>Beat the game several times.
>No other builds to try.
>No rare gear to hunt down.
>No crafting to grind for.
>No multiplayer to engage in.
The shitposters were right.
>Beat the game several times.
>No other builds to try.
>No rare gear to hunt down.
>No crafting to grind for.
>No multiplayer to engage in.
The shitposters were right.
How did you beat it more than twice?
I'm at the end of 2nd playthrough and it feels like a fucking chore.
Enemy variety sucks and revisiting Ashina castle gets old pretty fast.
Its almost like its not a Souls game.
>beat the game several times
Doesn't matter. It has enough similarities to Souls to warrant a direct comparison and not having these features hurts the longevity of the game.
this is why I'm just waiting for it to hit the bargain bin. I wouldn't pay more than $20 for this or DMCV.
Post your play time so I can laugh at all the time you apparently wasted.
Nigger apples and oranges are both fruit but you cant compare them like you would 2 apples. Get lobotomized
How do you beat a Souls game more then twice? Literally once to play it blind and twice to see any content you l missed. Going through with other builds is shit since they all play the same (mash attack/dodge), the content is the same, and most of the shit you're talking about is pointless shallow busy work.
You could go through Chalices forever if you wanted, looking for the ultimate gem, free roaming bosses, oddities, etc, but nobody cares since it's shit.
But it is a Souls game, user.
It's just a Souls game with a few tweaks. The engine isn't even different.
>beat the game several times
Because you completed the game several times you autist
I did four playthroughs because it was fun. Tempted to do a fifth
>Beat the game several times.
>>Beat the game several times.
so you got 40+ hours of gameplay?
So play a different game you fucking retard? Who fucking cares if you don't have the engagement or will to replay the game? Put it down and pick something else up.
Better yet go play dark souls 1 for the probably 9000th time and jerk yourself off again while you play. Jesus Christ you people
Beat it 5 times.
Mainly because it's fun, but also because you can skip 90% of the game during NG+ and just rush straight to each boss.
If you think you can't compare Sekiro to Soulsborne your legit mentally handicapped, get yourself checked.
>play game for dozens of hours on end
>suddenly I'm bored of it
>It has enough similarities to Souls to warrant a direct comparison and not having these features hurts the longevity of the game.
the lack of multiplayer is what will damage the longevity of the game, but obviously this game's combat wouldn't translate well to pvp
Action Adventure =/= Action RPG
lrn 2 spel :^)
Dozens of AAA games get played, beaten, and never touched again and nobody bats an eye but when it's a Fromsoft game that's suddenly a problem?
Soulsfags don't play other games
How do you deal with those double bladed weapon guys with the hats in Senpou Temple or whatever it's called? Even a single one is as hard as a boss for me, and now it wants me to fight 3 at once.
>but obviously this game's combat wouldn't translate well to pvp
Is this a joke? The combat would translate perfectly to PVP, especially 1v1 encounters.
Yea how dare a game only provide 30-50 hours of satisfying single player content. I should be able to play every game for over 500 hours or it's shit. Any single player game in history without builds and rare items to farm is shit.
I know OP it's terrible
God why couldn't they have added horribly coded shitty netcode PvP?
jesus crist
I could still play BB and DS1 and never be bored because there's always new builds and playstyles to try and multiplayer to mix things up.
the little midget chaps?
their hats are shields so use your axe to insta fuck them
You're not passionate about video games and you're only trying to stick to them because you want to belong to the ever growing community of nitpicky zoomers that cannot spend any amount of time without complaining about absolutely everything. It was told from the start the game was a single player campaign, they told you flat out what the restrictions were.
You only want to be another internet comedian-wannabe cynical shitposter, you don't actually give a fuck about video games. Either that or you have a bad habit of spending money poorly on shit you're not informed in.
>God why couldn't they have added horribly coded shitty netcode PvP?
This genuinely made me laugh out loud. People really do romanticize Dark Souls PvP. It's much cooler in concept than it is as a competitive PvP system. Bravo to them for being one of the only companies to truly integrate single player and multiplayer in a way that fits the lore or the world and the gameplay but it's just going to get old if they keep doing it.
my bad - I know what you actually mean
shuriken them when they jump in the air like they do every other second
No, not the midgets.
The first runthrough is fun though. Don't tell me you actually paid full price?
People replay games they enjoy. Shocking, right?
>now I can spam R1 with a spear instead of a sword!
Not him, but are you fucking retarded? Did your peanut break?
You'd literally never catch anyone that didn't want to be caught; the core gameplay of deflections would shit itself with From's awful netcode; you wouldn't be able to do shit against gourd; you wouldn't be able to do shit against grappling hook; firecrackers and must raven would be broke; jumping backwards would be completely unpunishable.
Everyone knows repeated play through a go from 3 hours on second go, then 50> every next time.
>actually want bullshit grinding for lootboxes
the state of gamers
Kill yourself so you don't have to keep fighting them. After two playthroughs they are the only enemy that still fucks me over frequently. Like the other user mentioned, you can hit them out of the air with a shuriken or you can just use a regular attack but that's pretty much the only "cheese" other than stealth kills which are fucking hard to get on them unless you use stealth candy.
>beat game several times
>still enjoy the combat and screwing around with tools and challenge runs
OP is faggot weaksauce.
Chill nigger, they're announcing more Soulsshit at E3.
>he thinks apples and oiranges are the same
You're legit mentally handicapped.
Don't fight them fair.
use Gaichiins sugar and sneak up and stealth kill.
Also use lots of fire.
Everyone plays as Wolf. It would be boring
The dual blade sempou monks.
>Is this a joke? The combat would translate perfectly to PVP, especially 1v1 encounters.
Fromsoft netcode is notoriously shitty, and the combat is so fast paced that the parry-deflect shit would be totally ruined facing somebody with even a slightly high ping
>5 hours into the pvp getting implemented faggots start crying for nerfs
The Darth Maul niggas
Fuck zoomers and fuck whinos
>shitposters keep saying there is no fun to be had
>op clearly had fun enough to beat it multiple times
No... the shitposters weren't right by your own accord. I do admit it definitely doesn't have the same replayability as a Souls game, but it was still decently fun. Hopefully it was a one and done for them though.
If you have the mid air deathblow text you can take them out immediately when they jump
>have sekiro
>play for 68 hours which I enjoyed
>unlocked all achievements
it fucking sucks fuck this game
They have said Sekiro will be a franchise and also the game hints at a sequel with the return ending. I hope they make more. Souls replayability is only fun in theory. You only think you want to replay them. As soon as you do though, you tend to drop it because the combat and actual gameplay is tedious and janky. Sekiro is much more replayable to me just from my experience already.
>beat the game 3 times
>still feel the urge to play it again
Well, shit
Who's they? Links?
>Souls replayability is only fun in theory
Maybe for you... The multiple builds and shit is fun for me and shit like silvercat ring and obscuring ring made 3's PvP entertaining in a whole different way.
Whatever you find fun though. Not every game is needs to be made for me just like not every game needs to be made for you.
Holy shit user, I had no clue thank you. Now I wanna boot up the game just to do this to them.
When do you get that?
Based Boomer
>beat the game multiple times
>wtf why is this game so boring
unironically take a shower with a toaster
Buy it from Blackhat Badger, he's an NPC merchant near the Old Grave idol. He's one of the midget rats.
Beat the real game.
How do you jack it while playing? I tried bouncing my gut on my dick but it tires me out quick
At the castle, near the old grave idol. Jump down to the house with a hole in the roof and buy it from the guy there for 1200 sen. It might actually be 1600 he sells two high price items and I forget which is which.
Never found an old grave idol. Which castle is this?
Based retard. The different movesets mix up how you approach enemies. It's still a hack and slash game though so of course attacking is the primary way you interact with it.
The only one. Go to Grandpas bedroom, then jump down towards the guard tower. There's a house with a hole in the roof.
This. From shouldn't go back to any of their series. The Dark Souls sequels were a mistake and it's good they're not going back and making more new IPs.
How do you play anything besides fucking RPGs? Holy shit, you zoomer.
Backside of Ashina castle. There are several ways to get there. If you have the Great Serpent Shrine idol it's kind of near the bridge that leads there.
>waaah the game is boring after you beat it several times
what kind of fucking retarded criticism is this
Soulsfags are retarded
>everybody loves TLoZ: OOT
>there's no builds
>no rare gear
>no crafting or grind
>no multiplayer
>everyone still loves it
Why is it wrong for sekiro to be what it is? Stop trying to make it a souls game.
Just beat my 5th run today. I was playing from zero this time. Still fun as phuck. Gotta be prepared for upcoming DLC.
I hope the DLC has some cool demons
Starting a new save is probably a good idea, since you get to actually explore areas, rather than running from one boss to another
oh no, I guess it's worthless then. just like all the hundreds of other games without those things. faggot.
When you remove elements people enjoyed about past games you shouldn't be praised for it.
There is no rule that dictates that a game must be 500 hours long.
That you have literally nothing to do in your life and are a marginalized loser doesn't make a game with less content automatically worse.
Kill yourself, you fat retarded subhuman
DLC needs to add ten times the damn apparition enemies. There's barely any in main game.
Kinda missed the point bud...
So why are you complaining that you don't enjoy it anymore?
It needs to let you carry at least 50 emblems and also make them easier to farm/buy and allow you to switch normal combat arts without pausing.
These are by far the biggest issues with the game. It completely discourages you from ever even using any of the cooler arts or tools.
I got to Owl and CBA to finish.
The game just doesn't interest me, simple as. R1 spam > L1 spam.
Opinion fed to Sarlacc
Some people legit have nothing to do and an IQ of 80.
I have no idea how you can reply the same shit over and over either. Especially since ALL the challenge is gone after the first playthrough since it's so heavily based on trail and error in From games.
>a game is bad if I don't want to replay it literally 10 fucking times within a month of its release
>he didn't kill the snake boss
>he didn't kill the dragon
>probably cheated past them
What a loser
I'd say 30, 50 is overkill. Remove cost of combat arts and curb ninjutsus at 5 and I'd say we're good to go.
Point me to the post where I'm complaining about not enjoying the game anymore. For now I'm done with it and that's fine.
it's a good game. it's not from's fault you're a pants on head autist playing it for 300 hrs.
It's true though. They'd be better off just making new and interesting games
30 if fine. Some shit needs to go up in price, like firecracker.
I'm not OP faggot
OP is one of those autists who play a game for 500 hours and then give it a negative review.
Whatever you say, butt head.
>go up in price
>Beat the game several times.
>No other builds to try.
You didn't actually beat Sekiro if you didn't clear NG6+ without charm while carrying bell demon, all bosses/mini-bosses, no attack/HP upgrades, no stealth blows, no arts, no skill upgrades, no tools, no idol, and no hit.
>No rare gear to hunt down.
Anyone would've done this on the first playthrough anyway. Once you know where to go all the fun in exploring and acquiring it is lost.
>No crafting to grind for.
Then go play an MMO or Nioh, faggot.
>No multiplayer to engage in.
Fromsoft is shit at multiplayer.
Only a retarded shitter would run out of things to do in Sekiro.
I enjoyed Sekiro more than any Souls game.
I have less play time in Sekiro than I do any Souls game.
I have "platted" sekiro and no other souls game.
It's almost as if "muh 50000 hours playtime" is unimportant to game quality.
In my first post which was also a response to you I called OP an autist. Literally braindead
I'm at the end of my first run and it feels like a chore
>RPG comes out
>RPG fans on Yea Forums love it
>faggots who don't like RPGs buy it because Yea Forums said it was good
>faggots hate it
>faggots scream about how Yea Forums is always wrong and wasted their money
>horror game comes out
>horror fans on Yea Forums love it
>faggots who don't like horror games buy it because Yea Forums said it was good
>faggots hate it
>faggots scream about how Yea Forums is always wrong and wasted their money
>fighting game comes out
>fighting fans on Yea Forums love it
>faggots who don't like fighting games buy it because Yea Forums said it was good
>faggots hate it
>faggots scream about how Yea Forums is always wrong and wasted their money
I'm sick of this shit. Everyone has genres that they don't like. Nobody is going to personally enjoy every good game that gets made. Stop pretending that there's a singular "Yea Forums's patrician taste", stop buying games you know you won't enjoy, and stop bitching about it when you do.
>apples and oranges are both fruit but you cant compare them like you would 2 apples
Wtf are you talking about. You can compare an orange to an apple, you can do it in general terms for why you like one over the other or specific words for why this orange or apple sucks. Idk what retard told you that someone cannot compare different things
>have no life
The shitposters were right. You need more hobbies.
I meant in emblem cost.
I know what you meant, fag
It is not. You can have a masterpiece that is 2 hours long and a pos game that is 500 hours long. However, a masterpiece that also has replay value is even better.
Unfortunately Sekiro lacks the replay, I loved the game and want to play more but as soon as I start I just get tired of it. As great as the game is, it just doesn't have the staying power of the others and thats too bad, would have really put this game on the next level for me. The game can be a 10/10, I just don't want to play it anymore
Fuck you
t.played 300h of ds3 pvp and hated every single second
>Some people enjoy doing things that I don't enjoy doing therefore they are less intelligent than me
How does it feel to have such a massive superiority complex?
Who the fuck hates rpgs? That's just a weird thing to hate. I get not liking min maxing but you don't need to run a specific build in most games for success and fun
You can't say it has no staying power yet since we don't have the dlc yet. As it stands, Sekiro is a 8.5 for me, but that's only cause of my nitpicks, fun factor is a solid 10.
You finished this game.
Now play one of the hundreds of thousands of other games that this beautiful artform has to offer.
I recommend doing Dreamcast in alphabetical order. Starting with A just watch gameplay footage and circle anything that appeals to you.
I can only judge a came by what is currently available.
First run is fine, but every location is mandatory to play through except for hirata memories, so If you finished Sekiro once, you saw everything. There is nothing more to find.
Even if we are talking about optional bosses, they are just reused bosses who you already fought.
Btw I heard from a capcom guy that those games are pretty cheap to produce for From because they reuse a fuck ton of assets. Which clearly shows this time
>Who the fuck hates rpgs?
Casuals, dudebros and americans.
>a came
Something you want to tell us sweetheart?
It’s not a souls game and fuck the soulsfags and their gay demands
I don't know how people can replay Dark Souls again and again. Same goes for Sekiro.
At what points did games only become enjoyable if you could put 100 hours into it and replay it 10 times?
I got over 30 hours of Sekiro. It was fun. I don't want to play it again, but I enjoyed what I played for the time that I did and I paid the same value that I always paid.
When did we get such an arbitrary rule that every game needs to be replayable and have a 100 hours?
Yet, The Witcher 3 and Skyrim are the most normalfag games ever made, only behind FPS and soccer games
All dark souls games have much more enemy variety/builds/weapons than Sekiro. That's where replayability comes from. And yeah, you can even PvP or help someone with bosses.
Namu fellow shinobi.
>he unlocked resurrect
>Beat the game several times.
>decide at that point that its not that good
you must have sever brain damage
Those are action RPGs though, more "accessible" I suppose, than proper turn based/strategy RPGs.
>build/ weapons
Who cares you are still playing the same areas. The best part of Dark Souls is the exploration after you finished the game you are done with like 95% of that.
Fuck that. Pvp ruined DS3.
You can fight bosses with more than one strat than in sekiro. Sekiro might have "deeper" combat in one direction, but it is totally focused in that way. All boss attacks have specific things you are supposed to do against them, and that is it. We Will see speedrunners master this game a lot faster than the other souls games
PvP in a parry focused combat system sounds like a desync shitfest waiting to happen, Souls was bad enough. Co-op would have completely trivialized all bosses. I wanted multiplayer too but I have no idea how they'd implement it.
If you love dark souls so much why don't you fuck off back to your general then? Fucking (You) cocksuckers.
I dropped the game at ng+ saint sword
No particular reason, just really felt the ng+ run was copy pasted
How many times are you going to make this thread...
how many times are you faggot going to keep falling for it??
>if a game doesn’t have infinite replayability it’s trash
When the fuck did this meme start?
maybe next time pick an RPG. action stealth is clearly not your thing
>If you like a game more than the topic game you cannot give any opinions
kek, I see sekiro fags just want to jerk each other off instead of having any actual discussion
>beat portal
>it's only a couple of hours long
>wtf I already solved all the puzzles it has no replayability
shit game lads, fucking shit.
Doesn't mean its trash. However, a game with reputability also doesn't mean its trash either.
there is nothing to do in NG+ except for gimping yourself with bell and charm. It sucks
Portal was a shit game
This, but un-ironically
unironically does not require hyphenation you fucking cretin
>Shitters don't understand the difference between something completely new vs something that takes a lot form another series
Dark Souls already showed how it is done. Sekiro borrows a lot from souls but it drops in ball in the replay department. We have seen this work, which is why it makes sekiro look so much worse
[suction intensifies]
Had this exact feeling 5-6 hours in when I finally realised those items I was going out of my way to get were ALWAYS just going to be sugars or balloons. No real reason for exploration or NG+, it will be forgotten once the shitters finally finish it.
I did shura ending so I missed about a third of the game which sucks but at least it gives reason and difficulty to do ng+
>>No other builds to try.
>>No rare gear to hunt down.
>>No crafting to grind for.
>>No multiplayer to engage in.
Holy fuck. Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Crash, Spyro, Metal Gear, Ape Escape, Portal, Thief, Contra, Touhou, Mega Man, Shadow of the Colossus, Spider-Man, and more, all blown the fuck out!
Literally no replay value for any of these games.
We all know replay value is nothing but the builds, rare shit to grind for, and multiplayer. If a game doesn't have this, then it clearly could never be worth replaying!
>beat game
>replay it because I had fun
>not because I have some autistic urge to replay to collect pointless items
what the fuck is wrong with you people
>people atill expect Sekiro to be an RPG
>don't make games people love because you can make games people don't
I didnt even reach that far. I got to about right after you fight genny on the roof and got bored
>Matthewmatosis hates it
It’s all over Sekiro bros...
Exploration also leads to prayer beads, new techniques and prosthetics as well
it might be challenging but its not fun game
>another souls shitter who never figures out how to play
Why do people enjoy/dislike things based on what somebody tells them to like/dislike?
Serious question, this shit baffles me.
He doesn't like it because it's more action and less adventure/exploration which is reasonable
good call by him, the video would probably ruin him
Got basically all of those within the 5 or 6 hours. Missed maybe 1 or 2 prayer beads in total. The entire final 3/4 of the game you may as well just rush to the boss, there's no fucking point doing anything else.
You could use that time wisely instead of wasting it playing the same game over and over like a retard. I played through the game one time, took my sweet ads time with it, explored every nook and cranny, got the best ending, testing some dialog options. It took me about 75 hours all together. Had fun every minute. That is the way you play a video game.
It's a good game, it has limited replayability sure but it's still fun for a few playthroughs
>fighting those midget ministry fuckers in long grass
Just axe them and be done with it, manlets get the axe
lads I can't hurt myself, I hate it when I accidentally cut myself, but I think about killing myself all the time, what the fuck did I mean by this?
Sekiro was a fun distraction though
>Got basically all of those within the 5 or 6 hours
So you had a guide open and you rushed through certain areas of the game to pick up items from different areas?
Finished 4 times, have 55 hours. I am fine with this it was a great game.
>play through a game SEVERAL times
>why don't I want to beat it again
No, i'm just not shit at games faggot.
I don't believe you. You're almost certainly full of shit because most people are probably only just getting to Ashina Castle after five or six hours, especially if they did Hirata Estates first (which you must have done).
>which is why it makes sekiro look so much worse
I mean are they never allowed to make a game that's not focused on replay value ever again?
>some guy on my steam friend list beat the game on return ending in 23 hours
did he use a guide or am I just that shit at games?
>replay DaS3 after I finished ng+8 in Sekiro
>literally all bosses in the dlcs are le epic just summon dual bosses
god Dark Souls 3 is so shit compared to 1 and 2.
I was 30 with return but I was fucking about playing very slow, I did about 90% of the requirements organically before a friend spoiled it and told me to go get dead snake guts.
If he did Return first time round he was definitely using a guide
It's better than 2
If you use the rice and go back for more it's not that hard to fall into, especially if you speak to the old women as well.
What? Return ending doesn’t need a guide. It’s basically the ending for completionists who want to explore and do everything. Purification ending actually requires a guide since the requirements are hidden away and so precise you can accidentally skip over them and never knew they existed
Not really I mean Dark Souls 2 dual bosses are fun besides those 3 faggots in the dlc literally not one dual boss is fun in Dark Souls 3.
there is literally no way you got return ending in your first play through without a guide.
Dark Souls 2 has a bunch of shit bosses though
so does 3.
Return isn't that hard without a guide, purification is with all the eavesdropping.
you can easily get it if you explore the entire map
also talk to the divine child bunch of times
It's not that comparable, II is basically wall to wall shit filler bosses that seem completely random and low effort. III has bad bosses but III has TERRIBLE bosses and a fuck load of em.
I suspected he was using a guide because he got the best ending in such a short time but then I had a whole crises about why anybody would spend £50 on a brand new from game just to google how to beat it and then landed on the answer that I was just shit
What a dumb nigger to completely miss the point.
yep pretty sure nobody did this without a guide stop fucking implying you guys did this without a guide.
>le just talk to the divine child a bunch of times
Did you forget the persimmon, holy tome and eating enough rice so she gives you the rice for kuro? Fuck off.
She asks you for it and I used 3 rice just because it had sick healing. Like I said, I already had all the shit done but I only got that ending when someone told me to get the dead snake guts. However I'd have worked that out if I paid attention to the woman I spoke to.
It's easy to miss but not impossible calm down.
>this npc gave some unique persimmon, maybe i should save it for something
>oh hey there's a give rice option on kuro
yea but in
is it possible? I just feel real incompetent because this 18 year old fuck beat the game on return first time 23 hours and it took me a """bit""" longer
No shit retard that's because you beat the game. Now play another one.
What? Are you poor or somthing?
>used dragonrot cure
>no longer want to continue
>le just talk to the divine child a bunch of times
you say that like you're enough of a retard to think that NPC was just there to give you a handful of rice one time besides finding her when she fucks off to the monkey place and getting 3 rice it basically plays out like a linear quest, also the women literally ask you for rice so why would you not go get more?
He will have 100 percent looked up a guide, all I'm arguing is that it's not as hard as people make out to find it naturally if you're looking under every nook and cranny and trying to do NPC quests.
the items to cure it are sold at vendors for a reasonable price, you'll be fine
I think sekiro has the potential to spawn a new kind of action game genre with how unique posture is but they need to REALLY flesh it out better
In what ways could they flesh it out better?
dragonrot is just a meme
I agree, I beat it without a guide it just took me a bit longer.
I honestly think sekiro is much easier than the souls game - it's the only one I've platted and with much less playtime.
The thing I struggled with is why this kid would pay £50 to read a walktrhough and get the true ending in 20 odd hours
dont kill yourself until ghosts comes out
give the attacks directions like Nioh.
Sekiro should have been a pure action game like DMC or whatever - with level select and everything. That way, I could at least fight against the 2-3 bosses which are actually interesting, without having to go trough almost entire game over and over again just to reach them.
>with how unique posture is
I did it because I was curious about both killing the snake, and because I like little girl characters so I kept going to talk to her.
Good. He should prioritize another Rain World video.
Sekiro is just a pretty tight action game telling a story with a soulsborne Miyazaki flair and it may legitimately be my favourite game of all time. People may want it to be a more expansive dark souls like experience but that's not what they were going for, I understand that not being what some people want but what's the point in lamenting the lack of something the devs never intended, they haven't failed to deliver something, they've just delivered something else that they wanted to make.
With how many amazing games you have probably never played. Why would you want to beat the same game several times in succession?
I'm 100% sure they looked at NioH and refined it, I'm sure that guy's point is more that this simply has a lot of potential for more games and it does, I fucking loved fighting human bosses in NioH and breaking their ki.
That's also how I feel. It's a little less explorative and inspired than DaS/BB but I think it's overall a tighter package.
>can't beat a random ass one-handed purple ninja
>beat a divine dragon no problem
explain this sekibabs
>finish game
>nove on
Is this really so hard to grasp for Zoomers?
>we will never get an entire Nioh game as good as the Alpha was
Casuals will never know.
The game is a fucking boring one-and-done and will be forgotten by everyone the moment shit-tier games journalists find a new source of clickbait.
Glad I pirated it.
Bloodborne PC port soon :^)
they are easy
if you have a problem against them just find one near a shrine a practice on him
I liked it because it removed the constantly getting lost element of Dark Souls.
No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.
Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.
Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquers beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.
How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.
Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.
And then here comes f***ing Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind s***posts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.
And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it stills says I'm not . No, I'm a Conqueror.
>>can't beat a random ass one-handed purple ninja
They actually have two hands, they just hide the other beneath their poncho for some reason
I beat it four times and still think about it daily. Keep seething
Why do you care?
Does it need infinite replayability?
Why can't you just enjoy the game once or twice and be done with it? Not everything has to be played for thousands of hours.
>want to replay cool ass bosses like Sword Saint or Owl 2
>remember I have to go through the entire fucking game again to do so
Why were ascetics allowed to die with DaS2?
mikiri the leg
goomba stomp the sweep
keep hitting him until he deflects you, then be prepared to immediately deflect his counter
You can mikiri his fucking foot?
>proper turn baed/strategy RPGs
his kick is a thrust attack so yes
I think they should make prosthetics less about situational gimmicks and more practical like, say, the rune powers of breath of the wild, that you can use as actual tools and not just very specific boss tamers
for example I love the sabimaru but poison is kinda worthless in this game since everything that is not a boss dies very quickly and I'm not even sure bosses can be poisoned at all, it just serves as a snake eye rape tool
It's a blessing when someone who actually enjoys games posts. We would be bros in person.
>i enjoy shit game. u mad? :^)
Pathetic. No (You) for you.
I got stuck at a boss and used the droplet, I don't want to die all those times again
It's a great and clever idea but not really unique on it's own. The most interesting part is how you essentially trade your guard resource for extra guard damage in a more direct manner reliant on timing.
You can poison the ghost lady
turn based and real time RPGs are not nearly as popular as action RPGs user.
>>le just talk to the divine child a bunch of times
user. You get that priest's message about the divine child, either from the priest himself if you get to Senpou Temple before fighting Genichiro, or from diving in the lake in Senpou Temple if you didn't get it from the priest prior to beating Genichiro.
1. A lot of more exploration oriented players sought out all the areas before rescuing Kuro at the top of the castle. These people would meet the priest at Senpou.
2. After receiving the ability to dive lots of players take the opportunity to dive in each and every body of water they've ever came across previously in order to see what they'll find. These people will find the message in the lake even if they didn't get it from the priest himself.
Now here is the real thing that typically determines whether or not someone finds the return ending naturally or not without a guide.
3. The player used the divine child as a regular resource for extra heals by requesting rice.
Do this and she will outright ask you for a persimmon and if you don't you can't even get more rice.
After this, the next time the player returns to acquire rice, and she isn't even there. They wonder where she might be, and considering how she has never left the temple it's not entirely unthinkable to think that she is in the illusion realm after confirming that she indeed isn't in the temple.
And voila! She asks you to fetch the snake hearts and that's the mission for the return ending.
1. Don't be shit at exploring.
2. Use the rice.
A guide is absolutely not required. But it's understandable that not everyone would find it naturally. Like if you never needed to use the rice.
Ok, let's say they're not meant to be the same thing. Doesn't change the fact that one feels like an empty experience and the other not.
>Doesn't change the fact that one feels like an empty experience and the other not.
Probably not the best choice of word there for what you wanted to convey.
I mean Sekiro's world is quite alive. Wartorn and full of people and activity everywhere.
Meanwhile the worlds of the Souls games are characteristically dead. It's like by design. Granted that makes the stuff that are alive pop out more, but for the most part those games are relatively barren. Empty if you may.
What's the point of Bite Down? What's the point of Vault Over?
Thanks in advance.
I have a save before every boss.
>vault over
>free stealth kill
>use the blood cloud in the middle of combat
>free backstab kills on enemies
>whats the point????
dunno about bite down though lad
>Bite Down
Let's you die quicker so you can wait and backstab an annoying enemy.
>Vault Over
Let's you use Ninjutsu against enemies that already spotted you.
>What's the point of Bite Down?
Let's you die repeatedly faster on bosses like Owl and Genichiro so you can hear their cool lines when you die for the 3rd time
Jokes aside though a death from Bite Down won't apply the black mark to your resurrection nodes so by dying via bite down you can use up all three nodes at your leisure, whereas dying via an enemy only lets you resurrect once
they even put in the holy women asking for rice so that you'll use it even if you don't eat it
am I fucking being memed on right now? The fucking hidden tooth doesn't remove a node?
If this is true I'm going to be very fucking mad REEEEE
If you're below half health and have no heals it'll restore you to half if you res.
>Vault Over
Backstab deathblow for ninjitsu.
It removes a node, it just doesn't apply the black mark to your resurrection node bar when you use it so you can res thrice as opposed to just once before permanently dying
>Beat the game several times.
I think you found your problem OP. Have you tried not replaying the same game over and over?
Yeah, they could have at least tried to change enemy placements or add extra moves or phases it the bosses.
>resurrect gauge used
>died during fight
we can't all afford $80 for a 4 hour game user
>4 hour game
stop being disingenuous
this game is exposing casual e-celebs
fucking godtier game
A true shinobi utilizes all tools available to him to win the fight. Didn't Isshin teach you anything?
You can't finish the game without killing the dragon unless you're doing shura. Serpent isn't a boss.
It took me like 30 to beat it and cost me $60 so.....
But if you are on a budget there are tonnes of old games you can buy for cheap. Not every purchase has to be a Day one full priced one silly Canadian user...
How do you do it? Just jump and swing like the lightning reversal?
>brain fries and resets to factory default
>instantly post pepe
>brain fries and resets to factory default
>instantly post wojak
I wish I would still have the motivation to beat a game more than once.
Who said anything about loot boxes you fucking retard
why is every boss in this shit so easy to kill? literally just use sprint to sonic on their assess
>being poor and Canadian
everyone laugh.