>just a small studio of normal looking dudes making video games
>kept a lot of the original team from the Syphon Filter days
>helped push Sony to put a second analog stick on the vita
>not a single mention of any sort of forced agenda
why do we want Bend Studios to fail?
Just a small studio of normal looking dudes making video games
Other urls found in this thread:
>white male and female marrying in a Christian ceremony
this is NOT okay
Syphon Filter hadn't been good since 3
Generic zombie, movie, open world game with slow and clunky gameplay.
>Another cinematic third person game that looks like every other PS4 gane
Because their game looks shit and we don't worship normalfaggotry here.
well the game is crap
Fucking disgusting. Literally the least Diverse and Inclusive outcome.
>he says while 12 smash threads are active
Days Gone looks so fucking bad. How did this get approved?
Liking mediocre games to own the libs
Everyone has a forced agenda. Hell, statistically, blondes are like 2% of the population(16%, if you're being lenient) yet, somehow they're 50% of all leading characters. How does that happen?
>wearing a hat, a vest, and rolled up sleeves to your wedding
>weearing a hat BACKWARDS to your wedding
>wearing tattoos to your wedding
I didn't care before but now I do want this game to fail who ok'd this stupid shit
>yet, somehow they're 50% of all leading characters. How does that happen?
their's an entire science behind facial recognition and choosing actors that stand out from the crowds
blondes have a huge advantage in being easily marketed
>those tattoos on the man AND the woman
absolutely disgusting
The only thing that looks worse on a women's body than tatooes are armpit hair
Game looks like shit but I kind of want to get it to piss off all those journalists that only focus on how it's "not diverse" enough.
It's incredibly generic and the tags are everything done 100x before.
I think he's a biker or something, I wouldn't be surprised if they did that kind of retarded shit.
The character is white trash. What's the issue?
but there's no armpit hair in that pic?
White people were always good at justifying their biases. When whites push their agenda, it's a science. When others push their own agenda, it's a corruption.
so why couldn't this just be a new Syphon Filter game?
But there are nasty tattooes.
>the priest has a fucking bolo tie on
>whites run hollywood
every exec at every single movie studio is jewish
>marrying a slampig
>F.T.W on the jacket
something tells me this game should have come out ages ago...
A tattoo has never looked good on a girl
It stands for "Fuck The World" you goddamn zoomer.
>want them to fail
Their game looks unappealing, simple as that. I don't want them to fail, they're not Bioshit, but I'm not going to ignore their garbage either.
Because the game looks boring. I'm sorry but it does.
And who are the primary consumers? Where is the revenue coming from? I don't even have to say, you already know.
It's not only about execs either. It's about writers, and casting directors. There are a shit ton of white people in Hollywood.
But it's not even only Hollywood. It's any creative medium. Video games, comics, literature, whatever. Corporate owned studios, independently owned studios. It doesn't matter. White people will force Blondes to leading roles.
I'd like to play it on the off chance it's actually good but I don't want to spend 60 bones on it.
>making a generic zombie game instead of a new SF
It's OK though, SF would probably receive the modern gaming treatment
>Where is the revenue coming from?
brown people have never stepped foot into a theater before black panther, FACT
>It's about writers, and casting directors
most of which are jewish as well
Because your post doesn't include
>made a good game
Blondes are ugly, brunettes destroy them in every area
just played the em4 pirated version
its okay
For me, it's Days Gone.
>30 hr main campaign
>Hordes of 50-500
>1200 random events
>Every interior can be entered
>Dense open world filled with secrets
>Dynamic day/night/weather cycle(s)
>AI evolves the more you play
Now take all the Asians, Arabs and Negros out and they have a much higher percantage.
>Hell, statistically, blondes are like 2% of the population
WORLD population you fucker not North Americas and Europes population.
does Yea Forums just hate white people?
>1200 random events
what kind of events?
any examples?
They hate every PS4 exclusive since they can't pirate them like they do everything else. If this game was on PC too people would definitely be more excited for it.