ray tracing might be a meme but god damn i love how white that snow is
Ray tracing might be a meme but god damn i love how white that snow is
The Division 1 looks better
they literally put 70% of their budget into making piles of garbage look good
Nvidia's meme features like PhysX, Hairworks and RTX all do look great. Absolutely kill framerate but you have to admit they really make things look nice.
Hairworks only really blew me away in Witcher 3 monsters. But it's v. nice
wtf is going on with his lower legs?
He literally has prosthetic legs user.
should I get sweet fx or half bilion dollar gayming PC?
>Ray traing
t. retard
goddamn commies blew them off
Get a PS5. Based and redpilled AMD killed PC gayming once and for all
I don't see whats so great. Is there a comparison showing it on vs off?
the difference is so small you would have to had them be pointed out.
the difference is huge, I think they purposefully gimped the normal lighting though
ray tracing isn't a meme
the only reason we don't do it is because the computation power required to do so on the fly isn't worth it yet
>soulless v. pic related
in a lot of instances this is true but the metro devs used the ray tracing very artistically in cutscenes ive noticed
Why was Volga so much better than the rest of the game?
Well can someone point it out? I want to know the differences.
ray tracing doesn't make the snow white. they can just turn up the snow's brightness in the normal pipeline to make it whiter.
it makes the snow much brighter in the shade like in the OP, difference in sunlight is negligible
its a good mix of every type of encounter
i especially like that despite how vast it is you never feel like traversing A to B is a piece of cake during your first run, very tense
Can we get a comparision between RTX on and off with the Snow
Moonlight comparison
it is extremely subtle but once you notice it on the roof of the train you start to get the idea
Wow, a brightness option that only costs 30 frames per second.
actually in underground scenes it costs 100fps
>tfw still haven't played Exodus because I'll feel bad about pirating it
Just another 10 months
>I love how white that snow is
Racist detected. Deleting account
You can still buy it later.
pirate then buy, just remember to not rush through it, take your time to explore around your comrades and hear all their stories every time you go back to base, it adds so much immersion on top of the gameplay mechanics and atmosphere
>tfw game with soul gets thrown into the gutter by basedniggers and redditors because its publishers cucked it into epic store
feels bad, this one definitely deserves better
I genuinely can't tell which one looks better and I tend to like the version withour raytracing more. This shit is worthless if it eats a lot of framerate.
With DLSS the performance impact is mitigated but you ought to have the game patched to date, DLSS was broken at launch and made everything blurry. The patch isn't available for the cracked version as of yet, though.
>he paid 1000$ for this
>he didn't
are you employed?
The most striking difference is how the door in the RTX Off image is shining for no reason while it's properly dark in the RTX On image. RTX definitely is more accurate but developers are already good at faking lighting themselves so the differences can be minuscule at times. Nvidia features are pretty much all like that.
It's GOTY so far, too bad no one played it
everyone here played it
I played the crap out of the first Metro, loved the second one, but had zero interest in this one. It just seems so generic like every AAA sequel.
same, I dont know if its worth touching