AVGN thread

AVGN thread

Attached: dat AVGN.jpg (479x359, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/dat avgn/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/avgn sega cd/


*flinches your path*

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You're obsessed with a YouTube faggot that wasn't good in 2005. Even when I was fourteen I couldn't stand his lame ass jokes. It's lowest common denominator garbage

— and I don't mean obsessed in the memetic sense. You've taken this shit to the next fucking level. Not only have you mentioned listening to each episode hundreds of times — but you've also claimed that you need to hear his voice in order to fall asleep.

No way in Hell you don't masturbate to James. When I call you the fuck out too many times, you make a new thread criticizing him to avoid being called a shill.

You're fucking pathetic.

Kill yourself.


t. try hard zoomer

>being this obsessed about someone else on Yea Forums
thats a yikes from me

Get the fuck out, retard.

Nobody likes a manchild bitch.


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He shills AVGN every single night. He's made thousands of threads.

>Just let him defecate where we eat.

No. Fuck you.

Whatever happened to Spoony guys?

Its so easy to spot reddit tourists who cant downvote people anymore so they just sperg out

Post James kino to rev this sperg

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It has to be Mineycrafta Mike Magay making these threads

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/dat avgn/

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I've been coming here since 2007, retard. Quit deflecting.

AVGN was never good. OP needs to quit sucking his dick and advertising his shit without monetary compensation of any kind.

Only a moron would defend this trash.

The first game sucks.
They tried to create something difficult to give the same feeling of the unfair games of the past, but the level design is so bad that they managed to make a game considerably worse than things that were released in 1987. In the end the game was more stupid than difficult.
I never played the second game.

Is it 2009?

Keep going zoomlet, you are the biggest joke in this thread

Not even close to how many threads he's made.

Search this one: I was about to do the same thing. The archive isn't loading where I'm at.

completely obsessed

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/avgn sega cd/

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Oh so you were a underage faggot coming here and ruining Yea Forums

Jesus christ, why the fuck do you care so much to autistically spreg out about it?

Castlevania series is kino.

Why do reddit tourists get so revved that people like to talk about the same thing? Is it because of le karma whoring?

fuckernaughts and astrobastards

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year of the spoon 2019!!!

You actually need to take a look at yourself and ask why are you so obsessed with another user on a weeb forum

AVGN Adventures? It wasn't so bad, I actually found it enjoyable except for the bosses which were piss easy, except for the final one which took me way too many tries. The music at least was really good.


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R: 31
P: 14

Nice. OP's gonna samefag the fuck outta his faggy shill thread.

Holy shit, you have problems.

You cant bump your own threads anymore dude, how fucking new are you

Tiger Games is probably my favorite episode. The fucking R-Zone man.

Really like Dark Castle and PDWT too though

Still fourteen posters, retard. Samefag harder you seething cocksucker.

Imagine loving a shitty e–celeb this much:

Go away samefag

I didn't imply that, you fucking mouth–breather. He's defending his autistic obsession.

This triggers the sperg

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I shit up actual vidya threads btw

seek professional help you need it

I love his lets plays with mike where he pauses the game fifty times to try to manage a cohesive thought then unpauses and doesn’t know how to play a video game whatsoever.


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Why are redditors triggered by Yea Forums culture

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They are just desperate to fit in


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Dude needs to stop doing shit like the Sonic 06 one, he's out of his element.
The aladdin one had a shit start and conclusion but the other 80% of the video was decent. No more screenwave retards please.

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I don't get it, dude's going bald?

Aladdin has been his worst video in a while, most of the recent ones have been pretty decent especially when he actually burns the Amiga CD32 with a flamethrower.

But at least the bad CGI dancing genie was hilarious.

He has been going bald for a while now. He usually wears caps on his other videos but in AVGN, because of the character, he doesn't, so you an see he has gone bald from both front and scalp. Dude's reaching his 40's anyway.

I thought the parts with the actual device were fine. I just didn't like the screenwave fatty doing aladdin himself at the start and the obviously promotional "cameos" at the end that added fuck all to the overall quality.

He's going bald but instead of bracing it he tries his damnest to hide it


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I see that, I just don't get the humor. I guess he should wear a rug? Idk.

You know how I know you are a woman

I miss boobsy guys, he is the real boomer

It's Mike or a Screenwave Fatty trying to astroturf.

My dick?

what if James is trapped in that basement guys

I only watch AVGN or solo James videos. I unsubbed from the channel because all I was getting was garbage tagged with mikematei and sponsored shit.

Anime Nerd

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didn't he actually show up in an anime?

You have 10 seconds to post YOUR favorite AVGN episode

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Probably pong consoles

mike literally doesn't even care about james anymore, he makes enough money from his twitch shit to be self sustainable. He used cinemassacre as a springboard and it worked.

Just started watching this guy. Why are half of his jokes about shit or poop? It's not really that funny, it seems like he has a fascination with it.


>wearing a cap
That’ll do it.

it was funny 15 years ago when his viewers were kids.
You can't go back and watch it now.
Watch Spooney if you want good game reviews.

Nintendo Accessories and Spider-Man.

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Him and NC yeah

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I'd say Batman but that's a given, so Atari Sports.

True kino incoming

>254 till Raid 2020 review
who excited here?

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Him and the Nostalgia Critic showed up in the background of some anime, called something The Unlimited or something

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Does anybody actually have a real one?

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Nobody, because James won't have any involvement beyond reading the lines the Screenwave blobs write for him.

James was a thing from its time and the first true e-celeb, back when the internet was still young and we found gross humor fun, reason why nowadays it feels a bit too forced. He excells on reviews though, and ironically he has probably the best and most unbiased Seaman review in the whole internet.

Earthbound still remains AVGN kino.

The biker dude is kind of cool. The rest are garbage. Mike being the worst.

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Virtual Boy is great, why does no one ever mention it?

Because it caused intense vomiting and blindness after 20 minutes of use.

its a tie between

i cry every time he reminiscents about the series

did he write the eartbound episode himself? it feels like the last genuine episode

His review retard

>le poop joke man


The worst episodes ever are Toxic Crusaders, Home Alone and that Sega Activator one.

Just awful. I sense a pattern though: Episodes with some camo are trash.

Did you know that the Nerd apparently has a Japanese fandom, too? People sub his videos and put them on NND.

the one with Macaulay Culkin was ok
but the toxic crusader one was the first one when i went like

Any episode with any sort of skit are trash.
If he's just talking about video games you get a chill episode.

Macuckley Heroin is painfully unfunny

I have this

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I beg to differ, Home Alone was actually pretty good because there was actually a good dynamic between him and Mack, you can see he was enjoying himself a lot making the video.


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fucking cringe dude
zero chemistry and he's zero percent funny

You should honestly delete this. Not even kidding

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TC, SA, Sonic 06 p1 and 2, Drake of 99d, the kingdom hearts one, and the MKM Sub zero one

I'm glad Ryan owns the channel now. It's finally starting to turn a profit

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A combo of this tard and mike was what made me unsub. Yea Forums always tells me when avgn is up anyway so fuck the channel

My personal top 3.


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kino choice, although it should be Bible games 1

ROB was literally the peak of AVGN, and I view it in a Spongebob movie kind of way where it's canonically the last episode no matter what

sorry, I meant chronologically, not canonically

Honestly both work since the Spongebob movie was confirmed to take place at the latest point in the series.

>you need to hear his voice in order to fall asleep.
I don't need it but damn if him screaming at old video games doesn't relax the ever lovin shit outta me


mike literally doesn't do anything anymore, why are people so caught up on him? He shows up for J&MM and they don't even edit those themselves anymore.

I like when he reads the fanmail and can’t stop laughing. I also like the clips videos, the rob video, the Megaman video, and a few others.

With AVGN it’s kind of like the TV show Scrubs for me. I thought Scrubs was hilarious when I first saw it in middle school. In high school o grew out of it and found it way too corny. Then later in college I had an appreciation for it again. Same sort of pattern with AVGN.