Japanese """""""""""humor""""""""""""

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I hate it when anime characters do that stupid expression. It's like the eastern soiface.

American """""""""""humor""""""""""""

Attached: 687787450.jpg (1811x1132, 273K)

Attached: 1545471782061.jpg (1416x937, 463K)


Attached: Local Sweaty Man.jpg (640x360, 90K)

Bro that's hilarious, OP is retard

Attached: 1549589907361.png (638x900, 563K)

this is actually pretty good satire
I'm not sure it was intended as satire though...

Attached: 1531030850271.jpg (850x990, 144K)

western """""""""""humor""""""""""""

Attached: memelands.jpg (1920x1080, 588K)


People like this game? Yikes.

Attached: 1533712831015.jpg (450x720, 89K)


I want to feed them burgers and make them fat and sexy

>watch a cartoon that is aimed for horny weeb teens
>"wow wtf why is there fanservice in my anime"
Its like you faggots seek out to get mad about anything.

>love all sized titties
>almost the entire occidental world has c+ cups
>can rely on the east to provide small titties
>yet the average cup size is going up by the year over there
>DFC will likely be extinct within a decade

Feels bad man

That's really clever actually hahahaha

Attached: 1548306217450.png (523x566, 158K)

your mom is a retard aswell

putting aside the porn bait image and japanese humor webm aside, is there a single game that's legitimately funny for more than one joke? the only example I can think of is the stick of truth and even that was only a handful of legitimately funny moments

Attached: 1555772870892.gif (291x244, 1.88M)

ok i laughed

I liked Portal and Portal 2