What happened, Yea Forums?

What happened, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


All I know is that the dev used to come here for feedback, but was basically banished for rampant faggotry and an inability to take criticism

Did you expect such a massive sperg to actually complete something?

What killed the hype?

What happened? Too many emails.

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extended dev time

He's still making updates. The game just isn't going anywhere.

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nothing happened, that's the problem

>go to his comment section
>asks his "supporters" why they still give money to this waste of oxygine
>"bro we just want the game bro, bro :("
I can't belive people still belive this game is comming out

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He didn't listen to his senpai, MikeZ

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He doesn't check off his list of things to do.
He did finally listen to critique and he is finally changing all those disgusting if-else to switch-case when you don't need the prior.
He is right that he is one person doing it, but most people would be done by now considering how short the game actually is.

so did he even finish osama bin laden yet or is he still making no progress?

Feature creep. New stuff keeps getting added at the expense of the main quest being delayed

I wonder what MikeZ would say if he saw this shitshow, honestly.

>starts as a cool idea
>gets bloated by bad ideas
>developer gets money from paypigs thinking that they are helping the development
>the game never comes out, and if it ever going to release, it's going to be shit
Literally Star Citizen of indie games

I didn't think one guy could replicate the development process of Windows Longhorn before the reset but he managed to do it in such a graceful way.

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>I, it was a V-Slice all along! It's meant to be scrapped and remade, so it's okay if the code is bad and is full of placeholders!

meet me behind the school gym

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feature creep and incompetent coding

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Nothing happened because the game will never be finished

He's not wrong. He's not the first or last person pushed away from Yea Forums due to sheer negativity disguised as criticism

>consistent income on a promise of delivering a product
>chance of profit from a full release

That and the fact the dev continues to build an ivory tower of bloated, incomplete features.

>Expecting an incompetent jew to finish a game

Poor pre-production planning and feature creep.

If anything, it was just a bunch of ideas that were never really stitched together. Yeah he releases demos or updates every so often but nothing that is close to a final product. He started this in 2014 and here we are in 2019. I think it really has been 5 years. It won’t get finished.

Both Yea Forums and atechan were initially VERY positive about the project as it was some guy developing a game that the threads were used to kind of workshop into a neat idea.

That opinion soured as he refused to take criticism and sperged out repeatedly.

>disguised as criticism
I'll give you the benefit of doubt that you have no clue how bad of a state of the game's code is in.


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This. He made a list of shit he wanted to implement in one of his vids and it was massive, plus a lot of it was unnecessary feature creep.
This could've been fun as a silly anime Hitman knockoff but the scale is too big now and he probably has too much pride to scale it back.

>thinking switch-case is a solution to spaghetti code if-else statements.
>thinking switch-case isn't, in 99% of cases, just another way to write if-else.

>compiler optimizes it to be just as fast as a switch case
>easier on the eyes than an assembly style switch case
what's the problem here

Just went through his site and blog. It does look really good.

Still, one of the recent videos is about new mechanics and more features like anime. At the end the dev said 'almost everything is finished, so I can start working on the first rival'. Shit, 5 years and he's far from ending.

I swear to god, everytime the else-if is brought up, you have that inevitable retard that's going to bring up switch-cases as if it's going to fix the garbage framerate.

All it does is telling the fucking retard reading the code "ah yes, this is an equality test I am reading". It will still run like garbage.

Alex is a retard but these people are something else.

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Please refer to him as his slave name EvaXephon, not his 4th identify he's chosen for himself. If you aren't new, you know exactly why this faggot failed.

>slave name

Isn't osana STILL not out? it's been what, 5 years?

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>business model is literally "pay me to not finish the game"
People who fund any project that claims to eventually result in a finished product on Patreon of all places are basically mentally handicapped.

As an actual programmer who shits on the code in every single one of those threads, I have to agree that Yea Forums negativity is not criticism.

Criticism is in some way applicable. You can look at it and fix it.
Negativity is a useless expression of dislike.

>if you stopped drinking that large soda with every meal, you'd be less fat
>ur fat
Yea Forums loves the latter and often tries to disguise it as the former.
Constructive criticism is a hard skill that most people don't have, especially not normal people.

Gonna need more context on this. Is this called in update or on event or what?

Osana is never coming out, like the game it remind unfinished.

Use a dictionary and map the values.

You being retarded for starters.

The context doesn't matter because the whole game uses else-if statements when it DEFINITELY shouldn't.

Also, no context justifies using conditionals for something as retarded as a fucking eye color, when something like enumerations, hash tables and the likes exist to solve this problem way more elegantly, and in a way that doesn't torture the compiler.

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>not reusable, only useful for setting renderer material eyecolor to a set list of colors
>errors neither handled nor shown
>requires custom formatting to not look like shit
>stringly typed

Key-value dict/hashmap/anything and enums instead of a whole String

It's probably sunk cost fallacy at this point. Imagine you back a project, you pay once a month and nothing gets done in that time. Pulling your money after that amount of time would be admitting to yourself you got scammed, so you keep paying in hopes that it eventually gets finished.

>implying he will ever finish it when he's making money for doing nothing

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>in a way that doesn't torture the compiler
Compiler is a masochist, you should have seen the tricks C++ compilers are routinely subjected to.

Friendly reminder that the US government is filled with coders less competent than these images who make six figures and practically cannot be fired. Seriously, if you're a coder who knows how to write hello world in 2 hours or less, just come down to DC and we will hire you.

He's five years developing a five hour game

A lolcow happened.
People unironically trusted the lolcow.

he was too successful


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Finishing is a spook.
It's completely fine for a game to be in development forever, it's just a different model from the usual
>deadline and ship
that normaltards love.

The problem isn't not finishing, the problem is he isn't improving it.

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it used to be 5.5k before he got exposed last year. and it's been going down steadily.

So going by what you are saying. It means you are angry at him for taking a slower bus when he has a car in his driveway?
Does his way still produce the intended result?
If yes why do you care if he takes the bus instead of his car?
Just generally interested in this. I ignored all the threads years ago. Thaught it was an ironic weeb thing. The post of him raging is funny.

Holy fuck, i could just be a basic bitch and utter the famous "newfag" but i'll spell it out since you dont seem to get it. Yea Forums, Is AN ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD FOR FUCKS SAKE, shitposting amd namecalling was inevitable since the site's creation and became the norm since literally month 1. If the idea that someone would call you a fat assfaggot just because they're bored (and anonymous) is too impossible or farfetched for you and you'd rather take it personally, then you'd be better off dying having never come here once in your life, seriously, it's like a white woman running naked through the streets of a middle eastern slum, not even asking for it at that point, prophecy is practically being written on the fucking spot for bad results.

>What happened, Yea Forums?
It was evaxephon, that's what happened. Told you fags from the start he's always been a walking disaster, to have any faith was dumb.
Then combine that with the fact he couldn't code for shit, it was a mess that nobody else could fix without doing it from scratch

I AT LEAST that much per month and i certainly do way less work than he does every day

>If yes why do you care if he takes the bus instead of his car?
We're talking about a game that runs sub 30 fps on your computer even if you have good hardware.

It works, but it doesn't work nor fast nor bug-free, which is what programming ultimately is. It not only took more time, but the result is far worse than the faster way.

If you've ever worked in programming, your job consists of:

- Making something work.
- When it works, making that thing work even better.

His way works, but the result is:

- Garbage framerate
- Nightmare inducing maintenance because non-abstract code
- Nightmare inducing implementation of other features
- Constant bugs that cannot be solved easily because the code cannot be maintained easily.

I'm honestly amused by all this, if you ask me. It's funny seeing a retard shooting himself in the foot constantly.

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>"exposed" videos where they reveal that eva has weird hentai fetishes
...no fucking shit?

I've been thinking about taking the concept of YS and doing my own version of it. I feel like I could get it done in a lot less time than Eva ever could.

I just wonder if anyone actually gives a shit about the game anymore.

i dont give a shit abot the actual game but i enjoy the concept
do it for the lulz of evas salt when it gets released

>there was someone that made videos criticizing Eva for not making any developments
>the guy behind turn out to be insane 14 year old girl that was obsessed with gore and blocked people that say her “6 long minutes video of Eva eating a burger was the main reason he wasn’t getting any work done” was a shit video and became Eva 2.0.

It's more like he's driving a car that has an engine barely holding together on duct tape, we've seen smoke coming from it more than once, and you're saying it's fine because it took him to Walmart and back the other day.

So, like, every other edgy tumblrina that discovers yanderes for the first time and tries being as edgy as possible?

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There are good games with competent devs that are actually not scared by the comments posted here.

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Good purity-chan

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Or your average Yea Forumstard

>I like this game
>I like the features in this game
>So before adding core gameplay elements like a goal to my game, I'm going to steal the features from the game I liked
Rinse and repeat. That's what happened.

does that extend to the NSA or FBI?

Wow, what an amazing insight. I truly didn't know all you have to say years before you came here.

And I love how it completely disproves the fact that negativity disguised as criticism is not actual criticism. And does so without even mentioning criticism in any shape or form!

Truly, you must have been here since 2017. Fags this old are a rarity these days.

>competent devs
Hol up

Vrel is solid at story and shit like that, but he only recently started learning basic programming. Few months ago he'd copypaste shit because he didn't know a "for" loop is a thing.
From what he's reporting, he is improving though. If he actually is, he can make it.

>purity chancer
Second worst thing to come out of DoL threads.

Are you some kind of a reformist?

holy fuck you're autistic

The logical fallacy you committed is: Being a fucking retard

lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

YandereDev caused the negativity and fabricated even more upon himself.
>stubbornly uses his infamous Yea Forums tripfag EvaXephon name, causing himself to get targeted by trolls angered by his past
>took his direct idol/hero's game designer/coder criticism as pure negativity and did the opposite of the advice given from the master programmer

>sensitive bitch making a game based on an anime archetype
>making it for ironic weebs and Homestuck types

>Constructive criticism
...is something to be earned.

If you produce incoherent, nonsensical posts, you won't get anything in return.
Your post has earned the constructive criticism. Yanderedev has not.
There is, as you agree, something fundamentally wrong with the way he writes code.
Even fucking notch was better than that, and he's really not someone you'd want to get compared to unfavorably.

shut up, Yea Forums. you've never made a game.

>deletes whole stream archive after clip goes viral.
Feels bad.

The worst part isn't that he's using massive if/else statements

It's that he's comparing states with fucking STRINGS of all things

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Spaghetti code up the fucking wazoo and idea creep.
That's what happened.

>don't send me emails
>stop sending me emails
>I spend so much time reading e-mails
>please send me free assets
>I coded everything (badly) myself
>get a publishing deal
>it falls through due to incompetence and unwillingness to change
>disable comments
>identity is revealed
>re-enable comments
>25+ update videos about Osana not being in the game yet
>endless feature creep
>no clear vision or timetable
>b-but it's an ALPHA
>b-but I'll have a DEMO
>b-but I need more FUNDING

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Remember when he actually managed to get a publishing deal for the game, and got professional coders to help work on it, but then completely threw it all out the window because they fixed his god awful code and it pissed him off so much that people better than him were working on his project?

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>complaining how a game takes too long to make or how it's poorly coded
>have never made a game

ayy lmao

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>firing the only person that could have possibly saved your game
>firing them because you don't understand how actual programming works, and it confuses you so much you must fire the guy, just to go back to your else-if garbage

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I disagree about the earning part. I consider it the default from which you can fall by being a jackass (which he might have done). Still, "deserves" just an opinion.

The problem isn't really that criticism on Yea Forums is rare, the problem is that people who give "bantz" fail to notice the difference.
Not wanting to help someone get better is an opinion. Trying to pass insults for criticism or arguments is objectively wrong.

>There is, as you agree, something fundamentally wrong with the way he writes code.
He may just be bad, everyone has to start somewhere.
He only deserves to get shat on for refusing to learn.
It's like seeing a fatty on a treadmill vs seeing a fatty dual-wielding massive burgers. The former deserves pity and "points" for actually trying, the latter only scorn.

You're pathetic. Piss off.

Also you don't need to have programmed an entire game to realize how poorly coded something is. An entire legion of people have also tried telling him to change the way he codes because it causes a myriad of problem, including Mike-fucking-Z, and that poor sod went crying on atechan about how his idol "betrayed him".

>please send me free assets
This was the worst part, he was even a prick to the people sending him free shit to use for the project he is being paid to make.
>don't send me FREE WORK unless it is PROFESSIONAL QUALITY

Autism. Autism happened.

>go to reddit
>everybody sucks my dick, and any criticism is either stomped down by le downboats or mods with their lips thoroughly wrapped around his cock

>go to anime expo
>nobody wants to start anything up
>people are there to have fun and meet people

>go to 4/8ch
>i actually get real feedback
>people and mods are not censoring themselves/other posters

>>>i got the oppertunity to make a game, but my pride and my awful coding skills got in the way
>i'm a cunt to people and people are a cunt back to me, so i'd rather live my entire life in a bubble than talk to those meanies :(

And finally, he shouldn't be trying to appease people. He should make a good game, which he apparently can't, even with the help of professional programmers.

>And I love how it completely disproves the fact that negativity disguised as criticism is not actual criticism. And does so without even mentioning criticism in any shape or form

Except that it doesnt

What it does do however, is oust you as an autist who discovered the site today and decided people should be outraged over things that intrinsically cannot and will not be changed rather than grow some thicker skin and just ignire the literal words on a screen any literal sapient child could identify as a blatant shitpost

>Hurr it's negativity disguised as criticism

Holy shit sherlock just wait until you discover fire is hot that shit will blow you away

What that user is trying to say is that anyone who's remotely familiar with this website should come to expect some level of shitposting when you post your work here, especially if your work ends up being bad and you decide not to take heed to any actual criticism. Yes, it's offputting as hell to outsiders, but if you make a long-term game project like that and expect not to get shitposted here after years of lurking, you're fucking stupid and it's your own fault.

Anyone with any reasonable amount of experience with this website should know better than to not expect shitposting in spades, especially when you don't meet expectations. You don't get to complain when you spend years in a community and then get shat on by said community for doing shit you know full well would make them shit on you.

>He said that game would be ready for now

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>Complaining how chad shouldnt be the one fucking all the girls
>Has never had sex

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>got pissy with the developer because they changed his number == false to !number

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When you think about it, a lot of legendary games were created because the creators themselves wanted it that way, not because they tried pleasing a crowd.

Like Doom is on paper a really simple game with a shit ton of cliches but it worked because they gave their heart to it and they wanted it to be 100% that way, and the fun that was had when doing it transpired in the gameplay.

Pleasing crowds will never work.

Actually yes, it extends to all government agencies. It's true that most teams are basically 1-2 guys doing everything while there's 10+ idiots getting paid the same amount despite doing 1/10th the work at 1/10th the quality. US gov jobs exasperate this though due to low barrier of entry and high barrier of termination. Working alone is one of the best things to happen for me since it means I can actually do work without having to fight 10 retards who want to put yanderedev tier code in the project. It's not even about speed and readability. It's also security and functionality.
I have made (successful) games before and can tell you this guy is a hack.

>Eva was retard
>the person that hated Eva was also a retard
lmao Datadigger was an autist

>the problem is that people who give "bantz" fail to notice the difference.
I will be completely honest with you: That has not been my experience.
One can easily have "deep" discussions on Yea Forums that actually help to gain insights you didn't have before.
Sure, there are shitposters, but if you can't learn to simply ignore them, Yea Forums may very well not be the right site for you. (Yea Forums is probably simply not the right place for Yanderedev. And that would be okay, if he finally was delivering anything.)
You actually have to invest effort to find the worthwhile responses/posts. Yes. But those worthwhile posts are usually there in that pile.

>He only deserves to get shat on for refusing to learn.

but eva doesn't give it his heart he's a fucking virgin loser that twitch streams instead of developing his game he can't even get the first rival in the fucking game, and its been about 4 years already.

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I thought the
“Framing someone using a box and a box cutter” was the dumbest idea ever.
Here’s better ones.
>Gloved murders
They can’t find the killer’s fingerprints but up security, no one is allowed to walk alone and remove most weapons as a precaution (Noob trap)
>Tape collecting

Using Gloves plus tape if you have high enough popularity you can receive high fives from people and play it off a silly tape prank.
With their fingerprints you can commit 1 murder scot free
2 murders actives an alibi
>Tape collecting part 2
Collecting fingerprints from stolen phones get 1 scot free murder a day
Commit 2 murders and they’ll have an alibi plus Noob trap is actived
Drugged framing
Kidnap someone you want to frame
Drug them or put them in a sleeper hold
Kill your target then clean the weapon
Take the still unconscious victim to the murder spot and have them wake up holding a knife in a pool or blood
Scot free murder and can be stacked

the guy has problems but let me explain why he stop coming here and why we hate him
>makes a thread about the game and everyone loves it.
>next few days pass and show up on Yea Forums with a game update.
>" i added this, added this and this"
V:"but did you make progress and fix bugs?"
>explains its coming then makes a thread a few days later and does the same thing.
>months pass and has made no progress, using store bought items for the game and is becoming more toxic.
>gets angry and rants about the struggle before leaving v
>goes to Reddit
>pattern repeats
>reddit hates him

>makes youtube
>repeats pattern
>youtube gives up on him yet he still makes a lot of money
>doesn't use the money to make original stuff or finish anything.
>tinygames no longer working with him

Development for Yandere Simulator began in 2014. fuck anybody who agrees with him and doesn't see he is just riding the 5 year wave.

“Kill yourself you fucking retarded nigger”
Is how we say Hello around here.

>One can easily have "deep" discussions on Yea Forums that actually help to gain insights you didn't have before.
I had some, it's just that they're rare.
Despite that, there is a myth that Yea Forums is some sort of a "common secret knowledge". That Yea Forums "says it how it is", to use a cancerous, cliche phrase.

I haven't been long on any normal people websites, but I wouldn't expect them to have much less meaningful content.
Just that it would probably be buried in karma whoring instead of accusations of african ancestry.

If you don’t have thick enough skin to just look at “ur a fat fuk lol” and completely disregards it
You don’t need to be on Yea Forums
There’s good people here just the shitheads are louder

I love this guy

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Yes, they are rare, but it's not like they were rarer than on other sites, and that's the implication that often dwells in posts like yours.
I was active on normalfag sites in the early 00s (i.e. before myspace/facebook), and while we may be joking about (You)s on here, on those sites it was a serious matter. Fuck, look at the scientific community. Citations are everything.

The nice thing about Yea Forums is, that there is nothing like "status" to be gained. You only discuss for the very purpose of discussing the topic, not to gain points on your profile. That allows for a far more frank exchange of arguments. It also makes it a lot easier to change your opinion midway, once you realize you were originally wrong. You don't lose face.

What exactly do you mean by "common secret knowledge"?

evaxephon was always a gaia sperg

>i actually get real feedback

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