Garnet cuts off hair

>Garnet cuts off hair
>instantly 100% more fuckable

Her thirst is boundless. Think she used to order her guards to watch her schlick and squirt all over her royal bed sheets? Im thinking years of being stuck in that tower turned her into a right thot.

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Short haired women are literally boys without a penis

Garnet > Dagger

>short hair Garnet
Fucking disgusting.

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She's the only Final Fantasy character I ever renamed. Ever.
Renamed her from Dagger to Garnet..
Sorry Mom...

Can't agree with you, sorry. Her long hair was fucking gorgeous and did a lot for her silhouette. Especially the little belt-tied bundle at the end.

There are definitely girls that look better with short hair, but she ain't one of em'.

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>Zidane busted money loads into exactly this eager to please face

Excuse me? She is a princess. She probably insisted they do it missionary for the purpose of creating an heir

I bet she used to call Steinwr into her quaters and make him watch her flick the fucking bean and not to look away as she loudly climaxed with her fingers deep inside thats what i think.

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I love princess Garnet

>this big dumbo gets the hottest girl and one of the strongest women in the game as his waifu

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I really wish we had gotten Lani instead of the red haired fuck

Amano's vision of Steiner makes him look like a chad though.

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Too much hentai bro

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>YouTube thumbnails

>no cute buck teeth

>now we finally have the hardware to make a game with the aesthetics of amano's art he's thrown in the trash
What a fucking waste of talent that franchise ended up being. It squandered fucking everything.

this is the ideal hair length and style for a woman
garnet is a slut
prove me wrong

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Can you FUCK OFF?!?

Oh the fucking irony of anybody calling another character a slut compared to Yuna.

Sounds great.

Why is yuna a slut?

Sounds like the logic of someone who likes "girls" with penises.

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Probably because of the horribly written novel and audio drama, both of which are still canon. The audio drama sets up a new adventure since Sin is back again with the implication that Yuna plans to use a method that involves sex with some new guy to stop Sin without sacrificing Tidus due to a summoner who did something similar in the past where she cucked her lover to save him. The entire thing is retarded and the fact that SE still hasn't come out and said that this isn't canon is mind boggling.

She also FUCKED Tidus at the lake while Kimahri watched

>both of which are still canon

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Don't forget the Tidus literally dies by kicking a Blitzball that turned out to be a bomb and decapitated him.

What the fuck were they smoking?

There is only one reason to have a garnet thread lately so if its happening, lets be explicit about it. Garnet gleefully sucks down zidanes monkey loads every night.

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The nerd got what he deserved for trying to hit the Jecht shot Mk.1

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I liked that FF9 actually had a full on happy ending. Yes I know there's the whole Vivi thing, but considering the circumstances that's probably the best ending he could have gotten.

Amano's like fucking damn near 90. Let him rest already jesus, they got about as close as they could with dissidia but he's old as fuck now.

Yes it did, Zidane died and everyone lived happily ever after without that monkey fucker
Fuck off

How exactly do they make FMV scenes look way better than the ingame graphics?

Why are you so upset at Zidane and Garnet being the OTP?

"Zidane" and "Garnet"? Nani?
I certainly hope you mean Jeedan and Ganetto desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

They aren't, it's canon that zidane dies

>implying Steiner isn't already the biggest chad in the game
Steiner has a height of probably like ten feet going off of how much taller he is than anyone else, and he's the only character in the main party who doesn't use some sort of magic bullshit or have a weird supernatural backstory. Steiner is literally just some huge fucking dude with a big ass sword, and not only is he just a dude, but he's one of the strongest party members for most of the game, and can routinely hit maximum damage by the end game. Chad as fuck.

Steiner x Vivi
Ever wonder how Vivi had all those babes?

what the fuck is going on in this thread, only people without autism reply to this post

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uh oh

What babes?

The babes with the power

What power?

STOP. Oh wait. I've changed my mind. Let him go.

...Power is power.


Only closeted faggots prefer short hair.

Is she stuck with the name for the entire game or does she go back to Garnet at one point?

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Why is the character design for IX all chibi?

Why does Yea Forums like girls who look like boys?

Wouldn't it be easier just to admit you're gay?

Steiner is based

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She's Dagger until the end unless you rename her