ITT:Comics that didn't age well

ITT:Comics that didn't age well.

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wheres the porn

Doesn't he do porn himself now?

I want to fuck that cat


Yeah and it's not very good because he can't drop his over-exaggerated body movements and expressions schtick.

I don't get it but I want to fuck that cat.

Casuals aren't gamers

Has anyone else botched up the road to easy success as hard as Scott?

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>becomes slightly successful
>gets married just to get divorced and pay her bills for the next twenty years

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>Cartoonist can’t draw more realistically
And in other news, you’re gay

I want to fuck that host

>Casual game
I miss those days

i miss the colbert report

he went to shit after he took off his comedy central mask and turned into another fuck trump comedian

Nothing keeps cartoonists from drawing realistically. It's a personal thing for each particular artist.


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and now the same thing happens with epic
quentin was truly a visionair

That's Skyrim. They're both casual games.


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That's fucking great. Was it the thot he killed his forum over? I remember the good old days of the VG Cats forum before he did the redesign to make it more "accessible" and made some bitch that came out of nowhere a mod/admin.

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das skyrim, did oyu not play it? you should def buy it and try it out

Stephen Colbert used to be funny before he contracted that brain parasite that makes him seethe about Trump 24/7

MN9 is a deep well of cringe

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this only became more true overtime

As soon as complained about mlp references he may as well have shot his own foot off

>Scott makes porn now

I fought the good fight, poor bastard.

t. Totally Not Todd

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OP should've said
hard mode: no kickstarter projects

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someone post the one where the blue one's pet dies

On his Patreon.

I'm not joking.

Also Broken Age. Remember Broken Age? It wasn't good.

That parasite is called "being a multi millionaire for hosting autopilot late night garbage aimed at nostalgic boomers". No man has survived it thus far.

Is the middle Bloodstained? It's not even out yet...

Kickstarter cannot deliver good games.
Publisher model is a necessity, the worse the publishers have gotten, the better have the games become.

Go and try to fap to it
I dare you

bloodstained looks ok though

This is a lie, but most high profile Kickstarters have been pretty lackluster.

I remember MN9 kickstarter hype threads on Yea Forums. I remember arguing over which Call was the best. What a shame.

It is not a lie but a truth.

i'm at least glad the one i voted for won

these make me feel like a anime fan on prom night

Your opinion was shit, faggot.

Oblivion 2 is pretty graphically distinct from the original though