MGS3 will NEVER be released on PC

>MGS3 will NEVER be released on PC

Attached: Snake Feel.png (1000x996, 642K)

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It was a good game for 2006 but has aged like milk.

I only dislike the button pressure thing, the rest is ok once you get used to it

It was released on the Nvidia Shield. That's kind of like a PC.

Why the fuck can't we get it on PC then?

what is an emulator

>Implying I could emulate MGS3

get a vita, the HD collection is on vita

unless you built a dedicated emulation pc pcsxe2 runs questionably for mgs3

works on my machine :^)

Attached: pcsx2_2018-02-17_08-15-14.jpg (1920x1050, 332K)