ZTD thread

ZTD thread

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Where the fuck did the old man come from?

I reject this

The third game doesn't exist.

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Jumpy is the dumbest nickname ever.

It actually wasn't that bad. I really liked most of the tense scenes in the game. I loved the art style and the janky animations as well.

I wish he just went full on Saw rather than add the timey limey stuff.

Eric best boy.

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Hey guys, I'm just going to cross this path. Don't mind me.

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Bro, he was like, there the whole tiem lmao

What kinda game is this? I accidentally clicked on a thread once and it seems like it's a time travel vn puzzle game. I'm a brainlet and can't do puzzles but I'm running out of things to play on my vita should I play it


Yes. Play 999, then VLR, then ZTD. Then play Danganronpa 1, 2, V3, and Zanki Zero to cleanse your palate.

>mods are actually pro-Uchi

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Start with 999, then play Virtues Last Reward, then ignore Zero Time Dilemma and imagine your own ending to the trilogy.

Remember, no Kyle.

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Play 999 and VLR, those are the first two in the series and are superb. Play ZTD if you feel like disappointing yourself.

Try the ace attorney series or professor layton if you want more solid story and puzzles.

The Sigma reveal in VLR actually wowed me.

The Old Man reveal in ZTD fucking pissed me off

I have no idea why it worked that way.

It's the third game in a series, and is also the shit one of the three. There's a collection of all three games on Vita called Zero Escape: The Nonary Games.

Despite zero time dilemma being a disappointing end. It's a good standalone plot....with a retarded ending. It's like one of those really good stand alone movies that you think is really really good but they take a dumb turn in the 3/4th of the movie

>Zero Escape: The Nonary Games

That just has the first two. ZTD is separate.

So let me get this straight.
Nobody actually ever referred to the kids with the giant helmet on; they were in fact always talking to the blind, dumb, deaf man in a wheelchair.
And not once did they question why their team had 4 people?

It was the Deci-sion game user

I always see people make threads about this game, but not ONCE have I see a single person post an in-game screenshot.

What the fuck is even the gameplay?

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Because the Sigma reveal in VLR is built up through the entire game with various hints in dialogue and the plot (such as his false arm that shouldn't be that way) in a subtle manner that still sound off the first time, and you even see him appear as Zero in a visual recording. It's fucking genius.

Meanwhile Delta is conveniently off screen the entire game despite dramatic camera angles (there are only a few parts where you can see a shadow that shouldn't be there, but otherwise he's a fucking ninja) and they take all the steps they can to make sure you don't know about it, and disingenuously referred to Sean before release as Q as well. It's the sort of "neener neener" twist that isn't mindblowing because there's literally no way you could have known beforehand.

it's a VN you complete utter retard
it has some light puzzle elements but it is fundamentally a visual novel

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Escape the room puzzles followed by VN story sections

It's a standard VN style with 3D first person puzzle rooms mixed in.

The problem is they assumed everything was off screen. There are hints, but not enough. There's even a scene where q team talks to q directly.

It explains a lot why Eric is freaking the fuck out because there's a random robot kid there.

I still haven’t touched this. I don’t want to ruin VLR and the horror stories I’ve seen on here about this was enough to drive me off

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>Meanwhile Delta is conveniently off screen the entire game despite dramatic camera angles (there are only a few parts where you can see a shadow that shouldn't be there, but otherwise he's a fucking ninja)
There are hints, but not enough.

The fact that he's nowhere to be seen in the Library when exploring negates any hints.

Make your own decisions. (Lmao)
I think the hate only came from the hype. The ending is disappointing but there's a lot of good points in the game as well.

It's not that bad really it's just not as good as the others

>It actually wasn't that bad
The only passable thing were the escape rooms and even they were far worse than the ones in previous games and also completely unmemorable. Everything considering the story or characters had to be consumed ironically to be bearable.

That's why during Qteam I think it would be better if it was a PoV camera instead. It would hide the twist and also add a layer of "oh shit it was there the whole time." Make another scene where Eric goes like "well it's not like this guy is going to make a decision for us" while he stares at the camera.

That's like your opinion dog. The characters were definitely solid only being a bit off during the ending. Some of the plot points were pretty cool, I think done a bit better the delta reveal can work.
I definitely loved the early scenes where everyone starts panicking over their deaths.

It might have been okay on it's on, but goddamn did it fuck the ZTD lore

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>That moment when Alice wakes up from her coma, and fucking kills you.

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I was fucking dying during the epilogue when everyone's ragging on Delta and he's all like smug because he didn't technically do anything in that timeline. Best madman in the entire series tbqh.

Too bad it was ruined as soon as Carlos opens his mouth and starts spewing the "FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS" shit.

>People didn't see all the Delta clues before the ending
It's unironically the most mindblowing game in the series.
There are numerous hints about Delta in the game all over the place.
The 'who to shoot' scene literally gives you the answer
Maybe you're all just brainlets and the game isn't for you.

>every game you play as Zero
it's still pretty cool, but easily the worst one. But that's not saying much when the other two are 10/10's

>Carlos opens his mouth and starts spewing the "FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS" shit.
But can't half the people there literally jump timelines even when they're dead? Are they going to fix every single timeline?

Not going to lie, I definitely enjoyed Eric a lot more than Alice. At least he has a reason to be unhinged.

user, don't be that dude. I remember the first time I typed Delta in as a "no way this would work". I got so fucking confused seeing the dude I honestly thought I skipped a cutscene. I've seen some Let's plays and they all had similar reactions.

You only play as Zero in one of the games though.

The characters acted completely inconsistent over all routes and Junpei was an entirely different character that shared a name with the original one. The story was full of plotholes and bullshit and plot conveniences and in general completely poorly written and it actually affected all the previous games, especially VLR since everything in that game is basically pointless now.

People saying only the ending was bad are completely retarded. Even if you ignore the extreme low budget, the ending and delta in general the game is still horribly done. Be it the forced theme or the dumb characters doing whatever they want or the forced death scenes and characters getting mad as fuck out of nowhere just because those were popular themes in the previous games.

Akane's thoughts/decisions on the bottom screen
Delta mind hacking the characters when you're given a choice

They'll probably look for a timeline where everything's all honky dory. The last choice over to shift or not was kinda dumb. They shouldn't have add that moral dilemma since it adds nothing to the story.

That being said, holy shit this scene was pretty kino and uncanny.

1:50:12 if you're on mobile. Seeing Carlos start being creepy and shit was really fucking disturbing.

I can see you're mad because you're looking it in the eyes of a sequel. Take your mindset out of it and look at it from a different point of view. I know you won't though.

But they literally mention an old man in a wheelchair several times throughout the game.
You thought he was just there for the heck of it?
You never thought they'd put a character in a game and rarely reference him and he wouldn't be the culprit?
The first time they mentioned the wheelchair I instantly suspected him the whole way through, and all I got was more suspicious since they never shown him.

I didn't think ZTD was bad. It's flawed yes but it's not like it raped my mother.

How do we erase ZTD from this timeline guys?

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I had a lot of hope for ZTD for the first few hours, but it just falls off too quickly. As a standalone it's bad, as a ending what we got was worse than when it was cancelled. It just had too many problems to overlook, from the fax machine to Left being ignored besides one throwaway line to Junpei's bulletproof ribcage to Shifting suddenly becoming an ethical dilemma. It was just piling problem on problem.

I don't remember that line from the game.

I don't know guys, I was a sucker for Saw-like movies and seeing this pop up was pretty great. I did hate the parts where they infodumped but I enjoyed it.

Rate the Arcs:
C Team 6-7/10
D Team 8/10
Q Team 8/10
Final 4/10

I think it's one of the scenes where You is looking up files on the computer. There were a bunch of dumb scenes there like something about wet tip of a marker pen or something suggestive like that.

I don't even need to look at the previous games. Just looking at the concept art that was released before the game, with the intention to hype people up, is enough to not bother with the game anymore.

I don't know who decided to make the game a fully animated 3D one but itwas obvious that the team behind the game was completely inexperienced in doing do and even if it wasn't it proved to be too expensive and the game as a result is not even half of what it was supposed to be.

To be fair VLR left it with nowhere to go.
ZTD would be better off as a short movie rather than a game

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Yep, that one.

>Massage History

The time pre-launch hype with Yea Forums was better than the actual game and post-game discussions desu.

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Are the games like Never 7 and Ever 17 any good when compared to 999 and VLR?

This is a pleasant surprise in a place where bad taste and crying/g¡hating just because reigns

Remember11 > Power gap > 999 > Ever17 > VLR > Never7 > Second power gap > ZTD

It's not that bad. I'd still play it

ever17 is the original uchikoshi idea, basically.

If you take Gab out of the game you could actually start making sense out of it.
Gab is the only thing that muddies everything and makes the reveal look stupid.

>ZTD would be better off as a short movie rather than a game
That's the problem and not the salvation. Uchi wanted to make kino instead of a visual novel.

That's actually, my meme heh


>those character reveals on twitter and all the speculation
>those user theories that were better than the final reveal

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>Remember 11
>Nakazawa and Uchikoshi had creative differences regarding the game's ending, each having their own idea for how the game should end; because of this and time constraints, the ending was left in an unfinished state.
Don't think so bud. Ever 17 is the only good pre-999 game.

Just flip a coin user.

You can flip it again if you don't like the outcome.

Anyone telling you ZTD was anything BUT bad is a godawful newfag
>remember Uchi designed ZTD to be accessible to newcomers

imagine being a brainlet and openly posting about your brainlet status

Was the ending of VLR even any good? I remember being incredibly satisfied with the game at the end but the ending was basically a teaser for the sequel and we all know how that turned out and how how basically almost nothing that was mentioned in the ending was relevant in ZTD.

Please change my mind because I don't want to waste 50 hours on an unfinished game

GOTTEM Yea ForumsRO!!!

The best thing about this pile of shit is the name. Zero Time Dilemma is a very cool title and ZTD is a godlike acronym. I feel bad knowing that this title was wasted on such a piece of shit. Fuck Uchi and fuck niggers.

>Ever 17 is the only good pre-999 game
Only if you really like solshit or tolerant to it.
Completing E17 was a torture for me and i wouldn't say it paid off in the end, i could honestly live without all that pain for Coco route

Yes it was very good because of all the possibilities it left open.
ZTD was a bad game because it closed all those possibilities. There was never going to be a satisfactory ending to VLR, which is why VLR didn't attempt one itself.

You know Yea Forums loves to overexaggerate, right? Just play it and decide for yourself. I enjoyed all three games, even if the third one was quite out there.

well first of all it's not 50 hours, the only circumstance in which it would come even close to that is if you went after 100% text completion (nobody does this); the game is normally 25 hours or so, and the ending, while objectively unfinished, still has meaning and they salvaged something out of it. i agree that it should have had more of an ending but not that it ruins the experience at all

it's also a very good story the entire time

As the ending of a part 1 it was good. Set up the stakes, gave all sorts of plot hooks that could be picked up, and still gave some closure to the story it had.

Cool thanks bro.
Do I have to play this first to understand what is going on?

>Was the ending of VLR even any good?
It was peak of the series. Relentless barrage of speculation fodder and revelations and pure hype.
Then uchi and two other idiots shat out ZTD and dismissed VLR's end as non-canon

you do not but they play on your expectations if you are coming out of ever17, so playing it first would not be a bad thing (we did a patch in november that improves ever17 by fixing basically every typo and making the engine support much faster text skip, as well as setting flags for cross-route text skip that didn't exist before)

never7 is just kind of there and not mandatory for anything

Anyone who wasn't immensely disappointed with ZTD doesn't know what he is talking about. I enjoyed ZTD in some aspects too, at least it was an unique experience but not one second will I pretend that the game is worth shit.

To add to this, ZTD has a very similar ending to VLR when you get down to it, but people hate it because ZTD is a finale, you can't have The End? and expect people to be satisfied.

Cool, I'll hunt them out. I've been looking for a new VN to go through

The post game discussion had at least some form of healing. The mind hack memes got me trough rough times after I finished the piece of shit that is ZTD.

I could probably write a thesis on all the things I found wrong in ZTD, but the game still managed to keep me interested all the way through like the other two, which I think should count for something.

In the logo, there is an IV, where the 6 is supposed to be. Delta is the 4th letter in the greek alphabet, and what Q is (the 4th member of Q team) and if you add up the 4 and the 6 that is supposed to be there, you get 10, the number of participants.

That alien 3D printer was what killed the game for me. It wasn't the machine itself but the realization that the writers are complete hacks that couldn't think of something better than that.


I agree with this.
I finished it all in pretty much a single sitting because I was so invested.


delete this immediately

Do the PSP versions of these Never Ever games have English translations? I prefer playing these kind of games on a handheld.

but it did happen user

never7 does not, the ever17 one does but it has a metric fuckton of text and formatting that is totally broken due to it, and the remember11 one does function but the tips will overflow and crash the game sometimes

Delta being a true villain would have been kino.

Well, PC it is then. Thanks.

Is there much detriment to watching a play through on YT?
I know it would ruin 999 and VLR or is a VN where your choices actually matter?

I think for never7 and ever17 it would not be a big deal, but I personally believe that having your own play order and choices in remember11 is a good idea

you can play them on their phone using vnds

you can do it for ever17 and never7 because they're pretty linear. remember11 is best played on your own because you'll want to collect most bad endings to make sense of the plot.

999 you can do a LP as well.
VLR is a no and ZTD is a no too.

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>you can do it for ever17 and never7 because they're pretty linear
this is objectively untrue, never7 and ever17 have route choices while remember11 is entirely linear aside from your bad endings and minor choices. this is why watching a playthrough of the first two is fine, because fuck dealing with multiple routes when you can just see someone do the ideal order

My only big issue with the story was that the snail was literal. Are you fucking shitting me? Who let this pass through?

bruh. I said the exact same thing you said.
There's really only 5 endings in Ever17 and Good/Bad ending for the Never7 girls. It's still pretty linear because the optimal route is doing everything right.

Remember11, you'll go back and forth and realize an hour or so later you get a bad end because oh fuck I did the wrong choice in this path. The optimal route is save scumming to get the necessary endings.

Play the game and pretend ZTD ends with Team D end 1 and Team C end.

ZTD was fun.

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This was a great fucking scene. You see Carlos just acting all creepy all of a sudden and you wonder if he's posessed or snapped.

I hate Akane in this game though. If she's not infodump-chan, she's fucking MUSTMURDERMUSTKILL. She had a way bigger character shift than Junpei had. Actually, I thought Junpei was a great character in this game imo.

Eh, her character kinda makes sense. She's still pretty young and in a situation that she isn't in control of. And she's in love with Junpei, so him being murdered in addition to everything else would make her volatile.

It makes no fucking sense for Junpei to want to marry Akane

Think about it logically.
They were just childhood friends when they were like what, 11 or 12?
Then the dude doesn't see Akane for 9 more years until just ONE night during a death game that she orchestrated.
And... that's it? He supposedly now wants to find her and marry her?

How the fuck does that make any sense at all?

she makes his pp hard

I'm writing a mystery game that borrows elements from ZE. I would like to ask, if you wanted to see something in a ZE game that wasn't there or not much of, what would you want to see put in?

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Is 999 worth playing? I got spoiled on the entire plot and decided to skip it and play VLR/ZTD instead.

Ambiance, neat puzzles

She kills him a bunch of times in 999. Indirectly, yes but she still does it.

You've got them death traps? I love them fucking death traps.

Also you got a link homie?

It was great.

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C-Team are the only sections that are on the same level like the other 2 games.

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I disagree. Akane's infodumps were dumb and her murderous side was a bit way too much. It would be cool to see a timeline where akane dies and Junpei and Carlos are left.

sorry but Carlos 2 was too fucking retarded that ruined everything about C team.

I pity the ones who couldn't experience 999 & VLR blind
pic related it's me after understanding the whole Point A to B to A to C stuff of VLR ending

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>having any faith in Death March Club after VLR and ZTD

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>Akane's infodumps were dumb
She didn't do anything outside of saying the probability

There was also shifting, the parasite thing in the first x pass escape too. She had a few.

>some chibishit
Wouldn't somnium files be more relevant in the context you brought?

I didn't even know that existed

VLR was kind of based though. 3x as long as the original but didn't feel longer

Note: you needed to unlock every path in VLR to unlock the true ending
999 all you needed was to go from safe -> coffin

Psync was extensively discussed here after it's announcement

absolutely not, that was D team. Im still a little mad about XxxFXCKact10nh3r0zxxX junpay

Not really, you just need all golden files

Nah I enjoyed edgy Junpei. I'd get wasted too if I just rolled the lottery winning numbers. Akane was the one I questioned the most though. She felt like a whole different character.

I think Q team is a bit underrated because it's all newcomers. Pumped up kicks Eric was enjoyable and Sean was pretty cute.