What do you believe is the most horrible type of game genre that you can't believe that people are actually playing it
What do you believe is the most horrible type of game genre that you can't believe that people are actually playing it
Super grindy MMOs
MMOs and or Gatcha I seriously don't see the appeal outside of official art of tits.png
Everything about it irritates me, to the point where even general first person games without the shooting part are impossible for me.
I simply cannot fathom how such cancerous games became so popular.
Gachashit and mobile games in general
mobas and BR
technically not games, but VNs. clicking once a minute has absolutely no appeal.
and the stories are complete garbage
guess they died for a reason though
I legitimately think of gachafags as less than human.
90% of them have no fucking roleplaying and shit mechanics. It's the fast food genre, easy to consume but contains no nutritional value.
If you say JRPGs your a fucking casual spic in my eyes
Collectathons are literally just 3D Metroidvanias.
You've been memed into hating them by your e-celeb overlords.
t. Has never played a good jrpg
All of these, plus the fact that gachashit threads are allowed on Yea Forums is disgusting
cinematic third person shooters
You seriously don't see the appeal of positive and cooperative social and mechanical interaction with hundreds of people? I know the average Yea Forumstard is a misanthrope but it's not that hard to see the appeal.
One would have to exist first.
>all these zoomers and normalfags saying JRPGs
you need to go back
I like Type Moons vns they a thoroughly entertaining if you like chuunii shit.
e-celebs love banjo kazooie and all those mediocre rare games
this, really dont know how people enjoy such huge setup times for little payoff.
Free to play
single player games
small brain
desu just league, all my friends play it and it's so terribly balanced all they do is complain about stuff and have like 3 accounts thanks to riot's jewdom
the fact threads for it are allowed on the entire board at all is proof god doesn't exist
metroidvanias like collectathons are neither good nor fun
Oh yeah I sure loved all those ecelebs praising collectathons when Yooka-Laylee came out.
Damage controlling retard
Dragon Quest 11, Persona 4 and 5, SMT, Xenoblade, some of the older FFs, Pokemon Mystery dungeon, there’s tons of them. All of you that hate Jrpgs really just need to admit you have shit tastes
Gatcha,4X,JRPG and MMO
Gacha, by far.
Gacha hands down. It's a money sink more so than any other genre. Fucking autistic whales are ruining video games because companies will do minimal work for a high payout. And the gameplay isn't even that great.
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>Dragon Quest
>Purse Owner
My fucking sides, tried em all, trash heaps galore.
Type Moon produce the WORST VNs you can think of. You only like them because of the porn.
Avoid Type Moon garbage like the plague.
>Battle Royale
>Loot Shooter
>Early Access Open World Survival Crafting Zombie
Basically the most popular genres of the past 5 years.
Star Ocean
>MMOs (exceptions made for those with real-time combat systems that are good like Absolver or Dragon's Dogma Online)
soulsborne games
I just don't get it. You are never going to be good at it, you will always be behind the weird Koreans that play it professionally, so why bother? You missed half of the content before you started anyway.
any japshit
>what is travian
Gacha games
Why did it die anyway? I get it's somewhat a fighting game but I don't understand how it dropped so hard and fast.
MOBA hands down.
>Playing games
Holy shit, who's the faggot that does that?
99% of multiplayer games have absolutely no staying power in the modern industry.
Fighting game players probably don't want to play an MMO (or just didn't know about it) and MMO players couldn't get into a good combat system.
BR is way more understandable than ASSFAGGOTS. Pretty much anyone who's ever enjoyed a deathmatch game mode in a shooter before has thought about large scale matches on giant maps.
I actually really love Type Moon vns. Nash is a good writer. The poem scenes are the worst part.
single player games
imagine being proud of defeating an AI designed to be beaten by everyone
even toddlers can react and adapt more
Again your tastes are abysmal.
Gacha. What's even worse is that Yea Forums unironically defends gambling for JPEGS.
I played it in January, aside from the move grinding it didn't seem too bad. Wish it got more players honestly, it was really fun for the time.
spending hundreds/thousands of dollars on any game, see: gacha or CCG
Based Gakiposter.
MMOs (not all of them, but most)
Online-oriented FPS games (notable exception to TF2)
Sports games like NBA, FIFA, etc
Weeb games. JRPGs, VNs, gacha, anime fighters. Anything and everything designed to appeal to weebs.
Walking simulators. Or any other narrative driven game where the player has little to know agency and skill is not a requirement in discovering a story that you can't change or influence.
Point and click adventures. For largely the same reason. Dragging things from your inventory onto other things in your inventory or the environment constitutes neither a puzzle nor gameplay.
RTS, grand strat, 4x etc. Games whose box typically speaks to an IP that would have been a great CRPG but instead is boring as fuck genre that is mind numbing in single player and mind numbing to spectate in multiplayer. Turn based is the only good kind of strategy.
Sports sims. Absolute kuso. And have now become a vehicle for gacha. People try to play them at a competitive level despite the fact that neither EA or anyone else has ever made a tournament viable sports sim.
Third person action games. So uncharted, tomb raider, bamham, shadow of bamham, asscreed etc. Pure pleb shit. Only Resident Evil 4 and REmake2 get a pass in this genre.
That's all I can think of
card games
>everything except fps is shit cause i don't like it
get to fuck you retard lol
So like half of video games? I think the problem is you here
Literally no one likes Type Moon VNs for the porn
You can say many legitimate criticisms but that is ridiculous. The porn is famously terrible and the best version of FSN is generally accepted to be the all ages version.
BR,JRPGs, Novels
I like CRPGs, turn based strategy, fighting games, FPS, social deduction, racing games, platformers, survival games as a concept tho there's very few that aren't shit, ARPGs, whatever mount and blade is, roguelikes, loads of others.
I like plenty of games. You guys are just salty because I talked shit about some trash genre you like.
I tried Hyrule Warriors and was just running between different holds while plowing through hundreds of enemies with no effort being done on my end. It was so boring that I uninstalled before I finished the first mission.
Any game where the end goal is seeing numbers go up. You should either be mastering a skill as you play or you should be immersing yourself in a story/world.
Inazuma Eleven
The mobile castle build/defend shit.
Weebtrash. Especially gacha, vns, and j"RPGs".
Not only are they the worst in terms of absolute trash gameplay (even going as far to shit up basic game design hence why not a single "rpg" produced by Japan is a proper RPG like any other country produces), but also are abundant with anti consumer business practices far greedier than EA could hope to achieve.
And it's all OK in their eyes because "muh whyfoo". Weebs need to be gassed.
WRPGs. jrpgs at least turned into their own stupid pile of shit, but there is zero reason to ever play a WRPG over proper tabletop games.
>but also are abundant with anti consumer business practices far greedier than EA could hope to achieve.
Which JRPGS? Most tend to have none of that. And if there is it's mostly costume shit which doesn't affect the game.
Annual sports games and shit like FUT
There's no game to "affect", it's just lazy jewery to maximize profits off your lack of a functioning brain. But yeah, keep buying into your anime same face slot machines and bikini dlc you fucking faggot. KYS.
Either gacha shit or battleroyales.
Which JRPG are you talking about?
This, MMO is a trashcan genre
Any game is fun of you play it friends. Even objectively unfun games like MMOs
Undoubtably BR
I can accept that people have different tastes, but BR is something I will never get.
You literally boot up match to invest 5min - 1 hour of your life (depending on the game), and the only variety you get is either being fucked by luck, or enemies being fucked by luck.
Every game follows the EXACT same pattern, regardless of how you fare.
>avoid players until you find weapon
>kill enemies who haven't found a weapon yet
>if they have a weapon, just start pussymode and search for consumables and armor
>pretend you're good at the game when you ambush a player with worse gear
>rinse and repeat until you're on the receiving end or get lucky and win.
The only tactics in a BRshit are all situational
strategy games and crpgs
why are they doing the edamame face?
Those "cuhrayzee" games that can be beaten blindfolded by mashing on the controller.
>buh you can make combos and look cool!
Sure but if the game is so braindead easy that you have to juggle enemies to have anything resembling challenge, it's a terrible game. I've tried every single DMC game, i've played ninja gaiden, i've played the god of war games ,they're all so fucking bland and samey.
Diablo style action RPG closely followed by looter shooters. I don't get it. Then a friend tries to show me how fun it apparently is and he takes an OP character and goes to some dungeon AOE one-shotting everything with his cookie cutter build. Okay? Impressive? You were just clicking on mobs but sure.
Gacha should be the only answer in this thread. It is objectively worse than all the other cancers even BR and MOBAs and Looter Shooters and VNs.