What is Yea Forums's opinion on fat girls in games?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on fat girls in games?
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Love 'em
man haruka really let herself go
If this is your attempt at making another fat thread I approve.
We do need more of them.
They could easily revive this game on PC. God I miss Fat Princess
Lard Lass is a treasure
Hate 'em
There needs to be more of them
user, you seem to have come down with a terminal case of gay.
Chubby, but still hot
Hamplanet 0/10
>Hamplanet 10/10
More like "Navel Fuck/10"
>tfw no hamplanet gf
It fucking hurts
So why are games so bad at portraying them? Is it the lack of experience with modeling and physics?
I want to nourish Haruka's curves with a constant stream of calories and semen.
idc about your shitty OP question
fat princess on PS3 was pretty damn fun and i will miss it.
Was actually a legit fun game.
>idc about your shitty OP question
I think OP was just mocking/mimicking the muscle thread that's up
based, musclegirls are for turning into strongfat girls that are more fat than strong
>last one a hamplanet
highly recommend you take your autistic ass outside the house a bit more often
Based and pamperedpilled
That's still a stretch. Fatties should be heaping mounds of pure drooping, soft, jiggling blubber. No strength or muscle.
Ah a fellow patrician I see.
>canonically eats a ton
>no weight gain
Really missed an opportunity here.
I miss playing Fat Princess
We need more, just not from the west.
What's this cutie from?
Well if it happened in game, they'd just make her look like Hanako/Nozomi
Reminds me of myself. I play games for escapism. I hate it.
Need more of them and something with a half decent weight gain mechanic already.
I will never not be fucking mad.
Post qt fluff.
I must respectfully disagree; while a fat gf that is almost entirely a bed of adipose has merit, a fat gf that can still move on her own power and is capable of throwing her weight around arouses me more.
>fucking seth mcfarlane face
how am i supposed to get off to this
>Most impressive Pochaco folder on the internet
I will buy this man's game, if only for his good ass taste.
>No Hooters restaurant for fatfags with hamplanets in too-tight uniforms to serve the food (or be fed the food if the customer so desires)
Fuck this gay earth
she dodged a bullet. atlus always makes the fat characters in persona irredeemably shit human beings
i thought this was real because there really are sonico video games. now i'm sad
Even worse, user. It was an April Fool's joke from the Sonico guys a few years back.
There is in Las Vegas.
I need a name.
There are some short WG games, all three made by the same dude.
Heart Attack Grill or something like that.
Reminded me that there is a Plump Maid Cafe in Japan.
I love the idea of a female heavyweight fighter, and she does it pretty well with the whole "extremely limited mobility but powerful as fuck range moves" gimmick.
Ann makes such a cute fatty.
Imagine being so bereft of creativity that you need a videogame character to be obese in order to identify with them.
>not loving both
How dare you user