Predict the metacritic score.

Attached: MK-11-Nintendo-Switch-338x338.jpg (338x338, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


78. 82 on Switch.

The Switch version is bloodless? That's like the whole point though.

Nincels will defend this

Buying this on PC and Switch because I'm not a poor fag. Having a portable version to play with coworkers is going to be great, don't mind the graphics downgrade. I don't think anyone expected it to look like the console version.

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no, the textures and lighting were downgraded

they're going to think you're a fucking loser holy shit.

Damn well it’s better than nothing

Please stop

Attached: 1500912254686.png (400x400, 50K)

>full bright: on

jesus lol

Looks worse than the PS3 game

The price of portability, right guys? Guys?

Why does the Switch version look worse than MK9 on PS3? I thought the Switch was stronger?

I'm happy that they're removing some graphics here and there. Games are about gameplay, and I'd praise this move even if it looked like an early Ps1 games. Have you guys forgotten that good gameplay is more important than anything else?

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>playing games with coworkers
>mortal kombat of all things
>Giving money to a bunch of cucks like NRS
Nice bait.

because its a lazy cash grab

>buying western video games in the first place

it's a joke right? like they put PC on regedit LOW mode right?

This is actually true but MK plays like shit anyway and is all about the spectacle

>Good gameplay
>Muslim cuckbat
Absolute fucking state of nintendies that they'll unironically defend this shit.

>Yfw inferior version actually costs more to buy and will probably retain it's value longer

Attached: 1527862893936.jpg (833x1248, 215K)

>MK 11 on switch looks worse than MK 9 on Vita

Attached: 1554945913315.gif (240x266, 258K)

>remove da graphics and put moar gameplay
Imagine actually thinking this is how game development works.

switch online is complete dog shit so no.

>caring about NRS
That was your first mistake

Attached: 1525384845001.png (915x1024, 240K)

>Have a 2070ti
>see these screenshots
>still going to get this on the Switch
I don't know how bad graphics have to get before they outweigh the Switxh's convienence, but this isn't it.

Attached: v0x0RPJ.png (1248x702, 537K)

people don't play fighting games on wifi right? you wouldn't be one of those faggots right?

I've been taking my Switch to play with my coworkers for over a year now. Nobody cares and if they did, why would I? You're more of a loser for caring what other people think of you.

Money means nothing to me.

Attached: moneymoneymoney.jpg (977x178, 15K)

just pirated the game for the switch and it looks like shit + stuff like krypt and custimaztion and exp you need to be connected to the internet... glad i didnt pay this sjw company

>People will pay full price for this
>Reminds me when people bought the shitty Game Boy ports
Jesus why did they even bother in doing this now its clear that their fisher price toy will be dead once ms and sony make the next gen jump

Attached: 79.png (1000x500, 299K)

The gameplay is shit to begin with so all this had going for it was it's graphics.

Yeah and what's worse, devs releasing a lazy cash grab or the brand loyalists who will buy this on the switch in the 1st place?

>The handheld version has worse graphics than the PC version
Well of course

Attached: nintentoddlers.webm (1200x675, 2.91M)

Cool, I'm sure you'll enjoy guzzling down your söy while playing this and hoping and praying for 12 to have a trans character then you fucking cuck.

>People say Switch can handle persona 5 when this occurs.


shit is all this in portable mode or docked?

Attached: 1552936513947.png (460x550, 28K)

Thanks, will do, faggot.

there's phone games that have better texture and lighting than this

Attached: Roy.jpg (900x900, 73K)

Oh wow, even it's visual identity is lost. Yeah...I'm going to skip this particular Switch version. I'll just get the PS4 version.

The switch can handle a fucking PS3 game user

>the devs just opted to remove the shading and lighting entirely instead of attempting to optimize the game in any way

it's a lazy port alright

Attached: 1555697593727.jpg (540x720, 178K)

What can they really optimize? It's using what looks like full models without any cuts to polygons on the characters. They already removed a bunch of stage details and cut down on the textures. The game also runs on a Frankenstein version of UE3.

Anything leaked?

they cheaped out on the cartridges too. only 8GB cards, gotta download the rest of the game


89 on PS4
88 on Xbox
90 on steam (Depending if the port is fucked or not)
65 on Switch

Switchlets absolutely btfo

Switch version looks unironically better.
Snoy version looks like coverd in oil. Looks completely retarded.



That is how game development works though. Better graphics eat performance that could be used elsewhere. Like 20k skeletons on your screen.

As shows the game looks fine mostly in motion, it's final blows and Fatalities where it looks rough

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of course thats your oly replys. go dilate trannyes fucks

Attached: 1494922841541.png (710x842, 353K)

t. literally ou


Attached: Mortal Kombat 11 Online Beta_20190331191304.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

>oh you don't like the design changes to mk11?
>HAHAHAAH LMAO your jsut a butthurt nintendo fan who got the worse version! You literally CANNOT insult the game in any way now!
watch this happen, I'm calling it now

Attached: 1465957594437.jpg (269x211, 8K)

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>nintendies are so desperte to defend their console they'll shill a fucking mk game that looks like dogshit


Attached: 1518026224580.png (540x485, 78K)

There’s no difference between the online performance of NSO, PSN and XBL. All three services primarily consist of normies who would rather use wifi over wired, and most games utilize a p2p connection. They’re all shit.

i genuinely cant even read the comment sections on the videos of this game. how can anyone consider the switch version to look good? the fucking vita game looked better. hell even the mobile mortal kombat looked better. This is embarassing

>implying that SwitCHADs are accepting of trannies
Being a tranny is a bannable offense in the eyes of Nintendo. Meanwhile, Sony promote LGBT degeneracy.

Who is that

arrest yourself
go to bed

Where do you live. In a cave?

Attached: 1515173285334.jpg (640x480, 53K)

So you going to tell me or..?

It runs at 60fps even in handheld and thats all that matters to me desu

It looks bad but this is just delusional

Is this image an attempt at a joke?

Nice edit, this picture was originally of just the guy with the baby apron on which he got from a special edition vita game

Some guy who made a reaction vid for the new Star wars trailer and got harrassed by the epic Chad's of the internet.

I believe several celebs came out in his support due to the bullying

Yes we know


Eric Butts yt channel .

>there's no difference between the performance of NSO and XBL
Have you even used both because XBL is heads and tails above what Nintendo has

Who was the port outsourced to?

That's usually the identifier in why it looks like it looks for switch ports.

In house = typically good ports
Outsourced to brazilian mobile Devs = typically bad

>Less than $35k in savings.
>Unironically bragging about it.
>"Money means nothing to me."
>Not even enough to buy a decent car.


On a scale of 1-100 how mad are you?

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The Switch isn't nearly as powerful as any of the other platforms getting this game. No shit they downgraded the visuals. At least the gameplay is still good. Still at 60 fps, and honestly looks better than I would have expected it to. It's a very impressive port. Won't be getting it myself since i have other platforms to play it on, but if you only have a Switch or are really looking forward to the portability aspect I don't see any problem with this.

You re the joke

Attached: 60.png (1000x500, 243K)

All platforms except PS4: 80s
PS4: 70s for no crossplay

The question isn't why would you buy the switch version. The question is why would you buy that piece of garbage at all. You won't pay me to pirate that shit.

>Being a tranny is a bannable offense in the eyes of Nintendo

Attached: BotW_Vilia_Model.png (236x615, 248K)

Already have my vehicles paid for, user. Life is good. Sorry it makes you angry.

Why are people surprised by this? This is what I'd imagine a PS360 version would look like, and considering the Switch has about the same power as those this is prefectly fine

Nincels wanted 3rd party games day to date right? This is what you get.

>Trying to imply the Million dollar man was soi


>gameplay its the same
>switch has worst controllers
>switch has worst netplay
>switch has worst inout lag
>switch has worst graphics


Imagine what PS5 to switch multiplats will look like in 2021/22

switch version looks like a spirit halloween prop

so this is the power of the first of the next gen consoles

Switch will just get hi res PS2 games at that point.

>crossdressing character that is treated as a joke
I don't get what you're trying to say
even Vivian would be a better example than that throwaway joke

>treated as a joke
Try and paint it however you like shill, but that isn't true.

>Only replies when someone posts OH NO NO
>Character gets pissed if you can them a dude
Here's your (You).

I just wish for once in nintedos life they would make a good modern console with no stupid ass gimmicks.

Mobile games look unironically better than this abomination lol.
Nintendocucks should honestly suicide.

Attached: 1304784309393.jpg (600x600, 30K)

>graphics dont matter at all it's about the gameplay, retro game are consistently better
>see this image
>lmao look at the switch it's pathetic performance why are they even trying
never change Yea Forums

Attached: Bart 1.png (356x356, 163K)

You seriously don't know the difference between some mobile game aiming purely for style over substance and a port of a game aiming to hit 60fps and maintain full performance gameplay but at the cost of visual fidelity?


Attached: power of the shitch.png (669x140, 19K)

>Bragging about 35k
Hahahaha holy shit

Damn, I got Yea Forums seething today. Nice home, cars paid for, great paying job, ability to buy the same game on multiple systems. 35k may not be much, but I know for sure I'm in much better position than you.

Shitposters irreparably ruined the ability to discuss the MH franchise because of that narrative, so I won't be surprised.

MK has and always will be shit and it's only selling point was just the fatality scenes and gore

oh no

the gameboy versions and the Vita version at least weren’t console level full price

>You're more of a loser for caring what other people think of you
But you care enough about what some retards on Yea Forums think that you posted how much money is in your account. Jesus christ man youre pathetic

MK was always about spectacle

Attached: -.jpg (540x579, 28K)

But not as pathetic as said retards.

Attached: 1537738946254.jpg (385x383, 19K)

>let's ignore the locked 60fps and just cry over resolution!
Are you retarde-
Oh ok it's Eric no need to ask that


welcome back PS2



The more pictures you make the more I know you're an incel who spends all day arguing in Yea Forums.

How many pictures like this exist making fun of Snoy? Almost none, because nintendies actually have girlfriends.

Attached: 502a7c6b686dbddd03512ef79f92f38542d9b4887af3f451fd8ab20c99b52b1c.jpg (640x640, 85K)

It's funny to me that the snoy teenagers spend all day making images because they hate the Switch so much, yet they think anyone but them is mad.

The retards who refuse to play their toy in public. And user noone else here is sad enough to post their real info cause who gives a shit what a bunch of virgins from v think. And yet somehow you're sad enough to care.

I'm not mad nor sad, user. It's just funny to me how people lose their shit when I prove I'm not full of shit. Have a fantastic day!

>I’ll just pretend the “lol looks it’s a man dressed up as a woman” joke doesn’t go back literally thousands of years
It was supposed to be funny and you know it. You’re just mad because Nintendo just put tranny’s in their place while other company’s indulge them.

Attached: C46EAA3D-1F50-4441-8648-7B99881E10BB.jpg (346x260, 21K)

>Guy with shitty smug anime image and the worst website ever made talking down to anyone

Is this some next level postmodern irony or what?

Attached: 1496337912066.jpg (800x449, 59K)

and resetsoy call it increbully good port

>le eric boogeyman
keep seething

I found a tranny.

Attached: 1510202441664.gif (195x199, 338K)

What a great tag like for the switch version. Hope NRS puts it on the fucking back of the box!

Attached: 1553216516257.gif (540x304, 1.78M)

Why is this board constantly obsessed with transsexuals?
It has absolutely nothing to do with Mortal Kombat.

Is this what Nintendork false flagging looks like when they try to go off topic to deflect attention?

Attached: 1516283607998.gif (800x371, 126K)

What the fuck was the point?

You’re a liar and you know it

>Have a fantastic day!
Whats wrong no more reaction pics to post? Go back to plebbit you retard

It reportedly runs at 60 FPS at least

No, its gonna be a repeat of the Wii era. Its too weak to get most multiplat games but its too popular to ignore or else the investors will have a shitfit, so most third parties will be forced to make shit for it

>Vita version looked better
No it didn't

Attached: 2012-04-30-015851-620x.jpg (620x351, 51K)

looks on par

You can see the polygons from a distance

Imagine not just having both a Switch and PS4 (or Switch + XB1 if you prefer) and deciding which platform you want multiplatforms on via a case by case basis.

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Attached: 1494794040877.jpg (486x499, 38K)

>yfw you preordered the Switch version of MK11

Attached: DDBF78D3-CD8A-497A-8A10-828A2A57CF57.gif (499x250, 3.97M)

Imagine paying $60 for handheld titles when they were $40 two years ago

That's what you get when you use Unreal instead of making your own engine, it's legitimately hard to believe that this game took 4 years to make considering that it used a canned engine too.

>preordering anything ever

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