Post more of these video game related images and characters

Post more of these video game related images and characters

Attached: 1554610902918.png (800x800, 230K)

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what the fuck

I prefer the Yea Forums edit.

Attached: 1554840360252.png (800x800, 253K)

you mean the /pol/ edit

Isnt it great?

no, it's tumblr tranny tier humor

You mean the reddit edit

No u

Attached: raahbbk4thti7157zpnjhfkno1_500.png (500x374, 156K)

Maid basedjak looks pretty cute desu

Based s4s

>wow the punchline is that it's just a bunch of intentionally misspelled sentences in comic sans haha this so so funny, right fellow oldfags?

Attached: 1528174899128.jpg (381x353, 39K)

>t. doesn’t look goode

miles better than any wojak or pepe

>actually believing this

Attached: 1506085464265.png (645x729, 59K)

seething zoomers

ok sso
goldfinger is da naem ob a james bond mobie wid a wonderflel openign theme by miss nancy sinatra but goldfinger is LOLESO da naem ob a band who maed a poplar songe call'd "supperman" (quotign mario) dats feature'd in da gaem "tony hawk pro skater" (quotign luigi) and u cam get googlel tto ddo thinks ffor u bury conbenientlely by sayign "OK GOOGLEL" (quotign waluigi) and den sayign wut u wan... but googlel cant read ur mind sso sometiems idlel play somethink u dond rly wanna hear.... n DAT....(breaths in) is da joek

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Artist is gutsybird

Please don't support the use of spyware devices.

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Reddit edit

I only saved this to shitpost in the HONK threads.

Attached: 1535143470570.png (800x800, 377K)

they both look goode,,,
of course you would know about tumblr tranny tier humor would you mister bait-chan

Attached: goode.png (676x391, 86K)

thanks, now I get it.

Attached: 1551665730316.jpg (842x730, 83K)


haha my belly's full of dog cum

I'm sorry to hear that