs be the next AT to be promoted desu
Art Academy
not his fault, its a youtube meme
seriously user
which stage?
it's a fucking assist trophy, a costume, and an art academy character
nothing to do with youtube you shitter
Those panties look mspainted on
Why do people keep making gigantic stages?
the only reason its popular is because of the youtuber tho
The fact that the costume is wrong is.
alpharad meme
Has someone made a Kirby sucking air with wind going towards his mouth yet?
care to explain?
Thank you.
why does brawl and half the fanart ever made depict lucas as a pussy
he had half his family murdered and still managed to drown a raghead in the sewer and permanently imprison an evil time lord
how the fuck did you make those chains look so good
tfw when the tetris stage jams up
this also because most people called him a crybaby on that game
Jevil niggers rise up
thats pussy shit.
Semi-playable and the mask is tight
Does anyone have the Pizza Time stage with the chef?
you're gay
just search pizza time
and the blue material is sponge!
It's pretty upsetting if it does get removed. Like, what, breasts aren't allowed I guess?
Any nigger stages?
Hello I am an actual boomer and made this boomer map. Please enjoy it, the can tilts as well.
I'm drinking a monster and actively balding while I type this
Has anyone made a stage that's shaped like the Pokemon Volbeat yet?
Should I?
currently making a new thread
yes, stop begging for attention
Someone make this stage
That's gay
did the arena die?
do it.
Didn't have enough for the mask, or tail sorry! However, there is a spring somewhere
Arena crashed, I'm making a new one
this a boy or a girl? looks like a fat pussy but boy tail
Same deal user, I'm gonna miss my hair
there's already a thread you fucking retard
holy fuck
this stage is so dope
What Sakurai did to Bayo in the transition to Ultimate
>boy tail
>female cunt
I didn't have enough
Someone made a Megumin one!
We back
Pass: 420
The tail is wrong, you gotta add the heart bumps at the end
Why does it keep choosing the book stage? I have a completely different stage chosen.
>3 days
>No one has posted Feet stuff
Pretty sure that's a male cunt actually.
edit some stuff or something or just make the tail shorter and make it cleft
Make the ears thinner
A female pikachus tail naturally has the bumps, the black heart is a decal and part of libres costume.
Someone already did
literally Hank Hill tier
yo I'm coming back in, bringing tetris with me
>Starting a new thread when there's another one up
why are you guys so fucking retarded
You mean Honk speech
>Tales stages
>not using one of the Sakuraba songs
I'd rather have an explosion meme map with exploding block and destructable ground gimmicks and a Megumeme in the background
You mean Snek?