This is bad on Nintendo's part

This is bad on Nintendo's part.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wait. What rights don't trans people have?

40% of them are denied the right to live

The right to remain silent

They don't have the right to kill themselves as it is deemed illegal in most western countries. Yet to keep violating the law on a constant basis.

>This is based on Nintendo's part


thats some of the weakest bait ive ever seen

the right to not commit suicide before age 40

Actually it's very good, trannies need to be told "No." firmly and repeatedly so they fuck off to their dilating holes and stop destroying every community they come near.

Do you have the ban report?
Does it indicate anything about the trans, flag, or anything that indicates such a wild claim ?

Thats not enough we need to aim for 100
if you can't have swastikas and confederate flags you shouldn't be allowed to post trans shit; it should be all or nothing.

Can you stop evading my filter? Please put "tranny" or "transgender" in your OP post. Thanks.


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the right to shove their agenda down mentally stable children's throats

that's something done by their own hands

*based on Nintendo's part.

Transgender people are normal people like anyone else.

Just filter "Nintendo", and that'll solve your tranny problem.

Based Nintendo

>Everything is political, sweetie

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Their right testicle

>Nintendo: No politics
>Leftist: That's fair, but MY politics is the except, right?
Nintendo: No, no politics.
>Leftist: wtf fucking nazi

Based as fuck

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Could some drawfags do something to commemorate the occasion?

Trannies should just stick to Sony if they want their propaganda paraded around and celebrated.

>inb4 dozens of replies from complete retards wanting to be in the epic screenshot for reddit

Then how is it then? Because that's all I see.

Nice pokemon


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Not possible, trannies love Trannytendo games because they are "comfy" and "cute" acording to them.
The ChadStation 4 is for real gamers

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based samurai

nintendo must be stopped

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Yeah I think traps are GAY

You should respect them

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holy shit you're so cool screenshoted for reddit!

You clearly don't know many trans folk

"She" seems like a sane, normal, well-adjusted person.

Have you? Sounds like you’ve got a story to share with the class

Maybe they can just make AIDS awareness stages instead

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Traps != Trannies

Traps are men who get off on crossdressing. They also fucking despise trannies because they stole the term "trap" and turned it into a hate slur.

That word, it doesn't mean what you think it means.

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Nintendo will crumble under the smallest pressure from the Trans Community now.
Gaming is over.
Don't have kids, they'll just assume whatever gender they were born with is the wrong one

I'm honestly glad, and I don't even hate trannies that much. Splatoon 2's miiverse thing got fucking bad with gaypride posts on multiple occasions. It felt like people were brainwashing kids by making being gay seem cool. It felt bad, while that space should just be fun bullshit and bad memes.
Fuck off with these gay/trans pride statements in Nintendo shit.

>spam the same stage nonstop because of a meme
>surprised when nintendo cuts back on excessive stages

traps are gay
trannies are gay
gay is gay
You are gay

Not even that. Only ONE stage was deleted, but the braindead faggots at twitter and Yea Forums are blowing it out of proportions because of muh culture war.
Eat cunny and die, niggers.

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Sadly yeah, dated a girl that had been FtM for many years and recently met a MtF.
All bad experiences.

Does anyone here actually browse /lgbt/ from time to time

It’s an okay board but I’m certain that I wouldn’t have learned the phrase “poop womb” if I went so maybe it’s not super okay

Isn’t this the guy who blamed his boss on social media for his retarded article about retards?

Actually they're one and the same. Both degenerate faggots who fetishize feminine stereotypes

based as fuck. just bought a switch because of this

poop womb?

It amazes me how faggots come up with so many ridiculous nicknames and buzzwords for everything.

Good afternoon, Yea Forums! I hope you're having a good day and a Happy 420 to the stoners out there. I hate trannies. That's all.

Erm what?

Why are all these stupid trans maps still there?

When do you think this guy last had a conversation that wasn't about being a tranny or his sexual fetishes?

>trans flag maps are spammed ad-nauseum to the Smash Map service
Apparently medical coverage and renting an apartment, according to some dumb-ass ads I keep seeing.

based nintendo executing the trannies


Does HRT really work?

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At sterilizing yourself.

Dishonest posts like these are what drive people to /pol/

Nintendo doesn't have a problem with the flag, it was one dude and Twitter lost its shit. Even fucking resetera didn't overreact to this.

Traps don't hate anything.
Traps exist solely in the 2D world.

If you get really lucky and only until you hit 35 at the most

Déjà vu

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Ask your mom in three years

and thats why this spamming needs to be stopped, normal people don't need to push agendas into kids' games

If you named it trans flag, it'd be up. As soon as you say "trans rights", you get political. Political shit is even worse than porn in their eyes, and rightly so.

Most people don't self-mutilate or kill themselves at a rate of 40%.

It doesn't change the shoulder to hip ratio bro.
If you saw that dude at a distance from behind you'd instantly think man.

Not without plastic surgery.

Then why the fuck do you present yourself like something special? Straight people don't even have a flag, learn from them.

I unironically bet Sony will capitalize on this in few days to virtue signal.

i wish i wasn't circumcised, i'm sure circumcised people have like higher suicide rate than uncut kids

Same reason why dick maps are, people decide to spam because lol sticking it to Nintendo

erm Male and Female skeletons are the same sweetie


show hands

No they are not

>2019 Nintendo is based
>2019 Snoy is SJW pandering
This year will be fun

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HRt doesn't chance your shoulders hands feet voice face and genitals so no HRT does not work

all i remember from my anatomy class is the hip bone difference to facilitate childbirth, i'm sure there's a few more I'm not remembering and I'm not going to waste time researching it off google when you can do it yourself faggot

Based and redpilled

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Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.

I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.

But ever since redditors brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.

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Trans people have a mental illness, normalizing that leads to less of them seeking real treatment for it and instead killing themselves or otherwise electing to go through procedures that cause permanent harm without actually alleviating their condition.

no and it seems to make trannies even more crazy and belligerent


It's a private company, they can do what they like.

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Nobody cares you mentally diseased mongoloid

Just die already.

Stop using my wife in tranny copypasta thanks

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>trans rights now
>trans rights ok!
Someone EXPLAIN to me what the fuck "trans rights" even mean. What rights are they missing exactly?

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Fuck off

>Iori fag

The only thing worse than being a tranny.

I agree, I cut off my arm because I was mentally convinced that I should have been born with only one arm.
Yet before people speak to me they assume I'm just a lunatic!!
The ones that do, find out I'm just like everybody else.

Fuck off

I don't believe you because I don't believe anyone would have hope like this for Yea Forums.

>More and more censorship becomes common
>People defending it but it doesn't disagree with them personally and ignore all the warnings about supporting censorship
>It finally starts to block their message
>They flip shit anyway

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The right to not be mentally unstable hormone cocktails that kill themselves at an alarming rate, which is actually quite based indeed

I don't know but they should have none

Hitler say trans rights

>Black/Women’s/Gay Rights: We want equal rights under the law to everyone else
>Trans “Rights”: Waaaaaaaaah! Stop saying things I don’t like hearing. Your rights need to be diminished to help my feelings.

The right to get anyone that looks at them funny arrested and stripped of all social status.


Not that user, but I lost hope years ago. I'm mainly here for the occasional Ace Attorney threads because they're comfy. I drop into threads like these on occasion just to see if anything's changed, but as expected, it's the same /pol/-lite and stormfront talking points.

Can we legally start concentration camps for trannies?


I need virgin rights so people that tell me to have sex on the internet get criminal charges

have sex

Less then half,Also their an oppressed bullied minority,what do you think you guys do to them?
Its spam(theres fifty of the same stage that are just trans rights)and its political,they would also remove trump,christcuck,and anti trans stuff.

They want taxpayer's money to cover their expensive surgeries. It's ridiculous. But you know, maybe if it did cover them we'd see the 40% increase a lot more. So I can't say I'm not sure which is the more eviler option here.

>getting triggered about anime on a website started by a weeaboo
Begone, immigrant.

>already a copypasta
This is going to age so fucking gracefully.

very based and very redpilled

I refuse. Leave this board, leave this site.



They posted the email last night, Nintendo said it violated the rules about no politics and not only deleted the stage but gave him a temp ban. It was glorious.

Stop using that idol as your avatar. You'll never be as feminine as her.

I'd beat the fuck out you IRL, tranny freak