what were your reasons?
Games you've quit and returned to
Night in the Woods
This thread won't go anywhere if you don't give us a name or more pics
If I got back to GTA Online or Warframe I'll commit suicide.
City of Heroes.
I quit because at the time, DCUP and Champs were new and had "better graphics" and would be "modern super hero MMO games" with "More content".
Boy were I wrong.
When I tried to return the game was closed down.
I am home now.
is this without mods and without paying extra money to have those giant titties? and do they bounce?
actually enjoyed the story up to Jinsoyun final fight
As far as I can remember these are modded but fanservice physics are present without mods
I thought that was censored out of the game.
They censored bns?
Hollow Knight. The game is good, but the moments you keep walking aimlessly trying to find a new place to explore are stupidly annoying. That's why I dropped the game the first time.
I started it again several months later, but I ended up dropping again for the same reason.
the outfit is the uncensored version of the original
yes they did because her original outfit was deemed too revealing, even though there are plenty of other outfits/swimsuits that are more so. Go figure
Borderlands 1. I played it for an hour or so and hated it. Didn't touch it for 2 years, on a whiff tried it again and loved it. The bonus was that I could buy BL2 on the cheap with all the DLC since it had been out for a while by that point.
It's been censored since the day it came out.
What the fuck is wrong with it's face?
Blade and soul sucks donkey dick
TERA 2.0
Wait, is City of Heroes back?
Dark Souls back on the 360
soulless gook trash
Hell yeah motherfucker. Were you asleep the past few days?
Dark Souls. First time I played it I thought it was garbage, second time I thought it was a pile of shit, third time it clicked and now I consider it one of the best games I've ever played
>covered up garment was too revealing
>make "censored" one show tummy and more chest area
Do I really have to join a Discord server to play?
Fighting games.
After playing them for a while I come to the conclusion that I just don't have the time or dedication to get good and they only make me mad.
Yet I keep coming back time and time again.
No, just go to the updates channel, get info you need to sign up and get out.
The only reason to play is literally making a fapfuel character
it sounds incredibly retarded to me now, but for years the only thing i was doing on tf2 was trading
every day i'd go on a trading server and just fuck around until i managed to get a couple of good deals, and my backpack eventually reached about 500 ref
about 3 ago i realized that it was really fucking stupid so i gave my entire backpack away to a random guy and didn't touch the game until last year
since then i'm playing it regularly and it's my favorite game now
Where is the download link though?
Shinobi (PS2)
I quit because I was tired and went to sleep.
When I woke up, I started playing again.
I still come back to it because no other MMO has really kept my interest, then I go back to FFXI and work on getting shit that's still useful years later because of horizontal progression and fights aren't just "do rotation and stand out of bad"
Should I go with the USA vo or undub?
Is Nightshade any good?
Six years later and no one has yet figured out the formula that makes the game so fun. Hell, not even Warframe's developers themselves figured it out, that is why the game went to shit.